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Male office workers reported levels of distress elicited by personal violations of a range of masculine gender role expectations, as well as their proclivities to coerce sexual favors from “attractive” subordinate women via bribery or extortion. Sexual harassment proclivity levels were directly correlated with levels of distress related to four dimensions of masculine gender role violations, including acts of subordination to women, public expression of emotional behavior, inadequate heterosexual prowess, and inferiority in athletic and intellectual domains. These findings accord with an interpretation that men's quid pro quo sexual harassment may be motivated by the social punishment of their own failures to conform to masculine gender role expectations, including, but importantly, not limited to the expectation that men should punish women's violations of feminine gender role norms.  相似文献   

In the period 1963-1983 expert opinion was given 147 times on the criminal accountability of premeditated arsonists. In 12% of the cases the crime was sexually motivated. We exemplify the transition of the motive from heightened SELBSTWERTERLEBEN through FREUDE UND ALLGEMEINE LUST in fire to (pre)sexual motivation. The individual features of these 18 cases are noted and distinguished, and the conclusions reached in the expert testimony set out.  相似文献   

This study examined the relations of gender and three aspects of gender roles — self concept, behavior, and sexual attitudes — to three aspects of sexual behavior — sexual experience, reasons for intercourse, and contraceptive use. Gender was strongly related to all three aspects of sexual behavior. For both men and women, sex role behaviors were related to sexual experience and to reasons for intercourse, but not to contraceptive use, and sex role self-concept was unrelated to any of the aspects of sexual behavior. The results indicate that sexual behavior is influenced both by societal gender role norms and by individual differences in the acceptance of those norms.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of anger assessment in classifying self-report of aggressive behavior was examined using a sample of normal college students. Paper-and-pencil measures of anger (Novaco Anger Inventory and Spielberger's Trait Anger scale) were not effective in accurately classifying subjects high and low in self-report of aggressive behavior. Explanations of this finding were discussed.  相似文献   

The author studied aggression among dating couples to determine if partners' fight-seeking motivation could explain the phenomenon. Intact dating couples were classified as aggressive if either partner reported having perpetrated 2 or more acts of assaultive violence in the past year. The author asked participants to rate the extent to which they and their partners intentionally physically or verbally fought with one another, felt calmer after physical or verbal conflict with their partners, and sought to increase sensory stimulation by taking part in high-risk activities. Together, these ratings constituted a measure of fight-seeking motivation. Results of a logistic regression analysis showed that couples classified as aggressive (48%) had relationships longer in duration than did nonaggressive couples. In addition, both men and women in aggressive relationships had greater fight-seeking motivation than did individuals in nonaggressive relationships.  相似文献   


The current research tested whether calligraphy practice could decrease aggressive behaviors (measured by the Competitive Reaction Time Task) in a sample of 120 aggressive children (Mage = 8.58, SD = 1.50). Half of the children were randomly assigned to practice copying pleasant calligraphy (experimental condition), while the other half copied neutral calligraphy (control condition). Results showed that copying pleasant calligraphy decreased aggression in comparison to copying neutral calligraphy. Specifically, the effect was more salient among boys than for girls. Moderation analysis suggested that the effect of pleasant calligraphy practice on aggressive behaviors was not moderated by trait aggression. This effect, however, was fully mediated by aggressive motivation. These findings indicated that copying pleasant calligraphy may be an effective measure to reduce as well as to prevent aggressive behaviors among children nominated by teachers as aggressive. Specifically, boys may be regarded as the key target group to decrease aggressive behaviors by using pleasant calligraphy. Limitations and implications of the study were discussed.


This study examined the relationship between college students' (107 men, 123 women) state motivation and their instructors' perceived use of 10 verbally aggressive messages, e.g., attacks on competence, character, background, and physical appearance; malediction, teasing, ridicule, threats, swearing, or nonverbal symbols. Significant negative correlations were obtained between students' state motivation and instructors' use of seven verbally aggressive messages: attacks on competence, character, or background, malediction, ridicule, threats, and nonverbal symbols. These findings suggest that these types of verbally aggressive messages are related to students' state motivation whereas attacks on physical appearance, teasing, and swearing by the instructor are not related to students' state motivation.  相似文献   

Research has suggested that individual differences in behavioral approach sensitivity (BAS) are related to state and trait anger [Carver, C. S. (2004). Negative affects deriving from the behavioral approach system. Emotion, 4, 3–22; Harmon-Jones, E. (2003a). Clarifying the emotive functions of asymmetrical frontal cortical activity. Psychophysiology, 40, 838–848; Harmon-Jones, E. (2003b). Anger and the behavioural approach system. Personality and Individual Differences, 35, 995–1005]. The present research sought to extend this past work by testing whether individual differences in BAS would relate to aggressive inclinations, particularly when approach motivation was situationally primed. Results supported predictions, and thus suggest, contrary to several perspectives (e.g., [Gray, J. A. (1990). Brain systems that mediate both emotion and cognition. Cognition & Emotion, 4(3), 269–288; Watson, D. (2000). Mood and temperament. New York: Guilford Press]), that BAS is involved in more than just positive emotional experiences and behaviors.  相似文献   

The human sexual response consists of at least two phases of behavior, the motivational phase and the consummatory phase, which are difficult to isolate. Sexual motivation questionnaires commonly contain items that assume sexual intercourse or partners' experience and are often difficult to use with sexually inexperienced persons. The Sexual Desire Inventory by Spector, Carey, and Steinberg does not appear to be confounded with consummatory behavior. Our goal was to check whether it can be used to measure sexual motivation. 40 men and 63 women completed the Sexual Experience Scale of sexual motivation by Frenken and Vennix and the Sexual Desire Inventory. Scores on the two inventories were highly correlated with this measure of sexual motivation and may be used with sexually inexperienced individuals.  相似文献   

The present study investigates the relationship between the frequency of aggressive behaviour of patients in a therapeutic community and socialization, extraversion and perceptual-motor rule-breaking. The subjects were 33 males and 24 females who had been rated by two observers in regard to frequency of aggressive behaviour during the initial part of their stay in the community. Principal component analysis revealed two fairly pure factors, referred to as verbal and physical aggression. In females both factors correlated significantly with extraversion, lack of role-taking ability and perceptual-motor rule-breaking. No significant correlations were obtained in the male sample except that physical aggression correlated positively with perceptual-motor rule-breaking.  相似文献   

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