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Evidence of how behavioral research and technology have evolved together abounds in the history of the Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior (JEAB). Technology from outside the discipline (exogenous), from such disciplines as electronics and computer science, has been adapted for use in behavioral research. Technology from within the discipline (endogenous) has developed from both basic behavioral research and existing apparatus. All of these sources of technology have contributed to the corpus of behavioral research as it has evolved in JEAB. Such research, in turn, has provided the environmental pressure necessary for continuing technological evolution both within and outside the discipline. The new technology thus evolved further spurs research along in novel directions. This dynamic coevolutionary interplay between research and technology is an important variable in the past, present, and future of JEAB.  相似文献   

Research on multicultural competencies has mainly focused on the practice dimension of psychology training and practice. Little theoretical or empirical research has examined multicultural research training and self-efficacy. In this study, 119 psychology graduate students filled out a Web survey focusing on the research training environment, research self-efficacy, multicultural competency, the multicultural environment, and social desirability. Results showed that multicultural competency, research training, and the multicultural environment were related to multicultural research self-efficacy. Hierarchical regressions showed that multicultural competency predicted students' research anxiety; social desirability predicted multicultural research utility, multicultural competency, and the research training environment; and multicultural competency predicted students' confidence in research and perceptions that their graduate training programs were multicultural. Implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Clinical research is now a global enterprise. However, research ethics capacity has lagged behind the growth and expansion of clinical research in low and middle income countries. To address this mismatch, the Fogarty International Center of the National Institutes of Health has created a program to fund education in research ethics. This series of articles describes the experiences of graduates from 5 nations of the University of Toronto’s Joint Centre for Bioethics International Masters of Health Science Program. The program has graduated 32 students to return to their institutions to build research ethics capacity.  相似文献   

孟慧 《心理科学》2004,27(5):1202-1205
在科学研究中,研究性访谈作为一种定性研究方法得到了广泛的应用,然而这种定性方法在当前的研究领域中并没有受到足够的重视。本文立足于研究性访谈这种重要的研究方法,着重讨论三个问题:一是研究性访谈的概念、分类和程序;二是目前关于研究性访谈的方法论研究;最后对研究性访谈的应用和发展进行了评价和展望。作者认为结构因素可能是影响访谈效度的主要因素;而信度与结构化、标准化、主试培训等因素有关;社会背景和访谈情境的交互作用将成为未来访谈研究的新趋势;研究性访谈在我国的应用存在一定的文化适应问题,并有待加强和科学化。  相似文献   

本文回顾了近十年来中国青少年互联网心理与行为的研究成果,从研究主题的角度进行了聚类分析,并与国外青少年互联网心理与行为研究进行了对比。发现中国青少年互联网心理与行为研究主要聚焦于网络成瘾方面,同时也在网络欺负、网络亲社会行为、网络自我表露等领域有较为丰富的研究成果。现有研究存在研究领域相对狭窄、研究内容深度不足、研究方法较为单一等问题。结合青少年互联网使用特点和时代发展与变迁,本文从大数据、新媒体、电子竞技三个方面展望了未来中国青少年互联网心理与行为研究的方向,对互联网时代下的心理学研究具有理论和实践的启发意义。  相似文献   

While significant research has been completed on adult sex offenders, this has yet to be the case for adolescent offenders. This article reviews current research on adolescent sex offenders, discusses the importance of research in this area, and describes directions for future study.  相似文献   

Psychobiography as a qualitative research method in psychology has witnessed prolific growth in the last few decades. This growth has been accompanied by concerns regarding the veracity, rigour, quality, and trustworthiness of psychobiographical research. Current research has gone a long way toward addressing these concerns through the publication of excellent best practice guidelines as well as criteria for evaluating the quality of psychobiographical research. However, a gap remains regarding guidelines detailing the steps involved in conducting psychobiographical research. This article addresses this gap by relying on existing psychobiographical guidelines and general qualitative research strategies to advance a step-wise approach to the conducting of a psychobiography. The aim is to provide simple and clear guidelines that can be followed when undertaking psychobiographical research. Through so doing, this article contributes to the continuous growth and improvement of the field of psychobiographical research.  相似文献   

