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实行土地有偿使用制度,是我国土地制度的一项重大改革,涉及到一些根本的理论问题和法律问题。1988年,我国宪法修正案和修正后的《土地管理法》正式规定,我国土地的使用权可以依法转让,国家依法实行国有土地有偿使用制度。今年5月19日,国务院发布了《中  相似文献   

一、我国城市土地使用制度改革的必要性随着我国经济体制改革的不断深化,近几年来、城市土地使用制度改革的步子迈得较快,这是适应改革开放和社会本义市场经济发展的迫切需要。其主要原因是:  相似文献   

福利制度是各国分配制度的重要组成部分。随着我国改革开放的不断深入和经济关系的重大调整,福利思维定势需要重新审视。特别是公务员制度的全面推行和事业单位的综合改革,机关、事业单位分别实行了不同结构的工资制度,原有的以工资关系为纽带的各项福利制度,已不能适应新形势的需要,急需进行医疗费用统包、福利住房分配等福利制度的相应改革。当前,选择什么样的经济理论指导我国机关、事业单位福利制度改革,这确实是值得探究的重大课题。长期以来,我国机关、事业单位职工实行的是国家统辖统制、统管统揽的福利制度。从制度的形成过…  相似文献   

《管子》农工商关系的国家宏观调控论朱松美《管子》中国家对农工商业的宏观调控理论通贯全书,且有完整的理论体系。《管子》认为:农业和工商业是国家经济的三大支柱产业,其地位均不容忽视.但是,三者具有各自不同的发展特性:农业投入大,获利少,发展慢;工商业则投...  相似文献   

宫芳 《管子学刊》2010,(2):19-22,41
管仲任相伊始便以其卓越的胆识,对齐国的政治、经济、军事等进行了全方位的改革。管仲政治改革的主要内容是:"四民分业定居"、"叁其国而伍其鄙"和加强君主的权柄等方面。管仲的经济改革主要表现在土地制度的改革、农业税收的改革以及工商业的改革等方面。管仲的军事改革主要包括寄军于政、甲兵赎罪以及军事训练、战略战术等方面。管仲的改革思想及实践不仅见效于当时,而且对当代社会依然有着很大的启迪与借鉴价值。  相似文献   

在资本原始积累的初期,马克思就看到了它的反生态性。土地异化是资本主义制度存在的必要条件。资本家掠夺式地对待土地,导致土地肥力衰退和生态环境破坏。在批判资本主义农业时,马克思论述的关爱土地的"好家长"观点和土地养护的生态农业措施等理论,都展示其"人与土地伦理关系"思想。这比利奥波德的"大地伦理学"思想早了大约近一个世纪。马克思的上述思想对我们正确认识人与土地的伦理关系,保护和合理利用土地资源具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

《管子·四时》的“复亡人”与齐国的土地制度王恩田《管子·四时》是一篇时令性质的著作。规定国家必须按照一年四季的运行发布政令、强调四时和农业生产规律对于管理国家的重要作用。其中有关农业和其他的一些政策法令谈到的"复亡人",是一项有关逃亡者的政策。涉及到...  相似文献   

宣兆琦  赵娜 《管子学刊》2009,(2):5-7,17
古代中国总体上建构的是一个重本抑末的经济文化模式,然而先秦齐国却是农工商并重。《管子》具有丰富的工商管理思想,其主要内容包括:设官任能,加强行政领导和管理;建章立制,使产品质量检查制度化;提高工商者的素质,贤者任以为官;抑制“文巧”;强化宏观经济调控和国家干预流通的职能等。《管子》的工商管理思想,不仅造福于当时的齐国人民,也在中国经济思想发展史上闪出了明亮的光环。  相似文献   

