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"数字化虚拟人"是通过计算机技术,将人体结构数字化,在电脑屏幕上出现看得见的、能够调控的虚拟人体形态.是在信息科学、系统工程、生物科学、中西医学、计算机与自动化科学技术等学科交叉融合的基础上产生的世界前沿性研究领域.数字化虚拟人的研究有它本身的哲学基础.  相似文献   

情感计算是人工智能的前沿领域之一,建立具有情绪表现力的人机智能系统具有广泛的社会需求。本文分析了基于情绪认知评价理论的情绪建模方法,总结了典型的虚拟人情绪计算模型,归纳了情绪和感知的相关成果,梳理了虚拟人情绪表现方法。针对情绪建模所要深入研究的问题,分析现有研究中存在的不足,对虚拟人情绪模型研究的未来发展方向提出了建议,为进一步深入研究虚拟人情绪模型提供了参考。  相似文献   

近年来,社交网络上涌现出大量具有真人特征的虚拟人物,他们以第一人称视角叙事以获得影响力,然而其背后的道德伦理问题也逐渐浮现。当社交媒体虚拟人犯错时,不同文化背景的人们对其道德判断会有何不同?本文基于心智感知理论,通过5个主要实验探索中西方文化差异对虚拟人道德责任判断的影响和机制。研究表明,在被告知虚拟人的不道德行为后,比起西方文化,中国文化影响下的人们认为虚拟人需要承担更大的道德责任;但这种文化差异没有出现在对真人的道德责任判断上(实验1a~1c)。并且不论虚拟人是由真实人类还是人工智能驱动,这种文化差异都会存在(实验1c)。这种文化差异通过感知心智能力来中介(实验2)。具体而言,比起西方文化,中国文化影响下的人们认为虚拟人的心智能力(特别是感知力)更高,因此需要承担更大的道德责任。此外,对虚拟人更大的道德责任判断会导致中国文化(相比西方文化)影响下的人们更倾向于对虚拟人施加道德惩罚(实验3)。本文通过实证研究将道德责任判断和心智感知的对象拓展到虚拟人上,并揭示了中西方文化差异及其后续影响。  相似文献   

数据空间是与现实空间相对的新型道德领域,虚拟人作为数据空间积极主动的参与者而成为与现实人相对的新型道德主体,其话语、行为表现出从现实性向虚拟性过渡的特质。道德任性是一种受感性冲动支配的道德行为,与道德理性相对,具有违背道德的潜在可能。数据空间与现实空间、虚拟人和现实人的双重差异使虚拟人面临道德任性的问题。道德任性对虚拟人在数据空间中的道德生存带来困扰:繁华的虚拟世界正在造成虚拟人体验意识上的失落、道德上"知"与"行"的分割、精神世界的解构等。个体、技术、制度成为应对道德任性问题的三种重要路径和维度,对促进数据空间中的伦理生态具有重要的理论价值和实践意义。  相似文献   

为探究视觉观点采择在注视喜欢效应产生过程中的作用,对点观点采择范式进行改编,通过操纵字母位置来改变其对于虚拟人的可见性,要求被试对虚拟人可见或不可见字母的喜爱程度做出评价。结果发现,被试对虚拟人可见字母的喜爱程度显著高于不可见字母,且这种喜欢效应的产生不是由他人的注意力引导或目标物的位置决定的,而是由于人们对他人的视觉观点信息进行了加工,从而引发了对他人可见字母的喜欢效应。结果表明,视觉观点采择在喜欢效应的产生机制中起着重要作用。  相似文献   

在数字经济蓬勃发展的时代背景下,数字化转型已成为推动企业高质量发展的关键环节。然而,很多企业在数字化转型过程中都遇到缺乏员工支持、消极合作等来自企业内部的挑战。目前,有关企业数字化转型的研究主要集中在宏观战略层面,探讨数字化转型对企业内部员工影响的研究尚不充足。因此,本文从企业内部微观层面着手,采用工作压力动态过程模型,将数字化转型视作一种压力源。通过聚焦数字化转型给员工带来的工作压力,试图揭示员工对数字化转型产生的差异化反应及其内在机理。第一,探究压力源,基于扎根理论归纳员工对数字化转型中压力源的感知和识别。第二,追踪压力结果,基于变革分析框架,探索数字化转型对员工工作绩效的影响及其随时间的动态变化。第三,分析压力体验,分别从认知和情绪视角,探讨员工支持或抗拒数字化转型的作用机制、边界条件及后续结果。本文不仅丰富了企业数字化转型在人力资源管理领域的研究范畴和内容,还为企业科学推动数字化转型、提升员工对数字化转型的支持水平提供了实践启示。  相似文献   