国内心理咨询的过程-效果研究状况及问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
心理咨询过程-效果研究考察咨询过程变量对咨询效果的影响。西方的过程-效果研究已历时半个多世纪, 经历了对重要过程变量的探索、验证和作用机制的考察这一发展历程。研究方法经历了从偏重量化方法到重视质化方法再到质、量结合的方法的演进, 每种方法自身也在不断改进。国内的过程-效果研究刚刚起步, 存在研究范围狭窄、本土化研究欠缺、研究方法简单等一系列问题, 在开展研究时应考虑研究目标、研究选题、研究的信效度等问题。  相似文献   

Decision fiascoes such as escalation of commitment, the tendency of decision makers to "throw good money after bad," can have serious consequences for organizations and are therefore of great interest in applied research. This paper discusses the use of behavior analysis in organizational behavior research on escalation. Among the most significant aspects of behavior-analytic research on escalation is that it has indicated that both the patterns of outcomes that decision makers have experienced for past decisions and the patterns of responses that they make are critical for understanding escalation. This research has also stimulated the refinement of methods by researchers to better assess decision making and the role reinforcement plays in it. Finally, behavior-analytic escalation research has not only indicated the utility of reinforcement principles for predicting more complex human behavior but has also suggested some additional areas for future exploration of decision making using behavior analysis.  相似文献   

系统梳理了20年来青少年科学创造力的理论研究与实践探索,包括概念与结构、测量与发展、影响因素和机制、培养思路与模式等,分析了科学创造力研究的趋势,提出了若干重要的研究方向。在未来的研究中,要加强几个方面的研究工作,即科学创造力的认知神经机制研究,科学创造力的基因组学研究,基于情境和内容的科学创造力研究,教学活动或项目促进科学创造力发展的神经可塑性机制研究,以及基于聚合科技的科学创造力培养。  相似文献   

This interview with James W. Pennebaker explores the often serendipitous career development of his interest in the relationship between the disclosure or inhibition of traumatic experience and psychosomatic illness. His current research has moved beyond psychosomatic illness to address other aspects of physical and mental health. The importance of Pennebaker's research is reflected in the many books and articles he has written, the continuing grants he has procured, and the awards he has won. His research findings yield several important implications for the counseling process and for counseling professionals themselves.  相似文献   



Increase in global health research undertaken in resource poor settings in the last decade though a positive development has raised ethical concerns relating to potential for exploitation. Some of the suggested strategies to address these concerns include calls for providing universal standards of care, reasonable availability of proven interventions and more recently, promoting the overall social value of research especially in clinical research. Promoting the social value of research has been closely associated with providing fair benefits to various stakeholders involved in research. The debate over what constitutes fair benefits; whether those that addresses micro level issues of justice or those focusing on the key determinants of health at the macro level has continued. This debate has however not benefited from empirical work on what stakeholders consider fair benefits. This study explores practical experiences of stakeholders involved in global health research in Kenya, over what benefits are fair within a developing world context.  相似文献   

The Internet has become a part of most people’s lives in many parts of the world. Since the late 1990s there has been an intensive research activity in which psychological treatments, such as cognitive behavior therapy (CBT), have been found to be effective when delivered via the Internet. Most research studies indicate that the effects are larger when some form of guidance is provided from a therapist, and unguided treatments tend to lead to more dropout and smaller effects. Guided Internet treatments often consists of book length text materials, but can also include other components such as audio files and video clips. Homework assignment is often included and feedback is given for completed homework. Guided Internet-based CBT (iCBT) has been found to work for problems such as depression, panic-, social anxiety-, and generalized anxiety disorders. There are many research trials in which participants have been recruited via media, and there has been less research conducted in representative clinical settings. Most research has been conducted on adults and in university settings with nationwide recruitment. There is a need for treatments and studies on older adults, children and adolescents. In conclusion, dissemination of the research findings on guided iCBT to regular clinical settings is warranted.  相似文献   