企业人本管理思想综述   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
在我国企业实行“人本”管理 ,是我国国有企业改革和发展的客观需要 ,也是我国管理理论、管理哲学亟待探讨的课题。本文拟对“以人为本”企业管理思想的若干问题 ,作一概要性的述评。一、“以人为本”企业管理思想的演变“以人为本”思想由来已久。可以说 ,伴随人类产生 ,管理就面临着人事管理问题。不过 ,对人的管理成为管理中的突出问题 ,则是工业社会的事。雷恩通过早期工业社会的管理的全面考察后提出 ,工厂制度取代了家庭生产制度后 ,就面临这样一个突出问题 ,即为了实现预想目的 ,如何促进、发展、激励和控制人的行为的人事问题。这个…  相似文献   

分配正义是一个社会历史性概念,而土地红利分配则是当代中国现实的分配正义课题。从马克思主义分配正义观出发,我国土地制度基础之上的土地增值分配只能遵循地利共享的原则。作为基础性生存资源,土地及其增值关乎人的自由与发展权益,有着财产权之外的逻辑,能否实现土地红利正义分配,关涉当代中国改革与发展中的制度正义乃至发展正义等深层次问题。地利共享仰赖具体的制度设计与安排。坚持土地公有,构建权责统一、程序正义的分配过程与制度体系,完善"颗粒归仓"的土地财政与支出体系,形成土地红利反哺的"补偿正义"制度,对于实现地利共享的正义价值具有重要的制度保障意义。  相似文献   

李薇 《管子学刊》2008,(3):117-119
贾思勰的《齐民要术》在农业思想中蕴含着挥之不去的忧患意识,具体表现为:劝君以农为本,重视救荒农作物的栽培,发展基于大农业观的多种经营等,以期实现他那“要在安民,富而教之”的宏愿。  相似文献   

In Romania, agricultural researchers are enlisted to promote the agrochemical industry and large-scale intensive agriculture. This role can be made intelligible through notion of a scientific field, highlighting rivalries between the Academy of Agricultural Sciences and the University sector. The former has lost its public funding but maintains its responsibilities within bodies devising and leading agricultural policy. The latter gives primacy to peer recognition and integration within international networks, but lacks co-financing required for being effectively included in international research projects. Each academic institution tries to devalue the rival's strong points and gain recognition for the superior value of its own assets. The funding provided by the private agrochemical industry adapts to the scientific field's structure: leading multinational firms take advantage of rivalries between academic institutions and fuel them at the same time. They consolidate current orientation taken by members of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences, especially when seeking their support for authorization for seeds and plant-protection products. Industry funds also create new rewards for University staff, emphasizing international connections but disconnecting them from purely academic achievements. Meanwhile Romanian agronomists tend to defend the type of agriculture promising the most significant business opportunities for the agrochemical industry. Thus, it uses institutional rivalries for its agenda, though without directly influencing the direction of research.  相似文献   

论卫生领域中的政府角色与社会政策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从政府组织存在基本命题、社会政策变革趋势入手,深入探讨卫生领域内政府认知、政府角色、卫生政策现状及发展客观要求,提出新时期公共服务型政府能否制定并执行理性卫生政策,对管理伦理、管理机制和管理意识三方面的必要调整是关键。  相似文献   

工作情景中管理人员的风险认知研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
谢晓非  徐联仓 《心理学报》2000,32(1):115-120
我国持续进行的经济体制改革,从形式到内容都不可能不对企业有深刻的影响。不管是主动还是被迫的,危机感和竞争意识都在强烈地冲击着人们,对于管理人员尤其如此。因此,作者选择从“风险认知”的角度,探讨处于改革浪潮前列的企业管理人员,在其工作情景下对一些敏感问题的认识。研究发现,不同所有制形式对管理人员的风险认知有一定的影响。“企业效益”仍然是困扰企业管理人员的最大问题。“企业效益”被知觉为最高风险因素。并且,企业经营策略(冒险或保守)与企业效力有很高的相关。  相似文献   

