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主内敬爱的(按姓氏笔划排列)王怀仁、王菊珍、王绳彩、孔约翰、石泽生、刘年芬、许长泰、吕志彬、华长吉、沈德溶、李明、吴爱恩、陈泽民、杨周怀、余耀昆、张忠信、郑玉桂、范秀远、祝发清、高建国、高重生、凌际云、徐如雷、梁保罗、韩彼得、赫连召选同工:  相似文献   

【本刊讯】(记者敏俊卿)2011年12月30日,国家宗教局在京召开了2011年度朝觐工作总结通报会。中央统战部、中央外宣办、中央新疆工作协调小组办公室、最高人民法院、最高检察院、外交部、国家民委、公安部、安全部、财政部、卫生部、海关总署、工商总局、质检总局、旅游局、民航局、外汇管理局等中央和国家机关有关部门以及中国银行总行、中国国际航空公司、南方航空公司、东方航空公司和中国伊协等单位有关负责同志近60人出席会议。国  相似文献   

斋醮科仪与神仙信仰   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
道教斋醮活动内容殊广,主要有设坛、上供、焚香、升坛、画符、念咒、鸣鼓、发炉、降神、迎驾、表章、诵经、赞颂、宣词、步虚等等,并配以烛灯、禹步、唱礼和音乐等。通过各种仪式,祭告神灵,祈求消灾赐福、超度亡灵以及歌颂太上圣者的哲理——清静无为、和平自然的神仙意境。斋醮不仅是道士们的修持炼养方法,而且是用来团结信众、阐道布教和宣传义教的主要手段。  相似文献   

本刊讯11月17日上午,贵阳东山栖霞寺佛像开光暨黔明寺妙果法师升座庆典在贵阳隆重举行。贵州省、贵阳市党政有关领导王思齐、刘晓凯、唐世礼、班程农、王茂爱、张和平、陈石、刘文新、帅文、龙永平、朱桂云、夏钢、李华以及贵阳市南明区、云岩区四大班子主要领导;中国佛教协会副会长正慈法师、副秘书长宗家顺、普法法师,宁夏自治区佛教协会会长耀正法师,四川省佛教协会副会长意寂法师、智海法师,重庆市佛教协会副会长兼秘书长智丰法师、副会长身振法师、道坚法师,福建厦门市佛教协会副会长兼秘书长净心法师,云南省鸡足山佛教协会副  相似文献   

中共中央、国务院于2月7日上午在人民大会堂举行了春节团拜会。党和国家领导人胡锦涛、吴邦国、温家宝、贾庆林、曾庆红、黄菊、吴官正、李长春、罗干等同首都各族各界人士4000多人欢聚一堂,共庆新春佳节。中国天主教爱国会副主席刘柏年教友、中国天主教爱国会副主席兼主教团秘书长马英林神父、中国天  相似文献   

2009年7月6日,宁夏世界穆斯林城在永宁县正式奠基开工,宁夏回族自治区领导王正伟、崔波、杨春光、马秀芬、李堂堂、李锐、袁汉民与科威特、阿曼苏丹国、巴林王国、土耳其共和国等国驻华大使、国际友人共同参加了奠基仪式。  相似文献   

2006年7月19日至8月6日,天主教安徽教区新牧刘新红主教为了更好地开展教区的各项工作,对全省各教区进行了牧灵巡视。这次巡视由张德信神父、沈宗贺神父、王成芳修女等陪同,主教巡视团一行沿途经六安、阜阳、太和、颖上、宿州、砀山、汪阁、淮北、淮溪、临涣、灵壁、泗县、五河、合肥、黄山、宣城、水东、繁昌、马鞍山、和县、巢湖共21个堂区进行了牧灵、堂区事务等方面的巡视。这之前先后对芜湖、安庆、蚌埠等堂区也进行了巡视。这是刘主教自5月3日晋牧以来的首次对全省各堂区的牧灵巡视。所属堂区的神父、修女及堂区负责人对主教的这次巡视…  相似文献   

2015年11月1日,第三届科学无神论论坛在北京召开。论坛的主题是"‘四个全面'战略布局与科学无神论"。此次论坛由中国社会科学院马克思主义理论学科建设与理论研究工作领导小组主办,中国社科院科学与无神论研究中心、中国无神论学会联合承办。来自中国社科院、教育部、国家宗教事务局、中国反邪教协会、中国科普研究所、上海师范大学、北京科技大学、中央社会主义学院、武汉大学、中国人民公安大学、北京工商大学、中国矿业大学、北京中医药大学、浙江大学、新疆大学、陕西师范大学、河北师范大学、河北省社科院、河北经贸大学、中国人民解放军档案馆、燕山大学、内蒙古工业大学、福建农林大学、泉州师范学院、常熟理工学院、温州医科大学等单位的50余名专家学者参加。全国政协民宗委朱维群主任出席,并发表重要讲话。  相似文献   

