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An experiment was done to find the effect on simultaneous brightness contrast of viewing the test patches foveally or peripherally, at a distance of 3° or 6° from the fovea. It was found that contrast was greater in the periphery. It was also found that contrast increased with prolonged viewing of the display. A further experiment showed that blurring the test patches produced an increase in contrast.  相似文献   

Thirty-two Ss were required to estimate the apparent motion of stationary vertical lines viewed against a background of moving vertical lines when both patterns were seen by the same eye (monoptic conditions) or the center pattern was seen by one eye and the surrounds by the other eye (dichoptic conditions). The stationary lines appeared to be moving from right to left as the surrounds moved left to right. The simultaneous motion contrast found under monoptic conditions was maximal when the center pattern and the surrounds were the same color and was reduced when they differed in color. The surrounds had limited influence on the apparent motion of the center section under dichoptic condition, and the color relationship was no longer important. Related color selectivity has been reported for the motion aftereffect (successive motion contrast), and both sets of data can be attributed to inlaibitory interaction (simultaneous in one case and successive in the other) among neural detectors tuned to wavelength as well as the direction of image motion.  相似文献   

The Gelb phenomenon, as an example of whiteness contrast, was investigated with three amounts of separation in depth between the test and induction disc. The cue of binocular disparity was used to vary the perceived depth between the discs. It was found that the magnitude of the contrast effect decreased with an increase in the perceived depth between the two discs. This change was regarded as an instance of the adjacency principle. The problem of whether the binocular disparity cue per se or perceived depth was the significant variable was discussed. The consequences of the results were considered with respect to the relation between whiteness constancy and whiteness contrast and the problem of neural localization of the contrast effect.  相似文献   

Two experiments were done to find the effect on simultaneous brightness contrast of placing test patches in, as against outside, the fovea. When the display was magnified so that the test patches were outside the fovea no statistically significant effect was found. Very short exposures, to eliminate eye movements, did not appear to reduce contrast.  相似文献   

Vibrotactile thresholds were determined at 250 and 400 Hz in the presence of (1) the sounds emitted by the vibrator, (2) continuous tonal or narrow-band masking noise, or (3) a pulsed tone synchronized with the vibrator signal. The measure of a cross-modality effect was the threshold shift occurring between each condition and the control condition, in which earmuff silencers eliminated the vibrator sounds. Continuous tones or noise had no effect upon vibrotactile thresholds. However, auditory signals synchronized with the vibrator signals did significantly elevate vibrotactile thresholds.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was two-fold. First we examined whether visible motion appearance was altered by the spatial interaction between invisible and visible motion. We addressed this issue by means of simultaneous motion contrast, in which a horizontal test grating with a counterphase luminance modulation was seen to have the opposite motion direction to a peripheral inducer grating with unidirectional upward or downward motion. Using a mirror stereoscope, observers viewed the inducer and test gratings with one eye, and continuous flashes of colorful squares forming an annulus shape with the other eye. The continuous flashes rendered the inducer subjectively invisible. The observers’ task was to report whether the test grating moved upward or downward. Consequently, simultaneous motion contrast was observed even when the inducer was invisible (Experiment 1). Second, we examined whether the observers could correctly respond to the direction of invisible motion: It was impossible (Experiment 2).  相似文献   

Simultaneous brightness contrast is investigated in the fovea as a function of (1) amount of surround of the inducing field (Experiment 1) and (2) separation between the test and inducing fields (Experiment 2). Circular test and match fields subtending 14 min (radius) are used throughout. The inducing field, held constant in area, is a circular annulus (615 sq min) varying from a quadrant on one side of the test circle to an annulus completely surrounding the test circle. Test-field apparent brightness is not significantly affected by amount of inducing-field surround when the separation between centers of the test and inducing fields is held constant (Experiment 1). Experiment 2, though, shows that apparent brightness increases significantly as the separation between the centers of the test and inducing fields is increased.  相似文献   

