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The age, sex, and distinctiveness of faces can be judged from objective and partially independent facial features. In contrast, the physical basis of other social judgements, such as attractiveness, intelligence, and trustworthiness is not as yet entirely understood, despite the consistency of these judgements from faces. The present set of experiments investigated the perception of social characteristics in faces, using an adaptation of the von Restorff/isolation paradigm to determine which social characteristics are spontaneously encoded from the face. The isolation effect involves enhanced memory for perceptually salient items in a list (items that are isolated in the sense that they are in numeric minority) and our results suggested that its locus is at the encoding stage of the recognition memory experiment. Isolation in the present experiments was achieved by manipulating the number of faces included in the sets on the basis of certain characteristics. Because the manipulation of the characteristics of faces in a set to be learnt was not mentioned in most of the experiments, any resulting memory increment for the isolated items could be taken as an index of spontaneous processing of the manipulated social characteristic. Age and sex were found to be spontaneously encoded from faces. Results for other characteristics were mixed, ranging from distinctiveness and attractiveness, for which there was some indication of spontaneous processing, to intelligence and trustworthiness, which did not seem to be spontaneously encoded from faces. For intelligence, an isolation effect was found only when the experiment required a judgement that led to activation of the appropriate stereotype.  相似文献   

The long, rambling warble song of male budgerigars is composed of a large number of acoustically complex elements uttered in streams lasting minutes a time and accompanied by various courtship behaviors. Warble song has no obvious sequential structure or patterned repetition of elements, raising questions as to which aspects of it are perceptually salient, whether budgerigars can detect changes in natural warble streams, and to what extent these capabilities are species-specific. Using operant conditioning and a psychophysical paradigm, we examined the sensitivity of budgerigars, canaries, and zebra finches to changes in long (>6?min) natural warble sequences of a male budgerigar. All three species could detect a single insertion of pure tones, zebra finch song syllables, budgerigar contact calls, or warble elements from another budgerigar’s warble. In each case, budgerigars were more sensitive to these changes than were canaries or finches. When warble elements from the ongoing warble stream were used as targets and inserted, out of order, into the natural warble stream so that the only cue available was the violation of the natural ordering of warble elements, only budgerigars performed above chance. When the experiment was repeated with all the ongoing warble stream elements presented in random order, the performance of budgerigars fell to chance. These results show species-specific advantages in budgerigars for detecting acoustic changes in natural warble sequences and indicate at least a limited sensitivity to sequential rules governing the structure of their species-specific warble songs.  相似文献   

Humans are better able to discriminate among human faces than faces of other species. This difference in perceptual discrimination is known as the “other-species effect”. Models of perception have posited that the ultimate functional significance of the other-species effect is a higher discrimination capability within an organism's most familiar and salient stimulus set while attenuating the ability to discriminate amongst unfamiliar stimuli. Here, human participants made masculinity judgements of human and macaque faces manipulated based on either human or macaque sexual dimorphism. Humans were more accurate at identifying masculine/feminine faces in species-congruent than species-incongruent transforms in both human and macaque faces. We observed an other-species effect whereby accuracy (correctly judging masculinized faces as more masculine) was highest for own-species faces. We also found that both men and women were better at judging the sex-typicality of male faces than female faces, regardless of the species of the face or the species of the manipulation. Our findings demonstrate an other-species effect for the perception of sex-typicality among human raters.  相似文献   

A series of experiments examined short-term recognition memory for trios of briefly presented, synthetic human faces derived from three real human faces. The stimuli were a graded series of faces, which differed by varying known amounts from the face of the average female. Faces based on each of the three real faces were transformed so as to lie along orthogonal axes in a 3-D face space. Experiment 1 showed that the synthetic faces' perceptual similarity structure strongly influenced recognition memory. Results were fit by a noisy exemplar model (NEMO) of perceptual recognition memory. The fits revealed thatrecognition memory was influenced both by the similarity of the probe to the series items and by the similarities among the series items themselves. Nonmetric multidimensional scaling (MDS) showed that the faces' perceptual representations largely preserved the 3-D space in which the face stimuli were arrayed. NEMO gave a better account of the results when similarity was defined as perceptual MDS similarity, rather than as the physical proximity of one face to another. Experiment 2 confirmed the importance of within-list homogeneity directly, without mediation of a model. We discuss the affinities and differences between visual memory for synthetic faces and memory for simpler stimuli.  相似文献   

