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The automated real-time instructional system (ARIS) is a small computer-assisted instructional system written to run under the UNIX operating system on a PDP-11/34A machine. ARIS is a tool used to provide highly individualized instruction and, at the same time, to study the process of learning by keeping detailed records of students’ actions. Currently, the system is used to teach logic and set theory. This paper describes the general philosophy, operation, and implementation of ARIS.  相似文献   

A two-channel general-purpose EEG alpha-detection system is described, along with the associated computer hardware and software. A specific application for the study of the human orienting response using alpha-contingent visual stimulation is presented. Limitations are discussed.  相似文献   

This study investigated the impact of training 9 first- and second-grade children to use a full self-instructional regimen, and then differentially reinforced the use of self-instruction only, accuracy only, or both self-instruction and accuracy. Three comparison children received no training in self-instruction and were reinforced for accuracy only. Children improved dramatically in academic accuracy subsequent to self-instructional training, independent of the use of self-instruction and of the specific behavior consequated. Children who were reinforced for using self-instruction did use self-instruction, and those who were not, did not. Comparison group children showed little improvement until training in problem-solving strategies was given after 9 days of reinforcement for accuracy. Self-instructional training is discussed as one type of event that increases the likelihood of accurate performance. Its effectiveness may be explained in terms of a teaching strategy rather than in terms of modifying cognitive processes.  相似文献   

Cognitive strategy training has been shown empirically to be extremely effective in enhancing learning and memory performance in retarded individuals. However, the theoretical status and applied utility of the strategy concept has been subjected to increasing criticism, particularly regarding the lack of definition and specificity in its use, when it is involved in instructional procedures applied to typical learning and information processing tasks. Extensions of research in language and communication provide a social basis for analyzing instruction, in terms of communication theory and pragmatics, and a possible approach to more general studies of the skills and strategies of information processing. The question arises whether rather disparate views of cognitive processing systems can be synthesized, or, by their mutual consideration, at least provide a basis for clearer articulation of research issues. A synthesis of prominent usages of the “strategic processing” construct derived from the social basis of communication theory is advanced.  相似文献   

Components of a computer solution for fraction problems in arithmetic have an analog in a new approach to educational task analysis. The components may be called goal-setting or planning elements, in contrast to the goal-satisfying or behavioral steps emphasized in much contemporary task analysis. A hypothetical tutorial dialogue in which a student is asked to tell a tutor what step to perform next is presented as an example of the emphasis of the planning side of computation. Explicit identification of goal-setting elements of a task is illustrated by analysis of the task of converting a pair of fractions to a new pair with a common denominator. The decomposition thus produces is simulated with two computer programs: (1) a LISP program using a set of production rules consisting of conditions to be met and subsequent actions to be taken and (2) a PROLOG program stating goals and solving goals explicitly.  相似文献   

This paper describes a flexible hardware/software system developed for use with a PDP-8I computer for conducting research in behavioral neurophysiology. A real time monitor was designed to facilitate development, debugging, and modification of programs to run experiments. It relieves the programmer of the burden of dealing with hardware dependent functions such as interrupt handling and input/output. In addition, it provides the user with a large library of callable routines to perform functions commonly needed for conducting experiments. The monitor is modular in design and could be expanded or modified for use with many configurations of the PDP-8 family of computers.  相似文献   

Recent research has demonstrated the effectiveness of programmed instruction that integrates derived relations to teach college-level academic material. This method has been demonstrated to be effective and economical in the teaching of complex mathematics and biology concepts. Although this approach may have potential applications with other domains of college learning, more studies are needed to evaluate important technological variables. Studies that employ programmed instruction are discussed in relation to future directions for research.  相似文献   

The Observer is a general-purpose software package for event recording and data analysis in behavioral research. It allows any IBM-type personal computer to serve as an event recorder. In addition, The Observer can generate dedicated event-recording programs for several types of non-IBM-compatible portable and hand-held computers and transfer files between the PC and such computers. The user specifies options through menus. The configuration can be either used directly for event recording on the PC or passed on to a program generator that creates a program to collect data on a hand-held computer. Observational data from either type of computer can be analyzed by the program. Event-recording configurations can be tailored to many different experimental designs. Keys can be designated as events, and modifiers can be used to indicate the limits of an event. The program allows grouping of events in classes and distinction between mutually exclusive versus nonexclusive events and duration events versus frequency events. Timing of events is accurate to 0.1 sec. An on-line electronic notepad permits notes to be made during an observation session. The program also includes on-line error correction. User comments as well as independent variables can be stored together with the observational data. During data analysis, the user can select the level of analysis and the type of output file. The Observer calculates frequency of occurrence and duration for classes of events, individual events, or combinations of events. For analysis of concurrence, one can select the number of nesting levels and the order of nesting. Output can be generated in the form of sorted event sequence files, text report files, and tabular ASCII files. The results can be exported to spreadsheet and statistical programs.  相似文献   

