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Rebecca P. Ang Adrian Raine 《Journal of psychopathology and behavioral assessment》2009,31(3):143-151
Using confirmatory factor analysis, this study compared the 4-factor 18-item Narcissistic Personality Questionnaire for Children
(NPQC) and the 2-factor, 12-item Narcissistic Personality Questionnaire for Children-Revised (NPQC-R). Support was found for
the 2-factor structure of the 12-item NPQC-R using two independent adolescent school-based samples (n = 479 and n = 470). The 2-factor NPQC-R model (i.e., Superiority, Exploitativeness) showed a better fit in both adolescent samples than
the alternative 4-factor NPQC model. There was strong support for NPQC-R’s invariance across gender and age. The NPQC-R was
found to have reasonable internal consistency estimates, test–retest reliability estimates, and adequate convergent and discriminant
validity estimates. Collectively, these results support the utility of the NPQC-R as a measure of narcissism in children and
A copy of the NPQC-R and scoring key can be obtained from Rebecca P. Ang. 相似文献
Farrah Jacquez Lisa M. Vaughn Erin Wagner 《American journal of community psychology》2013,51(1-2):176-189
Community-based participatory research (CBPR) is an orientation to research that places value on equitable collaborations between community members and academic partners, reflecting shared decision making throughout the research process. Although CBPR has become increasingly popular for research with adults, youth are less likely to be included as partners. In our review of the literature, we identified 399 articles described by author or MeSH keyword as CBPR related to youth. We analyzed each study to determine youth engagement. Not including misclassified articles, 27 % of percent of studies were community-placed but lacked a community partnership and/or participatory component. Only 56 (15 %) partnered with youth in some phase of the research process. Although youth were most commonly involved in identifying research questions/priorities and in designing/conducting research, most youth-partnered projects included children or adolescents in several phases of the research process. We outline content, methodology, phases of youth partnership, and age of participating youth in each CBPR with youth project, provide exemplars of CBPR with youth, and discuss the state of the youth-partnered research literature. 相似文献
Janni Niclasen Anne Mette Skovgaard Anne-Marie Nybo Andersen Mikael Julius Sømhovd Carsten Obel 《Journal of abnormal child psychology》2013,41(3):355-365
The aim of this study was to examine the factor structure of the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) using a Structural Confirmatory Factor Analytic approach. The Danish translation of the SDQ was distributed to 71,840 parents and teachers of 5–7 and 10–12-year-old boys and girls from four large scale cohorts. Three theoretical models were examined: 1. a model with five first order factors (i.e., hyperactivity/inattention, conduct, emotional, peer problems and prosocial), 2. a model adding two internalising and externalising second order factors to model 1, and 3. a model adding a total difficulties second order factor to model 1. Model fits were evaluated, multi-group analyses were carried out and average variance extracted (AVE) and composite reliability (CR) estimates were examined. In this general population sample, low risk sample models 1 and 2 showed similar good overall fits. Best model fits were found when two positively worded items were allowed to cross load with the prosocial scale, and cross loadings were allowed for among three sets of indicators. The analyses also revealed that model fits were slightly better for teachers than for parents and better for older children than for younger children. No convincing differences were found between boys and girls. Factor loadings were acceptable for all groups, especially for older children rated by teachers. Some emotional, peer, conduct and prosocial subscale problems were revealed for younger children rated by parents. The analyses revealed more internal consistency for older children rated by teachers than for younger children rated by parents. It is recommended that model 1 comprising five first order factors, or alternatively model 2 with additionally two internalising/externalising second order factors, should be used when employing the SDQ in low risk epidemiological samples. 相似文献
