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The blind mole rat (Spalax ehrenbergi) is a highly aggressive and solitary rodent that shows the most striking physiological and behavioral adaptations to underground life. The eyes are not detectable externally; they are atrophied and covered by a thick layer of skin. A considerable part of the orbit is occupied by a very large Harderian gland. The current study demonstrates that during autogrooming the mole rat expresses Harderian gland materials from the conjunctival sac to the external nares and spreads them onto the fur. In contrast to other rodents, the mole rat's grooming behavior is usually confined to the front part of the body and does not progress after the head wipes to ventrolateral torso licking. Moreover, in highly aggressive encounters grooming sometimes ceases after the second phase-the nose wipe bouts. The unique first phase of the mole rat's grooming consists of highly rapid strokes over the skinny border of the head, which we assume help to squeeze Harderian materials from the gland. Unlike other rodents, in which grooming occupies a considerable part of their waking time, mole rats, cage individually, rarely perform autogrooming behavior. Grooming in mole rats has been found to be highly correlated with aggressive encounters, and submissive animals exhibit significantly more grooming than their dominant opponents. It is speculated that the Harderian gland discharge may serve as an appeasing substance when mole rats meet to reduce the extreme aggressiveness typical of these subterranean rodents. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

In Experiment I, one of three forms of collateral behavior was trained: Differential collateral behavior specific in form to one of two discriminative stimuli; Common collateral behavior of a single form regardless of the stimulus; or Nondifferential collateral behavior of either form regardless of the stimulus. Children were next given a short-delay matching-to-sample task in which the discriminative stimuli served as samples, and the children's previously trained collateral behavior terminated the delay and presented the comparison stimuli. Subjects engaging in sample-specific collateral behavior immediately acquired matching. Subjects engaging in sample-nonspecific collateral behavior failed to acquire matching or did so gradually. In Experiment II the minimal delay in the matching task was varied in a mixed sequence, first with collateral behavior required, and then with collateral behavior prohibited. When emitting collateral behavior Common and Nondifferential subjects showed delay-related decrements in matching while Differential subjects did not. When not emitting collateral behavior all subjects showed delay-related decrements in matching. Common and Nondifferential subjects matched more accurately when prohibited from emitting collateral behavior. Differential subjects matched more accurately when emitting collateral behavior. The results accord with Skinner's (1953, 1968) analysis of precurrent operants.  相似文献   

In dose-related amounts, the drug haloperidol attenuated schedule-induced drinking by rats prefed with 0.01-mg drug added to 0, 25, 50, 75 or all of 100 Noyes 45-mg pellets. Drug pellets also induced less drinking than did regular Noyes pellets by rats that obtained these pellets at 1-min intervals by bar pressing. Haloperidol also reduced bar pressing and, temporarily, rate of reinforcement. The results appeared not to be due to a general sedative effect of haloperidol but to its selective power to reduce angiotensin-induced drinking. Thus, schedule-induced drinking, which is abnormal in not causing satiation, is controllable by a drug that interferes with the renin-angiotensin hormone system thought to regulate normal drinking.  相似文献   

Five rats were exposed to an intradimensional discrimination by associating two tones of different frequency with the components of a multiple random-time 30-sec, extinction schedule of food presentation. After schedule-induced polydipsia developed and the intermittent schedule of food presentation established stable differential licking rates during the stimuli associated with the multiple schedule, a stimulus generalization test was conducted. When generalization testing was conducted by presenting stimuli that varied on the frequency dimension during the random-time 30-sec component of the multiple schedule, all five rats demonstrated moderately sloping symmetrical gradients. Thus, schedule-induced polydipsia can be brought under the control of stimuli other than the food pellet.  相似文献   

Contemporary research literature indicates that eye movements during the learning and testing phases can predict and affect future recognition processes. Nevertheless, only partial information exists regarding eye movements in the various components of recognition processes: Hits, Correct rejections, Misses and False Alarms (FA). In an attempt to address this issue, participants in this study viewed human faces in a yes/no recognition memory paradigm. They were divided into two groups – one group that carried out the testing phase immediately after the learning phase (n?=?30) and another group with a 15-minute delay between phases (n?=?28). The results showed that the Immediate group had a lower FA rate than the Delay group, and that no Hit rate differences were observed between the two groups. Eye movements differed between the recognition processes in the learning and the testing phases, and this pattern interacted with the group type. Hence, eye movement measures seem to track memory accuracy during both learning and testing phases and this pattern also interacts with the length of delay between learning and testing. This pattern of results suggests that eye movements are indicative of present and future recognition processes.  相似文献   

