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We examined whether linear or non-linear LMX–job tension relationships existed, and if these effects were consistent across levels of negative (NA) and positive (PA) affect. Results indicated that NA and PA moderated the non-linear LMX–job tension relationship. Specifically, the LMX–job tension association was best depicted by an inverted-U form for high NAs. Tension was highest when LMX was moderate and lowest when LMX was either low or high. Tension increased minimally for low NAs across levels of LMX. For high PAs, the relationship was linear and inverse. Conversely, a U-shaped form best represented the LMX–job tension relationship for low PAs. Implications, strengths and limitations, and directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Capturing data from employee–supervisor dyads (N = 321) from eight organizations in Pakistan, including human service organizations, an electronics assembly plant, a packaging material manufacturing company, and a small food processing plant, we used moderated regression analysis to examine whether the relationships between trait affect (positive affectivity [PA] and negative affectivity [NA]) and two key work outcome variables (job performance and turnover) are contingent upon the level of job satisfaction. We applied the Trait Activation Theory to explain the moderating effect of job satisfaction on the relationship between affect and performance and between affect and turnover. Overall, the data supported our hypotheses. Positive and negative affectivity influenced performance and the intention to quit, and job satisfaction moderated these relationships. We discuss in detail the results of these findings and their implications for research and practice.  相似文献   


With a basis in conservation of resources theory, this study investigates the relationship between employees’ exposure to perceived contract breaches and their job performance, while also considering the mediating role of knowledge hiding and the moderating role of positive affectivity. Multisource, three-wave data from employees and their peers in Pakistani organizations reveal that breaches in the psychological contract hinder job performance, because employees respond with an unwillingness to contribute valuable knowledge to execute their job tasks. This mediating role of knowledge hiding is mitigated if employees can draw from their own positive affectivity trait. This study accordingly identifies a key factor, intentional attempts to conceal knowledge requested by other members, that can backfire and make employees suffer doubly: from unfulfilled organizational promises and from lower performance. It also reveals how this risk might be contained, that is, by encouraging employees’ positive affect.  相似文献   

郑晓旭  陈娇  骆瑒  孟慧 《心理科学》2019,(2):350-357
本研究基于工作要求-资源模型和领导-成员交换理论,采用两时点追踪问卷调查方法收集了313份数据,探讨了员工的社会自我效能感与工作倦怠之间的关系及其内在机制。分析结果表明:社会自我效能感对工作倦怠有显著的负向预测作用;领导-成员交换关系在社会自我效能感和工作倦怠之间有着显著的中介作用;领导-成员交换社会比较调节了社会自我效能感通过领导-成员交换关系预测工作倦怠的间接效应。  相似文献   

The purpose of the current study is to develop an integrated theoretical model based upon social exchange theory focused on the simultaneous interplay of leader–member exchange (LMX) and team–member exchange (TMX) in team-based contexts. We propose a model that extends current theories related to social exchange by integrating currently independent propositions in the literatures on LMX and TMX, showing how these propositions are contingent on the nature of the team in which leaders and followers are embedded. In a sample of 439 employees on 61 teams, the results show that when it comes to predicting individual performance (a) high TMX quality eliminates the otherwise negative effects of low LMX quality, (b) low authority differentiation weakens the otherwise positive effects of LMX, and (c) high skill differentiation weakens the otherwise positive effects of high LMX quality on performance. We discuss how the role of LMX may be changing in contemporary team-based work contexts relative to what was true in the historical literature when the construct was originally developed.  相似文献   

员工及其管理者的情绪智力对员工工作绩效的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
余琼  袁登华 《心理学报》2008,40(1):74-83
研究员工及其管理者的情绪智力对员工工作绩效的影响,并探索了管理者的情绪智力对其下属员工工作绩效发生影响的内在机制。采用配对取样的方法对30家企业进行了管理者与其下属员工的配对调查。结果发现,员工及其管理者的情绪智力对员工的工作绩效都有显著的正向影响,领导-部属交换在管理者情绪智力对员工情境绩效的影响中起部分中介作用,领导-部属交换在管理者情绪智力对员工任务绩效的影响中起着微弱的部分中介作用  相似文献   

We examined the potentially mediating effects of negative affectivity (NA) on the hope–depression relationship among a sample of postpartum women. We also assessed the social support reported by these women and examined the possible mediating effects of NA on the social support–postpartum depression relationship. Correlational analyses of data obtained from women (N = 98) who had given birth in the previous 6 months revealed that NA did not mediate either hope or social support in the prediction of postpartum depression. Hope accounted for a significant degree of variance in postpartum depression. These data suggest that hope has palliative effects among women following childbirth and these effects are not nullified or explained by emotional predispositions.  相似文献   


