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Summary Hemispheric differences for feature perturbations were investigated in two experiments. Stimulus displays consisting of five small squares arranged in a single row were presented tachistoscopically, with the subject instructed to state in which square a horizontal tick mark was located. Ticks could occur in any of the three middle squares, with half of the ticks presented on the inside and half presented on the outside of the square in relation to the fovea. Experiment 1 presented each array of five squares to the right or left of fixation at one of three distances from the fovea. Experiment 2 manipulated the distance between the squares and kept foveal distance constant. In each experiment, fewer errors were made when stimuli were presented to the left visual field/right hemisphere than when they were presented to the right visual field/left hemisphere, when ticks migrated toward the fovea. Experiment 1 found that increasing the distance from the fovea increased the error rate, but did not change the hemispheric differences. Experiment 2 found that increasing the distance between the squares did not change hemispheric effects reliably. The data imply that hemispheric differences for perceptual processing begin very early during sensory analysis.  相似文献   

Recent auditory research using sequentially presented, spatially fixed tones has found evidence that, as in vision for simultaneous, spatially distributed objects, attention appears to be important for the integration of perceptual features that enable the identification of auditory events. The present investigation extended these findings to arrays of simultaneously presented, spatially distributed musical tones. In the primary tasks, listeners were required to search for specific cued conjunctions of values for the features of pitch and instrument timbre. In secondary tasks, listeners were required to search for a single cued value of either the pitch or the timbre feature. In the primary tasks, listeners made frequent errors in reporting the presence or absence of target conjunctions. Probability modeling, derived from the visual search literature, revealed that the error rates in the primary tasks reflected the relatively infrequent failure to correctly identify pitch or timbre features, plus the far more frequent illusory conjunction of separately presented pitch and timbre features. Estimates of illusory conjunction rate ranged from 23% to 40%. Thus, a process must exist in audition that integrates separately registered features. The implications of the results for the processing of isolated auditory features, as well as auditory events defined by conjunctions of features, are discussed.  相似文献   

Four experiments explored inhibitory mechanisms related to attentional selection. Observers viewed multielement displays and performed a form discrimination task involving a probe element. Also present in the stimulus display was a singleton element (possessing a unique color or orientation). In Experiments 1-3, probe discrimination performance was measured as a function of the distance between the probe and the singleton. Experiment 1 revealed that probe discriminations suffered when the probe was adjacent to the singleton, but improved as the spatial separation between the probe and attentionally salient singleton increased. Experiment 2 added a control condition, revealing that probe discriminations were inhibited near the singleton, but returned to control level performance with increased separation. Further, the amount of inhibition increased with larger stimulus onset asynchronies between the singleton and probe. Experiment 3 demonstrated that the extent of the inhibitory region is spatially mediated. In Experiment 4, the task was modified to one of probe detection. No inhibition was observed in the detection task, indicating that the decrease in probe discrimination performance observed in Experiments 1-3 was not due to observers' inability to detect the probe element.  相似文献   


We used eye tracking to quantify the extent to which combinations of salient contrasts (orientation, luminance, and movement) influence a central salience map that guides eye movements. We found that luminance combined additively with orientation and movement, suggesting that the salience system processes luminance somewhat independently of the two other features. On the other hand, orientation and movement together influenced salience underadditively, suggesting that these two features are processed nonindependently. This pattern of results suggests that the visual system does not sum sources of salience linearly, but treats some sources of salience as redundant.


In two experiments, 5-, 7-, 9-, and 11-year-old children and college students were presented on each trial with a sentence followed by a probe word. Their task was to indicate whether the probe was in the sentence or not. Of primary interest were the false recognitions and the correct latencies that occurred when the probe word was a synonym or antonym of one of the words in the sentence (Experiment I) or when the probe was a subordinate, superordinate, part, or whole (Experiment II). The younger children were more affected by synonymy than antonymy, although the older children and adults were not. At all ages, the categorical relationships caused more recognition confusion than the partwhole relationships. Subjects were more affected when the probe was a superordinate than when it was a subordinate, and somewhat more affected when the probe was the whole than when it was the part. These results suggest that children as young as 5 years of age have well-organized conceptual systems based on shared meaning components.  相似文献   


Two selective adaptation experiments were conducted in order to investigate certain properties of feature detector systems sensitive to the information underlying the voicing distinction (Experiment I) and the place of articulation distinction (Experiment II). The experimental paradigm combined binaural adaptation with a dichotic testing procedure. The stimuli were nonboundary, good exemplars of the respective phonetic categories. In both experiments, there was a systematic shift in performance following adaptation on those trials on which the stimulus in one ear had the adapted feature value and the stimulus in the other ear had the unadapted feature value. On these trials, the adapted feature value was relatively less effective in competing for processing with the unadapted value in the opposing ear (compared to preadaptation performance). Since these results were obtained using nonboundary stimuli, it was argued that (1) adaptation affects the relevant detector along its range of operation or sensitivity, and nof simply at the phonetic boundary, and that (2) information regarding the relative output level of the detector, as well as which detector was more strongly excited, must be available at the site of interaction of the two stimuli.


