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The authors investigate Freud's concepts of transference, transference neurosis and their mutual relationship. They discuss the current criticism made on the concept of transference neurosis and raise the question, why patients accept the analyst's interpretations? They suggest understanding transference neurosis as conscious manifestations of transference referring to the analyst which are the outcome of successive interpretations of the type "just-like" followed, changed, and removed again by "just-like-it-was"-interpretations. They conclude that the patient does accept these interpretations not for reasons that are rational, but for reasons pertaining the transference situation.  相似文献   

Most psychotherapists and researchers agree that a good relationship essentially contributes to therapeutic change. The psychoanalytic concepts transference and countertransference which describe fundamental aspects of the psychotherapeutic relationship have now become integrated into behavior therapy. These concepts, however, are used differently in psychoanalysis as well as in behavior therapy. This makes the communication between psychotherapists coming from different orientations difficult. Therefore, a research approach which describes the important verbal and nonverbal elements of a helpful therapeutic interaction independently from therapeutic orientation could help to evaluate their effectiveness in different psychotherapeutic methods. In this way a culture of integration into psychotherapy could be encouraged.  相似文献   

Because we humans have a multitude of relationships, which first allow us to live, dreams as a natural phenomenon can express this basic feature of humans but they can also be understood specially for various relationships: they depict multiple relationships in which we are involved, illuminate relationships, give another new component to conscious knowledge and in this way alter relationships. We tell each other about dreams and exchange them amongst ourselves in a special narrative sphere.When working with dreams in the therapeutic process, the messages of dreams on the analytical relationship are important information and experiences from an unaccustomed perspective. That both the analysand and the analyst share an understanding of the dreams, is shown in particular by the initial dream. It can conclusively be shown in dream series how relationship conflicts change through the work with dreams.  相似文献   


The article presents a modern concept of transference and countertransference in the context of psychodynamic psychotherapy. The concept of transference is contrasted with the therapeutic relationship and the work relationship. The main part of the article discusses the concept of countertransference with the typical countertransference complications and considerations about countertransference and interpretation technique. The advantages of a countertransference-focused interpretation technique, especially in the case of seriously disturbed patients, are described in detail.  相似文献   

Attempts were made early on to associate certain human characteristics with dreams. The psychoanalytical notion of structure encompasses a fully differentiated construct, which in particular is characterized by basic mental capabilities. The structural level of a person derived from this reflects their ability for communicative exchange and dealing with themselves as well as with social partners.Within the framework of the project “Affectivity, relationship and mental disorder” operationalized psychodynamic diagnostic (OPD) interviews were carried out, from which the reports of dreams were evaluated for this investigation using the dream generation model of Moser and von Zeppelin. The aim was to investigate associations between features of dreams and the structural level. A total of four different indicators of structure were investigated, e.g. number of personality disorders, OPD-2 structural level, inventory of personality organization (IPO) and the defence maturity quotient, with reference to the association with dream characteristics according to Moser and von Zeppelin.In this investigation only a few associations between dream characteristics and structural level could be identified. The clearest was the association between the degree of maturity of defence and the dream characteristics. Dreams from persons with a more mature defence appeared more complex and livelier. Dreams from persons with a good structural integration according to OPD-2 are also characterized by more “animation” than dreams from less structured persons. The dreams from persons with a moderate structural level do not show any significant differences to those with low structural integration.The results are first and foremost critically discussed with reference to the methods.  相似文献   