Attachment styles can predict the quality of organizational relationships, particularly in reference to leader–member exchange (LMX). However, there is much work to be done in articulating and summarizing these findings and in detecting gaps in the literature. This systematic review fills a critical niche by providing a review of the attachment/LMX relationship. Using the PRISMA framework, this review integrates research on attachment styles and LMX by evaluating associations between secure, anxious, and avoidant attachment styles with LMX for leaders and followers. Across 10 studies, we review the evidence for associations between leader and follower attachment and LMX. We seek to investigate if secure attachment is associated with high-quality LMX and if insecure attachment is associated with lower quality LMX. Our review in general provides mixed support for these propositions, although the association of avoidant attachment for followers with LMX received consistent support. Furthermore, our results highlight the need to consider potential moderating and mediating factors within the attachment/LMX relationship. Based on the patterns of these relationships and the methodological gaps in the literature, we discuss the managerial implications for attachment styles in work and organizational psychology and suggest several directions for future research on the attachment–LMX relationship.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to explore the relationship between inclusive leadership, Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) and innovative work behavior (IWB) in employees of small capitalized textile firms of Pakistan. We hypothesized that LMX mediates the relationship between inclusive leadership and IWB. We collected data from 150 supervisors–subordinate dyads to test our hypotheses. We selected small capitalized firms because they are more innovative and change-oriented in order to enhance their innovativeness. Moreover, these firms enjoy the benefits of lack of bureaucracy and low resistance to change. Therefore, employees are better able to experience a close relationship with entrepreneurial leaders who tend to be inclusive, in order to facilitate the process of innovation. In line with these facts, our results also suggest that inclusive leadership is positively related with IWB and LMX partially mediates this relationship. The theoretical and practical implications of our findings are also discussed.  相似文献   

This study aims to investigate the effect of employee–supervisor political skill congruence on the quality of leader–member exchange (LMX), which in turn influences employees' job satisfaction and turnover intention. For this purpose, two survey studies were conducted. The first study examined the relationship between employee–supervisor political skill congruence and LMX using multi-source data collected from 287 employee–supervisor dyads. The second study examined the indirect effect of congruence in political skill on work outcomes through LMX by using time-lagged multi-source data collected from 142 employee–supervisor dyads. The findings indicate that compared with incongruence, congruence in political skill is associated with higher employee-rated LMX. Moreover, among dyads with congruent political skills, congruence at high levels of political skill is associated with higher employee-rated LMX compared with congruence at low levels of political skill. Moreover, in case of incongruency, low employee–high supervisor political skill combination was related to higher supervisor-rated LMX compared with high employee–low supervisor political skill combination. Lastly, employee–supervisor political skill congruency indirectly influences job satisfaction and turnover intention through employee-rated LMX. This research significantly contributes to the political skill literature by examining potential consequences of employee–supervisor congruence in political skill in the workplace.  相似文献   

张珊珊  周明洁  陈爽  张建新 《心理科学》2012,35(6):1440-1444
采用跨文化(中国人)个性测量表(Cross-Cultural [Chinese] Personality Assessment Inventory, 简称CPAI-2)对182名服务企业员工进行本土化人格特质测查,并同时获得其直接上级主管对他/她工作绩效的评定。目的是探讨本土化人格特质与工作绩效之间的关系模式(线性或非线性)。结果表明:和谐性与工作绩效具有正向的线性关系;面子与工作绩效具有倒U曲线关系;人情与工作绩效具有正U曲线关系;其他本土化人格特质与工作绩效的关系均不显著。  相似文献   

This research examines the influence of leader procrastination on employee attitudes and behaviours. While previous studies have typically viewed procrastination as a form of self‐defeating behaviour, this research explores its effects on others in the workplace. In Study 1, using data collected from 290 employees, we demonstrate the discriminant and relative predictive validity of leader procrastination on leadership effectiveness compared with laissez‐faire leadership and directive leadership. In Study 2, based on dyadic data collected in three phases from 250 employees and their 23 supervisors, we found that leader procrastination was associated with follower discretionary behaviour (organizational citizenship behaviour and deviant behaviour). Additionally, job frustration was found to mediate the relationship between leader procrastination and follower outcomes. The quality of the leader–follower relationship, as a boundary condition, was shown to mitigate the detrimental effects of leader procrastination. Together, the findings suggest that leader procrastination is a distinct form of negative leadership behaviour that represents an important source of follower job frustration.