 It is sometimes assumed that limits of temporal discrimination established in psychophysical tasks constrain the timing information available for the control of action. Results from the five perceptual-motor synchronization experiments presented here argue against this assumption. Experiment 1 demonstrates that subliminal (0.8–2%) local changes in interval duration in an otherwise isochronous auditory sequence are rapidly compensated for in the timing of synchronized finger tapping. If this compensation is based on perception of the highly variable synchronization error (SE) rather than of the local change in stimulus period, then it could be based solely on SEs that exceed the temporal order threshold. However, that hypothesis is ruled out by additional analyses of Exp. 1 and the results of Exp. 2, a combined synchronization and temporal order judgment task. Experiments 3–5 further show that three factors that affect the detectability of local deviations from stimulus isochrony do not inhibit effective compensation for such deviations in synchronized tapping. Experiment 5, a combined synchronization and detection task, shows directly that compensation for timing perturbations does not depend on explicit detection. Overall, the results suggest that the automatic processes involved in the temporal control of action have access to more accurate timing information than do the conscious decision processes of auditory temporal judgment. Received: 19 November 1998 / Accepted: 18 March 1999  相似文献   

Three experiments investigated visual search for singleton feature targets. The critical dimension on which the target differed from the nontargets was either known in advance or unknown—that is, the critical difference varied eitherwithin a dimension oracross dimensions. Previous work (Treisman, 1988) had shown that, while the search reaction time (RT) functions were flat in both conditions, there was an intercept cost for the cross-dimension condition. Experiment 1 examined whether this cost would disappear when responses could be based on the detection ofany (target—nontarget) difference in the display (by requiring a “heterogeneity/homogeneity” decision). The cost remained. This argues that pop-out requires (or involves) knowledge of the particular dimension in which an odd-one-out target differs from the nontargets; furthermore, that knowledge is acquired through the elimination of dimensions not containing a target. In Experiment 2, the subjects had to eliminate (or ignore) one potential source of difference in order to give a positive response (displays could contain a “noncritical” difference requiring a negative response). The result was a comparatively large cost in the within-dimension (positive) condition. This can be taken to indicate that popout as such does not make available information as to the particular feature value in which the target differs from the nontargets. Experiment 3 examined whether search priorities can be biased in accordance with advance knowledge of the likely source of difference. The subjects were found to have a high degree of top-down control over what particular dimension to assign priority of checking to. The implication of the results for models of visual search and selection are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Hemisphere differences for featural processing were investigated in three experiments. Stimulus arrays composed of the same background letter were presented tachistoscopically and the subject instructed to detect an embedded target letter. Background and target letter features were manipulated across studies, while stimulus arrays were presented at different retinal loci within experiments. Signal detection analysis revealed that left hemisphere stimulus presentations demonstrated slightly better detection when target and background features were relatively dissimilar, while right hemisphere stimulus presentations demonstrated better detection when target and background features were highly similar. Retinal locus generally decreased detection performance when the stimulus letters were dissimilar and interacted with hemispheric advantages. Both of these factors also were affected by changes in response criterion across experiments which were linked to target/background perceptual confusions. The findings suggest that the left and right hemispheres differ in their feature extraction capabilities during the early stages of visual stimulus processing.  相似文献   

Two experiments are reported with identical auditory stimulation in three-dimensional space but with different instructions. Participants localized a cued sound (Experiment 1) or identified a sound at a cued location (Experiment 2). A distractor sound at another location had to be ignored. The prime distractor and the probe target sound were manipulated with respect to sound identity (repeated vs. changed) and location (repeated vs. changed). The localization task revealed a symmetric pattern of partial repetition costs: Participants were impaired on trials with identity-location mismatches between the prime distractor and probe target-that is, when either the sound was repeated but not the location or vice versa. The identification task revealed an asymmetric pattern of partial repetition costs: Responding was slowed down when the prime distractor sound was repeated as the probe target, but at another location; identity changes at the same location were not impaired. Additionally, there was evidence of retrieval of incompatible prime responses in the identification task. It is concluded that feature binding of auditory prime distractor information takes place regardless of whether the task is to identify or locate a sound. Instructions determine the kind of identity-location mismatch that is detected. Identity information predominates over location information in auditory memory.  相似文献   

Successive durations of binocular rivalry are sequentially independent, random variables. To explore the underlying control process, we perturbed the cycle during a 30-sec viewing period by immediately forcing an eye to return to dominance whenever it became suppressed. During this period of forced dominance, that eye's individual dominance durations were unusually brief, but immediately following the period of forced dominance that eye's suppression durations were unusually long. However, no long-term change in the sequential pattern of rivalry occurred, and the stochastic independence of successive durations was maintained during and following the period of forced dominance. The same pattern of results was obtained with even longer periods of forced dominance. These results are consistent with the existence of a short-term adaptation, or fatigue, process responsible for transitions from dominance to suppression.  相似文献   

