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罪犯改造中的心理学问题,主要研究两个方面,即犯罪主体产生犯罪行为之后的心理活动规律和在改造过程中对罪犯改造产生影响的主要因素。 相似文献
运用现代社会心理学手段教育矫治罪犯 提高改造质量——运用“APD三步法”对罪犯进行再社会化的思考 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
所谓“APD三步法”,就是运用对自身认识(acquaintance—ship)——完善(perfect)——发展(develop)的手段,帮助罪犯培养健康心理,形成正常人格的方法。罪犯这个特殊的人类群体中的各个个体,在社会化过程中出现了不同程度的人格偏离。对他们实施改造的过程,就是进行再社会化的过程。在再社会化过程中,要从基础做起,逐渐内化,即帮助罪犯从新完成认识自我、完善自我、发展自我的过程,从而形成良好的社会人。认真研究、探索对罪犯的再社会化方法,有效促使其形成适应社会与文化的人格,使其自觉遵守社会道德和国家法律,成为摆在监管改造场所面前的重要课题。为此,笔者试图在个体的“认识——完善——发展”方面作以探讨,以期对罪犯的教育矫治短短工作有所补益。 相似文献
该研究采用问卷法{中国罪犯个性分测验量表(COPA—PI)、自评抑郁量表(SDS)},对在押的200名男性犯人的人格和抑郁的关系进行研究,结果发现:1)人格和抑郁之间存在着显著相关关系。2)混合型罪犯在人格因子“同情”上的得分显著低于暴力型罪犯,在“暴力倾向”上的得分显著高于财产型罪犯,在“变态心理”和抑郁上的得分显著高于财产型和暴力型罪犯。3)有前科罪犯的抑郁分数显著高于无前科罪犯。4)“焦虑”、“聪敏”、“波动”、“同情”四个人格因子对罪犯的抑郁情绪有显著预测力。为罪犯矫治工作提供了科学的理论依据和指导。 相似文献
1前言犯罪,从法学角度来说是由国家法律认定的、危害统治阶级利益和社会秩序的、应受刑罚惩处的行为。暴力犯罪是犯罪类型的一种,是具有很大社会危害性的,也是日益受到普遍而强烈反对的犯罪行为。通常,暴力犯罪指对他人人身及其安全实施暴力的各种形式的犯罪。暴力犯罪产生的原因可以从个人主观原因(包括思想特征、心理特征、生理特征)和社会客观因素方面进行研究。本文主要对暴力犯罪分子的人格进行分析、探讨暴力罪犯的人格特质及其在犯罪过程中其人格特质造成的影响,以及未婚犯组与已婚犯组,减刑犯组与未减刑犯组,贩毒犯组与故… 相似文献
吸毒者:病人还是罪犯 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
如何认定吸毒者的社会身份是禁毒工作中亟待解决的问题。概述常见的毒品和吸毒的流行趋势。通过分析吸毒与医学和犯罪的关系,了解吸毒是病态还是犯罪。提出如何正确对待吸毒与戒毒,社会有关人员有责任关怀吸毒品走私案者,消除偏见,给予他们应有的帮助和治疗。 相似文献
青年罪犯的人格特征研究 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
采用“卡特尔十六种人格因素测验”问卷,分析比较了青年罪犯与青年学生的人格特质、次元人格因素、应用人格因素。结果表明:青年罪犯与青年学生在8种人格特质(C、F、G、H、L、Q1、Q2、q)、1种次元人格因素(X2)、1种应用人格因素(Y4)上存在显著差异,提示青年罪犯确有异于同龄人的人格特征,这对青年犯罪的预防与矫治具有重要意义。 相似文献
MMPI测试1066例罪犯的分析报告 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
1990年11月至1991年4月,笔者采用MMPI对某两个农场的男性罪犯1066例进行测试.他们入狱后从事农业、果业、工业生产劳动。但他们享有节假日休息、有病给予治疗。并安排有政治、文化、技术学习及文体娱乐活动。一、方法与被试(一)、测试方法:本文按照中国科学院心理研究所MMPI 全国协作组1987年修订的题册及要求步骤进行。群体测试。自看题册答卷。每组8—15人。使用统一的指导语,并说明本测验为科研项目,其结果我们负责保密,与劳改部门无关。卷面上的姓名、性别等项允许 相似文献
本文从做法和效果两方面总结了黑龙江省的罪犯心理矫正工作的实践.从中得出,监狱仅仅改造罪犯思想是不够的,其它心理障碍也能导致犯罪,也应该矫正;仅仅以政治思想教育方法改造罪犯思想是不够的,还要铺以心理矫正方法;仅仅应用心理学技术于教育罪犯是不够的,要在狱政管理各环节中全面应用。在此基础上,本文还提出了罪犯心理矫正工作制度的设想,以便适应罪犯成分与心理日趋复杂的情况. 相似文献
本理论模型的建构思路,以文献分析前人关于时间洞察力研究为基础,并于此进行罪犯开放式问卷调查,得出罪犯过去时间洞察力的维度结构共包括三个维度十二个因素。并将结果进行对比分析,可以看出两者基本吻合。不一致之处主要表现在前者在过去时间认知维度上,比后者多出两个因素,即曲解过去和第一次认知;而后者在过去行动上比前者多出一个因素,即行动守时性。 相似文献
通过团体施测抽样测查了从初一到大四的被试共1635余人,在进行两次项目分析和探索性因素分析的基础上,正式问卷由认知,情感,行为,意志四个分问卷组成,各分问卷各由四个维度构成,最后《青少年良心评估问卷》由70个项目构成,总问卷的内部一致性系数为0.924,分半系数为0.853,验证性分析表明各分问卷的结构拟合度较好,结果表明良心评估问卷可作为一种评估工具进行使用。 相似文献
Cathleen C. Piazza Wayne W. Fisher Louis P. Hagopian Lynn G. Bowman Lisa Toole 《Journal of applied behavior analysis》1996,29(1):1-9
A choice assessment has been found to be a more accurate method of identifying preferences than is single-item presentation. However, it is not clear whether the effectiveness of reinforcement varies positively with the degree of preference (i.e., whether the relative preference based on the results of a choice assessment predicts relative reinforcer effectiveness). In the current study, we attempted to address this question by categorizing stimuli as high, middle, and low preference based on the results of a choice assessment, and then comparing the reinforcing effectiveness of these stimuli using a concurrent operants paradigm. High-preference stimuli consistently functioned as reinforcers for all 4 clients. Middle-preference stimuli functioned as reinforcers for 2 clients, but only when compared with low-preference stimuli. Low-preference stimuli did not function as reinforcers when compared to high- and middle-preference stimuli. These results suggest that a choice assessment can be used to predict the relative reinforcing value of various stimuli, which, in turn, may help to improve programs for clients with severe to profound disabilities. 相似文献
