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Three studies were conducted to evaluate the influence of environmental context and UCS preexposure intensity on the acquisition of a flavor aversion. In the first study, rats were exposed to two UCS-alone presentations at one of three dose levels of LiCl. The rats were given the two UCS preexposures in one of two contexts (familiar or novel). Following the UCS-alone treatment, all of the subjects received two pairings of sucrose and LiCl (1.25 meq) in the familiar context. Animals receiving UCS preexposures in the same context as used during conditioning consumed significantly more sucrose than did saline control animals. In contrast, the influence of prior UCS preexposure was not evident when UCS preexposure was experienced in a context different from that experienced during conditioning. In Experiment 2, all animal received UCS preexposure and conditioning in the novel room. Animals received either two or four preexposures at 0, 1.25, or 3.75 meq dose of LiCl. Two UCS preexposures at 3.75 meq dose produced a stronger UCS preexposure effect than did the 1.25 meq dose. Animals in Experiment 3 received two exposures to either 0-, 1.25-, or 3.75-meq LiCl in one of two contexts, followed by conditioning with the 1.25-meq LiCl dose in the same context as preexposure. Greater UCS interference occurred in animals preexposed to LiCl in the novel rather than familiar environment, with no specific dose effects in either context. These observations are discussed in terms of context blocking and generalization decrement models of the UCS preexposure effect.  相似文献   

Thirsty rats were used in order to determine whether a vinegar solution, which had been paired with an injection of lithium chloride, could block the formation of an association between a pentobarbital- and a lithium chloride-induced state. During phase 1 the rats in the blocking group had a 2.0% vinegar solution paired with an injection of 240 mg/kg of lithium chloride, during phase 2 these rats were reexposed to the vinegar prior to each injection of 20 mg/kg of pentobarbital and 240 mg/kg of lithium chloride, and during phase 3 these rats were given access to a novel 0.75% saccharin solution and were injected with pentobarbital after saccharin removal. Animals with this history did not form an association between the pentobarbital- and lithium chloride-induced states during phase 2 as evidenced by their refusal to consume the saccharin solution over repeated pairings of saccharin with pentobarbital during phase 3. Control groups that received forward pairings of pentobarbital and lithium chloride, in the absence of a previously conditioned vinegar solution during phase 2, formed an association between pentobarbital and lithium chloride. These findings indicate that drug states and flavors can interfere with each others' capacity to predict the occurrence of lithium chloride.  相似文献   

In five experiments with rats we examined the aversion established by consumption of a solution of lithium chloride (LiCl). Experiment 1 showed that consumption of LiCl established an aversion to saline (NaCl). Experiment 2 showed that the size of the aversion was reduced in rats given pre-exposure to saline (a latent inhibition effect). Experiment 3 showed that experience of a sucrose-saline compound prior to consumption of LiCl generated an aversion to sucrose (a sensory preconditioning effect). Experiments 4 and 5 examined the effects produced by consumption of a sucrose-LiCl compound and demonstrated reciprocal overshadowing between the two tastes. These results confirm that consumption of LiCl establishes an aversion to the taste of this substance. Their implications for the use of orally consumed LiCl as a technique for the control of predatory behaviour are discussed.  相似文献   

A series of experiments investigated spontaneous configuring using the conditioned flavor aversion paradigm with rat subjects. In Experiment 1, extended training of a two-flavor compound stimulus did not produce spontaneous differentiation of conditioned responding to that compound and its elements. In Experiment 2 we found that extended nonreinforced exposure to a compound stimulus generated spontaneous element-compound differentiation when the elements were later conditioned. Rats that received extended preexposure to the compound showed less conditioned responding to the compound than to either of its elements. However, rats that had not received preexposure to the compound showed greater conditioned responding to the compound than to either of its elements (summation). In Experiment 3, nonreinforced preexposure to the compound stimulus prior to minimal reinforced compound training produced spontaneous compound-element differentiation, but extended reinforced compound training eliminated that differentiation. In Experiment 4, extended partial reinforcement training with a compound produced differentiation of the compound from its elements. Implications of these data for the mechanisms responsible for spontaneous configuring and for the summation assumptions common to most learning theories are discussed.  相似文献   

Rats with conditioned aversions to NaCl water were exposed to either an injection of pentobarbital (Pent) followed 30 min later by an injection of lithium chloride (LiCl) on four separate occasions or to injections of LiCl alone, Pent alone, or LiCl followed by Pent. These injections were followed by pairings of NaCl consumption with injections of Pent. The Pent leads to LiCl pairings eliminated the capacity of Pent to maintain the animals' conditioned aversion to NaCl water relative to the other groups. These findings are consistent with the idea that Pent leads to LiCl pairings cause the Pent state to elicit a compensatory response. This compensatory response seems to eliminate the properties of Pent which normally produce or maintain flavor aversions.  相似文献   