In a comparative visual search experiment, two halves of a display contained visual primitives of various shapes and colors. These halves were identical (50% of trials) or contained a non-matching pair (50% of trials). Response time (RT), accuracy, and eye movements were measured in both young and older adults. There were Age Group x Display Size interactions found for RT, with older adult RT affected more than younger adult RT by increases in display size. This interaction was consistent with predictions generated by sequential-sampling models for RT. There were age group main effects on fixation number and fixation duration, but no age group main effects on accuracy, saccade amplitude, or measures of scan-path efficiency; this indicated that search strategies were similar across age groups. Overall, the results showed no special age group deficits for comparative visual search.  相似文献   

This research's purpose was to contrast the representations resulting from learning of the same categories by either classifying instances or inferring instance features. Prior inference learning research, particularly T. Yamauchi and A. B. Markman (1998), has suggested that feature inference learning fosters prototype representation, whereas classification learning encourages exemplar representation. Experiment 1 supported this hypothesis. Averaged and individual participant data from transfer after inference training were better fit by a prototype than by an exemplar model. However, Experiment 2, with contrasting inference learning conditions, indicated that the prototype model was mimicking a set of label-based bidirectional rules, as determined by the inference learning task demands in Experiment 1. Only the set of rules model accounted for all the inference learning conditions in these experiments.  相似文献   

BackgroundVertical perturbations are one major cause of falling. Incidentally, while conducting a comprehensive study comparing effects of vertical versus horizontal perturbations, we commonly observed a stumbling-like response induced by upward perturbations. The present study describes and characterizes this stumbling effect.MethodsFourteen individuals (10 male; 27 ± 4 yr) walked self-paced on a treadmill embedded in a moveable platform and synchronized to a virtual reality system. Participants experienced 36 perturbations (12 types). Here, we report only on upward perturbations. We determined stumbling based on visual inspection of recorded videos, and calculated stride time and anteroposterior, whole-body center of mass (COM) distance relative to the heel, i.e., COM-to-heel distance, extrapolated COM (xCOM) and margin of stability (MOS) before and after perturbation.ResultsFrom 68 upward perturbations across 14 participants, 75% provoked stumbling. During the first gait cycle post-perturbation, stride time decreased in the perturbed foot and the unperturbed foot (perturbed = 1.004 s vs. baseline = 1.119 s and unperturbed = 1.017 s vs. baseline = 1.125 s, p < 0.001). In the perturbed foot, the difference was larger in stumbling-provoking perturbations (stumbling: 0.15 s vs. non-stumbling: 0.020 s, p = 0.004). In addition, the COM-to-heel distance decreased during the first and second gait cycles after perturbation in both feet (first cycle: 0.58 m, second cycle: 0.665 m vs. baseline: 0.72 m, p-values<0.001). During the first gait cycle, COM-to-heel distance was larger in the perturbed foot compared to the unperturbed foot (perturbed foot: 0.61 m vs. unperturbed foot: 0.55 m, p < 0.001). MOS decreased during the first gait cycle, whereas the xCOM increased during the second through fourth gait cycles post-perturbation (maximal xCOM at baseline: 0.5 m, second cycle: 0.63 m, third cycle: 0.66 m, fourth cycle: 0.64 m, p < 0.001).ConclusionsOur results show that upward perturbations can induce a stumbling effect, which – with further testing – has the potential to be translated into balance training to reduce fall risk, and for method standardization in research and clinical practice.  相似文献   

Review feature     
Henry James (1986) Roderick Hudson, Harmondsworth: Penguin, pp. 350 (first published in the USA 1875)  相似文献   

《Brain and cognition》2012,78(3):335-344
We investigated the neural correlates of attentional modulation in the perceptual comparison process for detecting feature-binding changes in an event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) experiment. Participants performed a variant of a cued change detection task. They viewed a memory array, a spatial retro-cue, and later a probe array. Their task was to judge whether the cued item had changed between the two arrays. Change type was manipulated to be a color-location binding or a color feature change. The retro-cue onset time in the retention interval was manipulated to be early or late. As a consequence of strong inter-item competition, we found strong prefrontal activation for late cues when contrasting the binding-change with the color-change condition. In contrast, we observed a comparable behavioral and neural effect between the two types of change detection when retro-cue was presented early. More importantly, we demonstrated a significant inter-regional correlation between the prefrontal and parietal regions in both binding- and color-change conditions for late cues. In addition, extensive prefrontal–parietal–visual functional connectivity was showed for detecting binding changes in the late-cueing condition. These results support the critical role in prefrontal–parietal–visual functional coupling for resolving strong inter-item competition during the comparison process in the binding-change condition. We provide direct evidence that attention modulates neural activity associated with perceptual comparison, biasing competition in favour of the task-relevant information in order to detect binding changes.  相似文献   

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