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甘绍平 《哲学研究》2012,(6):93-104,128
<正>一道德规范同法律规范一样,都是人际文明相处、社会和谐发展的必要条件。道德的运行可以实现社会的最佳状态。道德规范合乎所有人的利益: 尽管它们有可能不与当事人直接当下的短期欲求相吻合,但从长远和整体的视角来看,它们与所有当事人的根本利益必定是一致的。因此,违逆道德规范而行,要么会受到制度条例的制裁,要么会受到公共舆论的谴责,要么会受到内在良心的折磨。  相似文献   

Two groups of agents, and , face a moral conflict if has a moral obligation and has a moral obligation, such that these obligations cannot both be fulfilled. We study moral conflicts using a multi-agent deontic logic devised to represent reasoning about sentences like ‘In the interest of group of agents, group of agents ought to see to it that .’ We provide a formal language and a consequentialist semantics. An illustration of our semantics with an analysis of the Prisoner’s Dilemma follows. Next, necessary and sufficient conditions are given for (1) the possibility that a single group of agents faces a moral conflict, for (2) the possibility that two groups of agents face a moral conflict within a single moral code, and for (3) the possibility that two groups of agents face a moral conflict.  相似文献   

Most of us have certain intuitions about moral rights, at least partially captured by the ideas that: (A) rights carry special weight in moral argument; (B) persons retain their rights even when they are legitimately infringed; although (C) rights undoubtedly do conflict with one another, and are sometimes overridden as well by nonrights considerations. I show that Dworkin's remarks about rights allow us to affirm (A), (B), and (C), yet those remarks are extremely vague. I then argue that Feinberg's more comprehensive and precise theory, designed to do justice to all three theses, cannot assure us of (A), that rights are not merely one consideration to be weighed in the balance with heterogeneous others. I show how Feinberg accepts (C) despite being drawn toward an alternative absolutist theory of rights and commits himself to (B) through his rejection of prima facie rights. But his promising distinction between recognition and enforcement of a right, which helps give some sense to (B) despite its tension with (C), undermines the force of rights in moral argument apparently intended by (A). We thus learn that Feinberg's and Dworkin's accounts of rights are incompatible, though each is correct in important ways. Contrasting their views allows us to clarify the implications and consistency of alternative theses about rights, one step toward meeting the challenge of developing a theory which shows more adequately how respect for rights is to be combined with other intuitions about rights and their relation to other values.An earlier version of this paper was presented at the 1986 Pacific Division American Philosophical Association Meetings. Partial support for this research was provided by a Research Fellowship from the American Council of Learned Societies under a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities. I am grateful for that funding and am indebted to Earl Conee, Leon Galis, Jean Hampton, Peter Markie, Rex Martin, Terrance McConnell, James Nickel, Laurence Thomas and especially George Sher and Judith Thomson for insightful comments on drafts of this paper.  相似文献   

文章首先分析了会计道德选择的内涵和形式;进而提出要把握会计道德选择体系,关键在于从认识的选择性、道德情感和道德意志三个方面把握会计道德选择的心理机制;最后从选择的前提、选择尺度和选择目的与手段三个方面分析了会计道德选择的具体实现。  相似文献   

Reflective equilibrium is often credited with extending the idea of accounting for the data from its familiar home in the sciences to the realm of moral philosophy. But careful consideration of the main concepts of this idea—the data to be accounted for and the kind of accounting it is appropriate to expect of a moral theory—leads to a revised understanding of the “accounting for the data” perspective as it applies to the discipline of moral theory selection. This revised understanding is in tension with reflective equilibrium and actually provides more support for the alternative method of moral theory selection that has been termed ‘practical equilibrium’.  相似文献   

工程中的利益冲突与道德选择   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
本文从工程活动复杂的利益关系出发 ,提出对工程活动进行道德审视的五个基本因素 ,希望工程技术人员和管理决策人员在各种利益冲突中作出正确的选择。  相似文献   