The author investigates the question how treatment techniques can be used to deal with massive negative transfer. The basic principle that being open and processing the negative transfer by interpretation is very valuable for the analytical process seems to be valid for most treaments in unlimited form but not for all. This approach is particularly questioned when the patient massively devalues the analyst and loses all respect for him. In such constellations the analysis can lead to a dead end. In this article a case study of the author is discussed in which a severely disturbed narcissistic patient reacted with a high level of destructivity in the transfer. This ultimately led to the situation where the analyst became a type of whipping boy for the patient who verbally deployed aggressive actions against him. A therapeutic implementation of this dynamic force by interpretation proved to be no longer practicable so that the analyst decided to first demarcate limits on the destructive reactions of the patient during the transfer by an intervention. In this way a minimum level of respect for the analyst could be restored. Only on this basis could interpretations unfold an effect during the further course and resulted in a positive turning point in the treatment process. In the theoretical discussion the author refers in particular to the approaches of Kernberg, Ogden and Racker as well as to the term projective identification. He arrives at the consideration that the danger of a derailment of the analytical process threatens especially when projective identification unconsciously less serves communication but more the attempt to dispose of worse effects. The author finally comes to the opinion that beside especially justified interest for the negative transfer it should not be overlooked that positive transfer which includes the respect towards the analyst represents the decisive foundation for analytical treatment. To safeguard this, in some situations demarcation can be particularly useful.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung. Freud hat die Handhabung der übertragung als das schwierigste wie das wichtigste Stück der analytischen Technik bezeichnet. Mit Handhabung meinte er nicht den Umgang mit der übertragung im allgemeinen einschlie?lich der übertragungsdeutungen, sondern etwas Spezifischeres und Zupackendes, das sp?ter den Ruch des Nicht-Analytischen bekam. Der Autor zeigt den wichtigen Stellenwert des Terminus bei Freud und untersucht seine Entwicklung von der Ichpsychologie über Ferenczi und A. Balint bis hin zu Gill und Thom?. Er konstatiert eine erhebliche Bedeutungsverschiebung und -erweiterung. W?hrend Freud damit das energische Eingreifen des Analytikers an dramatischen Wendepunkten der Analyse gemeint hatte, schl?gt der Autor vor, die Handhabung der übertragung heute als eine ubiquit?re Dimension des analytischen Arbeitens zu betrachten. Sie bezieht sich auf den Handlungsaspekt des analytischen Tuns und nicht auf das Deuten im engeren Sinn. Damit wird der Beitrag des Analytikers zur Interaktion thematisiert. Wenn wir diesen Beitrag, d.h. alle Aspekte des Analytikerverhaltens, als Handhabung der übertragung qualifizieren, so erschlie?en wir sie als Elemente des intersubjektiven Geschehens und der übertragungsbeziehung und machen sie der Deutungsarbeit zug?nglich. Die Handhabung der übertragung ist der genuin Freud’sche Ausdruck für das, was Balint und Loch die psychoanalytische Beziehungskunst genannt haben – komplement?r zur Deutungskunst.
The handling of transference
Summary. In Freuds opinion the handling of transference is the most difficult and important part of psychoanalytic technique. By handling he did not mean dealing with transference and transference-interpretations in general but something more specific and grasping, that has been regarded as non-analytic later on. The author shows, how important the term was to Freud, and explores its development from ego psychology, Ferenczi and A. Balint to Gill and Thom?. He finds a lot of changes and conceptual clarification. Whereas Freud used the term for the vigorous interventions of the analyst at dramatic turning points of analysis, the author suggests to consider the handling of transference as a ubiquitous dimension of analytic work. It refers to the aspect of action in analysis, not to interpretation, and therefore means the contribution of the analyst to interaction. In qualifying this contribution, that is all aspects of the analysts be- haviour as a handling of transference, we make them accessible as elements of the intersubjective process and the transference relationship, and with that we become able to analyse them. The handling of transference is the genuine Freudian term for what Balint and Loch called the art of relating (Beziehungskunst) – complementary to the art of interpretation (Deutungskunst).

Ohne Zusammenfassung Dissertation der Naturwissenschaftlichen Fakult?t der Universit?t Frankfurt a. M.  相似文献   

Ohne Zusammenfassung Mit 1 Textabbildung.  相似文献   

Although a considerable number of studies have addressed the question whether cancer patients’ coping with the disease is a predictor of survival, this issue is still controversely discussed. In the present paper, the previous research on the relationship between coping and survival is reviewed. Whereas some evidence has been produced that active coping is linked with longer survival, results regarding the significance of denial proved inconclusive. However, some researchers demonstrated that emotional distress was predictive of shorter survival, while still others found that the expression of distress predicted a better outcome. Thus, the available data are inconclusive. Moreover, most studies suffered from methodological limitations such as retrospective design, multiple testings, small sample size, heterogeneous sample constitution, unproven assessment instruments, inadequate control for biological prognostic factors, and inadequate statistical analysis. The results of a hypotheses-guided, prospective study with 103 lung cancer patients are presented. Patients were assessed before primary treatment began (inception cohort), using both self-reports and interviewer ratings. After a follow-up of 7 to 8 years, the interviewer rating of active coping predicted a longer survival, and both self and interviewer ratings of depressive coping were predictive of a shorter survival, when entered as continuous variables into a Cox regression model adjusting for biomedical risk factors such as tumor stage, histological classification and Karnofsky performance status. Among the possible mechanisms explaining this relationship are the reactions of the patients to the physical burden of cancer that might be better reflected in subjective measures such as the well-being and quality of life ratings compared with the cruder biomedical classifications, as well as psychoneuroimmunological pathways which, however, to a substantial part remain hypothetical by now, and the compliance with treatment. Further research must engage in experimental studies to clarify the causal relation between coping and survival among patients with cancer.  相似文献   

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