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This paper explores the contributions of Sikh American millennials in institution building, activism, and cultural expression in the post 9/11 period. The discussion is based on interviews and fieldwork conducted by the author. I describe the motivations and concerns of Sikh American millennial activists. I also discuss the digital fluencies they apply in their fight against discrimination and violence. They value innovative leadership, civil rights, gender equality, social justice, and youth programs. I conclude that millennial institution building is shaping the community by expanding civil society engagement, promoting youth leadership, and highlighting social problems within the community like sexism and classism.  相似文献   


The Sikh Gurus promoted gender equality, but still women’s voices are being silenced from playing Gurbānī Kīrtan inside the Golden Temple. The reasons for their exclusion center around the sexualization of the female body, purity and pollution, appeals to tradition, and questions of musical proficiency. Today, Sikhs in India and the diaspora ask that the Sikh philosophy of equality be fully enacted in pedagogy and praxis. Through ethnographic investigation, historical analysis and critical inquiry, this paper addresses the importance of liberating the Sikh self and psyche from institutional systems of oppression to reclaim Sikh sovereignty, equality and the female voice.  相似文献   

In a multicultural society like India dresses are critical at developing, nurturing, and communicating diverse social identities. A clothed body stands as a cultural product vital not only to the individual but also crucial in forming and sustaining a sense of belongingness and fostering a group identity. This paper addresses the relationship between dress the dress worn by Sikh women, the salwar-kameez, and establishment of identities amongst the Sikh women of today. It is argued that the motivation for adorning a dress lies beneath complex layers of history and tradition, custom and habit, evaluation and response to a given context that significantly shapes what we adopt and display. The dress as a mechanism of representation not only plays a significant function as a means of differentiation from other groups and social integration within the same group, but it is also a powerful force in identity politics. Dress is society’s way of showing where do we belong and what is our role and position in the social order.  相似文献   

U.S. math-science graduate students possessing world-class talent (368 males, 346 females) were assessed on psychological attributes and personal experiences in order to examine how their talents emerged and developed. Comparisons were made, using similar assessments, with mathematically talented students (528 males, 228 females) identified around age 13 and tracked into adulthood by the Study of Mathematically Precocious Youth (SMPY). Well before college, both samples were academically distinguished; however, the graduate students could be identified during adolescence as a subset of mathematically talented youths based on their nonintellectual attributes. Their profiles corresponded to what earlier psychological studies found to characterize distinguished (and exclusively male) scientists: exceptional quantitative reasoning abilities, relatively stronger quantitative than verbal reasoning ability, salient scientific interests and values, and, finally, persistence in seeking out opportunities to study scientific topics and develop scientific skills. On these attributes, sex differences were minimal for the graduate students (but not for the SMPY comparison groups). Developing exceptional scientific expertise apparently requires special educational experiences, but these necessary experiences are similar for the two sexes.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the relationship between the role that information technology (IT) has played in the development of women’s employment, the possibility of women having a significant influence on the technology’s development, and the way that the IT industry perceives women as computer scientists, users and consumers. The industry’s perception of women and men is investigated through the portrayal of them in computing advertisements. While women are increasingly updating their technological skills and know-how, and through this process are entering some positions in the workplace traditionally occupied by men, these achievements are not mirrored in their social and occupational status. The computer industry and higher education have worryingly low numbers of women, while the possibility of women influencing the development of computer technology is just emerging in feminist research. This paper argues that, though the IT industry, through their self-regulatory codes, subscribes to equal treatment of sexes, races and persons with disabilities, the industry nevertheless paints a stereotyped picture of inequality when portraying men and women in computer advertisements. As long as such a perception of women prevails within the industry, it will stand as a barrier to women having equal access to computer technology. If advertisements influence the way society perceives major social constructs and issues, then the computing industry has a social responsibility to portray men and women in an equal and non-stereotypical fashion. An earlier version of this paper was presented at the ETHICOMP98 Conference, Rotterdam, Holland, March 1998.  相似文献   

《Sikh Formations》2013,9(1):33-56
The events surrounding the 1947 partition and the attack on Sikhs in the Golden Temple and Delhi continue to affect Sikhs today. Memory of the specifics and related issues plays a major role in politics both in India and within the diaspora. This paper explores the literature on the events and how they are recast and understood by various groups. Particular attention is paid to interactions on the Internet and especially within chat groups and on websites. Modern communication has created a global Sikh dialogue that has implications for understanding of traditions, control of institutions, and politics.