采用自编的会计专业人员职业道德行为倾向投射测验,包括对自我的社会后果、对自己身体和物质利益的后果、对自己的心理后果和对他人的后果四种情境,考察后果形式、后果表述、会计专业大学生的年级和性别、会计专业人员有无工作经历和资格认证水平与会计职业道德行为倾向的关系。结果发现:给出不利后果和有利不利后果均给出两种后果形式在会计专业人员的职业道德行为倾向上差异不显著;会计专业人员在涉及对自我身体和物质利益后果以及对他人的后果上选择违反会计职业道德规范者较多,其次是对自我社会方面的后果,最少的是对自己的心理后果;低年级男生从自己身体和物质利益的后果考虑倾向于违反会计职业道德的人数高于女生,其他三个方面年级和性别差异不显著;会计从业人员从自己身体和物质利益后果以及他人后果考虑道德判断标准比在校生宽松,且不受会计资格认证水平的影响。  相似文献   

人在一定道德意识支配下的道德抉择往往需要在价值冲突中进行,外层空间探索利用中的价值冲突本质上是由国家利益与人类共同利益发生冲突而引发的.本文针对外空探索利用中的政治家、科学家及其共同体、航天员及太空产业运营商等不同主体,剖析了其在面对不同角色冲突时的道德抉择困惑.  相似文献   

Forty-two male–female couples completed Kohlberg's test of moral development and made moral judgments about the most recent interpersonal moral conflict they had experienced in their everyday lives. Participants made lower stage moral judgments about their interpersonal moral conflicts than about the dilemmas on Kohlberg's test. The type of interpersonal moral conflict participants experienced and their role in the conflict were related to the types of moral judgments they made. Participants who reported philosophical conflicts made more mature moral judgments than participants who reported antisocial conflicts, especially if their role in the antisocial conflict was that of a transgressor. Conflicts were most likely to be resolved when partners' moral judgments about their conflict were similar in moral maturity. The implications of these findings for models of moral judgment are discussed.  相似文献   

青少年期亲子冲突的特点   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16       下载免费PDF全文
从北京市四所普通中学选取829名初一、初二、高一和高二学生为被试,采取匿名的方式让被试报告与父亲和母亲在8个方面冲突的频率和强度,以及与父亲和母亲冲突的形式,冲突时的应对策略,以此探讨青少年期亲子冲突的特点。结果发现;(1)青少年与父母的冲突处于较低水平,发生冲突最多和最激烈的三个方面依次为学业、日常生活安排和做家务,而发生冲突最少和最弱的是隐私;言语冲突和情绪冲突是青少年与父母冲突的主要形式;在与父母发生冲突时,青少年使用最多的策略是回避,使用最少的策略是第三方干预;(2)除家庭成员关系外,青少年与母亲发生冲突的频率和强度均显著高于与父亲发生冲突的频率和强度;(3)女生与母亲在做家务方面的冲突频率和强度显著高于男生,而男生与父亲在花钱方面的冲突频率显著多于女生;男生与父母的身体冲突显著多于女生,而女生与父母的情绪冲突显著多于男生;在应对策略的使用上,男生使用第三方干预策略的情况显著多于女生;(4)随年级升高,青少年与父母冲突的频率和强度呈倒U型曲线发展,初二年级处于顶峰;青少年使用协商、回避和干预策略的情况呈现显著下降的趋势。  相似文献   

Many believe that a peaceful, tolerant and respectful coexistence among religions is not compatible with the conviction that only one of them is true. I argue that this ‘incompatibility problem’ (IP) is grounded in a ‘naturalistic assumption’ (NA), that is, the assumption that every subject, including religion, should be treated without taking into account that a super-natural being may exist and reveal to us an unexpected way to deal with our experience. I then argue that in matters of religion, NA is untenable and that its very opposite, which I call ‘super-naturalistic assumption’ (SA), should be adopted. My thesis is that, once SA is adopted, IP can be dismissed and that it is plausible to maintain that a peaceful, tolerant and respectful coexistence among religions is compatible with the conviction that only one of them is true.  相似文献   

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