Nineteen rats were maintained throughout the experiment on ad libitum wet mash and water and were trained to press a lever on fixed-interval or fixed-ratio schedules of reinforcement with electrical brain stimulation. Fourteen rats ate at least 150% more mash during intermittent reinforcement sessions than during baseline, massed reinforcement control, and/or extinction sessions. In a 3-hr session, 11 of those 14 consumed more than 22 g of wet mash (13 g dry weight), the equivalent of nearly half an animal's daily food intake. In subsequent control sessions, the electrodes did not support stimulus-bound eating despite attempts to make stimulation parameters optimal. These results indicate that the eating was schedule induced or adjunctive, and suggest that the procedure may provide an animal model of excessive nonregulatory eating that contributes to obesity in humans.  相似文献   

The effects of schedule history and the availability of an adjunctive response (polydipsia) on fixed-interval schedule performance were investigated. Two rats first pressed levers under a schedule of food reinforcement with an interresponse time greater than 11 s, and 2 others responded under a fixed-ratio 40 schedule. All 4 were then exposed to a fixed-interval 15-s schedule. Water was continuously available under these conditions, but after responding became stable on the fixed-interval schedule, access was experimentally manipulated. With water freely available, subjects did not display characteristic fixed-interval response rates and patterns (i.e., scalloping or break-and-run). Instead, they exhibited predictable, stable patterns of behavior as a function of their schedule histories: Subjects with the interresponse-time history exhibited low response rates, and those with the fixed-ratio history exhibited high rates. Manipulating the amount of water available resulted in marked changes in response rates for rats with the interresponse-time history but not for those with the fixed-ratio history. The results illustrate the multiple causation of behavior by its previous and current schedules of reinforcement and other concurrent factors.  相似文献   

Lever presses by two rhesus monkeys produced food pellets that were assigned by both an ascending and descending series of fixed-interval schedules whose values varied between 1 and 512 sec. The amount of schedule-induced drinking was bitonically related to interreinforcement interval, reaching a maximum at approximately 120 sec and declining at longer fixed intervals. The relation between water intake and interreinforcement interval was complexly related to two drinking measures: (1) the probability of drinking following a pellet and (2) the amount drunk per bout. Drinking rate was also bitonically related to interreinforcement interval.  相似文献   

In three experiments, interim water drinking was examined in rats exposed to a multiple schedule whose two components were extinction and a variable-time 30-s schedule of food delivery. Two different drinking patterns were observed in Experiment 1. Pellet-induced drinking, characterized by high rates of postpellet drinking in the variable-time component, with little or no drinking in extinction, occurred when the acquisition of stable postpellet drinking preceded discrimination training. Stimulus-induced drinking, characterized by a burst of drinking at the onset of extinction, with no drinking during the variable-time schedule, occurred when discrimination training preceded all other experimental conditions. With extended training, stimulus-induced drinking eventually was accompanied by postpellet drinking. In Experiment 2, the rate of stimulus-induced drinking and the number of sessions during which it occurred without postpellet drinking were found to be inversely related to component duration. In Experiment 3, the rate of schedule-induced drinking was found to vary directly with component duration.  相似文献   

Food-deprived rats were exposed to a fixed-time 60-s schedule of food-pellet presentation and developed schedule-induced drinking. Using an ABA reversal design, three experiments investigated the effects of events then made dependent on licks. In Experiment 1, lick-dependent signaled delays (10 s) in food presentation in general led to decreased drinking, which recovered when the signaled delays were discontinued. The drinking of yoked-control rats, which received food at the same times as those exposed to the signaled-delay contingency, showed much smaller changes. Experiment 2 showed that 10-s lick-dependent signals alone did not reduce drinking. In Experiment 3, when licks produced unsignaled 10-s delays in food there were less marked and more gradual changes in drinking than in Experiment 1, although these effects again were greater than with yoked-control animals. We concluded that both signaled and unsignaled delays functioned as punishers of drinking. These findings support the view that schedule-induced drinking, like operant behavior, is subject to control by its consequences.  相似文献   