Several different explanations have been proposed to account for the search asymmetry (SA) for angry schematic faces (i.e., the fact that an angry face target among friendly faces can be found faster than vice versa). The present study critically tested the perceptual grouping account, (a) that the SA is not due to emotional factors, but to perceptual differences that render angry faces more salient than friendly faces, and (b) that the SA is mainly attributable to differences in distractor grouping, with angry faces being more difficult to group than friendly faces. In visual search for angry and friendly faces, the number of distractors visible during each fixation was systematically manipulated using the gaze-contingent window technique. The results showed that the SA emerged only when multiple distractors were visible during a fixation, supporting the grouping account. To distinguish between emotional and perceptual factors in the SA, we altered the perceptual properties of the faces (dented-chin face) so that the friendly face became more salient. In line with the perceptual account, the SA was reversed for these faces, showing faster search for a friendly face target. These results indicate that the SA reflects feature-level perceptual grouping, not emotional valence.  相似文献   

The ability to rapidly detect facial expressions of anger and threat over other salient expressions has adaptive value across the lifespan. Although studies have demonstrated this threat superiority effect in adults, surprisingly little research has examined the development of this process over the childhood period. In this study, we examined the efficiency of children's facial processing in visual search tasks. In Experiment 1, children (N=49) aged 8 to 11 years were faster and more accurate in detecting angry target faces embedded in neutral backgrounds than vice versa, and they were slower in detecting the absence of a discrepant face among angry than among neutral faces. This search pattern was unaffected by an increase in matrix size. Faster detection of angry than neutral deviants may reflect that angry faces stand out more among neutral faces than vice versa, or that detection of neutral faces is slowed by the presence of surrounding angry distracters. When keeping the background constant in Experiment 2, children (N=35) aged 8 to 11 years were faster and more accurate in detecting angry than sad or happy target faces among neutral background faces. Moreover, children with higher levels of anxiety were quicker to find both angry and sad faces whereas low anxious children showed an advantage for angry faces only. Results suggest a threat superiority effect in processing facial expressions in young children as in adults and that increased sensitivity for negative faces may be characteristic of children with anxiety problems.  相似文献   

We examined context-free familiarity information as a source of the effects of face typicality upon face recognition. Experiment 1 tested memory for typical and unusual faces by (1) subjects who received an input list followed immediately by a recognition test (standard condition), (2) subjects who viewed all test faces (targets and lures) prior to the input list (prefamiliarization condition), and (3) subjects who viewed all test faces after the input list but prior to recognition (postfamiliarization condition). Although false-alarm errors in the standard condition were lower for unusual than for typical faces, this effect was reduced by postfamiliarization and was eliminated entirely by prefamiliarization. The prefamiliarization and typicality effects were replicated in Experiment 2, which showed that patterns of old judgments were compatible with the hypothesis that, although familiarity of new faces is greater if these faces are typical, the increment in familiarity that results from presentation is greater if these faces are unusual.  相似文献   

This study investigates the rules by which the component features of faces are combined when presented in the left or the right visual field, and it examines the validity of the analytic-holistic processing dichotomy, using concepts elaborated by Garner (1978, 1981) to specify stimulus properties and models of similarity relations as performance criteria. Latency measures of dissimilarity, obtained for the two visual fields, among a set of eight faces varying on three dimensions of two levels each, were fitted to the dominance metric model, the feature-matching model, the city-block distance metric model, and the Euclidean distance metric model. In addition to a right-visual-field superiority in different responses, a maximum likelihood estimation procedure showed that, for each subject and each visual field, the Euclidean model provided the best fit of the data, suggesting that the faces were compared in terms of their overall similarity. Moreover, the spatial representations of the results revealed interactions among the component facial features in the processing of faces. Taken together, these two findings indicate that faces initially projected to the right or to the left hemisphere were not processed analytically but in terms of their gestalt.  相似文献   

We investigated the combined effects of perceptual grouping cues (proximity and contour closure/proximity and orientation similarity) on object representation, using motion-induced blindness, a phenomenon in which salient visual stimuli perceptually disappear when surrounded by moving patterns. We presented as visual targets two stimuli in which a solid square was embedded in an outlined square. Participants reported whether the targets disappeared independently or simultaneously. The results showed that a relatively high proximity cue (with a 0.2-deg separation between the targets) modulated the perceptions of the independent or simultaneous disappearances of targets, regardless of other grouping cues. The contour closure cue modulated these disappearances in the 0.4- to 0.8-deg separations. Finally, the orientation similarity cue began to modulate these disappearances in the 0.6- to 0.8-deg separations. We suggest that the separation between the visual stimuli modulates the combined effects of perceptual grouping cues on complete object representation.  相似文献   

