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General System Theory is used to examine the structure and activity of human services organizations for conditions which support the introduction of selected narrative ideas in a systemic approach to mental health services. The inquiry includes examination of the influence of larger systems (such as managed care companies and regulatory bodies) on such introduction.  相似文献   

This paper reviews Michael White's early work with communities and extends ideas and practices from that work into the realm of consulting with organizations. We draw on Michael's writing and the records of two specific projects, as well as the recollections of team members in those projects, to describe how ideas and practices that were originally developed in working with individuals and families came to be applied in community settings. Specifically, we show how the central intention of the work is to use narrative ideas and practices in ways that allow communities to articulate, appreciate, document, utilize, and share their own knowledges of life and skills of living. We discuss the basic narrative ideas of stories, double listening, telling and retelling, making documents, and linking lives through shared purposes. For these projects, the teams developed structures that made it possible to use the basic idea with whole communities. We show how this work with communities has offered inspiration and ideas for our work in consulting to organizations. Finally, we describe and illustrate a particular way of working with organizations that carries the spirit of Michael's community work into situations requiring shorter blocks of time and more limited commitments than the original community contexts.  相似文献   

本文较详细地分析了扬州市伊斯兰教的现状,并对当前伊斯兰教面临的难点和加强伊斯兰教团体建设等问题进行了深入的分析。  相似文献   

In response to increasing demands for greater coordination and collaboration among community institutions, interorganizational collaboratives (i.e., coalitions, partnerships, coordinating councils) have emerged as a popular mechanism for strengthening the capacity of a community system to respond to public and social issues. This study adopts a network approach to explore the relative importance of dense networks of cooperative relationships among members of interorganizational collaboratives for two outcomes of effectiveness: improving interorganizational coordination and fostering systems change. Based on survey and social network data collected from 48 different collaboratives, findings indicate that, relative to other key characteristics of collaboratives identified in previous literature, cooperative stakeholder relationships were the strongest predictor of systems change outcomes. However, for coordination outcomes, stakeholder relationships were overshadowed in importance by the leadership and decision making capacity of the collaborative. Collectively, findings suggest key differences in the requisite capacity profiles for coordination and systems change outcomes.  相似文献   

By referring to Niklas Luhmann’s theory of self-referential systems, Aldo Mascareño (2008, submitted for publication) gives an account of system-environment interrelatedness, explaining how social and individual constitute each other through the process of communication and co-creation of meanings. Two possible extensions to his account are discussed. Firstly, auto-communication within the system that happens without any external reference needs to be taken into account while describing the existence and constant re-creation of psychic systems. Secondly, in order for the system and environment or two systems to communicate, an imagined and temporary intersubjectivity between the two needs to be assumed.  相似文献   

The Inspector Gamache mysteries by Louise Penny are very popular, in no small part because of the appeal of the main character, Chief Inspector Armand Gamache. However, another main draw of the series is the small set of recurring main characters. In this article, I delve deeply into their lives and relationships, using as a lens the four sayings of Gamache as a means of illuminating both the brokenness and grace that characterize human relationality.  相似文献   

This study assessed the performance of the Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Test-Consumption (AUDIT-C) in diagnosing a postdeployment alcohol disorder in a cohort of Air Force Medical Services personnel (N = 13,353). The prevalence of alcohol disorders in this population of previously deployed military healthcare personnel was 1.26% based on medical record data. Assessing the AUDIT-C as a screening tool, the following characteristics were found: sensitivity was 23.81%, specificity was 91.48%, positive predictive value was 3.44%, and negative predictive value was 98.95%. The positive and negative likelihood ratios were 2.80 and 0.83, respectively. Classification accuracy of the AUDIT-C was improved by accounting for officer status and female gender. The area under the receiver operating characteristic curve was 0.69 for the multivariable model, indicating poor to fair classification accuracy. However, this model was significantly improved over the univariate model. Thus, taking rank and gender into account when conducting screening may improve the utility of the AUDIT-C.  相似文献   

This study assessed the performance of the 2-item Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-2) in identifying postdeployment depressive disorders in a cohort of Air Force Medical Services personnel (N = 18,398). The prevalence of depressive disorders in the cohort was 9.00% based on medical record data. The area under the receiver operating characteristic curve was 0.56, indicating very poor classification accuracy. Sensitivity was 15.53%, specificity was 95.57%, positive predictive value was 25.75%, and negative predictive value was 91.97%. The positive and negative likelihood ratios were 3.51 and 0.88, respectively. Several risk factors associated with postdeployment depressive disorders were identified that could potentially improve screening in this population.  相似文献   

