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The current article attempts to extend previous research by testing the effects of customer satisfaction and 2 types of switching barriers—negative and positive—on key manifestations of attitudinal loyalty (repurchase intentions, positive recommendations, and price tolerance). The work also studies whether the effect of customer satisfaction is linear or nonlinear. Finally, the paper analyzes whether switching barriers moderate the relative strength of the customer satisfaction/attitudinal loyalty relation. To this end, a total of 554 private mobile‐phone customers were surveyed. The distinction between negative and positive switching barriers is important to draw theoretical and managerial implications.  相似文献   


The authors examined the salience of perceived control and need for clarity as “buffers” of the adverse consequences of role stressors by using hierarchical regressions on role ambiguity and role conflict, with job satisfaction and psychological strain as the criterion variables. In a sample of U.S. and New Zealand employees, perceived control was directly associated with higher satisfaction and reduced strain but displayed no moderating effect on stressor-outcome relationships. Need for clarity, on the other hand, was a significant moderator of the relationship of role ambiguity and conflict to both satisfaction and strain; that finding suggests that researchers could give more attention to dispositional variables in examining the correlates of role stressors.  相似文献   



To examine how social distance and affective trust in supervisor affect the relationships between supervisor humor and the psychological well-being and job performance of subordinates.


A survey was conducted among 322 matched supervisor–subordinate dyads in 14 South Korean organizations. Multi-level analyses were performed to test the research hypotheses, including the moderating effects.


Self-enhancing humor of supervisors was positively associated with the psychological well-being and job performance of subordinates. Affiliative humor was positively associated with psychological well-being, whereas aggressive humor was negatively associated with psychological well-being. In addition, supervisor humor was indirectly related to the psychological well-being of subordinates via social distance. Moreover, affective trust in supervisor significantly moderated the relationship between supervisor humor and social distance, such that the relationship between affiliative humor and social distance was stronger when affective trust in supervisor was high rather than low.


These findings are important in developing and refining humor theory on the responses of employees to various types of supervisor humor. Moreover, they provide practical implications for organizations. For example, organizations should note that supervisor humor may not always produce good results, and thus should encourage managers to use constructive humor. Similarly, supervisors should build a high-trust relationship with their subordinates to increase the effectiveness of their constructive humor.


This study is one of the few studies that has examined the mechanism and boundary conditions of the effects of supervisor humor on employee outcomes.

This study, involving 139 employees from a variety of industries, organizations, and positions in Singapore, measured the effects of mood on the intentions of employees to contribute actions that are organizationally desirable but are not part of their formal job requirements (organizational citizenship behavior). After effects of established patterns of historical organizational citizenship behavior, demographic characteristics, and employee positive and negative affectivity had been controlled, stepwise regression analysis revealed that the amount of positive affect currently experienced by an employee significantly influenced the employee's intention to perform specific acts of organizational citizenship.  相似文献   


In the United States, the Worker Adjustment and Retaining Notification Act requires that companies give employees a 60-day notice in the event of layoffs or a plant closing. A manufacturing plant in the southeastern United States gave over 400 hourly employees a 6-month advance notice before the closing of the plant in which they worked; they also received considerable severance benefits. The present study examined the feelings and reactions of these employees shortly after the announcement of the plant closing. Survey results showed that the majority of these employees had been involved in job search activities during this 6-month advance notice period; some had already been offered jobs. Nevertheless, many had feelings of resignation and sadness. The results are discussed in light of the psychological costs of a plant closing and a corporation's sense of social responsibility.  相似文献   

This paper examined the moderating role of positive and negative affect in the relationship between distributive justice expectations and applicants' intentions to recommend the organization or to litigate. Specifically, it was suggested and supported in two samples of, respectively, 1,409 and 486 applicants, that the positive relationship between distributive justice expectations and recommendation intentions was stronger for applicants high in positive affect. In the second sample, it was further found that the negative relationship between distributive justice expectations and litigation intentions was stronger among applicants high in negative affect. This research is the first to identify the distinct roles of positive and negative affect in shaping responses to expectations of (un)fairness in the personnel selection literature. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.  相似文献   


To what extent do differences in biologicalsexand psychological gender identity influence affectivereactions to different genres of film? In order toaddress this question, this investigation examined the impact of sex and gender roleself-perceptions on viewers' responses to neutral,melodramatic, and violent film segments. Working with apredominantly Caucasian population (93% Caucasian) at asoutheastern university, the results emphasize theimportance of sex and gender role self-perceptions onviewers' affective responses to media entertainment. Theimplications of these findings are discussed.


