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性格优势与主观幸福感是积极心理学的两大核心研究领域,其中,关于性格优势的"价值实践分类体系"被认为是积极心理学发展至今最具影响的成就之一。研究招募115名在校大学生(69女,46男),分别完成优势价值实践调查、牛津幸福体验问卷,以及生活满意度量表。研究发现:(1)在24种优势中,大学生的五大"显著优势"依次为爱与被爱、正直诚实、感恩感激、美的领悟、善良慷慨;(2)希望乐观、爱与被爱、社交智慧、洞察悟性等性格优势与主观幸福感密切相关;(3)希望乐观、爱与被爱、谨慎审慎、洞察悟性对幸福体验的回归方程拟合程度最优,而希望乐观、宽容宽恕、社交智慧、创造才能对生活满意度的回归方程拟合程度最优。  相似文献   

对188名大学生采用生活满意度量表和情感量表测量主观幸福感,运用与Linville相近的方式测量自我复杂性,并探讨两者的关系。研究发现:(1)积极自我复杂性与消极自我复杂性相互独立。(2)积极自我复杂性和消极自我复杂性与主观幸福感有着不同的关系。(3)自我复杂性测量时积极词汇与消极词汇的比例以及幸福感测量工具的不同都可能使两者关系出现不同结果。  相似文献   

In this study, we examined the impact of childhood interpersonal adversity on adulthood subjective well-being (SWB), with a focus on the mediating and moderating effects of social support and socioeconomic status (SES). We concentrated on parental maltreatment (abuse and neglect) and bullying in school as childhood adversity variables and on perceived happiness and self-rated health as adulthood SWB measures. Our empirical analysis was based on micro data from a survey in municipalities in and around the Tokyo metropolitan area (N = 3,292). We obtained four key findings. First, the experience of childhood adversity had a substantial negative impact on adulthood SWB. Second, social support and SES significantly mediated the impact of childhood adversity. Third, however, a large proportion of the impact of childhood adversity remained unexplained by their mediation effects. Fourth, social support and SES did not moderate the impact of childhood adversity. Hence, we can conclude that childhood adversity affects adulthood SWB in a relatively independent manner rather than being substantially mediated or moderated by social support or SES. Accordingly, social policies should aim at reducing incidents of childhood maltreatment and bullying in addition to helping people enhance levels of social support and SES in later life.  相似文献   

父母养育方式对大学生主观幸福感的影响机制   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
采用父母养育方式问卷、自尊量表、自我效能感量表、人际信任量表、领悟社会支持量表、整体情感与幸福指数量表对765名大学生施测,考察父母养育方式对大学生主观幸福感的影响及其机制.结果表明:(1)与父亲关爱相比,大学生感知到更多的母亲关爱;与女生相比,男生感知到更多的父母过度保护;(2)父、母养育方式与自尊、自我效能感、人际信任、社会支持感知、主观幸福感显著相关;(3)母亲关爱对自尊、自我效能感的影响显著大于父亲关爱的影响,而父、母养育方式对人际信任、社会支持感知、主观幸福感的影响没有显著差异;(4)与自我效能感、人际信任相比,自尊、社会支持感知是影响主观幸福感的主要因素;(5)自尊、社会支持感知是父、母养育方式影响主观幸福感的中介.  相似文献   

Although social anxiety (SA) and alcohol use disorders commonly co-occur, the relationship between these variables in college populations has been inconsistent. The present study tested the hypothesized model that negatively reinforcing, but not positively reinforcing, drinking motives (or reasons for drinking) would mediate the association between SA and three aspects of hazardous drinking (quantity/frequency, consequences, and dependence symptoms) in an ethnically diverse sample of college drinkers (N = 817; mean age = 19.9 years, range = 18–29). Structural equation modeling (SEM) results using the asymmetrical distribution of products test indicated that coping motives partially mediated the relationship between SA and negative consequences and dependence symptoms but not the quantity/frequency outcome. Contrary to the hypothesized model, conformity motives did not mediate the association between SA and hazardous drinking. As expected, positive reinforcement motives did not mediate the SA–hazardous drinking association. Multigroup SEM analyses revealed that the mediation models did not differ for men (n = 215) and women (n = 602). Overall, the present findings support extant research and theoretical models regarding the mediating role of coping motives in the relationship between SA and problem drinking, suggesting a potential pathway for the development and maintenance of SA and alcohol use disorder comorbidity. Such findings could contribute to improved intervention programs by targeting coping drinking motives and building coping skills.  相似文献   