沙光  天米 《天风》2011,(3):47-48
原文学:"谎言"一词的希伯来语原义为"说谎、不真实、虚假",相关译词为"谎诈、虚假、谎、假、谎话、虚谎、谎言的、哄人的",字源于"撒谎、欺骗"一希伯来语单词;而"谎言"希腊语原义为"撒谎、说假话、诈骗",  相似文献   

正本刊讯9月10日,"法雨禅风——田青书画作品展"在北京恭王府安善堂开幕,全国政协副主席卢展工、中央党校常务副校长何毅亭、中央社会主义学院书记叶小文、中国艺术研究院副院长王文章、原故宫博物院院长郑欣淼、全国社保基金副理事长王忠民、国家文物局副局长董保华、北京大学教授楼宇烈,以及著名歌唱家胡松华、关牧村、于秀娟,著名导演黄健中、演员李羚,著名画家李燕、史国良等全国政协、中央文史馆、  相似文献   

Melancholy, to Ficino, is a state in which the mind, the realm of deep, abstract thinking, is cut off from the supply of the spirit. His concept of spirit corresponds to a kind of universal life-energy (libido, in Jungian terms). Individually, as the spirit of man, it appears as projected into the blood of the human body, collectively, as spirit of the world, into the spheres of the planets.
The spirit of man corresponds to the spirit of the world and can receive from it a great deal through the rays of the planets. To attract the 'spiritual' influence of a particular planet you may use animals, plants, food, scents, talismans. But music is what is recommended most strongly.
Ficino's intention is to temper the melancholic influence of Saturn. Consequently, his astrological songs are addressed to the compensating benign planets, the Sun, Jupiter and Venus. In modern terms it is an attempt, consciously, by active imagination, to re-establish the emotional relatedness with the archetypal realms of the planets from which Saturn has cut us off.
Ficino's ideas are related to Jung's rehabilitation of the feeling-function  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of three variables on jurors' verdict and sentence concerning a motorist responsible for the accidental death a man. Specifically, we assessed the effects of some aggravating circumstances, and those of two extra legal variables, namely, the nature of the feelings presumably expressed by the accident perpetrator regarding the victim, and the content of a medical and psychological expertise about him. The perpetrator was given a harsher sentence, assigned a negative identity, and was the target of little identification when he was submitted to a biological expertise, said to have displayed some indifference regarding the victim, and when he was charged with aggravating circumstances. Conversely, when the accused showed some sadness, he received a lenient sentence, especially in the absence of aggravating circumstances.  相似文献   

魏秋江 《心理科学》2012,35(4):937-942
管理理论的研究已迈进创新/创造管理阶段,其典型代表为创造型领导力的理论研究。文章在探讨了创造与领导力关系的基础上,分析了创造型领导的影响效能,阐述了领导者创造思维的前因、领导者与员工创造思维过程研究。最后从创造型领导的技能与策略的发展、认知神经科学范式的采纳、多维整合等角度,评述未来研究趋势。  相似文献   

Russia accepted the notion of the unconscious and psychoanalysis before many Western countries. The first Russian Psychoanalytic Society was established in 1911. After World War I and the Russian Revolution, for a short happy period, the following psychoanalysts were active: Sabina Spielrein, Tatiana Rosenthal, Moshe Wulff, Nikolai Osipov and Ivan Ermakov. Scholars associated with Soviet ideas participated too, including Aleksandr Luria, Michail Rejsner and Pavel Blonskij. Lev Vygotskij himself dealt with the unconscious. A second psychoanalytical society was set up in Kazan. Unfortunately, at the end of the 1920s, repression dissolved the psychoanalytic movement. Even the word 'psychoanalysis' was banned for decades. Nonetheless, interest in the unconscious, as distinct from psychoanalytic theory, survived in the work of the Georgian leader D. Uznadze. His followers organized the 1979 International Symposium on the Unconscious, in Tbilisi, Georgia, which marked the breaking of an ideological barrier. Since then, many medical, psychological, philosophical and sociological scholars have taken an interest in the unconscious, a subject both feared, for its ideological implications, and desired.Since the 1980s, psychoanalytic ideas have been published in the scientific press and have spread in society. The fall of the USSR in 1991 liberalized the scientific and institutional development of psychoanalysis.  相似文献   

The ergonomic analysis of work (Daniellou, 1996; Wisner, 1996) and especially the psychological analysis of real working activity (Leplat, 2000) allow investigating the main factors of work situations. The objective is to show the influence on the nursing representations of psychiatric services that are restructured, of the initial working situations, the projects, the restructuring models. The analyses assess the nursing representations of psychiatric services that are restructured, the projects, the restructuring models, the real working activity. The data show impacts of collective work and restructuring models, especially the damaging consequences of fusions. The results enable the authors to discuss from the points of views of theory, methodology and interventions.  相似文献   