This essay addresses the issue of applied research in, on, and for religious organizations, especially trends in how research has been carried out in relation to religious organizations. It asks how applied research has changed, and what are the implications for the larger field of social scientific research. The essay begins with some general comments about the challenges that face religious organizations in a post‐traditional world that require reflexive monitoring of their traditions and ecclesial practices if these organizations are to survive and engage the future in a significant way. Applied research is defined as one form of reflexive monitoring and includes both (1) research commissioned by leaders of religious organization as an aid for understanding a particular situation or shaping policy or programs, and (2) research that, though not commissioned by religious organizations, has as its primary intent providing religious organizations with policy‐relevant information. Using this definition, the essay then traces trends in applied research from the earlier part of the twentieth century to the present, focusing especially on the past fifty years. It concludes with an assessment of these research efforts as examples of reflexive monitoring.  相似文献   

印象管理及其相关研究述评   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
近年来,印象管理日益受到社会学、心理学等领域的关注,成为一个重要的研究变量。文章回顾了印象管理概念的由来及发展过程,介绍了国内外有关印象管理的研究现状,对已有研究进行了评价,并对未来研究进行了展望。对我国学者进一步开展有关印象管理的研究提供了新的思路  相似文献   

Alcohol research in Alaska Native communities has a contentious history. This project has attempted to address a critical need for research to guide alcohol abuse prevention and treatment with Alaska Natives using culturally anchored participatory action research. The process of grounding the research methodology in the culture and community is described, along with its contribution to community psychology's understanding of the importance of cultural factors. Tensions between indigenous values and ways of knowing, and Western research methodologies are delineated, along with how these tensions were resolved. Important issues that arose in doing culturally anchored participatory action research are described. These included the development of a community of inquiry, key methodological decisions, the empowerment of participants as coresearchers, and flexibility in research implementation.  相似文献   

采用母亲报告的方法, 对1618名儿童的攻击进行了4年(9岁~12岁)的追踪研究, 分析了童年中晚期攻击的一般发展轨迹、亚组发展轨迹以及性别差异。结果发现:(1)总体上, 童年中晚期儿童的攻击水平随年龄而下降。(2)基于亚组的准参数模型分析表明, 童年中晚期母亲报告的儿童攻击呈现三条不同的发展轨迹, 即无攻击轨迹、低攻击—下降轨迹以及持续高攻击轨迹, 各轨迹组人数比例分别约为68.7%、26.8%、4.5%。持续高攻击轨迹组以及低攻击—下降轨迹组的儿童在童年晚期均面临一定程度的人际适应困难。(3)多项Logit模型以及卡方检验表明, 男生更倾向于归属于攻击轨迹组(高或者低攻击轨迹组), 而女生更倾向于归属于无攻击轨迹组; 但这并不说明高攻击轨迹组中没有女生, 约2%的女生属于高攻击轨迹组。  相似文献   

Previous research has evaluated the effects of prompt rates on the rate of communicative behavior. More recent research has suggested that dense prompting can result in communicative behavior that is more resistant to change. However, existing research has not considered the impact that higher response rates had on reinforcement rate, a variable known to impact response persistence. The current study systematically replicated previous research by evaluating communicative responding in contexts associated with dense- and lean-prompt schedules and extended existing research by (a) holding reinforcement rates similar across the two prompting schedules (lean and dense), and (b) evaluating the persistence of communicative responding in the contexts associated with each prompting schedule. The results for Experiment 1 clearly replicated and extended previous research. The results for Experiment 2 were equivocal and suggested that previous reinforcement history and response class size impacted outcomes.  相似文献   

Biomedical research has increased in magnitude over the last two decades. Increasing number of researchers has led to increase in competition for scarce resources. Researchers have often tried to take the shortest route to success which may involve performing fraudulent research. Science suffers from unethical research as much time, effort and cost is involved in exposing fraud and setting the standards right. It is better for all students of science to be aware of the methods used in fraudulent research so that such research can be detected early. Biomedical research is one area that seems to have attracted maximum numbers of fraudulent researchers; hence this article devotes itself to biomedical research scenario.  相似文献   

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