This study investigated adult attachment dimensions as predictors of interpersonal forgiveness, positive emotionality, and social justice commitment through dimensions of differentiation of self. The sample consisted of 209 master’s level graduate students at a Protestant-affiliated university in the United States. Results revealed that higher attachment anxiety was associated with decreased differentiation of self and that decreased differentiation of self was then associated with lower levels of interpersonal forgiveness, positive emotionality and social justice commitment. Increased attachment avoidance was similarly associated with decreased differentiation of self, which then corresponded to lower levels of interpersonal forgiveness, positive emotionality and social justice commitment. Findings are discussed in the context of existing theory and research, and attention is given to the implications for clinical training and practice and future research.  相似文献   

为考察不良生活经历对大学生冷酷无情特质的影响机制,采用问卷法调查了湖南省4所学校1872名大学生。结果发现:(1)心理弹性在不良生活经历与大学生冷酷无情特质之间具有部分中介效应,不良生活经历既对冷酷无情特质产生直接影响,也能通过心理弹性对冷酷无情特质产生间接影响;(2)社会支持利用度对心理弹性的中介作用具有调节效应,它调节了中介过程的前半路径和后半路径。因此,不良生活经历对大学生冷酷无情特质的影响具有调节的中介效应。  相似文献   

Childhood maltreatment places individuals, including African American women who are undereducated and economically disadvantaged, at risk for developing posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms. Participants were 192 African American women with a history in the prior year of both a suicide attempt and intimate partner violence (IPV) exposure. They were recruited from a public hospital that provides medical and mental health treatment to mostly low-income patients. A simple mediator model was used to examine if (a) existential well-being (sense of purpose) or religious well-being (relationship with God) mediated the link between childhood maltreatment and adult PTSD symptoms. Sequential multiple mediator models determined if physical and nonphysical IPV enhanced our understanding of the mediational association among the aforementioned variables. Findings suggest that existential well-being mediated the association between childhood maltreatment and adult PTSD symptoms in a simple mediator model, and existential well-being and recent nonphysical IPV served as sequential multiple mediators of this link. However, religious well-being and physical IPV were not significant mediators. Findings underscore the importance of enhancing existential well-being in the treatment of suicidal African American women with a history of childhood maltreatment and IPV.  相似文献   

Although empirical studies have linked a consolidated ego identity to positive psychosocial outcomes for White middle-class adolescents, there is little research documenting this relationship for ethnic minority youth. This study investigated the relationships among ego identity, ethnic identity, and psychosocial functioning, and compared these relationships for ethnic minority and majority college students. The findings revealed that students with an achieved ego identity status had a more positive sense of ethnic identity than did students with a diffused ego identity. Findings also revealed that ethnic minority students reported stronger ethnic identification than did White students and that a stronger sense of ethnic identity was associated with more positive psychosocial outcomes among ethnic minority students, but not among White students. Implications for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

This study aims to investigate whether crisis support and coping mediate symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in individuals with spinal cord lesions (SCL). PTSD, crisis support, and coping were assessed an average of 83 days after the injury (T1), at discharge from the rehabilitation center (T2), and an average of 121 days following discharge (T3). Sixty-nine newly injured paraplegics and tetraplegics completed the questionnaire at T1, 40 (58%) at T2, and 38 (55%) at T3. Individuals with PTSD experienced significantly lower levels of social support, and used more emotional coping than did those without PTSD. On the basis of logistic regression analyses, emotional coping and the interaction between negative response and emotional coping predicted PTSD. Emotional coping is a strong predictor of PTSD in persons with new SCL.  相似文献   

阅读知觉广度是指阅读中每次注视获取信息的范围.本研究采用刺激呈现随眼动变化技术,对语言发展前全聋大学生与健听大学生这两组被试的汉语阅读知觉广度进行了比较研究.结果发现:(1)语言发展前全聋大学生的理解正确率低于健听大学生;(2)两组被试在相同可视窗口条件下的眼动模式相同;(3)两组被试知觉广度的右侧范围均是注视点右侧2~3个汉字,发展前全聋大学生左侧第2个汉字影响阅读,健听大学生则为注视点左侧1个汉字.  相似文献   