Characteristics of the attack-target in laboratory tests appear to greatly influence the tendency for aggression to be initiated, maintained, and stopped. To address this question, accessibility, target movement, and vocalization among pigeon conspecifics were investigated in two different aggression tests: 1) paired aggression (PA); and 2) schedule-induced aggression (SI). In the PA test, dominant and subordinate roles formed quickly, and soon aggression episodes started to decline. In part, the subordinate's yielding behavior appeared to discourage attack. The significance of the target bird's behavior on attack frequency was borne out by the finding in the SI test that pigeons attacked a shielded, live, active target more often than a passive one. Furthermore, using a specially constructed stuffed pigeon in the SI test, results indicated that programmed, combined aggressive vocalization and body movement evoked most attacks with the VT schedule, vocalization alone evoked the next highest number of attacks, body movement alone the third most, and combined silence and immobility the least attacks. These findings provide a basis for explaining some past reported results associated with target features and a means for selecting other target features for future study.  相似文献   

What kind of hand and finger movements are newborn infants preoccupied with, and how are these movements organized and controlled? These questions were studied in two experiments under three conditions: a social condition, in which the mother (in expt 1) or the experimenter (in expt 2) sat face to face with the infant; an object condition, in which a ball moving slowly and irregularly was presented to the infant; and a baseline condition (in expt 1) without ball or mother present. The size of the ball and the distance to it was chosen so that it approximately corresponded to the visual angle of the head of the model. Twenty-six neonates participated in the study ranging from 2 to 6 days of age at the time of observation. All infants were in an alert, optimal awake state during the experiments. The infants' finger movements were scored from video recordings. The result revealed a large variety of relatively independent finger movements. It was found that finger movements differed both in quantity and quality between the three conditions. There were many more finger movements in the social condition than in the object and baseline conditions. In addition, there were relatively more transitional finger movements and flexions of the hand in the social condition, and relatively more thumb-index finger activity and extensions of the hand in the object condition. Finally, the arms were more often forward extended in the object condition than in the social condition. The results support the notion that neonates show different modes of functioning towards people and objects.  相似文献   

Feeding rats defend a food item from an approaching conspecific by turning away, laterally, about 180°. Females and males use a different composition of movements and stepping patterns to perform these defensive dodges. This study was designed to examine the role of the robber's sex on the execution of sex-typical patterns of dodging. All subjects were tested with a partner of each sex. During dodging, females used the female-typical pattern of pivoting around the pelvis, and males used the male-typical midbody pivot, irrespective of the robber's sex. These findings show that the sex-typical patterns of dodging are not determined by the sex of the partner. Females and males however, differed in how they were oriented towards a same sex robber at the end of the dodge. This suggests that while male and female robbers must pose different defensive problems, these differences are dealt with by modifying the sex-typical pattern of dodging rather than by switching to the dodge pattern of the opposite sex. This further suggests that the differences in the composition of the dodge pattern in males and females are not due to extrinsic contingencies, but rather, are due to intrinsic differences in the sex-typical organization of defensive motor patterns. Aggr. Behav. 23:197–214, 1997.© 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

内隐序列学习的表征机制是内隐学习研究领域的基本问题, 还存在争议。采用眼动追踪技术, 通过3个实验探讨内隐序列学习的表征机制。结果发现, 知觉序列混合眼跳和反应序列混合眼跳条件下发生序列学习; 朝向眼跳和反向眼跳条件下发生序列学习; 有、无分心反向眼跳下发生序列学习, 两者序列学习量差异不显著。整个研究表明, 内隐序列学习的表征依赖于序列信息。  相似文献   

Six rats received food contingent on pressing a lever on fixed-ratio 1, fixed-interval 30-second, and fixed-interval 60-second schedules, with concurrent access to a drinking spout, a running wheel, and a block of wood. Drinking, running, and chewing were monitored automatically, and these and other activities were observed directly during selected sessions. Because all sessions ended after delivery of 60 pellets, total time available for activities other than eating increased over the three schedules. Time spent contacting the lever and visiting the food tray increased in proportion to total available time, whereas the time spent in other activities changed in a complex manner such that drinking was the dominant adjunctive behavior in the 30-second condition, and running or chewing the dominant adjunctive behavior in five of six rats in the 60-second condition. General activity and grooming also occupied significant amounts of time. In a subsequent part of the experiment, running and chewing were prevented, and the majority of other activities, especially drinking and grooming, increased. The results show that (a) FI schedules of food reinforcement are accompanied by a wide variety of adjunctive activities; (b) the preferred activity differs according to the schedule duration; and (c) the extent to which activities substitute for one another is limited by the tendency for different activities to occupy different parts of the interreinforcement interval.  相似文献   