This study examines the possibility that 2 employee background attributes, childhood residential density and childhood community type, moderate relations between characteristics of the physical work environment and employee responses. Administrative employees (N= 75) from 25 offices of a university participated in the research. Results demonstrate that employees from high-density childhood residences and urban communities exhibited more positive responses as adults (i. e., higher performance and lower crowding) to high-contact work environments (i. e., those characterized by few enclosures, high spatial density, and close interpersonal distance) than employees from other combinations of childhood residential density and community type. Results also suggest that the contributions of residential density and community type were somewhat accounted for by individual differences in social avoidance tendencies and noise sensitivities.  相似文献   

Cette recherche part de l’hypothèse que les valeurs culturelles sont l’un des déterminants des réactions des salariés face à l’insécurité professionnelle. Dans la première investigation, les valeurs culturelles ont été appréhendées au niveau de l’individu à partir des réponses de 141 salariés de diverses origines ethniques appartenant à une grande entreprise agro‐alimentaire américaine qui réduisait ses effectifs. Les répondants ont rempli des questionnaires évaluant leurs valeurs culturelles, leur perception de la sécurité au travail, leurs attitudes professionnelles, leurs réactions affectives vis‐à‐vis de la réduction des effectifs et leur niveau de stress lié au travail. Les résultats ont montré que le sentiment d’insécurité professionnelle avait un impact généralement négatif sur les employés. Toutefois, les salariés présentant des valeurs culturelles communautaires ressentaient plus négativement que leurs homologues individualistes le sentiment d’insécurité professionnelle. Dans le second volet de la recherche, la culture a été définie au niveau national. On a proposé aux salariés de sept organisations, quatre chinoises et trois américaines, de remplir des questionnaires appréciant leurs réactions à leur perception de l’insécurité professionnelle. Il apparut que les Chinois (mentalité communautaire) réagissaient plus négativement que les Américains individualistes face à la menace constituée par l’insécurité professionnelle. Les résultats sont analysés à la lumière du développement de pratiques organisationnelles qui comprennent la réduction des effectifs et autres procédures qui impliquent une moindre stabilité des emplois. This research explored the hypothesis that cultural values moderate employee reactions to job insecurity. In the first study, cultural values were measured at an individual level of analysis based on responses from one hundred and forty‐one ethnically diverse employees of a large US‐based food‐processing company undergoing a downsizing. Participants completed surveys assessing their cultural values, perceptions of job security, job attitudes, affective reactions to the downsizing, and job‐related stress levels. Results indicated that the perception of job insecurity had a generally negative impact on employees. However, employees with collectivist cultural values were more negatively affected by the perception of job insecurity than their individualist counterparts. In the second study, culture was operationalised at the national level of analysis. Employees from seven organisations (four based in China; three based in the US) completed surveys assessing their reactions to perceived job insecurity. Results suggest that Chinese (i.e. collectivist) employees reacted more negatively to the threat of job insecurity than their US counterparts (i.e. individualist employees). These results are discussed in light of growing organisational trends that include the use of downsizing and other techniques that herald a decrease in job stability.  相似文献   

Programs encouraging exercise might reduce coronary illness. Ajzen's theory of planned behavior is a useful model for understanding exercise motivation. The current study investigated the contribution of the instrumental and affective components of attitude. As part of a community-based study of exercise behavior, 424 men and 572 women completed questionnaires, with 365 participants providing 6-month follow-up data. Regressions highlighted the affective component as a much more powerful predictor of intention compared to the instrumental component. After controlling for prior exercise, intention was not predictive of later exercise, although the affective component was. The implications for exercise promotion are discussed.  相似文献   

In 2 experiments, we examined the effect of social influence (discussion and modeling) on men's and women's perceptual and affective reactions to a sexually violent film scene depicting gang rape. In Experiment 1, women who discussed the film rated the perpetrators as more responsible compared to participants in all other conditions. Men who did not discuss the film reported higher levels of positive affect compared to participants in all other conditions. In Experiment 2, men and women were affected by the social influence manipulation similarly. As predicted, participants differed in their attributions of responsibility depending on a confederate's response to the film scene. Participants who heard a confederate say that the men in the film were responsible for the rape rated these men as relatively more responsible than did participants in a neutral confederate condition or in a condition in which the confederate said that the woman in the film was responsible for the rape.  相似文献   



The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships between perceived managerial coaching behavior and employee work-related outcomes.


Data were collected from 482 employees in a Korean public organization. The collected data were analyzed by structural equation modeling with a two-step approach.