In Experiment 1 it was demonstrated that interference with a rat's retention of a target spatial cue decreases as the interval between prior conflicting cues and the target increases. Experiment 2 showed that interference can occur even when the interstimulus interval is long, if the memory of a conflicting cue is reactivated just prior to exposing an animal to the target cue. A third experiment suggested that these findings could not be easily interpreted in terms of a stimulus satiation effect. The implications of these findings for a trace decay model of short-term retention were discussed.  相似文献   

Using a conditioned taste aversion procedure with rats as the subjects, two experiments examined the effect of presenting a conditioned stimulus (CS saccharin solution) in one context followed by an unconditioned stimulus (US LiCl) in a different context. Experiment 1 showed that animals which received the above-mentioned procedure (Group D) showed a more marked conditioned aversion to the CS than animals which were given both the CS and the US in the same context (Group S). Experiment 2 found that in both Group D and Group S, aversion to the CS increased when the subjects were exposed to the conditioned context after the conditioning. These findings supported the argument that the strength of the CS-US association acquired during conditioning is compared with that of the context-US to determine the magnitude of aversion revealed to the CS.  相似文献   

In Experiment 1, 128 experimentally naive, water-deprived rats (Rattus norvegicus) received pretraining access to either 0.25 or 1.5% saccharin, distilled water, or 2.0% saline, followed either by a pairing of 0.25 or 1.5% saccharin with an intraperitoneal injection of 0.15 M lithium chloride (LiCl) or by a pairing of distilled water with LiCl. Preexposure to either saccharin concentration reliably reduced conditioned aversion effects to 0.25% saccharin, relative to that for preexposure to distilled water or saline. But only preexposure to 1.5% saccharin reduced aversion effects to that concentration. In Experiment 2, 48 naive, water-deprived rats received preexposure procedures as in Experiment 1. Afterwards, the rats were tested for neophobia to 0.25 or 1.5% saccharin. Neophobia was reliably greater to the 1.5% concentration. However, preexposure to either saccharin concentration obliterated evidence for neophobia to saccharin, relative to that following preexposure to distilled water or saline.  相似文献   

Using a conditioned flavor aversion procedure with rats as subjects, the effect of the addition of a distractor stimulus on the magnitude of the latent inhibition effect was examined. Experiment 1 showed that latent inhibition to vinegar was attenuated by the addition of sucrose during preexposure. On the other hand, sucrose added during conditioning to vinegar did not attenuate latent inhibition. It was also found that the degree of latent inhibition to the vinegar-sucrose compound solution was less when vinegar alone was preexposed (i.e., when sucrose was added only during conditioning) than when the compound solution was preexposed (i.e., when sucrose was added both during preexposure and during conditioning). Experiment 2 gave similar results but with sucrose assigned as the target flavor and vinegar as the distractor. These findings are in full agreement with the generalization decrement account of latent inhibition.  相似文献   

Two experiments investigated the relative influence of cue predictiveness and stimulus salience on flavor aversion learning. In the first study experimental subjects experienced a nonsalient strawberry flavor and a different, more salient flavor prior to illness on each of the first three conditioning trials; the nonsalient strawberry and salient lemon were paired with illness on the fourth trial. This treatment resulted in a strong aversion to the strawberry flavor and on aversion to the lemon flavor. In contrast, animals which had experienced only a single pairing of strawberry, lemon, and illness acquired a strong aversion to lemon and no aversion to strawberry, while animals which had experienced only the pairing of different flavors and illness on each of the first three trials developed a strong aversion to both strawberry and lemon. Experiment 2 replicated the results of the experimental condition of the first study but also included a “blocking” condition in which subjects received three strawberry and illness pairings prior to a strawberry-lemon-illness pairing. Subjects in the blocking condition developed only a weak aversion to strawberry, and this aversion did not block the development of a strong lemon aversion. Apparently, in order for a nonsalient flavor cue to block the acquisition of an aversion to a more salient cue, the nonsalient flavor must not only be paired with illness but also be more predictive of illness than the more salient flavors also paired with illness. The data were discussed in terms of the R. A. Rescorla and A. R. Wagner's associative model (1972, in Classical conditioning II: Current research and theory, New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts), R. A. Rescorla's catalytic model (1982, Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes,8, 131–141), and N. J. Mackintosh's attentional model (1975, Psychological Review,82, 276–298) of conditioning.  相似文献   

