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There is a need for validated measures of attention for use in longitudinal studies of older populations. We studied 249 participants aged 80 to 101 years using the population-based MOBILIZE Boston Study. Four subscales of the Test of Everyday Attention (TEA) were included, measuring attention switching, selective, sustained and divided attention and a neuropsychological battery including validated measures of multiple cognitive domains measuring attention, executive function and memory. The TEA previously has not been validated in persons aged 80 and older. Among participants who completed the TEA, scores on other attentional measures strongly with TEA domains (R=.60-.70). Proportions of participants with incomplete TEA subscales ranged from 8% (selective attention) to 19% (attentional switching). Reasons for not completing TEA tests included failure to comprehend test instructions despite repetition and practice. These results demonstrate the challenges and potential value of the Test of Everyday Attention in studies of very old populations.  相似文献   

Mindfulness is an increasingly prominent construct in health research but its study has been impeded by a lack of well-validated measures. The Mindful Attention and Awareness Scale (MAAS; Brown and Ryan, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 84:822–848, 2003) is a promising measure and the goal of the present study was to further validate the MAAS in a large university sample (n = 711). Confirmatory factor analysis supported the unidimensional factor structure of the MAAS in the overall sample. No gender differences in MAAS performance were evident, but the factor structure was not confirmed in the subsample of men, apparently due to power limitations. No categorical differences were evident based on experience with meditation, and MAAS performance was not significantly associated with experience with meditation. These findings are interpreted as broadly supporting the MAAS as a valid measure of mindfulness, but suggesting that novice-level experience with meditation should not be presumed to be associated with greater mindfulness.  相似文献   

Ba#ckground/Obje#ctive: To examine the psychometric properties of the Conners 3 ADHD Index (Conners 3 AI) and the Conners Early Children Global Index (Conners ECGI) parents’ form (PF) and teachers’ form (TF) in Spanish schoolers. Method: Two-phase cross-sectional study. In the first phase, information was gathered from teachers (n = 1,796) and parents (n = 882) of 4-5 and 10-11 year-old children. In the second phase (n = 196), children at risk of ADHD and controls were individually assessed. Results: The results confirmed the two-factor structure of the Conners 3 ADHD Index, which contains hyperactive-impulsive and inattentive symptoms, and the two-factor structure of the Conners ECGI PF, consisting of emotional lability and restless-impulsive symptoms. In contrast with the original version, the Conners ECGI TF presented an additional inattentive factor. Moderate-to-high rates of evidence of convergent validity with Child Behavior Checklist and Kiddie-Schedule for Affective Disorders & Schizophrenia, and evidence of external validity (academic achievement) were found. Scores were significantly higher in boys than in girls, for both indexes. Raw scores corresponding to clinical T-scores were higher than the original version. Conclusions: The Conners indexes may be considered reliable and valid instruments for detecting ADHD symptoms in Spanish populations.  相似文献   

A community sample ages 8–17 years completed questionnaire measures of effortful control (EC), the Test of Everyday Attention for Children (TEA-Ch) and measures of psychopathology. EC questionnaires showed sufficient construct validity and were significantly associated with TEA-Ch performance, the latter albeit only in younger children and for parent-reports of EC. EC questionnaires were stronger and more consistent predictors of psychopathology than TEA-Ch performance, especially for externalizing problems. EC questionnaires seemed to be more appropriate for use in broader age ranges than the TEA-Ch, due to the ceiling effects in the latter among older children and adolescents. Future studies should examine the concurrent validity of EC questionnaires using other performance-based tasks which differentiate well in older age groups.  相似文献   

The present study explores the utility of the Test of Everyday Attention for Children (TEA-Ch) as a measure of the attentional impairments displayed by children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Sixty-three children with ADHD and 23 non-ADHD Clinical Control children were compared on subtests of the TEA-Ch reflecting three attentional domains: sustained, selective, and attentional control. Results show that children with ADHD performed significantly worse than clinical controls on subtests of sustained attention and attentional control. The groups did not differ, however, on subtests of selective attention. These findings suggest that the TEA-Ch is sensitive to attentional deficits unique to ADHD and holds promise as a useful tool in the assessment of ADHD. Performance patterns and future directions are discussed.  相似文献   

