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本文论述了弗洛姆规范人本主义伦理学的主要内容与价值旨趣 ,揭示了他的社会批判哲学和规范人本主义伦理学之间的内在联系 ,认为他的规范人本主义伦理学的主要目的在于从社会心理学的层面重建理性主义的人道主义伦理价值规范 ;从个体心理学的层面要求人们应当听从自身内在良心的呼唤而不是屈从于外在的权威的利益 ,实现自身的真实利益。本文最后分析了其理论的基本特点与理论得失。  相似文献   

行为疗法是治疗肥胖症常用、有效地一种方法。国外行为治疗一般有评估阶段、实际治疗阶段、治疗过渡阶段和治疗保持阶段,包括认识行为改变的准备动机、认知重组、目标确定、自我监督、刺激控制、应激处理、社会支持、反弹干预等组成成份。行为治疗需和其他方法整合有效治疗肥胖症。  相似文献   

试论当代西方基督宗教伦理思想研究中的三大难题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
段德智 《哲学动态》2001,(11):41-44
基督宗教伦理原本是基督宗教中的一个根本问题。《圣经》中就曾明确地把基督宗教的基本伦理原则 ,即“爱主”与“爱人如己”规定为“一切道理的总纲”[1] 。至现当代 ,随着基督宗教的精神化和世俗化 ,基督宗教伦理在基督宗教中的地位更为突出。新正统派神学的著名代表人物之一布鲁内尔曾提出过“以基督宗教伦理学代替神学”的口号 ;美国现实主义神学的主要代表人物莱·尼布尔不仅把基督宗教社会伦理规定为其神学的基本内容 ,而且把“爱的律法”规定为其神学的最高原则 ;弗莱切尔的“境遇伦理学”尽管实施“相对主义的策略 ,却依然把“爱”或…  相似文献   

In this study, spouse's emotional responses and attitudes to in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatment were examined. The participants were 113 childless couples who suffered from infertility of unknown or mechanical (women) cause. Both partners were evaluated prior to IVF treatment. Incompatible emotional responses and attitudes to the treatment between the partners usually reflected the men reporting less distress and worries than women. Women had significantly higher state and trait anxiety and depression scores than normative levels, irrespective of whether they were successful in conceiving. Husbands of conceiving women scored higher on depression than husbands of nonconceiving women. The nonconceiving husbands had depression and trait anxiety scores significantly lower than the normative level. In addition, high emotional responses to the treatment, especially in men, were positively associated with treatment success. Recommendations for family assessment and counseling are suggested on the basis of these results.  相似文献   

Lakatos's (1978) philosophy of science is used as a guide for resolving published authors' differences of opinion about interpersonal forgiveness. We first review the ancient writings and current philosophical works regarding interpersonal forgiveness. With these ideas as a foundation we then critique six published papers on forgiveness, all of which have counseling implications. It is suggested that the works are not yet grounded in the foundational writings on forgiveness. The works, thus, may need some refinement in the area of definition, or proposed consequences for a forgiver, or in the processes used to bring about forgiveness in clients. A process model of interpersonal forgiveness then is described. Implications for the use of interpersonal forgiveness within counseling are drawn.  相似文献   

Childhood obesity trends have increased dramatically over the past three decade’s. The purpose of this quantitative systematic review is to provide an update of the evidence, illustrating the efficacy of childhood obesity treatment, considering whether treatment fidelity has been measured and/or reported and whether this related to the treatment effect size. Searches revealed 61 relevant articles published from January 2000 to 2009, including both randomized and non-randomized controlled trials of childhood and adolescent obesity treatment interventions. The review identified scant measurement and reporting of issues around treatment fidelity, an increase in the number of interventions outside of the US, (particularly across Europe) and an emergence of studies involving older children and adolescents in a range of settings. Interventions comprising a dietary, exercise, and behavioral component, supported by family involvement and delivered by trained interventionists in specialized or supervised settings, appeared to offer a potentially effective treatment for obesity. However, concern remains over study quality (particularly sample size), dropout rates and study design. Variations in outcome measures and intervention designs means generalizable conclusions cannot be easily be made. Of greater concern is the lack of consideration for treatment fidelity, which has implications for the transfer of knowledge and the reliability of interventions. Conclusions from the review include; the need for increased accuracy of reporting and objective measurement of treatment fidelity; the need for further investigation of potential cost-effective treatment options (including maintenance strategies to enhance sustainability of current interventions); and an increase in the number of longitudinal trials beyond 1?year in duration.  相似文献   

This study aimed to enhance the understanding of problematic players, who have been identified as highly talented but negative influences in team sport. Using semi-structured interviews, 15 players and coaches’ experiences of problematic players were explored. Results were divided into features, causes of behavior, impacts, and managerial considerations surrounding problematic players. Findings revealed problematic players share characteristics with narcissists. From an applied perspective, the negative impacts from these players are recognized, such as negative role modeling and lower team morale. Managerial considerations for these players are discussed, which could be beneficial for coaches working with problematic players and their negativity.