Research has consistently identified poor interrater agreement among multiple assessments of managerial performance. Three alternative sources of dissensus in the effectiveness ratings were examined: rating errors, selective perceptions, and variations in criteria type or weight. As the available empirical evidence and theoretical analysis show, all three causes provide plausible reasons—though in varying degrees—for the low agreement coefficient. However, an empirical study designed to test three specific hypotheses on criterion type and criterion weights found consensus in the effectiveness models of superiors, subordinates, and peers. Consensus among different raters was high on both the role behaviors and on the personal traits of the managers as criteria for effectiveness. While these findings supported Biddle's role theory (1979), disagreement on the relative weights of these criteria was evident. These observations underscore the need for further conceptualization on the preference functions of raters as a primary source of the low convergent validity coefficients among multiple raters. Further research is also desirable on contextual and cognitive factors that may lead to shifts in criterion type and criterion weight, as well as on actual rating error tendencies among different raters. 相似文献
评价中心的构想效度和结构模型 总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17
采用多质多法和验证性因素分析的方法,对以无领导小组讨论、文件筐和人格测验构成的一个评价中心的构想效度和结构模型进行了研究。通过对136名被试在四个测评维度上的施测,其结果表明,在评价中心中会聚效度低于区分效度,影响评价中心测评结果的主要因素是测评方法而不是测评维度,从而得到了一个以测评方法为潜变量的评价中心结构模型。从该结构模型来看,评价中心之所以起作用是由于其多个测评方法(情景)的结果。表明测评情景对于构建评价中心有着至关重要的作用。 相似文献
自闭症儿童行为评定与社会认知发展的研究 总被引:17,自引:1,他引:17
本研究用自闭症儿童发展评定量表,自闭症儿童基本社会认知问卷以及“ToM”实验,对49名自闭症儿童及30名弱智儿童进行了行为评定与社会认知的研究。研究结果为目前国内自闭症的诊断和治疗提供了新的有效工具及进一步明确化的理论依据,并为其教育训练提供了标准的新的启示。 相似文献
Lee W. Frederiksen John E. Martin Jeffrey S. Webster 《Journal of applied behavior analysis》1979,12(4):653-664
The nature of smoking risk is first reviewed and a classification of procedures for assessing smoking behavior is presented. Areas requiring assessment include not only the traditionally measured smoking rate, but also the substance used and topography of consumption. Each of these areas may be assessed through a variety of self-report, observational, or indirect techniques. These techniques as well as some of their advantages and disadvantages are presented. Recently published (1975 to mid-1978) data-based smoking research appearing in four journals (Addictive Behaviors, Behavior Therapy, Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, and Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology) is then reviewed with respect to measurement reliability and the use of multiple measures. Results show a strong tendency to assess only the risk area of smoking rate and a low frequency of appropriate measurement reliability checks, especially during baseline and treatment phases. Some of the implications of these results are discussed. 相似文献
《青少年心理健康素质调查表》适应分量表的编制 总被引:11,自引:2,他引:11
在文献分析和专家咨询的基础上,构建了青少年适应的基本结构,并编制了青少年适应量表。结果发现:青少年适应包括生理适应、情绪适应、人际适应、学习适应、社会适应和生活适应等6种成分,探索性因素分析表明,该6因素共同解释着青少年适应。所编制量表具有较高的信度和效度,可以作为青少年心理适应性的测量工具。 相似文献
Robert P. Hawkins 《Journal of applied behavior analysis》1979,12(4):501-516
An attempt is made to identify the many different functions that assessment of an individual's repertoire can serve. Implications of these functions for the character of and evidence about assessment devices are suggested. The functions fall into two general groups, those which influence decisions regarding an individual learner, and those which influence policy, program development, and scientific knowledge. The first group of functions is presented in a rough chronological sequence such that they form a “behavioral assessment funnel,” beginning with functions involving broad-band assessment to identify likely persons and skill areas, and narrowing to the precise pinpointing, monitoring, and follow-up functions. The contribution of behavior analysis and behavior therapy to assessment methodology in this sequence is identified as well as the areas where more traditionally conceived methods are still useful. The second group of functions and behavioral contributions to it are then discussed. 相似文献