As a control for the effects of session duration and hunger on the relation between food magnitude and induced drinking, four food-deprived rats were exposed to a variable-time 50-s schedule of food delivery in which the size of each food delivery varied randomly within sessions. Food-related behavior and schedule-induced drinking per opportunity were examined as functions of meal size and postfood time. All rats showed an inverted-U-shaped relation between drinking per opportunity and meal size. This relation was caused by variation in the percentage of intervals that contained drinking and by variation in the number of drinking bouts per interval, rather than by bout duration or by the amount of drinking within those intervals that actually contained drinking. Head-in-feeder time increased linearly with meal size. Schedule-induced drinking was entrained by food delivery in 3 of 4 subjects; the entrainment was due to regulation of the starting time of each drinking bout rather than to regulation of bout duration.  相似文献   

An animal restraint system and response operandum suitable for the study of operant behavior in the rat is described. This system combined with an inexpensive Commodore microcomputer and Psychronix interface is well-suited for the study of response parameters. Rats voluntarily entered the restraint, showed no observable signs of excess stress, and were easily extricated at the end of the experimental session. A lever-pressing operant with an adjustable force requirement was readily shaped using automated procedures. Although this system was designed for the study of high-resistance operants, it has potential advantages for other operant applications, including studies of visual discrimination and experiments requiring restraint due to physiological recording.  相似文献   

Three Java monkeys received food pellets that were assigned by both ascending and descending series of fixed-time schedules whose values varied between 8 and 256 seconds. The draught size dispensed by a concurrently available water-delivery tube was systematically varied between 1.0 and 0.3 milliliter per lick at various fixed-time values during the second and third series determinations. Session water intake was bitonically related to the interpellet interval and was determined by the interaction of (1) the probability of initiating a drinking bout, which fell off at the highest interpellet intervals and, (2) the size of the bout, which increased directly with increases in interpellet interval. Variations in draught size had little effect on total session intakes, but reduced bout size at draught sizes of 0.5 milliliter and below. Thus, a volume-regulation process of schedule-induced drinking operated generally at the session-intake level, but was limited to higher draught sizes at the bout level.  相似文献   

Characteristic patterns of conditioned key-pressing were maintained in the chimpanzee under a multiple 30-response fixed-ratio, 10-minute fixed-interval schedule of food presentation. Adjunctive drinking occurred with regularity during the fixed-interval schedule and, with less frequency, during 1-minute timeout periods that followed each food presentation; drinking seldom occurred during the fixed-ratio schedule. Cocaine increased key pressing under the fixed-interval schedule at doses between .1 and 3.0 mg/kg, but adjunctive drinking and key pressing under the fixed-ratio schedule did not increase at any dose. Conditioned and adjunctive behaviors were disrupted and suppressed for different durations at 10,0 mg/kg, a dose which induced convulsive seizures within 10 minutes after intramuscular injection. A time-course analysis showed the magnitude and duration of the effects of cocaine on key pressing under the fixed-interval schedule and on adjunctive drinking to be dose-related. Moreover, a given dose of cocaine had diverse effects, depending on the behavior and the time since drug administration.  相似文献   

Food-deprived rats (at 80% of their free-feeding weights) were exposed to a fixed-time 60-s schedule of food-pellet presentation and developed schedule-induced drinking. Lick-dependent signaled delays (10 s) to food presentation led to decreased drinking, which recovered when the signaled delays were discontinued. A major effect of this punishment contingency was to increase the proportion of interpellet intervals without any licks. The drinking of yoked control rats, which received food at the same times as those exposed to the signaled delay contingency (masters), was not consistently reduced. When food-deprivation level was changed to 90%, all master and yoked control rats showed decreases in punished or unpunished schedule-induced drinking. When the body weights were reduced to 70%, most master rats increased punished behavior to levels similar to those of unpunished drinking. This effect was not observed for yoked controls. Therefore, body-weight loss increased the resistance of schedule-induced drinking to reductions by punishment. Food-deprivation effects on punished schedule-induced drinking are similar to their effects on food-maintained lever pressing. This dependency of punishment on food-deprivation level supports the view that schedule-induced drinking can be modified by the same variables that affect operant behavior in general.  相似文献   

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