Lay Summary: We explored coach and player experiences of individuals who are highly talented yet problematic. Such players can now be understood further, in terms of behaviors such as blame shifting, and their impacts such as negative role modeling and creating team divides. Creating stronger coach–player relationships were suggested for effective collaboration.  相似文献   

A group of women employed as strippers produced significantly more exhibitionistic M on the Rorschach than three other matched control groups. Results were interpreted as supporting the position that the human movement response is related to actual behavioral tendencies.  相似文献   

As with other interventions for major depressive disorder (MDD), cognitive therapy (CT) results in treatment failure for about half of all participants. In 2007, Coffman and colleagues in Seattle studied this topic by identifying a group of patients who demonstrated an extremely poor response to CT (i.e., posttreatment BDI score ≥ 31). They called these patients “extreme nonresponders” (ENR) and described the pretreatment characteristics that predicted response status.  相似文献   

The present study examined the effect of massed repetition of an initial category name upon the subsequent semantic categorization of a target word by means of an electrophysiological measure of semantic processing: the N400. Results showed the classic N400 effect, whereby evoked potentials were more negative for targets that were not members of the repeated category than for member targets. Moreover, repetition of the category name led to an increased and sustained positivity. The N400 effect was not modified, however, by repetition. Hence, insomuch as the N400 reflects meaning integration processes, these results do not support the hypothesis that massed repetition exerts its influence at the level of meaning integration.  相似文献   

武汉大学中国哲学研究团队历经十余年写成10卷本《中国哲学通史》(学术版),又经过数年的编校,现在终于正式出版.这是我国目前相对最全面、系统、完备的中国哲学通史.全书共10卷,其中8卷为断代哲学史,涵盖从先秦至现代的内容,又特别设置了少数民族哲学史、古代科学哲学史各一卷.作者团队以高度的文化自觉与文化自信,以深厚...  相似文献   

In a study of the retrograde amnesic effect of bilateral ECT, twelve patients were subjects in a repeated measures design. Both verbal and nonverbal materials were used and retention was tested with different methods: Yes-no recognition, forced-choice recognition and recall cued by initial letters. The absolute amount of retrograde amnesia was small; there seemed to be no difference between verbal and nonverbal materials, and cueing with initial letters was not found to be an effective method of reducing amnesia.  相似文献   

College student subjects were rated high or low in cognitive and behavioral depression proneness, based on their scores on a screening battery that included the Automatic Thoughts Questionnaire (Hollon & Kendall, 1980), the Dysfunctional Attitude Scale (Weissman, 1979), the Intemality-Extemality Scale (Rotter, 1966), the Pleasant Events Schedule and the Unpleasant Events Schedule (Lewinsohn & Amenson, 1978). The students were subsequently exposed to one of two different Velten-like depressive mood inductions, one based on Beck's (1974) model of depression, and the other based on Lewinsohn's (1974) model. We hypothesized that subjects who scored higher on the cognitive measures would tend to become more depressed when exposed to the Beck statements and that those who scored higher on the behavioral measures would tend to become more depressed when exposed to the Lewinsohn statements. The hypothesis was not supported. Instead, pre-existing cognitively or behaviorally defined depression proneness appeared to be unrelated to subjects' susceptibility to one or the other model of depression as defined by the two mood inductions. However, the inductions themselves were found to produce a significant lowering of mood, and both inductions were equally effective in lowering mood.  相似文献   

Sports physicians are continuously confronted with new biotechnological innovations. This applies not only to doping in sports, but to all kinds of so-called enhancement methods. One fundamental problem regarding the sports physician's self-image consists in a blurred distinction between therapeutic treatment and non-therapeutic performance enhancement. After a brief inventory of the sports physician's work environment I reject as insufficient the attempts to resolve the conflict of the sports physician by making it a classificatory problem. Followed by a critical assessment of some ideas from the US President's Council on Bioethics, the formulation of ethical codes and attempts regarding a moral topography, it is argued that the sports physician's conflict cannot be resolved by the distinction between therapy and enhancement. Instead, we also have to consider the possibility that the therapy-based paradigm of medicine cannot do justice to the challenges of the continuously increasing technical manipulability of the human body and even our cognitive functions as well. At the same time we should not adhere to transhumanist ideas, because non-therapeutic interventions require clear criteria. Based on assistive technologies an alternative framework can be sketched that allows for the integration of therapeutic and non-therapeutic purposes. After a thorough definition of standards and criteria, the role of the sports physician might be defined as that of an assistant for enhancement. Yet the process of defining such an alternative framework is a societal and political task that cannot be accomplished by the sports physicians themselves. Until these questions are answered sports physicians continue to find themselves in a structural dilemma that they partially can come to terms with through personal integrity.  相似文献   

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