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庄因 《佛教文化》2003,(6):80-80
哭与笑,是人类入世即有的征示.对于这样的表征,我的感觉是,笑要比哭光亮欣舒得太多太多了.  相似文献   

单惠祥 《天风》1994,(2):18-18
徒16:13—15 她原是推雅推喇城的人。该城手工业发达,尤其是以染色业闻名。 她是位犹太的妇人。素来敬拜神。在当时,妇女还是普遍受到歧视的。 她是个商人,一个在腓立比开布店,专营紫色布匹的女商人。 她也是个富有的社会上层人士。  相似文献   

宋朝文学家苏东坡和佛印禅师是好朋友。有一天,他们两个人在杭州同游。东坡看到一座峻峭的山峰,就问佛印禅师:“这是什么山?”佛印答:“这是飞来峰。”苏东坡又问:“既然飞来了,何不飞去?”佛印说:“一动不如一静。”,东坡又问:“为什么要静呢?”佛印说:“既来之,则安之。”后来,两人走到了天竺寺。苏东坡看到寺内的观音菩萨手里拿着念珠,就问佛印:“观音菩萨既然是佛,为什么还要拿着念珠,到底是什么意思?”  相似文献   

一位老人的“黄昏恋”遭到了儿女的反对,难道就这样放弃了吗?不,人生有几个黄昏,放过了此生,来生还能补回来吗?  相似文献   

筹办“专号”,对许多杂志来说,想必都是一种挡不住的诱惑。今年开年以来,《佛教文化》和《法音》都不约而同地各自筹办起专号来。《法音》青睐杏花春雨的江南,而《佛教文化》看中的是骏马秋风的塞北。承《法音》同仁抬举,约我为他们的江苏专号撰文,我写了一篇《尽大江东去,余情还绕》,自以为可略补写江苏佛教“只见寺庙不见人”之偏。回过头来,在筹组《佛教文化·山西专号》时,我们和山西佛教文化研究所的温金玉先生等诸位进行了反复策划,但是,真地等到我们来编辑时,我立刻想起了“看花容易,栽花难”的道理──要说起“只见寺…  相似文献   

震憾人心的“江上侗歌”出自贵州省黔东南苗族侗族自治州从江县下江镇巨洞侗寨。 巨洞,距从江县城30公里,全村207户,1100多人,地处321国道和都柳江中段,交通便利,民居民宅,依山傍水,吊脚木楼,鳞次栉比。巨洞侗寨魂牵梦绕,山,是那么的清,水,是那么的绿,山中有水,水中有山,山水交融,好一幅恬静的田园风光,使人心旷神怡。  相似文献   

永寿 《法音》2024,(1):10-11
<正>佛法住世间,不离世间觉。佛教超越国界,但佛教徒却有自己的祖国,所以我们看到,玄奘大师、法显大师等留学印度多年,赢得了崇高的荣誉,但他们仍念念不忘自己的祖国,历经千辛万苦,最后还是回到祖国的怀抱。祖国是每一个佛子永远的心灵归宿,没有祖国,佛子就像一片浮萍,信仰也无立足处。  相似文献   

正大家知道,我国的汉字具有一字一形的特点。而所谓象形字谜,正是利用这一特点,将字的笔划形状比喻成某种物体,寄以别解,或全部象形,犹似一幅幅微型图画,给人以艺术的享受。有这样一则字谜,堪称象形字谜中的上乘之作:"远树两行山倒影,扁舟一叶水平流",谜底是"慧"。此处把"丰丰"比作两行远树,"彐"看成"山倒  相似文献   

“揭谛”是佛经咒语翻译中产生的音译词,最早见于中古汉译佛经;入唐后“揭谛”表示广义上的揭谛信仰,用于表示多种信仰形式,这种用法反映了本土揭谛信仰的形成与盛行;明清时期,“揭谛”可以用于表示佛道文献中的神明,这是揭谛信仰人格化的具体表现。语言所指只是表层形式,其内在所代表的宗教信仰的发展才是推动词义演变的根本原因,“揭谛”词义演变反映了中国本土密宗的形成、盛行以及孕育于此的揭谛信仰的形成与发展。  相似文献   

我曾是一名“法轮功”团体的成员,如果用褒意倾向的语言说,是信念极为坚定的一员,用贬意倾向的语言说,是痴迷沉陷很深的一员,无论坚定还是痴迷,意味着我对“法轮功”理论相信的程度、跟随的程度和介入的程度。我亲身经历、耳闻目睹了这个群体大量的超乎一般人想象的狂热行为,或者他们认为的无比伟大神圣的行为,这种心态和行为用“文革”中的语言“无限忠于,誓死捍卫”来形容也是不为过的。当然,“法轮功”成员捍卫的是他们的领袖及其言论。“法轮功”事件发生后,许多人困惑不已,怎么会有许多知识分子包括高级知识分子以及经验丰富的领导干部…  相似文献   