In this paper I aim to outline the importance of working clinically with affect when treating severely traumatized patients who have a limited capacity to symbolize. These patients, who suffer the loss of maternal care early in life, require the analyst to be closely attuned to the patient's distress through use of the countertransference and with significantly less attention paid to the transference. It is questionable whether we can speak of transference when there is limited capacity to form internal representations. The analyst's relationship with the patient is not necessarily used to make interpretations but, instead, the analyst's reverie functions therapeutically to develop awareness and containment of affect, first in the analyst's mind and, later, in the patient's, so that, in time, a relationship between the patient's mind and the body, as the first object, is made. In contrast to general object‐relations theories, in which the first object is considered to be the breast or the mother, Ferrari (2004) proposes that the body is the first object in the emerging mind. Once a relationship between mind and body is established, symbolization becomes possible following the formation of internal representations of affective states in the mind, where previously there were few. Using Ferrari's body‐mind model, two clinical case vignettes underline the need to use the countertransference with patients who suffered chronic developmental trauma in early childhood.  相似文献   

One of the great themes of American literature is the self-invented personality, whether it is Scott Fitzgerald's Gatsby or one of Philip Roth's alter egos, such as Nathaniel Zuckerman. This is just one of several approaches which novelists employ. They take a problem from life, perhaps their own, and then embark on solving the problem of the book-which is how to write about this. Sometimes, as in Tobias Wolff's novel Old School, the personality of the narrator is woven into an exploration of the creative process itself. Wolff's novel concerns itself not just with writing but with how to become a writer. I explore how this process is similar to both writing about analysis and becoming an analyst. In doing this I discuss issues of authenticity, fiction, art, the effects of identification, the power of the super-ego, supervision and learning, integrity of life and work, envy and the xenocidal impulse, the regulation of our profession and the loss of trust, and in so doing join in discussion with Plaut, Wharton, Tuckett and others about professional communications, the internal world and the mysteriousness of our relation to our internal objects.  相似文献   

In responding to the three creative interpretive discussions in the symposium on my book Philosophy and the Art of Writing, this paper explores the different styles of philosophical discourse and their role in the practice of philosophy as a way of life that extends beyond the discursive and that combines self-cultivation with care for others in the ethical-aesthetic pursuit of living beauty. In advocating this aesthetic model of philosophical life over a purely therapeutic model, I suggest how the former can incorporate the latter's concerns for spiritual health and liberation. In developing my response to the symposiasts while elaborating on the themes of my book, I consider issues of ineffability, creative performance, embodiment, truth, heroism, vulnerability, possession, art, spirituality, love, and liberation.  相似文献   

段文杰 《心理科学进展》2014,22(10):1616-1627
正念是当代临床健康心理学领域出现的一个新概念, 尽管其应用在临床领域取得了瞩目的成绩, 但对于正念的理论研究却亟待加强。在对正念的三阶段概念演进过程及四种取向的测量工具进行了系统梳理与评价后, 发现目前对正念的理论研究存在两大问题。一是概念不够清晰, 它可以指代一种行为(冥想)、心理状态、心理过程, 甚至是一种人格或类人格特质; 二是测量过于多元, 有状态取向、能力取向、认知取向和特质取向。两大问题的核心在于如何理解正念。基于对问题的分析及以往实证研究, 建议可以借鉴价值实践分类体系(Values In Action Classification), 以类特质为取向, 采用兼顾文化共同性和特殊性的方法, 深入挖掘其独特的核心内涵, 在命名、测量上突显个体对当下经验留心的基本特点。  相似文献   

The author challenges the traditional and still prevalent view of 'free association', arguing that it entails three forms of denial (also formulated in terms of corresponding myths): 1) denial of the patient's free agency; 2) denial of the patient's and the analyst's interpersonal infl uence; and 3) denial of the patient's share of responsibility for co-constructing the analytic relationship. That responsibility includes some degree of consideration of the analyst's needs. Sometimes, the patient's good judgment to that end may be refl ected in what is automatically and mistakenly reduced to a form of 'resistance'. Attention to the patient's responsibility must be balanced against the effort to provide a uniquely safe environment for the patient's revealing of shame and anxiety-ridden feelings and attitudes. But the therapeutic action of psychoanalysis, ideally, includes the cultivation, through lived experience, of the dialectical interplay of self-expression, on the one hand, and caring relational engagement, on the other. Recognition of the patient's free agency does not preclude exploration of constraining structures laid down in the past. On the contrary, it deepens such exploration. At the same time, it opens the door to the possibility of explicit recognition, via challenge, criticism, or affi rmation, of the patient's contributions to the analytic work.  相似文献   

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