Weanling (21-day-old) rats were exposed to an alcohol odor paired with either an interoceptive (apomorphine-induced illness) or exteroceptive (footshock-induced distress) reinforcer. Twenty-four hours later, ethanol preferences were measured in a locational olfactory test (ethanol vs lemon odor) or an ingestion test (5.6% v/v ethanol vs 0.25% v/v citric acid solution). Weanling rats expressed substantial olfactory aversions, independent of the reinforcer employed in conditioning. During the drinking test, however, only rats that had experienced the ethanol odor paired with internal malaise showed a significant reduction in the intake of the ethanol solution when compared to unpaired controls. Furthermore, rats that had experienced the ethanol odor paired with external distress drank significantly more of the ethanol solution than their controls. These results provide further evidence that olfactory experiences with ethanol can lead to changes in ethanol ingestion, and indicate that the nature of the unconditioned stimulus is critical in establishing the ingestive effect.  相似文献   

Reminder treatments have been shown to facilitate the retrieval of a variety of conditioned responses. Whether or not similar results would occur with an experimental paradigm which involves primarily memory for a stimulus, i.e., where no particular response is specified, is unclear. Accordingly, using Sprague-Dawley rats, we employed a latent inhibition paradigm with a long (10 days) retention interval between sucrose (CS) preexposure and sucrose-illness pairing (training). The results demonstrated a loss of latent inhibition following the 10-day retention interval suggesting "forgetting" of the CS preexposure. However, placing a single reminder exposure to the CS within the preexposure-to-training interval reinstated the preexposure effect. Controls indicated that in the absence of the initial preexposure the reminder per se did not produce latent inhibition. Thus, a reminder can reinstate a stimulus attribute (flavor representation) and explicit conditioned responses.  相似文献   

Preexposure to one or two elements of a compound flavor stimulus greatly reduced a neophobic reaction to the compound but did not attenuate conditioned flavor aversion in rats. Results indicated that (1) a preexposure effect on conditioned aversion to a flavor compound is not likely to be obtained if subjects initially show a strong neophobic reaction to the elements and (2) the level of neophobia at the time of conditioning has little influence on conditioned flavor aversion.  相似文献   

In a series of experiments, the ability of a single lithium preexposure to disrupt CS effectiveness was assessed using a latent inhibition procedure. Lithium preexposure administered proximal (90 min) to a saccharin familiarization trial reduced latent inhibition whereas a similar administration more distal (360 min) to flavor familiarization failed to do so. Additional experiments demonstrated that this socalled “US overshadowing” effect was not attributable to sensitization (Experiment 2), excitatory backward conditioning (Experiment 3), or state dependency (Experiment 4). The implications of US overshadowing for proximal US-preexposure effects are discussed.  相似文献   

In a two-interval lateralization procedure, observers judged whether a stimulus presented with an interaural intensive difference was right or left in lateral space of the same stimulus presented with only an interaural temporal difference. The stimuli were pure tones of 500 and 1,000 Hz and 1,000-Hz low-pass noise. All stimuli were presented at both 65 and 55 dB SPL. For each of several values of interaural time (ranging from 0 to 1,000 microsec across all stimuli), a function was determined which related proportion of “right” relative position judgments to the value of the interaural intensive difference. The intercepts of these functions indicated that a progressively smaller amount of interaural intensive difference was required for the two stimuli to occupy a similar lateral location as the interaural temporal difference was increased. The slopes of the function suggested that the images associated with larger values of the interaural temporal differences are less distinct and blend together more than the images associated with small values of the temporal difference. Thus, the procedure provided a means for comparing the lateral location of images produced by interaural differences of time and intensity.  相似文献   

Three experiments investigating release from proactive interference were conducted, in which orienting tasks were employed to bias encoding. Following earlier experiments by Bird (1976, 1977), it was expected that release would be observed when tasks were changed after several trials, but only to the extent that the tasks required different processing. Two obviously related nonsemantic tasks were compared in Experiment 1, and no release was obtained. Experiment 2 was a comparison of part-of-speech classification, considered by some to be a nonsemantic task, and of judgments of word pleasantness. The release obtained was sufficiently low to suggest that part-of-speech decisions involve substantial semantic processing. Finally, Experiment 3 employed four tasks, in order to address various questions about task relationships raised in the earlier experiments. Based on the levels of release observed across experiments and the finding that some tasks led to less proactive interference than others, a tentative categorization of tasks was proposed.  相似文献   

M. J. Lavin, B. Freise, and S. Coombes (Behavioral and Neural Biology, 1980, 28, 15–33) have shown that if two rats consume a flavored solution and one is poisoned, the unpoisoned partner will also exhibit a flavor aversion during a later preference test. Experiments 1 and 2 showed that a sufficient condition for obtaining this aversion is that the poisoned partner be present with the unpoisoned rat after it has consumed the flavored solution. It is not necessary that the poisoned partner be present when the flavored solution is consumed or indeed have had any exposure to the flavored solution. Experiment 3 showed that the unpoisoned partner can exhibit a flavor aversion when there is a temporal gap of as long as 6 hr between consumption of the flavored solution and exposure to the poisoned rat.  相似文献   

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