The impact of a group goal on the performance of anonymous and nonin- teracting group members performing an additive group task was tested. Pro- cesses believed to mediate the effect, the role of self-set individual goals, the impact of information about the group's previous performance on the task (group knowledge of results; GRPKR) on goal commitment, and the motiva- tional basis of the goal were also assessed. Seventeen groups of three to five people performed two trials of an idea generation task. In the GOAL/GRPKR condition, group members were assigned a group goal for Session 2 and received information about the group's performance for Session 1. In the goal without knowledge of results (GOAL/NOKR) condition, group mem- bers were assigned a group goal for Session 2 without GRPKR. In the NO- GOAL condition, group members worked without a goal and without GRPKR. In each condition, group members worked on the task without talk- ing to other group members and individual contributions to the group prod- uct were unknown to others. Self-reports of effort, changes in individual performance strategies from Rial 1 to Rial 2, self-set individual goals, goal commitment, and personal challenge were collected. Results showed that (a) group members working toward a performance goal outperformed those working without a goal, b) information about the group's previous perfor- mance on the task did not influence commitment to the goal or performance, (c) changes in individual performance strategies mediated the group goal ef- fect but self-reports of effort invested in the task did not, (d) g m ~ p members working toward a group goal felt more personal challenge than group mem- bers working without a goal, and (e) self-set individual goals can not account for the group goal effect. The implications of these results for models of group goals and group performance are discussed.  相似文献   

40 College Ss were placed in 4 groups and tested on a star-tracing task on 2 occasions under the following conditions: spectators-no-spectators; spectators-spectators; no-spectators-no-spectators; no-spectators—spectators. It was found that the presence or absence of spectators had no noticeable effect on the initial learning phase as contrasted to later stages of performance. When conditions remained the same on both testing occasions, less errors were made. Speed was generally quicker under altered task conditions.  相似文献   

Subjects received positive feedback on a practice anagram task and then performed a similar task in front of either an audience that was aware of their prior success or an audience that was unaware of their prior success. Two control conditions were included in which subjects performed alone after receiving positive feedback or performed alone without feedback. Results indicated subjects' task interest and performance increased under conditions in which they performed in front of unaware audiences. In addition, subjects' task interest and performance levels decreased in the presence of audiences that were aware of their prior success. These results point to an important role of audience awareness in setting performance standards and expectations. These findings are interpreted from a resource-investment analysis of task value and performance. Implications for surveillance in public settings and in the workplace (e.g., automated computer monitoring) are discussed.  相似文献   

The purpose of this investigation was to demonstrate that group decision-making performance is contingent on the effective or ineffective satisfaction of important decisional functions. The investigation involved three related studies. In the first study, an attempt was made to confirm the existence of systematic relationships between the quality of group decisions and the satisfaction of four functional requirements. The results supported the existence of significant positive relationships between group decision-making performance and the satisfaction of these decisional functions. In the second study, an attempt was made to establish the independent main effects of each of those four functions. Using a three-dimensional interaction coding scheme, it was found that variations in group decision quality can be independently accounted for by the quality of interaction in regards to three functions—problem analysis, evaluation of positive qualities, and evaluation of negative qualities. In the third study, an attempt was made to demonstrate that the quality of group decisions can be traced to the effective or ineffective satisfaction of decisional functions. The results provide conclusive evidence (at least at the level of primary reasoning), that the quality of a group's decision is a direct result of the group's ability (or inability) to perform important decisional functions. Taken as a whole, the studies thus offer continued support for the functional perspective.  相似文献   

Group Performance Depends on the Majority Rule   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Some group decisions require a two-thirds or three-quarters majority of the people voting; others require only a simple majority. Does the accuracy of a group's decision making depend on which majority rule is used? A signal detection theory analysis was used to answer this question. Each member of a group was presented with a noisy display of either a signal or a nonsignal, and then each member cast a yes or no vote for the existence of a signal. The group decision was determined by a majority rule of the members' votes. Normative groups and groups of 5 or 7 people exhibited the same behavior: Performance was best when the group used a simple-majority rule and decreased when the group used more stringent rules. The worst performance was produced by a unanimous rule. Some group members adopted more liberal response criteria when the majority rule was made more stringent.  相似文献   

Organizations use groups to improve performance on tasks that require problem solving. Is this belief in the problem solving benefits of groups misplaced given the process-losses often experienced by brainstorming groups? This study of 94 intact autonomous work groups performing multi-part tasks revealed that group creative performance increased multiplicatively (exponentially) with the number of highly creative group members composing the group. However, this occurred only when Team Creativity-Relevant Processes (TCRP) within the group were relatively high. When TCRP were relatively low, group creative performance decreased multiplicatively with the number of highly creative group members within it. When TCRP were about average for the sample, group performance increased only linearly with the number of highly creative members within a group.  相似文献   

This study examined the impact of preference for working in groups on interaction during a brainstorming session. Groups of 4 people were composed based on their individual group preference scores (i.e., high or low preference for working in groups). These groups worked as 4 independent individuals (nominal participants) or as an interactive group of 4. It was hypothesized that convergent tendencies promoted in interactive settings would hinder group brainstorming performance and that high group preference would enhance these convergent tendencies. These predictions were generally supported by the findings.  相似文献   

This article presents the results of an investigation of the relationship of biographical information to the performance of counselors in state rehabilitation (DVR) agencies. The specific purposes of this study were to examine (1) what biographical data items differentiate more successful DVR counselors from less successful DVR counselors, and (2) if factors across biographical items could be found that relate to more successful performance. A series of statistical steps were involved in the analyses including chi-square, reciprocal average weighting technique, factor analysis, and a multiple regression model. No significant relationship to the criterion of supervisor ratings on overall effectiveness was found using either of two weighting procedures, nor were the responses to items composing the factors associated with the criterion variable. Some implications and limitations of the study were discussed.  相似文献   

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