Patients with schizophrenia and a violent past more often have persecutory delusions than other types of delusions. The main aim of the present study was to examine the relation between persecutory ideation and self-reported aggression in a community based and clinical population. A second aim was to evaluate the psychometric properties of the Dutch version of the Persecutory Ideation Questionnaire (PIQ; McKay, Langdon, & Coltheart, 2006). From the general population, 269 persons were included as well as 79 inpatients from different psychiatric facilities. In the community based sample, the PIQ appeared to be a reliable and valid instrument to measure persecutory ideation. Evaluation of the PIQ in a sample with patients with a psychotic disorder showed that the PIQ had good criterion validity. In addition, results showed that persecutory ideation was significantly related to self-reported aggression in the community based, and in the clinical sample. Moreover, in the community based sample, this association was higher than that between positive psychopathological experiences in general and aggression in the community based sample. In sum, persecutory ideation can be measured reliably with the PIQ, and there seems a robust relation between persecutory ideation in particular and aggression in both clinical and community based samples.  相似文献   

This study examined the psychometric properties of the Sutter-Eyberg Student Behavior Inventory (SESBI) in a rural sample of children and adolescents. Thirty-eight 5th- through 12th-grade teachers completed the SESBI on 726 children in their classrooms. High Cronbach's alphas supported the reliability of the SESBI scales in this population. Higher SESBI scores were obtained by boys than girls and by African American students than Caucasian students, more so at lower grades. Teacher's race did not affect SESBI scores. In contrast to children with developmental delay, children with learning disabilities obtained higher scores than others on the SESBI Intensity scale but not on the Problem scale. This suggests that teachers of children with learning disabilities recognize the higher frequency of problem behaviors in their students but do not consider these behaviors to be problems for themselves. On both SESBI scales, children with developmental delay were not distinguishable from peers without developmental delays.  相似文献   

The present study examined the concurrent validity of a new computer-assisted ADHD screening system, the Pediatric Attention Disorders Diagnostic Screener (PADDS; Pedigo, Pedigo, &; Scott, 2006 Pedigo, T., Pedigo, K. and Scott, V. B. Jr. 2006. PADDS Pediatric ADHD Screener: An evidence-based assessment system for screening attention and executive disorders, clinical and users guide, Okeechobee, FL: Targeted Testing, Inc.  [Google Scholar]) in relation to the Test of Variables of Attention (TOVA; Greenberg, 1999 Greenberg, L. M. 1999. Test of Variables of Attention, Los Alamitos, CA: The Tova Company.  [Google Scholar]), the Conner's Continuous Performance Test- II (CPT-II; Conners &; MHS Staff, 2000 Conners, C. K. and MHS Staff. 2000. Conner's continuous performance test II, Toronto: Multi-Health Systems.  [Google Scholar]), and the Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function (BRIEF; Gioia, Isquith, Guy, &; Kenworthy, 2000 Gioia, G. A., Isquith, P. K., Guy, S. C. and Kenworthy, L. 2000. Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function: Professional Manual, Lutz, FL: Psychological Assessment Resources, Inc.  [Google Scholar]) in three clinically referred samples of children 6 to 12 years of age. The PADDS is a recently published multidimensional screening measure that incrementally merges computer-administered executive tasks with parent and teacher behavior ratings to aid in the diagnostic decision-making process for youth with attention disorders. To date, no published study has examined the concurrent validity of the PADDS. In a clinic-referred sample of 217 subjects diagnosed with ADHD concurrent validity was assessed through correlation coefficients, paired t-tests (p < .001), and Cohen's d effect sizes. In comparison to the TOVA, the CPT-II, and the BRIEF scales, the PADDS demonstrated strong concurrent validity between conceptually similar scales, providing initial evidence for the concurrent validity of the PADDS. Relative to other measures, the PADDS appears to have some unique scales designed to assess attention and various aspects of executive functioning.  相似文献   

Reading difficulties (RD) and movement difficulties (MD) co-occur more often in clinical populations than expected for independent disorders. In this study, we investigated the pattern of association between attentional processes, RD and MD in a population of 9 year old school children. Children were screened to identify index groups with RD, MD or both, plus a control group. These groups were then tested on a battery of cognitive attention assessments (TEA-Ch). Results confirmed that the occurrence of RD and MD was greater than would be predicted for independent disorders. Additionally, children with MD, whether or not combined with RD, had poor performance on all attention measures when compared with typically developing children. Children with RD only, were no poorer on measures of attention than typical children. The results are discussed with respect to approaches proposed to account for the co-occurrence of disorders.  相似文献   