A computer-automated testing apparatus for monkey and human subjects is described. This dual-computer system generates programmable color video displays and permits on-line collection of behavioral and electrophysiological data. Video displays are generated by an Apple II minicomputer linked via a serial transmission port to a general-purpose laboratory computer (DEC PDP-11/34). Control of event sequences is determined by serial interaction between the two computers. Software (programs) for the collection and analysis of event-related brain potentials data is described, and the experimental and clinical applications of this DADTA VI (Discrimination apparatus for discrete-trial analysis, Version 6) for neuropsychology are discussed.  相似文献   

In a computer-managed version of Keller's personalized system of instruction, students received frequent feedback from more advanced students within the course. Overall accuracy of student-provided feedback was 87%, and students complied with 61% of the feedback.  相似文献   

When we evaluated variables that influence the effectiveness of the high-probability (high-p) instruction sequence, the sequence was associated with a precipitous decrease in compliance with high-p instructions for 1 participant, thereby precluding continued use of the sequence. We investigated the reasons for this decrease. Stimuli associated with the low-p instruction were systematically added and removed in the context of the high-p instructions, and results suggest that the stimuli associated with the low-p instruction influenced compliance with the high-p instructions.  相似文献   

We conducted four experiments using an alternating treatments design to assess the influence of several variables on children's acquisition of number facts during one-on-one flash card instruction. In Experiment 1, we manipulated the order of stimulus presentation; in most cases a higher percentage of correct responses occurred, and mastery criterion was reached in somewhat fewer sessions, when a missed problem was re-presented after the next item than when problems were re-presented in a sequential order. In Experiment 2 a comparison of error-contingent reprimands with no reprimands yielded similar results in favor of the former procedure. Experiment 3 indicated that a higher percentage of correct responses and more rapid acquisition occurred when the tutor and student were seated knee-to-knee than when a desk was positioned between them. Experiment 4 compared the rate of learning in the presence and absence of a treatment package consisting of all three variables identified as leading to more rapid learning in the previous three experiments. Children reached criterion in less than half the time when the treatment package was in effect.  相似文献   

Computerized instruction and the learning process   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

This report describes an APL system for file-oriented univariate analysis, correlation, and regression analysis. The correlation and regression processes permit analyses of an unlimited number of cases, if the cases are arranged in tables small enough to be processed one at a time in a workspace. Support functions are also given for a menu-based processing system designed to support a broad range of analyses. The functions offer features such as subset selection, data transformation, and exclusion of invalid items.  相似文献   

Previous research has demonstrated low rater agreement when visually inspecting trends in single‐subject design graphs (see Wolfe, Seaman, & Drasgow, 2016). Didactic instruction of visual analysis of practicing behavior analysts has resulted in generally poor and unreliable performances (Danov & Symons, 2008; Diller, Barry, & Gelino, 2016). Therefore, a refined instructional technology to improve the reliability among behavior analysts is warranted. Developing research has focused on the application of equivalence‐based instruction (Brodsky & Fienup, 2018; Rehfeldt, 2011) for a variety of complex human behaviors. In the current study, equivalence‐based instruction was used to train four participants to identify functional relations displayed in five different classes of graphs. Training resulted in the formation of five equivalence classes by all participants consisting of three members (graph, functional relation rule, and functional relation statement). In addition, the skills were maintained for up to 2 weeks and generalized to novel graphs.  相似文献   

Research on adaptations to standard functional analyses for use in classroom settings has increased in recent years. However, few studies have focused on procedural variations specific to assessing noncompliance in the context of academic instruction. In the current study, we trained a special education teacher to embed a functional analysis of compliance in small group instruction. The goal of the functional analysis was to identify an effective reinforcement contingency for compliance for a second grade student with an intellectual disability. Results suggested a combined escape + tangible contingency increased compliance to instructional prompts relative to other conditions. The functional analysis of compliance represents a variation on previous functional analyses of noncompliance with potential to increase ecological and social validity of assessment procedures for classroom settings.  相似文献   

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