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This study explored the relationship between personality and theoretical orientation preferences in two separate samples of psychotherapy practitioners and students. A total of 493 participants (274 practitioners and 219 students) completed a web‐based survey. Preference for theoretical orientation was assessed using a measure adapted from the Theoretical Orientation Profile Scale‐Revised, while personality was assessed with the HEXACO Personality Inventory. After controlling for the effects of gender, profession, and degree type, personality was found to predict preference for the humanistic/existential, cognitive‐behavioural, psychodynamic, and feminist theoretical orientations across both samples. Personality also predicted preference for the multicultural, family systems, and neuropsychological orientations, although these findings were applicable to only one sample. Implications for future research, psychotherapy training, and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

焦丽颖  许燕  田一  郭震  赵锦哲 《心理学报》2022,54(7):850-866
善恶问题是人们在社会生活中的重要话题, 在对他人进行知觉时, 人们首先关心的信息是什么, 是否会对不同类型善恶特质有所权衡?研究基于人格心理学视角, 通过4个研究对该问题进行了探讨。研究首先探究了人格的道德概念激活时善恶的差异, 并以代表性、好恶度、特质度和重要性为衡量指标分别考察了不同类型善恶特质的核心程度差异。结果发现, 善恶人格的特质差序体现在两个方面:(1)善恶人格间的差序, 在人格的道德范畴中, 存在善人格的优先效应; (2)善恶人格内的差序, “善”的核心由内到外为尽责诚信、仁爱友善与包容大度、利他奉献; “恶”的核心由内到外为凶恶残忍、背信弃义与污蔑陷害、虚假伪善。研究有助于进一步理解中国人的善恶观, 为善恶领域的探究提供了新思路。  相似文献   

A sample of 122 female students attending a Pentecostal Bible College in England completed Form G (Anglicised) of the Myers‐Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). The data demonstrated preferences for extraversion over introversion, for sensing over intuition, for feeling over thinking, and for judging over perceiving. The predominant type was ISFJ (16%), followed by ESFJ (12%). Comparison with the population norms demonstrated an over‐representation of intuitives among this sample of Bible College students.  相似文献   

Autism is suggested to be a dimensional construct and often represents a comorbid state. However, research on the clinical implications of the presence of autistic traits is scarce. This study aimed to investigate the impact of subclinical autistic traits in mentalization-based treatment (MBT) for concurrent borderline personality disorder (BPD) and substance use disorder (SUD). Based on the data of a randomized controlled feasibility study by Philips, Wennberg, Konradsson, and Franck (2018), secondary analyses were conducted. It was tested, if patients’ (N = 46) levels of autistic traits were associated with treatment outcome measured in the course of and after treatment using interviews and self-report measures. Participants’ autistic traits were not associated with the change in the severity of BPD throughout and at the end of the treatment. However, results showed associations between autistic traits and the change in patients’ consumption of alcohol in the course of MBT. Furthermore, there was an association between autistic traits and the change in mentalizing capacity at the end of MBT, indicating that elevated autistic traits were associated with an improvement in mentalizing capacity. Autistic traits on a subclinical level do not appear to be a complicating factor in MBT for concurrent BPD and SUD. On the contrary, in terms of mentalizing capacity autistic traits might be associated with a larger potential for improvement or facilitate treatment outcome. Further research is needed to explore the role of higher autistic traits in treatment of this special patient group.  相似文献   

Anxiety in elderly persons is frequently discussed but rarely measured. Difficulties in measuring state and trait anxiety with mental health clients aged 55 and older using the Spielberger State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) led the authors to validate the use of the simpler, children's form of their scale. Four types of validity data were found: (1) the childrens' form was highly correlated with the adult form, (2) both scales were significantly correlated with objective ratings of anxiety made by staff, (3) the STAI measures were not correlated with behavioral ratings other than anxiety (discriminant validity), (4) the residential clients were significantly higher in A-trait than the day clients. The nonresidential clients were not more anxious than college students. Discussion emphasizes the necessity of distinguishing between and measuring both state and trait anxiety in order to understand anxiety in the elderly.  相似文献   

The focus of the present study is the relationship between Masculine and Feminine personality attributes (as measured by the PAQ), sex role attitudes, and socialization antecedents among a sample of Black women. The majority of the Black women in this study report Androgynous sexual identities, but have traditional beliefs about the female role in the family. Androgynous women are more likely to be positively identified with both mother and father. Women who are college graduates have more liberal views about the female role and are more likely to identify themselves as Masculine and Undifferentiated. Regardless of sexual identity category, the subjects are all heavily invested in the mothering role. Racial comparisons indicate more Black women are in the Androgynous category and more White women in the Undifferentiated category. White respondents have more liberal sex role attitudes than the Black respondents.  相似文献   

The present study examined altruistic behaviour using broad personality traits (the Big Five) and the narrow personality trait of cultural adjustment (multicultural personality) while controlling for social justice attitudes and other demographic variables. Using an analogue version of a modified dictator game, 153 participants were required to divide a variable amount of money between themselves and a hypothetical recipient who was treated unfairly in a prior dictator game (based on results from a separate sample). We varied the race (Black and White) and gender (male and female) of the fictional recipient to present the individual as either advantaged or disadvantaged in society. Participants were randomly assigned to one of three conditions with the recipient presented as (i) a White man, (ii) a White woman, or (iii) a Black man. A separate sample of 71 participants rated recipients as treated unfairly and as representing a marginalized group. Results showed that subscales of the Multicultural Personality Inventory predicted giving behaviour above and beyond the variance accounted for by broad personality traits and attitudes towards social justice. The discussion focuses on implications for research in social justice based on cultural adaptation and personality. Copyright © 2016 European Association of Personality Psychology  相似文献   