儿童外显视空间注意转移   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
隋光远  吴燕 《心理学报》2006,38(6):841-848
采用提示范式探讨了三、六年级儿童的外显视空间注意转移。实验结果表明:内源性提示下儿童表现出显著的提示效度效应,其效度效应量在年龄组间没有显著差异;较短SOAs的外源性提示下,儿童表现出显著的提示效度效应;较长SOAs的外源性提示下儿童没有表现出返回抑制效应。用注意的过滤器理论和对象文件模型讨论了本研究的结果  相似文献   

Evidence from past studies indicates that adults and children with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and Tourette syndrome (TS) experience subtle neuropsychological deficits. Less is known about neuropsychological functioning of children and adolescents with a symptom course consistent with the PANDAS (Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated with Streptococcal infection) subgroup of OCD and tics. To provide such information, we administered three tests of attention control and two of executive function to 67 children and adolescents (ages 5–16) diagnosed with OCD and/or tics and a symptom course consistent with the PANDAS subgroup and 98 healthy volunteers (HV) matched by age, sex, and IQ. In a paired comparison of the two groups, the PANDAS subjects were less accurate than HV in a test of response suppression. Further, in a two-step linear regression analysis of the PANDAS group in which clinical variables were added stepwise into the model and in the second step matching variables (age, sex, and IQ) were added, IQ emerged as a predictor of performance on this task. In the same analysis, ADHD diagnosis and age emerged as predictors of response time in a continuous performance task. Subdividing the PANDAS group by primary psychiatric diagnosis revealed that subjects with TS or OCD with tics exhibited a longer response time compared to controls than subjects with OCD only, replicating previous findings within TS and OCD. This study demonstrates that children with PANDAS exhibit neuropsychological profiles similar to those of their primary psychiatric diagnosis.  相似文献   

This study validated a Chinese adaptation of the Emotion Regulation Questionnaire for Children and Adolescents (ERQ‐CCA), a self‐report instrument that evaluates two emotion regulation (ER) strategies, based on the process model of ER. The ERQ‐CCA was evaluated using a sample of 1381 Chinese children aged between 7 and 12 years. The internal consistencies of the two factors indicated adequate reliability. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) revealed good support as the structure proved to be identical with that of the original instrument. Multigroup CFA supported an invariant factor solution of the ERQ‐CCA across several demographic variations (gender, age, registered permanent residence and migrant status) in different groups. Test–retest correlations over a 2‐month period were calculated using a subsample of children (N = 70). Convergent validity was evaluated in relation to the model dimensions of the ERQ‐CCA, Chinese version of the Children's Depression Inventory, and Chinese version of the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire for Children and Adolescents. Results indicated that the ERQ‐CCA has generally satisfactory reliability and validity in investigating the use of two ER strategies during the middle childhood developmental period.  相似文献   

The Test of Visuospatial Construction (TVSC), a measure of visuoconstruction that does not rely on upper extremity motor response or written production, was administered to extremely low birth weight (ELBW), late preterm (LPT), and term participants at preschool (n = 355) and kindergarten (n = 265) ages. TVSC showed statistically significant weak-to-moderate positive correlations (age 3: r = .118–.303; age 6: r = .138–.348) with Developmental VMI, Differential Ability Scales-II Copying, Matrices, and Pattern Construction subtests, Baron-Hopkins Board Test, and the Purdue Pegboard. One-way ANOVA indicated ELBW performed worse than Term (p = .044) on visuospatial construction at age 3 with a small-to-medium effect size (d = ?0.43). No other statistically significant differences were found at age 3 on the TVSC (ELBW/LPT: = .608, = ?0.17; LPT/Term: = .116, = ?0.31). At age 6, ELBW participants performed worse than LPT participants (p = .027) and Term participants (p = .012); LPT participants did not differ from Term participants. Small effect sizes at age 3 (ELBW < LPT, = ?0.17; ELBW < Term, d = ?0.43) were notably larger at age 6 (ELBW < LPT, = ?0.42; ELBW < Term, = ?0.53). Important practical differences showing LPT participants performed below Term participants (= ?0.31) at age 3 were no longer evident at age 6 (= ?0.097). These findings provide preliminary evidence of TVSC validity supporting its use to detect neuropsychological impairment and to recommend appropriate interventions in young preterm children.  相似文献   