The purpose of the paper is to reflect on value dilemmas in mental health consumer-run organizations and to discuss implications for research, policy, and practice. We review the roots of consumer-run organizations in the self-help movement and the psychiatric survivor liberation movement, focusing on the distinctive values espoused by consumer-run organizations. We also discuss evidence-based and value-based approaches to mental health policy formulation and mental health reform, noting the particular importance of value-based approaches and the role that consumer-run organizations can play in mental health reform. Based on our experiences conducting a participatory action research study of four mental health consumer-run organizations, we identify and examine several value dilemmas, discuss the lessons that we learned about these value dilemmas, and note their implications for future directions in research, policy, and practice.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the purpose of the three-part Special Issue on Spirituality and Adult Development, described in the Introduction to Special Issue Parts I and II (J. D. Sinnott, 2001, in press). It also outlines the contents of Part III. Developing adults express their belief that spirituality plays a key role in their development, and humanistic psychology supports this view, yet developmental psychologists have given comparatively little attention to this factor. Also the concept of spirituality seldom has been considered separately from that of religion. The purpose of this Special Issue is to begin to remedy this neglect and to begin to examine the meanings spirituality has for the developing adult. How might spirituality be adaptive? How might it relate to our connections with others and our society? This introduction is a summary of the five empirical and theoretical papers that form Part III of the Special Issue on Spirituality and Adult Development.  相似文献   

This study investigated the influence of student-teacher relationships and attitudes toward bullying on middle school students' bullying behaviors. Gender and grade differences were also examined. Data were collected from 435 middle school students. Results indicated that students' attitudes toward bullying mediated the relationship between student-teacher relationships and physical and verbal/relational bullying. There was a significant group difference on student-teacher relationships and attitudes toward bullying between bully, bully-victim, victim, and bystander groups and students not involved in bullying. In addition, sixth graders reported significantly more positive student-teacher relationships than seventh and eighth graders. Implications for the role of both cognitive and behavioral bullying intervention and prevention efforts are discussed.  相似文献   


This paper examines the cultural factors that may lead to plagiarism by ESL students from Confucian-influenced societies and suggests steps that can be taken to address “cultural plagiarism,” hoping to aid students in their transition into a Western educational culture.  相似文献   

This paper examines the relationship between workaholism and family functioning and the psychological outcomes of family members. A profile of the workaholic family is presented, along with an argument for family scientists and practitioners to pay more attention to this neglected area of family life. Considerations for how to address the need in family research and practice also are presented.  相似文献   

The commentary first briefly presents selected notes on the Chen et al. (in press) excellent and inclusive article on primed goals and their effects. Then, it suggests that there exist at least two major streams of research that are conceptually allied with the priming construct that can serve to expand the range and importance of the implications of primed goals: the self-fulfilling prophecy (SFP) and the organizational climate constructs. Brief reviews of these robust research literatures are then presented and linked conceptually to priming. The conclusion reached is that the validity of the priming construct has potentially wider conceptual and practical application and validity than a surface reading of the Chen et al. (2020) review might suggest.  相似文献   


In a sample of 156 college students (74 men and 82 women), the authors examined the influences of power status and gender on responsibility attributions and resolution choices during disagreements in personal relationships. The participants read vignettes in which relationship partners disagreed; then the participants placed themselves in the situations depicted and reported their perceived responsibility and resolution choices. The participants were randomly assigned to 1 of 2 power-status conditions (you have/your partner has greater power in the situation). Power status was based on resource power (i.e., a monetary inheritance) or on perceived power (i.e., financial knowledge). The authors tested 2 alternative power-status hypotheses (justified benefits/rights and ability/accountability) and 1 gender hypothesis. The results supported both power-status hypotheses. In addition, the men's and the women's responsibility attributions and resolution choices (i.e., adhering to their own wishes or deferring to their partner's wishes) revealed differential dependence on the type of power held by the person with greater situational power. The authors suggest issues further research concerning how situational differences in socially based expectations (e.g., power status and gender) may affect conflicts within relationships.  相似文献   

我国中小学生心理健康服务从业人员及工作状况调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该研究的目的是考察我国中小学生心理健康服务从业人员及专业工作的基本情况,并比较其地区差异,分析存在的问题。调查包括来自重庆、甘肃、辽宁、福建、湖北以及西藏等6个省市自治区的596名被试。研究采用自编问卷调查中小学生心理健康从业队伍情况及其专业工作情况。结果发现各地区之间发展确实存在不均衡的状况,辽宁、福建等东部发达地区从业人员专业化水平相对较高;西藏、甘肃等地区则相对较为落后,特别体现在人员结构不合理、职称待遇偏低、缺少专业培训等方面。  相似文献   

A preliminary study aimed at investigating the potential impact of relationships on decision-making process and autonomy of women was conducted in Harare, Zimbabwe. The majority of women surveyed (87.6%) were prepared to consult their husbands, whereas only 46.6% said they would consult their relatives prior to participation in health research. Only 6.2% and 11.3% were prepared to keep their participation secret from their husbands their relatives, respectively. Overall, 58.6% were rated as autonomous, 22.5% partially autonomous, and 18.9% were rated as not autonomous. Age, educational level, employment status, and marital status of respondents were significantly associated with autonomous decision-making process.  相似文献   

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