Practitioner points

  • Leader procrastination is different from laissez‐faire and directive leadership and can be detrimental to followers.
  • Job frustration mediates the relationship between leader procrastination and follower discretionary behaviour.
  • Organizations should facilitate high‐quality LMX relationships as a method for mitigating the negative effects of leader procrastination.


The authors examined the perceived job image of police officers in Singapore and its differential effects on their work-related attitudes (e.g., job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and intention to quit). The authors obtained data from questionnaire surveys and focus-group interviews. Perceived job image consisted of 4 dimensions: (a) prestige, (b) integrity, (c) competence, and (d) nonroutine job nature. Results of hierarchical regression analyses suggested that the first 2 dimensions of the perceived job image construct were salient in affecting the police officers' work-related attitudes.  相似文献   

This experiment tested the hypothesis that there would be a significant increase in powerlessness scores over a 10 year period. The sample was drawn from a population of college students originally tested in 1964. At the 10 year follow-up, all Ss had graduated from college and were either professionally employed (mostly as teachers) or engaged in child-rearing/home activities. The average age of the 1974 sample was 29 years and consisted of 70 females and 30 males. The test instrument was the adult version of Rotter's Internal-External (I-E) Locus of Control Scale which consists of 23 forced-choice items. There were no significant differences on total I-E scores over the 10 year period. However, with use of the Mirels two-factor scoring system, significant increases in social-political control were found. No significant differences in personal control were found. It was concluded that care should be taken in utilizing cross-sectional findings and that utilizing multidimensional scores suggests different results for previously published reports.  相似文献   

The present work applies and extends balance theory by examining the role of relevance of issue to the relationship in balance theory processes within the context of workplace relationships. In Experiment 1, a sample of working adults (N = 81) reported greater job tension when self-supervisor dissimilarity involved a relationship-relevant (vs. non-relationship) ethical dilemma. In Experiment 2, a sample of working students (N = 185) who perceived greater self-supervisor dissimilarity about workplace (vs. family) ethics reported greater job tension, and in turn, less job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Perceiving dissimilarity with a work supervisor in attitudes about relationship-relevant issues may negatively affect outcomes at work. Importantly, these experiments demonstrated that not all dissimilarity is likely to yield negative outcomes; only relationship-relevant (vs. non-relevant) dissimilarity was a catalyst for imbalance-induced tension.  相似文献   

This study explored the direct and interactive roles of job apathy, perceived leader integrity, and spiritual intelligence on work engagement among 206 Nigerian employees of a leading mass transit company (females = 33%; mean age = 35.81years, SD = 5.04; mean organisational tenure = 6.27 years, SD = 2.26). Results following moderated hierarchical multiple regression showed that work engagement was lower with job apathy and higher with perceived leader integrity and employee spiritual intelligence. Moreover, employees with a high perception of leader integrity reported being more work engaged, regardless of feeling apathetic about their job, compared to those with a low perception of leader integrity. Perceived leader integrity and spiritual intelligence are important for work engagement in Nigeria’s transportation sector setting.  相似文献   

涂红伟  严鸣  周星 《心理学报》2011,43(7):810-820
虽然泰勒主义似乎已被工作设计所替代, 但是近来有些学者们注意到工作设计并未起到预期的效果。该研究旨在探讨工作类型作为一个重要的调节变量, 影响着这两种观点的适用性。通过一个纵向现场准实验设计研究, 结果证实了工作类型的调节作用, 即工作丰富化对知识型员工和体力工作者工作产出的影响存在显著差异。这一结果表明, 泰勒主义和工作设计思想并无优劣之分。该文的研究结果对人力资源管理实践的发展, 具有一定的现实指导意义。  相似文献   

杨付  张丽华 《心理学报》2012,44(10):1383-1401
采用问卷调查法,以国内十三家大型企业集团75个工作团队共334名团队成员为研究对象,运用分层线性模型分析技术,探讨了团队沟通、工作不安全氛围对团队成员创新行为的影响,以及创造力自我效能感对此关系的调节作用.结果表明,团队沟通、工作不安全氛围对团队成员创新行为有倒U形的影响;创造力自我效能感调节团队沟通、工作不安全氛围与团队成员创新行为之间的关系:员工的创造力自我效能感越高,团队沟通、工作不安全氛围对团队成员创新行为的倒U形影响越小.  相似文献   

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