The objective of the study is to evaluate the psychometric properties of the Gaming Addiction Identification Test (GAIT) and its parent version (GAIT‐P), in a representative community sample of adolescents and parents in Västmanland, Sweden. Self‐rated and parent‐rated gaming addictive symptoms identified by GAIT and GAIT‐P were analyzed for frequency of endorsement, internal consistency, concordance, factor structure, prevalence of Internet gaming disorder (IGD), concurrence with the Gaming Addiction Scale for Adolescents, 7‐item version (GAS) and the parent version of GAS (GAS‐P), and for sex differences. The 12‐month prevalence of IGD was found to be 1.3% with GAIT and 2.4% with GAIT‐P. Results also indicate promising psychometric results within this population, with high internal consistency, and high concurrent validity with GAS and GAS‐P. Concordance between adolescents and parents ratings was high, although moderate in girls. Although exploratory factor analysis indicated poor model fit, it also indicated unidimensionality and high factor loadings in all analyses. GAIT and GAIT‐P are suitable for continued use in measuring gaming addiction in adolescents, and, with the additional two items, they now cover all nine IGD criteria.  相似文献   

The Social Problem Solving Inventory‐Revised Short‐Form (SPSI‐R:SF) has been used in several countries to identify problem‐solving deficits among clinical and general populations in order to guide cognitive‐behavioural interventions. Yet, very few studies have evaluated its psychometric properties. Three language versions of the questionnaire were administered to a general population sample comprising 1000 participants (771 English‐, 178 Afrikaans‐ and 101 Xhosa‐speakers). Of these participants, 210 were randomly selected to establish test–retest reliability (70 in each language). Principal component analysis was performed to examine the applicability of the factor structure of the original questionnaire to the South African data. Supplementary psychometric analyses were performed, including internal consistency and test–retest reliability. Collectively, results provide initial evidence of the reliability and validity of the SPSI‐R:SF for the assessment of problem solving deficits in South Africa. Further studies that explore how the Afrikaans language version of the SPSI‐R:SF can be improved and that establish the predictive validity of scores on the SPSI‐R:SF are needed.  相似文献   

In the present study, we explored the relation between performance on cognitive measures of attention (selection, sustained, and control) and behavioral ratings of inattention and hyperactivity in a sample of typically developing children aged 3 to 7 years. We also examined the influence of chronological age and IQ on both task performance and behavior ratings. Four well-documented attention paradigms were employed, the Visearch (single-target search) task as a measure of selective attention, the Continuous Performance Test (CPT) as a measure of sustained attention, the Day-Night task as a measure of response inhibition, and the Visearch (dual-target search) task as a measure of inhibitory control. The Conners' Rating Scales (Cognitive/Inattention and Hyperactivity subscales) were used to allow for a finer tuned comparison of cognitive performance as related to inattentive behaviors versus hyperactive behaviors. Findings indicate that accuracy and speed in the Visearch dual search task were the most sensitive measures relating respectively to inattentive and hyperactive rated behaviors.  相似文献   

Attention is a complex domain that has reawakened research interest in recent years. There are relatively few studies that have examined age-related changes across different attention subcomponents, such as selection, maintenance, and control, using large samples covering a wide age range. The present study assessed performance in 466 participants in order to identify the ages at which mature performance was reached across differing attention subcomponents. Furthermore, we investigated whether the nature of the attentional demands or task difficulty predicted the age at which stable levels of performance were reached. The results supported the former rather than the latter alternative.  相似文献   

The Behavioral Assertiveness Test for Children (BAT-C) is a widely used role-play test for assessing assertive responding in children. Past research has indicated that this assessment technique is sensitive to treatment and generalization effects, however, the psychometric properties of the BAT-C have not been previously addressed. The present study was designed to examine several internal psychometric properties of this assessment method. Both verbal and nonverbal measures were used to assess the BAT-C's internal consistency, item-total correlation and to perform step-wise multiple regression analyses. Results and implications for further use of this role-play test are discussed.  相似文献   

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