N D Haig 《Perception》1985,14(5):601-615
It can be argued that the process of recognizing faces progresses in two stages: first, the realisation that a perceived image contains patterns that may most reasonably be interpreted as forming a discrete face; second, correct and positive identification by noting the particular features that differentiate one face from all others. A novel technique which explored the latter process in the particular case of four different (male) faces is described. The experiment took the form of a four-alternatives forced-choice presentation of faces behind masks which contained a number of randomly positioned apertures. The percentage of correct responses for each separate aperture was then computed after a large number of 1 s presentations to four observers. This novel form of experiment suggested an equally novel form of pictorial data presentation that, literally, highlights the salient features of each individual face and thereby allows detailed intercomparison merely by inspection. Summing over all targets and observers reveals a strong preference for eyes and eyebrows, followed closely by the hairline above the temples. Next in order of preference comes the mouth and upper-lip area, followed by the lateral hairline beside each temple. Individual differences are strong, however, and the variations are such as to suggest that the uncritical application of generalised feature saliency lists is neither useful nor appropriate.  相似文献   

Following a suggestion by Shepard and Chipman (1970), photographs and names of 15 well-known faces were used as stimuli in judgments of similarity. Ss ranked all pairs of stimuli in terms of facial similarity either from memory when presented with pairs of names, or from photographs. There was a highly significant positive correlation between these two types of judgment. A simple classificatory analysis of the 15 faces in terms of the physical features provided evidence that judgments based on the internal representation of the faces utilized pictorial information. These results extend the generality of Shepard and Chipman’s findings and confirm the usefulness of an approach to the problem of mental images based on the concept of second-order isomorphism.  相似文献   

Young and older adults searched for a unique face in a set of three schematic faces and identified a secondary feature of the target. The faces could be negative, positive, or neutral. Young adults were slower and less accurate in searching for a negative face among neutral faces when they had previewed a display of negative faces than when they had previewed neutral faces, indicating an emotional distractor previewing effect (DPE), but this effect was eliminated with inverted faces. The DPE is an index of inter-trial inhibition to keep attention away from previewed, non-target information. Older adults also showed such an emotional DPE, but it was present with both upright and inverted faces. These results show that, in general, both young and old participants are sensitive to trial history, yet the different patterns of results suggest that these two groups remember and use different types of perceptual information when searching through emotional faces.  相似文献   

G Rhodes 《Perception》1988,17(1):43-63
The encoding and relative importance of first-order (discrete) and second-order (configural) features in mental representations of unfamiliar faces have been investigated. Nonmetric multidimensional scaling (KYST) was carried out on similarity judgments of forty-one photographs of faces (homogeneous with respect to sex, race, facial expression, and, to a lesser extent, age). A large set of ratings, measurements, and ratios of measurements of the faces was regressed against the three-dimensional KYST solution in order to determine the first-order and second-order features used to judge similarity. Parameters characterizing both first-order and second-order features emerged as important determinants of facial similarity. First-order feature parameters characterizing the appearance of the eyes, eyebrows, and mouth, and second-order feature parameters characterizing the position of the eyes, spatial relations between the internal features, and chin shape correlated with the dimensions of the KYST solution. There was little difference in the extent to which first-order and second-order features were encoded. Two higher-level parameters, age and weight, were also used to judge similarity. The implications of these results for mental representations of faces are discussed.  相似文献   

Despite the fact that faces are typically seen in the context of dynamic events, there is little research on infants' perception of moving faces. L. E. Bahrick, L. J. Gogate, and I. Ruiz (2002) demonstrated that 5-month-old infants discriminate and remember repetitive actions but not the faces of the women performing the actions. The present research tested an attentional salience explanation for these findings: that dynamic faces are discriminable to infants, but more salient actions compete for attention. Results demonstrated that 5-month-old infants discriminated faces in the context of actions when they had longer familiarization time (Experiment 1) and following habituation to a single person performing 3 different activities (Experiment 2). Further, 7-month-old infants who have had more experience with social events also discriminated faces in the context of actions. Overall, however, discrimination of actions was more robust and occurred earlier in processing time than discrimination of dynamic faces. These findings support an attentional salience hypothesis and indicate that faces are not special in the context of actions in early infancy.  相似文献   

Operant conditioning and multidimensional scaling procedures were used to study auditory perception of complex sounds in the budgerigar. In a same-different discrimination task, budgerigars learned to discriminate among natural vocal signals. Multidimensional scaling procedures were used to arrange these complex acoustic stimuli in a two-dimensional space reflecting perceptual organization. Results show that budgerigars group vocal stimuli according to functional and acoustical categories. Studies with only contact calls show that birds also make within-category discriminations. The acoustic cues in contact calls most salient to budgerigars appear to be quite complex. There is a suggestion that the sex of the signaler may also be encoded in these calls. The results from budgerigars were compared with the results from humans tested on some of the same sets of complex sounds.  相似文献   