为探讨社会逆境感知对大学生攻击行为的影响机制,选取577名大学生为被试,采用社会逆境感知问卷、大学生攻击行为量表、反刍思维量表及领悟社会支持量表进行测试。结果表明:(1)社会逆境感知对大学生攻击行为有显著的正向影响,并间接地通过反刍思维对大学生攻击行为产生作用;(2)领悟社会支持在社会逆境感知对大学生反刍思维的影响中起显著的调节作用,具体而言,在低领悟社会支持水平下,社会逆境感知对大学生反刍思维的预测作用更强,而在高领悟社会支持水平下,社会逆境感知对大学生反刍思维的预测作用不显著。  相似文献   

高中生压力源和心理健康的研究   总被引:60,自引:5,他引:55  
楼玮群  齐铱 《心理科学》2000,23(2):156-159,155
本研究对2986名上海高中生对压力感受进行了调查。因素分担 些压力可以归为六大类别:社会人际关系及性发展方面,学习和学业方面,与发母交往方面,未来前途方面,经济方面,以及健康方面。资料显示高中生最大的三种压力源多与学习或学业有关,而压力最小的三种压力源主要与性发展的和健康有关。  相似文献   

研究探讨了家庭仪式对大学生幸福感的影响及其机制。基于自我控制理论,研究构建了以社会联结和自我控制为链式中介的家庭仪式影响幸福感的假设模型,并采用修订的家庭仪式问卷、社会联结量表、自我控制量表和幸福感量表对675名大学生进行了问卷调查。结果发现,家庭仪式与社会联结、自我控制、幸福感呈显著正相关,社会联结与自我控制在家庭仪式促进幸福感的关系中发挥链式中介作用。  相似文献   


Many empirical studies have found an association between sustainable consumption and well-being. However, the direction of causality between these constructs remains unclear. Well-being could be an antecedent of sustainable consumption or, sustainable consumption a driver of well-being; also, there could be a reciprocal relationship between these two constructs. Alternatively, both well-being and sustainable consumption could be outcomes of another construct that could be masking a relationship between well-being and sustainable consumption. This study aims to advance the well-being and sustainable consumption research by testing these three relationships in a longitudinal study with young consumers (n = 369). The findings show that when controlling for the constructs at Time 1, the relationship between the focal constructs is no longer significant. Results lead to support the hypothesis that sustainable consumption and well-being are explained by a particular trait of the individual, nature relatedness, so that individuals with greater nature relatedness are more likely to adopt a sustainable lifestyle and have greater well-being. Nature relatedness thus acts as a predictor of both focal constructs. This result implies that by nurturing nature relatedness, societies will achieve the double dividend of well-being and sustainability.


为了考察高职生因果定向的特点及因果定向与学生学业表现(学业成绩和专业技能)的关系。该研究以修订的一般因果定向量表为工具,在济南和淄博的三所高职抽取505名学生作为被试进行调查。结果发现:1)修订后的一般因果定向量表具有良好的信效度;2)高职生在因果定向的三个维度上得分差异显著,由高到低依次为自主定向、控制定向和非个人定向;3)自主定向显著正向预测学业表现,控制定向显著负向预测学业表现,而非个人定向对学业表现的预测作用不显著。我国高职生与国外被试的因果定向特点基本一致,说明因果定向具有一定的文化普适性。同时,不同因果定向对学业表现具有不同的预测作用,教育者有必要对学生进行因果定向的教育和引导。  相似文献   

Transition to university is stressful and successful adjustment is imperative for well-being. Historically research on transitional stress focussed on negative outcomes and ill health. This is the first UK study applying a positive psychology approach to investigate the characteristics that facilitate adjustment among new university students. A range of psychological strengths conceptualised as covitality factors, shown individually to influence the stress and subjective well-being (SWB) relationship were assessed among 192 first year UK undergraduates in week three of their first semester and again 6 months later. Path analyses revealed that optimism mediated the relationship between stress and negative affect (a component of SWB) over time, and academic self-efficacy demonstrated significant relationships with life satisfaction and positive affect. Contrary to predictions, stress levels remained stable over time although academic alienation increased and self-efficacy decreased. Optimism emerged as a key factor for new students to adjust to university, helping to buffer the impact of stress on well-being throughout the academic year. Incorporating stress management and psycho-educational interventions to develop strengths is discussed as a way of promoting confidence and agency in new students to help them cope better with the stress at university.  相似文献   

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