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This paper provides an overview of the symposium “Multimedia in Instruction” by addressing four basic issues: What does multimedia mean? Does it have advantages beyond traditional means of presentations in a classroom? What equipment does one need? What software are available for psychology instruction? Although multimedia represents a revolutionary technology, its application to instruction is an extension of computer-assisted instruction.  相似文献   

A history of the logic of action is outlined, beginning with St Anselm. Five modern authors are discussed in some detail: von Wright, Fitch, Kanger, Chellas and Pratt.  相似文献   

Visual psychophysics of simple graphical elements   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The accuracy with which graphical elements are judged was assessed in a psychophysical task that parallels the real-life use of graphs. The task is a variant of the Metfessel-Comrey constant-sum method, and an associated model based on Stevens's law is proposed. The stimuli were horizontal and vertical lines, bars, pie and disk slices, cylinders, boxes, and table entries (numbers). Stevens's law exponents were near unity for numbers and 1-dimensional elements but were also close to 1 for elements possessing 2 or 3 apparent dimensions--subjects accommodate extraneous dimensions that do not carry variation, changing the effective dimensionality of the stimulus. Judgment errors were small, with numbers yielding the best performance; elements such as bars and pie slices were judged almost as accurately; disk elements were judged least accurately, but the magnitude of the errors was not large.  相似文献   

Microcomputers can serve many functions in undergraduate education, including control of laboratory experiments, presentation of classroom demonstrations, generation of handouts, and monitoring student performance. Panel members of a symposium presented several general guidelines for the use of microcomputers, and specific guidelines for selecting and purchasing equipment and for daily operation of a microcomputer facility.  相似文献   

Nijhawan R 《The Behavioral and brain sciences》2008,31(2):179-98; discussion 198-239
A necessary consequence of the nature of neural transmission systems is that as change in the physical state of a time-varying event takes place, delays produce error between the instantaneous registered state and the external state. Another source of delay is the transmission of internal motor commands to muscles and the inertia of the musculoskeletal system. How does the central nervous system compensate for these pervasive delays? Although it has been argued that delay compensation occurs late in the motor planning stages, even the earliest visual processes, such as phototransduction, contribute significantly to delays. I argue that compensation is not an exclusive property of the motor system, but rather, is a pervasive feature of the central nervous system (CNS) organization. Although the motor planning system may contain a highly flexible compensation mechanism, accounting not just for delays but also variability in delays (e.g., those resulting from variations in luminance contrast, internal body temperature, muscle fatigue, etc.), visual mechanisms also contribute to compensation. Previous suggestions of this notion of "visual prediction" led to a lively debate producing re-examination of previous arguments, new analyses, and review of the experiments presented here. Understanding visual prediction will inform our theories of sensory processes and visual perception, and will impact our notion of visual awareness.  相似文献   

Sometimes object detection as opposed to identification is sufficient to initiate the appropriate action. To explore the neural origin of behavioural differences between the two tasks, we combine psychophysical measurements and fMRI, specifically contrasting shape detection versus identification of a figure. This figure consisted of Gabor elements being oriented differently from those in the background. We equalized performance levels for detection and identification by adjusting orientation differences accordingly for each observer. Hence, stimulus saliency was constant for both tasks allowing a differentiation between the activations specific for detection versus identification processes. Identification yielded higher psychophysical thresholds, slower reaction times and increased hemodynamic activations in the lateral-occipital complex (LOC) and an adjacent area in the collateral sulcus (CoS). Additional analysis using cortex-based alignment revealed four voxel-clusters differentially activated by the tasks, situated in the inferior parietal lobe, the precuneus, the anterior cingulum and the medial frontal gyrus. Our results indicate partly separated cortical mechanisms for object detection and identification.  相似文献   

Charles Darwin's original and important contributions to science resulted from commitment, persistence, and hard work throughout his adult life. How, when, and where Darwin developed these prerequisites for creative thinking is the focus of this paper. Using a cognitive case study approach to examine the rich record of Darwin's life and work indicates that the 1 &frac; years he spent in Edinburgh as a medical student when he was 16–18 years old was the major turning point in his transformation from a hobbyist into a scientist. Darwin first found hisvoice in science in Edinburgh during late adolescence.  相似文献   

A system is described that allows behavioral programming with an APPLE II microcomputer. Input and output interfaces were designed with relays so that maximum flexibility could be obtained with a variety of behavioral chambers and boxes. The system is inexpensive and easily constructed and requires no special knowledge of computers to program or maintain.  相似文献   

The continuous approach to optic-flow processing shows that the curvature of a moving surface is related to a second spatial derivative of the velocity field, the spin variation (Droulez & Cornilleau-Pérès, 1989). With this approach as a theoretical framework, visual sensitivity to the curvature of a cylinder in motion was measured using a task of discrimination between cylindrical and planar patches. The results confirm the predictions suggested by the theory: (1) Sensitivity to curvature was always greater when the cylinder axis and the frontal translation were parallel than when they were orthogonal. The ratio of curvature detection thresholds in the two cases was between 1.3 and 2.5; the value predicted from the spin variation theory is about 2. (2) Sensitivity to curvature increased strongly with the velocity of the motion but was only weakly affected by its amplitude and the duration of viewing for the range of values used in our experiments.  相似文献   