The hypothesized conceptual model was adequately supported by the sample data. Further investigations suggested managerial coaching, which had a direct impact on employee satisfaction with work and role clarity and an indirect impact on satisfaction with work, career commitment, organization commitment, and job performance.


Findings provide empirical support to the hypothesized conceptual model of managerial coaching outcomes in organizations. Study findings offer evidence regarding prospective, but unexamined, benefits of managerial coaching. Such knowledge can be also used by practitioners for selecting and developing effective managers and leaders and understanding and managing employee attitudes and behaviors in organizations.


This article is one of the first studies to provide evidence for the influence of managerial coaching behavior on employee role cognition, work attitudes, and performance. Since there is no commonly acknowledged theory or conceptual model for managerial coaching outcomes, this finding of the current hypothesized model can notably contribute to the research on managerial coaching. Furthermore, to date, no study of managerial coaching in Asian cultural contexts has been identified.  相似文献   

We tested a conceptual model involving the inter-relations among affective decision-making (indexed by a gambling task), autonomic nervous system (ANS) activity, and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) symptoms in a largely impoverished, inner city sample of first through third grade children (N=63, 54% male). The present study hypothesized that impaired affective decision-making and decreased sympathetic and parasympathetic activation would be associated with higher levels of ADHD and ODD symptoms, and that low sympathetic and parasympathetic activation during an emotion-inducing task would mediate the relation between affective decision-making and child externalizing symptoms. In support of our model, disadvantageous decision-making on a gambling task was associated with ADHD hyperactivity/impulsivity symptoms among boys, and attenuated sympathetic activation during an emotion-inducing task mediated this relation. Support for the model was not found among girls.  相似文献   

Advertisers attempt to create ads which gain the attention and involvement of their audience. These advertisements may be primarily cognitively or affectively involving. Similarly the programs in which the ads are embedded may be primarily cognitively or affectively involving. Does the type of program involvement affect involvement with ads? Building on previous research (Mc-Clung, Park and Sauer 1985; Park and McClung 1986) a study is presented which suggests that cognitive involvement in ads (particularly cognitive ads) suffers from an overload effect when the ads are placed in cognitively involving programs while affective involvement in ads is enhanced by a priming effect when the ads are placed in affectively involving programs.  相似文献   

Researchers are becoming increasingly interested in how early experiences within the family are relevant to an individual’s behavior at work. Drawing on Bowlby’s attachment theory, the present study addresses this topic by examining the relationship between attachment in adulthood and job performance, and the mediating role of burnout in that relationship. We used data from two samples (201 Dutch employees and 178 Romanian working students) and structural equation modeling to test this mediation model and its possible invariance across both samples. The results showed that in both samples, attachment-related anxiety was positively related to burnout, which was in turn negatively related to job performance. Attachment-related avoidance was not significantly associated with burnout or performance. These results were similar in both samples, thus increasing their validity. The results suggest that childhood and early socialization experiences play a role in shaping the employee’s behavior and well-being at work. The study is one of the few examining attachment styles in relation to burnout and performance.  相似文献   

通过分析由问卷调查获得的274个配对样本,探讨参与型领导对建言行为的影响机制。结果发现:参与型领导与建言行为正相关,建言角色认知起中介作用;建言角色认知与建言行为的关系不仅受依赖型自我建构的负向调节,还受独立型自我建构正向调节;参与型领导影响建言行为的间接效应受依赖型自我建构的负向调节,受独立型自我建构的正向调节。结论:参与型领导通过建言角色认知激发员工建言,员工自我建构类型影响参与型领导的效能。  相似文献   

Literature has shown that a link exists between personal financial problems and employee productivity. This article presents the results of a survey that was designed to assess the personal financial behaviors of 220 clerical workers and to measure their desire for workplace financial education and counseling programs. It was found that a large percentage of employees were exhibiting poor financial behaviors and that more than 80% of respondents were interested in workplace financial counseling and education as long as the cost of such programs were relatively low. The financial behaviors of employees may be significantly improved through workplace counseling and education.  相似文献   

For over a decade, the empowerment of service staff has been touted as an effective means of improving worker satisfaction and performance. The 2 studies described in this paper assess likely customer reactions to staff empowerment. In Study I, conditions of full empowerment produced higher customer satisfaction ratings than did either limited or no empowerment, with evidence that the link between empowerment and satisfaction is mediated primarily by perceptions of procedural fairness. In Study 2, full empowerment was again associated with high satisfaction and with positive appraisals of the empowered staff member, although these effects were moderated by the employee's communication style.  相似文献   

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