数字医学是医学与现代信息化技术相融合而产生的医学新形态。数字医学在产生与发展中形成数字医院管理、数字医学工程和数字医学研究三个领域。数字医院源于医院信息系统的大规模开发应用和网络建设;CT的发明和使用是数字医学工程的巨大突破,也被公认为是数字医学的发端;数字医学研究则肇始于"数字化人体的研究"。数字医院管理的信息安全、知情同意、患者的隐私保护,数字医学工程的二次侵害、设备的可靠性与稳定性、成瘾问题,数字医学研究中人的尊严等伦理问题需要引起广泛的重视。  相似文献   

美国人体研究的监督:科学发展中的伦理与规定   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
美国保护人体受试者的制度建立在伦理学基础之上,并正式通过相关法律。对人体研究的监督是保护受试者个人的健康和权益,确保研究的有效性,整体性,以及科学与社会更大范围的利益,监督审查机构是联邦卫生部下属的两个机构-食品与药品管理局(FDA)和人体研究保护办公室(OHRP),大部分人体研究受两机构监督。美国人体受试者保护系统的基础部分是伦理审查委员会(IRB)及知情同意,IRBU电在提供一种机制,以进行客观的审查,同意和研究过程听持续监督;知情同意意在保证个人在了解与实验相关的风险,不适,收益后能自由做出参加与否的决定,美国人体研究保护制度正面临着挑战。美国也为促进人体受试者保护在进行新的努力。  相似文献   

人体形态学教学中的哲学思维——以组织胚胎学为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人体形态学是医学课程体系的重要组成部分,教师应该在传授人体形态学基本知识和技能的同时,传授给学生善于运用哲学思想来观察和研究人体的形态结构、组织发育及病变形成,培养学生科学的学习方法和创新思维,逐步养成用哲学思维认识人体世界,分析问题和解决问题。  相似文献   

如今的时代是一个信息经济时代,全球数字化出版产业在近几年来也得到了迅猛的发展。数字出版产业在市场上占据着重要的地位,其数字化终端在不断得到新的突破,与传统出版的融合也在不断地深入,数字化出版内容平台建设也呈现出多样化特征。本研究就对我国数字化出版产业的发展趋势进行探讨分析。  相似文献   


Since the time of the Apostle Paul, the body of Christ has always been a virtual body, made up of members who were not always physically present to one another but were nevertheless part of the same catholic community. Virtual presence in today’s society comes most often via digital technology, a reality that prompts many Christian leaders and theologians to warn of the dangers of disembodied existence. This paper challenges the claim that virtual presence via digital technology is necessarily an inferior form of presence. Using autoethnographic research of living with advanced-stage cancer, the author explores how virtual connection via technology can sometimes be a superior form of presence for those undone by illness and other traumas. The article concludes with a call to churches to draw on biblical, theological, and liturgical resources to help imagine how digital devices can be used to practice healing forms of attentiveness to those who need it most.  相似文献   

By  Noreen Herzfeld 《Dialog》2005,44(4):347-353
Abstract: Is a human/computer hybrid feasible: If so, in what ways would such hybridization affect our concept of what it means to be human? There are two forms of such hybridization, the actual and the virtual. Actual hybridization involves the implantation of mechanical devices in the human body. In actual hybridization the computer comes to us and to our body to enhance our functioning in our world. In virtual hybridization we go to the computer, projecting our minds into the world of cyberspace and being formed there. Perhaps the most common form of virtual hybridization is the immersion our children experience in the world of video games. Both forms of hybridization encourage us to think of ourselves only in terms of function, just when most of our theologians find that humans reflect the image of God through our relationships. This emphasis on function best serves the military, but leaves us in the theological community with a dissatisfying concept of what it means to be human.  相似文献   

Artificial intelligence and personal identity   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
David Cole 《Synthese》1991,88(3):399-417
Considerations of personal identity bear on John Searle's Chinese Room argument, and on the opposed position that a computer itself could really understand a natural language. In this paper I develop the notion of a virtual person, modelled on the concept of virtual machines familiar in computer science. I show how Searle's argument, and J. Maloney's attempt to defend it, fail. I conclude that Searle is correct in holding that no digital machine could understand language, but wrong in holding that artificial minds are impossible: minds and persons are not the same as the machines, biological or electronic, that realize them.  相似文献   

Two studies examined whether participant attitudes would change toward positions advocated by an ingroup member even if the latter was known to be an embodied agent; that is, a human-like representation of a computer algorithm. While immersed in a virtual environment, participants listened to a persuasive communication from a digital representation of another student. The latter was actually an embodied agent (a computer-controlled digital representation of a human). Study 1 examined the extent to which gender of the virtual human, participant gender, and the agent's behavior affected attitude change. Results revealed gender-based ingroup favoritism in the form of greater attitude change for same gender virtual humans. Study 2 examined behavioral realism and agency beliefs; that is, whether participants believed the other to be an agent or an avatar (an online representation of an actual person). Results supported Blascovich and colleague's model of social influence within immersive virtual environments. Specifically, the prediction that virtual humans high in behavioral realism would be more influential than those low in behavioral realism was supported, but this effect was moderated by the gender of the virtual human and the research participant. Implications of these findings for the model are discussed.  相似文献   