Thurstonian psychophysics is re-examined from the viewpoint of a theory of “random comparisons” which generalize the notion of “discriminal differences.” The assumption of normality which appears so crucial to all varieties of Thurstone models is not invoked but becomes a consequence of our theory—at least this is so under independence assumptions similar to those employed in conventional derivations of Case III models. If nothing else, the theoretical scheme developed in this work clarifies the status of Thurstone's assumption of normality, placing it in the deeper probabilistic context of stability. Under reasonable side assumptions we are also able to arrive at satisfactory conclusions as to the uniqueness of the scales (i.e., mean and standard deviation) which appear in Case III of the Law of Comparative Judgement.  相似文献   

A typical psychophysical experiment presents a sequence of visual stimuli to an observer and collects and stores the responses for later analysis. Although computers can speed up this process, paint programs that allow one to prepare visual stimuli without programming cannot read responses from the mouse or keyboard, whereas BASIC and other programming languages that allow one to collect and store observer’s responses unfortunately cannot handle prepainted pictures. A new programming language called The Director provides the best of both worlds. Its BASIC-like commands can manipulate prepainted pictures, read responses made with the mouse and keyboard, and save these on disk for later analysis. A dozen sample programs are provided.  相似文献   

Prior temporal summation work had indicated that the sensory code for certain behaviors (in bothLimulus and humans) can be understood if one suggests that the central nervous system analyzes the integral of the photoreceptor potential. An independent test of this suggestion is available because (inLimulus) the physiological increment threshold function obtained from the receptor potential integral is inflected, whereas that obtained from the initial transient peak of the receptor potential is not. The behavioral increment threshold function was measured inLimulus and found to be inflected. Fechner’s scaling assumption (that equally detectable stimulus increments are mediated by sensory signals of equal size) was supported by the fact that a theoretical function, which was calculated from the receptor integral intensity-response function by using Fechner’s scaling assumption, was able to fit the behavioral increment threshold function quite well. Furthermore, the variability of the behavioral data was proportional to the receptor integral variability. A seasonal effect was observed: Fall animals were more sensitive and had a higher criterion than winter animals. These findings permit the specification of the rerceptor potential that mediates this particular behavior at threshold: It has a steady-state amplitude of 7 mV in winter and 16 mV in fall. Taken in conjunction with the results of earlier temporal summation work indicating that the threshold receptor potential is 4.5 sec long, this specification implies that at least some behaviors are mediated by large, long sensory signals, which have properties very different from those of small, short signals, particularly with regard to both linearity and their relative dependence on time vs. energy.  相似文献   

It is difficult to maintain stimulus control in animal psychophysical studies using the tracking method. Loss of stimulus control is characterized by wandering thresholds and responses in the absence of the stimulus. Rats were trained to make a variable number of licking responses to turn on an auditory stimulus. A response on a lever in the presence of the stimulus was reinforced with food. Two precedures were added to improve stimulus control. First, lever responses in the absence of the stimulus raised the intensity of the stimulus at the next presentation; second, rate of reinforcement in the threshold region was maintained at about the same level as that in the suprathreshold region by reducing the number of licking responses required to turn on the stimulus. Using these two procedures, stimulus control was improved and maintained and reliable auditory intensity thresholds were obtained.  相似文献   

The package described here enables the user to maintain a “card index system” of journal references on floppy disk, with easy retrieval of references by author, subject, or combination of subjects.  相似文献   

The classic goal-gradient hypothesis posits that motivation to reach a goal increases monotonically with proximity to the desired end state. However, we argue that this is not always the case. In this article, we show that motivation to engage in goal-consistent behavior can be higher when people are either far from or close to the end state and lower when they are about halfway to the end state. We propose a psychophysical explanation for this tendency to get "stuck in the middle." Building on the assumption that motivation is influenced by the perceived marginal value of progress toward the goal, we show that the shape of the goal gradient varies depending on whether an individual monitors progress in terms of distance from the initial state or from the desired end state. Our psychophysical model of goal pursuit predicts a previously undiscovered nonmonotonic gradient, as well as two monotonic gradients.  相似文献   

Sudden illumination applied to Limulus produces an unconditioned downward tail movement which is under stimulus control and can be used to measure psychophysical thresholds. The method of constant stimuli was used to measure the behavioral dark-adaptation function mediated by the ventral eye of Limulus. The resulting function has two phases, each of which is rectified when log threshold is made a function of long time in the dark. Under the conditions of the present experiment, the transition between the two phases occurred at 6 min. This psychophysical dark-adaptation function has the same form as an electrophysiologic dark-adaptation function obtained by Fein and DeVoe (using the ventral eye receptor potential as the response). In more complex visual systems such two-phase, dark-adaptation functions would usually be interpreted in terms of screening pigment movements or changes in the neural contributions of different receptor classes, but neither interpretation is appropriate for the ventral eye of Limulus.  相似文献   

Virtual reality (VR) promises methodological rigour with the extra benefit of allowing us to study the context-dependent behaviour of individuals in their natural environment. Pan and Hamilton (2018, Br. J. Psychol.) provide a useful overview of methodological recommendations for using VR. Here, we highlight some other aspects of the use of VR. Our first argument is that VR can be useful by virtue of its differences from the normal perceptual environment. That is, by virtue of its relative non-realism and poverty of its perceptual elements, it can actually offer increased clarity with respect to the features of interest for the researcher. Our second argument is that VR exerts its measurable influence more by eliciting an acceptance of the virtual world (i.e., ‘suspension of disbelief’) rather than by eliciting a true belief of the realism of the VR environment. We conclude by providing a novel suggestion for combining neuroimaging methods with embodied VR that relies on the suspension of disbelief.  相似文献   

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