Budgerigars (Melopsittacus undulatus), canaries (Serinus canaria), and zebra finches (Poephila guttata castanotis) were tested for their ability to discriminate among distance calls of each species. For comparison, starlings (Sturnus vulgaris) were tested on the same sounds. Response latencies to detect a change in a repeating background of sound were taken as a measure of the perceptual similarity among calls. All 4 species showed clear evidence of 3 perceptual categories corresponding to the calls of the 3 species. Also, budgerigars, canaries, and zebra finches showed an enhanced ability to discriminate among calls of their own species over the calls of the others. Starlings discriminated more efficiently among canary calls than among budgerigar or zebra finch calls. The results show species differences in discrimination of species-specific acoustic communication signals and provide insight into the nature of specialized perceptual processes.  相似文献   

Conjunction faces are formed from feature sets learned across different faces. In previous studies, false alarms (“old” responses) to conjunctions have been very high, approaching hits to old faces; this is surprising, because, perceptually, upright faces are processed configurally, with strong integration of parts into the whole. We test the idea that the atypical reliance on unrelated parts could be due to using unnatural line drawings as stimuli, and to forming conjunctions across external features (e.g., hair) and internal features (e.g., eyes, mouth). We used realistic face stimuli and conjunctions made entirely from internal features. Results were, as expected, consistent with configural processing for upright faces (hits to old faces much greater than FA to conjunctions) and not for inverted faces (hits to old = FA to conjunctions).  相似文献   

It is a widespread assumption that all primate species process faces in the same way because the species are closely related and they engage in similar social interactions. However, this approach ignores potentially interesting and informative differences that may exist between species. This paper describes a comparative study of holistic face processing. Twelve subjects (six chimpanzees Pan troglodytes and six rhesus monkeys Macaca mulatta) were trained to discriminate whole faces (faces with features in their canonical position) and feature-scrambled faces in two separate conditions. We found that both species tended to match the global configuration of features over local features, providing strong evidence of global precedence. In addition, we show that both species were better able to generalize from a learned configuration to an entirely novel configuration when they were first trained to match feature-scrambled faces compared to when they were trained with whole faces. This result implies that the subjects were able to access local information easier when facial features were presented in a scrambled configuration and is consistent with a holistic processing hypothesis. Interestingly, these data also suggest that, while holistic processing in chimpanzees is tuned to own-species faces, monkeys have a more general approach towards all faces. Thus, while these data confirm that both chimpanzees and rhesus monkeys process faces holistically, they also indicate that there are differences between the species that warrant further investigation.  相似文献   

Emotional facial expressions are important social cues that convey salient affective information. Infants, younger children, and adults all appear to orient spatial attention to emotional faces with a particularly strong bias to fearful faces. Yet in young children it is unclear whether or not both happy and fearful faces extract attention. Given that the processing of emotional faces is believed by some to serve an evolutionarily adaptive purpose, attentional biases to both fearful and happy expressions would be expected in younger children. However, the extent to which this ability is present in young children and whether or not this ability is genetically mediated is untested. Therefore, the aims of the current study were to assess the spatial-attentional properties of emotional faces in young children, with a preliminary test of whether this effect was influenced by genetics. Five-year-old twin pairs performed a dot-probe task. The results suggest that children preferentially direct spatial attention to emotional faces, particularly right visual field faces. The results provide support for the notion that the direction of spatial attention to emotional faces serves an evolutionarily adaptive function and may be mediated by genetic mechanisms.  相似文献   

Reaction time measures of feature saliency in schematic faces   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Two separate paradigms utilizing measurements of reaction time were employed to study facial feature saliency in schematic line drawn faces. In the first paradigm the speed of response to the omission of different facial components was measured, and in the second, the speed of response to feature substitution was measured. In both paradigms the facial features were presented in a random temporal sequence in order to minimise preferential scanning strategies. The two separate paradigms reflected the feature hierarchy most commonly found in the literature, ie the outline and eyes are more salient than the nose and mouth in terms of both speed of processing and error rate. In a third study the feature substitution paradigm was used to investigate the effects of feature saliency on the perception of emotional faces. The results suggest a change in the eyes/mouth hierarchy so that the mouth becomes the most salient feature in the surprised, happy, and sad target faces. This reverse in hierarchy, however, was not evident with the angry target face. These results are discussed in terms of changes in the focus of 'attention' and/or changes in 'processing efficiency'.  相似文献   

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