Sports and exercise settings as well as other socio-cultural environments emphasize a thin and physically fit female body. However, there is a clear need for a better understanding of the physical and psychological correlates of social physique anxiety and body image dissatisfaction in female athletes. This study aimed to examine the association of the social physique anxiety, body image satisfaction, and personality with the anthropometric measurements in female college athletes according to their sport type using the Co-Plot technique. The sample included 63 female athletes ranging in age from 18 to 26. Results of the Co-Plot analysis revealed a significant association among social physique anxiety, personality and anthropometric measurements. This means that certain physical measurements may lead to greater social physique anxiety and body image dissatisfaction in female athletes. It was found that females having higher levels of social physique anxiety and thus, lower levels of body image satisfaction may be less emotionally stable and more negatively perfectionist. In conclusion, the results of the present study provided evidence to the claim that both physical self-perception and anthropometric measurements may be closely associated with psychological criteria in female athletes.  相似文献   

显性自恋与隐性自恋:自恋人格的心理学探析   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
郑涌  黄藜 《心理科学》2005,28(5):1259-1262
自恋是一种形式多样化的综合性人格构造,它具有两种不同的形式,即显性自恋和隐性自恋。本研究在文献综述、开放式问卷调查和个别访谈的基础上,编制了自恋人格问卷。经对大学生被试进行测查,结果表明:(1)自编的自恋人格问卷具有较好的信度和效度。(2)因素分析得出显性自恋的四个维度是:权欲、优越感、特权感和自我钦羡;隐性自恋的三个维度是:易感质、特权感和自我钦羡。(3)显性自恋和隐性自恋与心理健康有着不同的关联:前者与心理异常症状不存在显著相关,而后者存在显著正相关。  相似文献   

A community sample of 51 mother-father dyads with a school-age child rated marital functioning, parental psychological symptoms, and children's adjustment problems. Parents with more psychological symptoms reported lower marital satisfaction levels. Mothers' and fathers' marital functioning and symptomatology individually related to children's adjustment in the expected directions. In addition, interaction tests revealed that, for mothers but not fathers, the combination of poorer marital functioning and higher levels of psychological symptoms amplified the negative effects on children's adjustment problems. These findings support the hypothesis that parental psychopathology and marital adjustment together affect children's functioning in an interactive way, underscoring the need to consider multiple family influences in studies of child development.  相似文献   

In this work, we attempted to find out the relationship between different gait patterns and their corresponding cognitive states by using different statistical and machine learning approaches. This paper strongly focusses on the simulations followed by implementation of the proposed cognitive states i.e. (i) EmotionOriented State (EOS) (ii) Thinking Oriented State (TOS) (iii) Memory Oriented State(MOS) (iv) Simple Regular Oriented State (SROS). A novel approach was implemented by creating different environmental contexts for different gaits in our lab. An experimental method was performed to isolate movement artifact using Independent Component Analysis from recorded EEG(Electroencephalogram) signals. Measurement of joint angles from joint positions captured using Kinect V2 sensors was done with the help of OpenSim software. The relationship between different gaits and mental states was established using Pearsons Correlation Coefficient, ANOVA(Analysis of variance) and SVM(Support Vector Machine) classifier respectively. A strong relationship was found between them. The SVM classifier for the EOS and the non-EOS states based on joint angles inferred an accuracy of 81.08%. The ROC Curve for SVM classification depicted an AUC (area under the curve) of 0.9724.  相似文献   

人格与病理性赌博研究述评   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
人格障碍是病理性赌博的定论之一。与病理性赌博有关的人格特质包括神经质、精神质、感觉寻求特质、专注特质等,这在跨文化的研究中都找到了证据。现有的研究结论存在疑问,未来研究需注意被试取样代表性,人格特质与赌博行为之间的关系有待于进一步研究,本土化研究需要加强  相似文献   

基于特质激发理论探讨管理者人格特质和心理契约违背对实施辱虐管理的影响,并进一步分析了管理者人格特质与心理契约违背之间的交互作用对辱虐管理的影响。以213份两轮时点的配对问卷为样本,通过多元线性回归方法进行实证检验,结果表明:(1)管理者的亲和力对辱虐管理有显著的负向作用,而神经质则对辱虐管理有显著的正向作用;(2)管理者心理契约违背对辱虐管理有显著的正向影响;(3)心理契约违背不但调节了管理者亲和力与辱虐管理之间的负向联系,还调节了神经质与辱虐管理之间的正向联系。  相似文献   

大五人格特质与领导有效性的相关研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
孟慧  李永鑫 《心理科学》2004,27(3):611-614
对72家企业的210名管理人员的大五人格特质及其与领导有效性的相关进行了研究,结果表明.管理人员的人格特质可以用神经质、外向性、开放性、宜人性和认真性五个因素加以解释,所编制的五因素人格问卷的信度、构想效度、聚合效度和判别效度都达到了心理测量学的要求;管理人员的人格特质对其领导有效性具有重要的影响。  相似文献   

自我实现的幸福——心理幸福感研究述评   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
张陆  佐斌 《心理科学进展》2007,15(1):134-139
心理幸福感是基于实现论的幸福感研究范式,研究者认为幸福并不只是情感上的体验,而更应该关注个人潜能的实现,从理论出发建构幸福感的结构,指导幸福感测量的发展。已有的研究表明,人口学变量、人格变量和生活事件等内外因素可以较为有效地预测心理幸福感水平。近年来,心理幸福感与主观幸福感之间呈现出整合的趋势。此外,中国人的幸福感研究在借鉴西方成果的同时,仍然需要立足于本土文化,做进一步的理论探讨和实证检验  相似文献   

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