Building on conservation of resources theory and the dynamic equilibrium model, this three‐wave longitudinal study among 260 Dutch agricultural business owners (1‐year time intervals) investigated reciprocal relationships between the financial situation of the business and psychological distress. Results of structural equation modelling analyses revealed a negative spiral of farm decline, in which psychological variables played a key role. Experiencing financial problems predicted psychological distress, and acted as a self‐fulfilling prophecy by strengthening intentions to quit the business, which predicted a deterioration of the objective financial situation of the business 1 year later. Moreover, farmers experiencing more psychological distress were more likely to get caught in this negative spiral than business owners with better mental health, because they experienced more financial problems, irrespective of their objective financial situation. Long‐term psychological distress rather than temporary fluctuations in distress levels accounted for this effect.  相似文献   

Yehuda Levin 《Jewish History》2007,21(3-4):341-359
Studying nearly two decades of activity as reflected in materials found in the archives of the Jewish Colonization Association, this essay explores the early stages of organized Jewish agricultural settlement in Argentina. JCA directors debated the optimal size of land that could constitute an economically viable farm. The issues of non-Jewish labor and the leasing of land to non-Jews were also a concern. The JCA further promoted the ideal of settler “productivization” through farming, a goal shared by many settlers. The rising price of land, as well as shifts in national patterns of economy and agriculture, brought about significant changes in the Argentine settlement project. The JCA responded by increasing the size of allocated land, introducing animal husbandry, and by recognizing the need for hired hands at harvest time. Aided by the JCA, and despite objective and psychological obstacles, immigrants from the Russian Empire established colonies that endured for decades.  相似文献   

While there are several standard scales in use for measuring various dimensions of human resource management, research is very limited in terms of scale development for variables that form part of the People Capability Maturity Model (PCMM) for organizational maturity. This study covers a perception measurement scale for people governance variables and organizational maturity developed, validated with industry experts and statistically tested. The scale was developed with 113 items grouped into 11 variables covering governance, staffing, performance management, rewards, quality, training, organizational maturity and business outcomes around staff, firm and customer aspects. The reliability analysis was performed for each of the variables based on inputs from 521 respondents across the services industry. The respondents were experienced professionals in functional management and human resources. Detailed analyses of results provide high scores for the variables, indicating good consistency of items. Convergent and discriminant validity analyses were performed for evaluating validation of item dimensions within each of the variables. The overall results indicate that the newly developed scale is a reliable and validated one to measure variables around people, process and organizational maturity, for researchers particularly in the services industry. This fills in a missing gap in terms of a validated scale for measuring people management variables. Further research can be done to extend this scale to other industries and to look at a model fitment across the related variables.  相似文献   

Confronted with an alarming social discourse favouring the perception of food risk, modern consumers find themselves in a situation of psychological discomfort caused by consumption of foodstuffs coming from the agricultural and foodstuff industry. To eliminate this discomfort the consumer may change their purchasing and consumption habits (constraining hypothesis) or introduce some measures for the reduction of risk. The aim of this paper is to present a new classification of risk reducers taking into account the diversity of buying and consumption practices. Copyright © 2004 Henry Stewart Publications.  相似文献   

Co‐operative Bank Financial Advisers Ltd (CBFA) is a wholly‐owned subsidiary of the Co‐operative Bank plc. Established since 1972, it specialises in the provision of independent financial advice to personal and corporate customers across the financial services spectrum. Based in Stockport in the north‐west of the UK, CBFA conducts its business via a nationally‐based team of independent financial advisers (IFA), offering a bespoke service to customers at a mutually agreed time and location—usually bank premises, business premises or in the client's own home. In the late 1990s, CBFA faced a crisis. A number of marketplace challenges threatened the long‐term viability of its business. In this paper, one of the management team members describes how her organisation used its understanding of customer decision‐making—backed by good customer research—to regain its footing in a difficult and competitive marketplace. Copyright © 2003 Henry Stewart Publications.  相似文献   

刘芹 《管子学刊》2008,(4):33-36
晚清时期,面对着中国社会的危机,管子思想倡导的富国强兵理念成为人们救时之良策。以王树楠为代表的晚清士人对管子思想进行重新进行解读和认知,在“尊王变法”、“商战攘夷”、“兴商富国”等方面赋予管子思想新时代的内涵。  相似文献   

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