网上基因克隆与分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
人类基因组计划完成后面临着如何处理这一庞大序列信息使其真正转化为有用的关于生命遗传深刻理解和认识的重要任务。信息技术与分子生物学交叉的生物信息学为之开辟了一个新途径。分子生物学家将利用不同于传统的基因克隆及分析的方法而直接在基因组链条上寻找新基因,并充分利用计算机及互联网造就的虚拟空间对感兴趣的甚至任意基因进行实验研究。生命科学从此将向模型化和理论化迈出关键的一步并走向成熟,人们将以一种新的知识积累方式大大加快加深对生命过程的认识。  相似文献   

Immersive collaborative virtual environments (CVEs) are simulations in which geographically separated individuals interact in a shared, three‐dimensional, digital space using immersive virtual environment technology. Unlike videoconference technology, which transmits direct video streams, immersive CVEs accurately track movements of interactants and render them nearly simultaneously (i.e., in real time) onto avatars, three‐dimensional digital representations of the interactants. Nonverbal behaviors of interactants can be rendered veridically or transformed strategically (i.e., rendered nonveridically). This research examined augmented gaze, a transformation in which a given interactant's actual head movements are transformed by an algorithm that renders his or her gaze directly at multiple interactants simultaneously, such that each of the others perceives that the transformed interactant is gazing only at him or her. In the current study, a presenter read a persuasive passage to two listeners under various transformed gaze conditions, including augmented gaze. Results showed that women agreed with a persuasive message more during augmented gaze than other gaze conditions. Men recalled more verbal information from the passage than women. Implications for theories of social interaction and computer‐mediated communication are discussed.  相似文献   

SNARC效应是人类空间认知的重要组成部分。限于技术手段,现有SNARC研究的理论和技术多以小尺度空间环境为基础,致使其生态效度较低。基于增强现实技术和认知神经科学范式,通过增强现实技术生成的交互情境,从核心加工系统(静态空间SNARC、动态空间SNARC、静态-动态联合SNARC)和加工特性两个方面,研究建立起基于大尺度空间环境的SNARC加工模型。为人类空间认知研究提供了更加完备的知识领域。  相似文献   

Gaze and eye-tracking solutions for psychological research   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Eye-tracking technology is a growing field used to detect eye movements and analyze human processing of visual information for interactive and diagnostic applications. Different domains in scientific research such as neuroscience, experimental psychology, computer science and human factors can benefit from eye-tracking methods and techniques to unobtrusively investigate the quantitative evidence underlying visual processes. In order to meet the experimental requirements concerning the variety of application fields, different gaze- and eye-tracking solutions using high-speed cameras are being developed (e.g., eye-tracking glasses, head-mounted or desk-mounted systems), which are also compatible with other analysis devices such as magnetic resonance imaging. This work presents an overview of the main application fields of eye-tracking methodology in psychological research. In particular, two innovative solutions will be shown: (1) the SMI RED-M eye-tracker, a high performance portable remote eye-tracker suitable for different settings, that requires maximum mobility and flexibility; (2) a wearable mobile gaze-tracking device--the SMI eye-tracking glasses--which is suitable for real-world and virtual environment research. For each kind of technology, the functions and different possibilities of application in experimental psychology will be described by focusing on some examples of experimental tasks (i.e., visual search, reading, natural tasks, scene viewing and other information processing) and theoretical approaches (e.g., embodied cognition).  相似文献   

认知与身体:理论心理学的视角   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
叶浩生 《心理学报》2013,45(4):481-488
文章站在理论心理学的立场,从具身的维度,探讨了认知与身体的可能关系。文章指出,自古希腊以来的西方文化中,二元论思想一直占据主导地位。柏拉图是二元论思想的最早代表,笛卡尔从认识论上确证了心、物二元世界的存在。传统认知心理学承袭了身心分离的二元论传统,视心智为独立于身体感觉运动系统的抽象符号信息加工。但是具身认知的兴起对二元论提出了挑战。从具身的维度来看,认知是身体的认知,身体是认知的主体。认知在以下三个方面表现出对身体的依赖性:a.身体限制着认知的特征与范围。有机体的身体结构、身体的活动能力限制了认知表征的性质和内容;b.身体不仅限制着认知加工,而且可以作为认知加工的一个组成部分,在大脑和身体之间分配认知任务,发挥着一种类似于分销商的作用;c.身体调节着认知,影响着思维、判断、情绪和动机等心智过程。上述事实说明,身心并非对立的二元,而是一体,身体与环境的互动造就了心智和认知。心智、身体、环境是一体化过程。  相似文献   

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