Please do not quote without permission.  相似文献   

Arabia has figured in Western imagination from a very early time, but seldom in neutral terms. For reasons not thoroughly understood, the Arab role in Western thinking has fluctuated between hope and menace, love and hate. While nineteenth‐century Europe saw in Arabia a romantic adventure — an illustration of the Victorian era — nineteenth‐century America viewed it differently. It saw an alternation between the images of the supposedly fanatical Islam that at one time overran the Christian world and a deprived contemporary society in need of Christian aid. Plainly, Western images of Arabia have been more changeable than the conditions of Arab life. Perhaps one reason for this love/hate, menace/hope attitude lies in the fact that Islamic civilization has been the great alternative to Christendom. Being so different and also so distant, Arabia seemed like a cultural incognito, a place where Americans could start their intercultural experience. Nothing would bring them a step closer to their goal than missionary work.  相似文献   

Barbara F. Luebke 《Sex roles》1989,20(3-4):121-133
This study examined the roles portrayed by men and women in newspaper photographs. The photographs in the 184 issues of the four Connecticut newspapers studied yielded 8960 representations of men and women. Photographs were coded for page placement and the roles portrayed by each individual. The author found that on most pages and in most roles, photos of men far outnumber those of women. While there is some indication that the range of roles portrayed is less limited for both women and men, it is also clear that the roles in which women and men are portrayed are clustered stereotypically: professional and sports for men and spouse for women. Suggestions for methodological refinements that might help clarify the extent and nature of stereotyping also are presented.Data for this study was gathered while the author was a Humanities Center Fellow at the University of Hartford.  相似文献   

The fastest growing form of religious identification, spirituality, or “new” religious movement in American society over the last decade is Wicca and related forms of “Neo-Paganism.” However, with no national organization and minimal local organization, little is known about its distribution across a privatized religious landscape nor about the features of state social and cultural environments that are receptive or contrary to its spread. This study uses Internet data to create estimates of the comparative strength of Wiccan-Pagan identification across the 50 states and conducts multivariate analyses of the ability of variables suggested in prior research to explain its distribution. Not only are the findings consistent with expectations, but differences in correlates of Wicca using the Internet data in contrast to existing measures of “New Age” spirituality highlight the empirical importance of maintaining distinctions between the two.  相似文献   

Based on fieldwork with the Annamrita programme, a food-based social service of ISKCON or the Hare Krishna movement in India, I look at the intricate connection between food, faith, social service and institution building. Formally known as the ISKCON Food Relief Foundation, the Annamrita programme has partnered with the government’s midday meal scheme for school children. From the point of view of sociology of food and sociology of religion, I propose that food is a cultural, moral and emotional investment for ISKCON. I describe how a faith-based social service through the instrument of food becomes a mode of bridging and institution building. The governmentality of this food service and the sacred public–private partnership is a specific kind of cultural and macroeconomic intervention in a resource-limited setting such as India. Camouflaged and embedded in this programme is an element of cultural hegemony and a Krishna consciousness-governed nationalism, with the ideas of the nation as a sacred land. Krishna is considered as the vanguard of sacralisation and the faith messages of ISKCON inevitably accompany the service package.  相似文献   

Previous literature confirms that older black minority ethnic populations are less likely than white populations to contact dementia services in the UK. However, it is unknown whether this is due to a higher or lower prevalence of dementia or due to different needs or coping strategies within these communities. The aim of this study was to explore the understanding and perceptions of dementia amongst Sikhs living in the UK. Six focus groups were involved with 28 Sikh participants who were recruited from Gurdware (Sikh places of worship). Data were analysed using constant comparative methodology. The themes reported in this paper include “awareness and interpretation of the characteristics of dementia”, “multiple perspectives of the same symptoms” and “causes of dementia”. The findings have been discussed in the context of existing research and provide an introductory insight into informing culturally appropriate interventions.  相似文献   

Nicola Mooney 《Sikh Formations》2018,14(3-4):315-338

Diaspora Sikhs of and at the millennium are involved in a broad range of causes. This paper examines two Sikh environmental organizations: KarmaGrow and EcoSikh. Drawing from three previously unrelated strands of the Sikh and Punjabi studies literature (millennial Sikh identities in diaspora; engagements with land and landscape among Punjabis; and the influence of Sikh ethics), I explore the millennial diaspora environmentalisms of these cases. I argue that they challenge Weber's proposition that modern society is disenchanted, as well as Western notions of development, by re-engaging Punjabi ecological traditions, recuperating sacred geography and landscape, and uniting householding and stewardship.  相似文献   

This article highlights some considerations emerging from an ongoing ethnographic research I am carrying out at the local gurdwara of Fiumicino, in the outer edges of Rome, and in two ashrams owned by Italian converted Sikhs, which are also hosting some Sikh migrants. These sites seem to question the separation of urban from rural contexts, since they both act as community centres for Sikhs living in the town and neighbouring villages and as places of residence from where people commute for professional purposes. In this perspective, the ‘Sikh case’ is a good example to further reflect on the changing urban shape of Rome, which appears to have been constantly transforming itself over the last decades with the increasing expansion of the suburban areas; such restructuring has also influenced the way migrants choose where to work and live.  相似文献   

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