S M Anstis 《Perception》1979,8(5):487-495
Following adaptation to a field of light which was modulated by a rising ramp so that it repetitively grows gradually brighter, a steady test field of light appears to be gradually growing dimmer. In this study, if a small grey spot of constant luminance was centered in the brightening field, it appeared to be growing gradually dimmer by simultaneous contrast. This apparent dimming led to a brightening aftereffect in the spot. It was shown that this spot aftereffect had two independent components: the apparent dimming of the adapting spot produced its own aftereffect (contrast produced an aftereffect) and also the dimming aftereffect in the surround field spatially induced an aftereffect into the spot during the test period (aftereffect produced simultaneous contrast). Thus simultaneous contrast can both precede and follow successive contrast in the visual system.  相似文献   

Summary Evidence is presented that the degree of simultaneous contrast produced by the bisecting line in the Koffka ring is greatly lessened by varying the perceived depth interval between this line and the Koffka figure. The retinal disparity between the line and the figure was varied to produce this effect. The slight lateral displacements of the bisecting line in the monocular images themselves necessary to produce retinal disparity with binocular viewing had no effect on the magnitude of simultaneous contrast. Interpretations based on processes operating at the retinal level such as lateral inhibition level are not supported by this finding. The results are interpreted in terms of the adjacency principle.This research was supported by National Institutes of Health Research Grant No. 00268 to the first author. Thanks are due to Donald Mershon and Walter Gogel for their helpful comments and criticisms of an earlier version of this paper.  相似文献   

A new effect in the domain of achromatic simultaneous contrast has been observed. A middle gray region placed at the center of an area filled by a linear achromatic gradient from black (outer part) to white (inner part) is perceived as being much darker than an identical middle gray region surrounded by a reversed gradient. By using a matching task in two experiments, it has been shown that this phenomenon is much stronger than the classical achromatic simultaneous contrast effect. The new effect is interpreted in terms of thealbedo hypothesis.  相似文献   

It is known that visual noise added to sinusoidal gratings changes the typical U-shaped threshold curve which becomes flat in log-log scale for frequencies below 10c/deg when gratings are masked with white noise of high power spectral density level. These results have been explained using the critical-band-masking (CBM) model by supposing a visual filter-bank of constant relative bandwidth. However, some psychophysical and biological data support the idea of variable octave bandwidth. The CBM model has been used here to explain the progressive change of threshold curves with the noise mask level and to estimate the bandwidth of visual filters. Bayesian staircases were used in a 2IFC paradigm to measure contrast thresholds of horizontal sinusoidal gratings (0.25-8 c/deg) within a fixed Gaussian window and masked with one-dimensional, static, broadband white noise with each of five power density levels. Raw data showed that the contrast threshold curve progressively shifts upward and flattens out as the mask noise level increases. Theoretical thresholds from the CBM model were fitted simultaneously to the data at all five noise levels using visual filters with log-Gaussian gain functions. If we assume a fixed-channel detection model, the best fit was obtained when the octave bandwidth of visual filters decreases as a function of peak spatial frequency.  相似文献   

Contrast effects were obtained in rats in the consumption of saccharin solutions in three different paradigms. Degree of negative contrast varied as a function of concentration disparity, but not equally in the three procedures. Successive negative contrast occurred following shifts from 0.15% to either 0.075% or 0.05% saccharin but did not occur following shifts to 0.10% or 0.125% saccharin. Some degree of simultaneous contrast was obtained with all four concentration disparities. Anticipatory contrast, where the intake of the first substance is suppressed by a more preferred second substance, occurred only in the case of the 0.05%-0.15% difference in concentrations. It was suggested that the several contrast paradigms engage somewhat different psychological processes differentially involving emotional, sensory, and associative mechanisms, but all lead to behavior based on relative value. A modification of Toates's (1981) incentive model of ingestive behavior was suggested to incorporate relativity effects based on both associative and nonassociative factors in the consumption of both nutritive and nonnutritive substances.  相似文献   

L ie , I. Psychophysical invariants of achromatic colour vision. IV. Depth adjacency and simultaneous contrast. Scand. J. Psychol ., 1969, 10 , 282–286.— Achromatic colour contrast as a function of adjacent subareas was investigated by a stereoscopic depth technique. The degree of colour contrast was found to be independent of stereoscopic depth.  相似文献   

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