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This paper describes a software system called PLE that is designed to turn a Data General Corporation computer system into a sophisticated infinite-channel tachistoscope. We describe hardware and software characteristics of the PLE system and evaluate its performance in comparison to a typical tachistoscope. Additionally, we describe two example experiments that have been implemented in the PLE system.  相似文献   

A microcomputer system for real-time control of experiments in cognitive psychology is described. The microcomputer serves as an interface that allows a remote timesharing computer to control the timed display of textual material on CRTs and collect response times accurate to 1 msec. It can control two CRT subject stations presenting the same or different experiments and control other devices such as slide projectors and tape recorders. It is argued that such special-purpose microcomputer interfaces provide a real-time laboratory with significantly less effort than does the more traditional laboratory minicomputer.  相似文献   

This paper describes an all-purpose experimental system, “APES,” for use in a microprocessor-controlled behavioral pharmacology laboratory. APES is an assembly language program that can run on any of the DEC PDP-11 family processors under an RT-11 single-job operating system. Its main purpose is the real-time control of psychological experimentation. The capabilities of the system are: (1) system generation of all operant or Pavlovian conditioning paradigms, (2) collection and storage of both behavioral and physiological data in a machine-readable format for later statistical analysis, and (3) operation that can be accomplished by individuals who have no computer programming experience.  相似文献   

EMPP is a problem-oriented language developed to simplify programming of psychological experiments on a minicomputer. An important feature of EMPP is its ability to be modified as the need for more complex hardware or software arises. The basic EMPP language is summarized and exemplified in a typical experiment.  相似文献   

Psychological experiments often collect choice responses using buttonpresses. However, spoken responses are useful in many cases—for example, when working with special clinical populations, or when a paradigm demands vocalization, or when accurate response time measurements are desired. In these cases, spoken responses are typically collected using a voice key, which usually involves manual coding by experimenters in a tedious and error-prone manner. We describe ChoiceKey, an open-source speech recognition package for MATLAB. It can be optimized by training for small response sets and different speakers. We show ChoiceKey to be reliable with minimal training for most participants in experiments with two different responses. Problems presented by individual differences, and occasional atypical responses, are examined, and extensions to larger response sets are explored. The ChoiceKey source files and instructions may be downloaded as supplemental materials for this article from brm.psychonomic-journals.org/content/supplemental.  相似文献   

The course in history of psychology can be challenging for students, many of whom enter it with little background in history and faced with unfamiliar names and concepts. The sheer volume of material can encourage passive memorization unless efforts are made to increase student involvement. As part of a trend toward experiential history, historians of science have begun to supplement their lectures with demonstrations of classic physics experiments as a way to bring the history of science to life. Here, the authors report on computer simulations of five landmark experiments from early experimental psychology in the areas of reaction time, span of attention, and apparent motion. The simulations are designed not only to permit hands-on replication of historically important results but also to reproduce the experimental procedures closely enough that students can gain a feel for the nature of early research and the psychological processes being studied.  相似文献   

The theory of meaningfulness of statements using numerical scales is summarized. Applications of this theory are surveyed. These deal with average performance, importance ratings, statistical tests, indices of consumer confidence, psychophysical scaling, block modeling of social structure, structural modeling in decision making, and the analysis of order and matching experiments.  相似文献   

Real-time systems for controlling cognitive psychology experiments typically use hardware clocks. However, systems using software clocks have comparable reliability, accuracy, and resolution, and the advantages of lower cost and hardware simplicity. Four types of software clocks are described and evaluated. Problems in implementing software clock systems are described, along with their solutions. Software clock routines for Apple II series microcomputers are presented.  相似文献   

Some common real-time computing problems are discussed, namely, the programming and testing of devices, problems relating to program execution speed, the timing of experimental events, and the programming of multiple parallel events. The programming language FORTH is shown to be capable of providing solutions to all of these problems. In addition, FORTH has the advantages of being an interpretive and extensible language with both high-level and low-level capabilities, while at the same time being efficient and fast in execution.  相似文献   

The use of the PLATO CAI system in psychological research is discussed. This discussion covers the use of the PLATO system for research in personal space, attribution, person perception, and group decision making. The aspects of the PLATO system that facilitate research in each of these topic areas are discussed in detail. Further modifications of the PLATO system that would enhance its applicability to psychological research are also discussed.  相似文献   

ePsych (http://epsych.msstate.edu), a new Web site currently under active development, is intended to teach students about the discipline of psychology. The site presumes little prior knowledge about the field and so may be used in introductory classes, but it incorporates sufficient depth of coverage to be useful in more advanced classes as well. Numerous interactive and dynamic elements are incorporated into various modules, orientations, and guidebooks. These elements include Java-based experiments and demonstrations, video clips, and animated diagrams. Rapid access to all material is provided through a layer-based navigation system that allows users to visit various “Worlds of the Mind.” Active learning is encouraged, by challenging students with puzzles and problems and by providing the opportunity to “dig deeper” to learn more about the phenomena at hand.  相似文献   

Recent research evaluating the usefulness of program documentation has borrowed techniques used in psychology to define the variables of interest and to measure those variables. The results of the research suggest that (1) using a branching or sequential program design language (PDL) produces performance that is superior to that found with other formats (such as flowcharts), and (2) using a detailed design written in a PDL leads to superior coding performance over other formats due, in part, to the small amount of translation that is required in mapping from the design to the code. These conclusions are based primarily on time and accuracy data. This paper discusses the research conducted in this area and the conclusions drawn. The influence of the methodology used to conduct these experiments on the evaluation of programmer performance is also discussed.  相似文献   

Interactive on-line experiments provide a unique and useful method for communicating material to students that is otherwise cumbersome and often confusing. The Java programming language is particularly suited for Internet-based programming applications of this sort because it bypasses many technical issues, including resource availability, security, and cross-platform compatibility. In most cases, topics appropriate to this medium of presentation should (1) not be easily demonstrated by other means, (2) represent an important finding in the field, and (3) be robust with respect to variations in both participants and equipment. The present paper outlines the integration of interactive experiments into an introductory cognitive psychology classroom, describing several experiments currently available on the World-Wide Web (WWW). Evaluation of the technical aspects of the technology as well as expansion of the format to other courses is discussed.  相似文献   

This paper attempts to evaluate the impact of microprocessors and other products using large-scale integrated circuit technologies with a set of examples of past, current, and proposed computer applications in psychological research. I first discuss a number of developments in real-time computing that have taken place during the last 10 years. The major part of this paper describes future developments in the Computer Laboratory for Instruction in Psychological Research. We are developing an intelligent high-speed communication network that will enable computers and terminals to communicate with each other. In addition, we are developing a microprocessor-based real-time computer system. The network, the real-time system, and the general assumption underlying the development of the next generation of CLIPR facilities are described.  相似文献   

A language for controlling learning, memory, and perception experiments is described. The language features the capability of manipulating large amounts of alphanumeric information with ease. A small, but powerful, command set uses the psychologists’, rather than the programmers’, logic and jargon.  相似文献   

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