The factor structure of the Norwegian version of the Dysfunctional Attitude Scale and the Automatic Thoughts Questionnaire was investigated with a sample of 344 male military recruits. Principal factor analyses with promax rotation indicated four factors for the former, labeled Performance Evaluation, Need for Approval, Autonomous Attitude, and Perfectionism which accounted for 15.5%, 3.6%, 2.6%, and 2.5% of the total variance, respectively. Two factors comprised the latter. Factor 1 was labeled Negative Self-concept and Personal Maladjustment and accounted for 40% of the total variance, and Factor 2 was labeled Desire for Change and Negative Expectations and accounted for 6.3% of the total variance. The findings may be useful in identifying the specific dysfunctional beliefs and negative automatic thoughts exhibited by military recruits. Such information can also contribute to the development of more effective treatment interventions. 相似文献
Jennifer Nicolai Ralf Demmel Jutta Hagen 《Journal of clinical psychology in medical settings》2007,14(4):367-375
Empathy has been shown to affect the quality of care by enhancing the physician–patient relationship and promoting effective
communication. In this study, the newly developed Rating Scales for the Assessment of Empathic Communication in Medical Interviews
(REM), designed to assess empathy and confrontation in physician–patient interactions, were subjected to preliminary psychometric
testing. Particular attention was paid to face validity, reliability, sensitivity, and practicality. A total of 118 volunteers
were asked to assess transcribed interactions between physicians and a standardized patient using the REM. In order to assess
the convergent validity of the REM, the Motivational Interviewing Treatment Integrity Code (MITI) and the Behavior Change
Counseling Index (BECCI) were used. Factor analysis identified two subscales, reflecting empathy and confrontation. Interrater
reliability coefficients for items ranged from r = .82 to .97; Cronbach’s alphas for the two subscales were .89 and .88, respectively. The convergent validity was supported
by substantial correlations between the REM scores and the MITI scores and by significant correlations between the REM scores
and the BECCI score. The REM demonstrated good psychometric properties suggesting the rating scales might be useful in clinical
practice, research endeavors, and medical education. Further research is necessary to assess the test-retest reliability as
well as the predictive validity of this instrument. 相似文献
Prior research developed the Attention-Related Driving Errors Scale (ARDES), a 19-item questionnaire aimed at evaluating the drivers’ predisposition to attentional error, and also provided validity evidence of ARDES measures across two countries: Argentina and Spain. In the current work we adapt the Spanish version of the ARDES to the English language and the culture, traffic regulations and driving habits of the UK, and then provide new evidence of the cross-cultural equivalence of the scale. First, an improved forward and backward translation design was used to translate the Spanish ARDES into English. A committee-approach review process was also performed during the translation phase to guarantee that the English ARDES was the most appropriate to reflect the language, culture, traffic regulations and driving habits of the UK. Second, the adapted questionnaire was tested on 301 British drivers to inspect its psychometric properties and study the relationships between the ARDES-UK and different socio-demographic variables. In agreement with the previous literature, the results of the factor analysis confirmed a single factor and accounting for 33.84% of the variance. Cronbach’s alpha was equal to .89. The observed pattern of relationships of the scores and the different socio-demographic variables was consistent with previous evidence and support the validity of the adapted questionnaire. For example, the ARDES-UK scores were significantly different between drivers reporting and not reporting traffic accidents with material damage. To conclude with, the translation design and the resulting psychometric suggest the validity of ARDES-UK measures for evaluating the British drivers’ predisposition to attentional error. In addition, the evidence in the current work supports the hypothesis of the cross-cultural stability of the scale across Spain and the UK. 相似文献
Susana Anastácio Paula Vagos Daniel Rijo Darrick Jolliffe 《European Journal of Developmental Psychology》2016,13(5):614-623
Empathy is the heightened ability to cognitively perceive and/or affectively share the emotions of others, which has been consistently associated with desirable social interactions. This paper aimed to test the bi-factorial structure of a Portuguese version of the Basic Empathy Scale and examine its variation by gender and age using a large community sample (n = 1029) of adolescents. The two-factor model, originally developed and supported by other cross-cultural validations, presented good fit indicators which was similar across genders and adolescent age groups. Girls were more empathic than boys and younger adolescents were more empathic than the older ones. Further support for the validity of the new scale comes from its relations to measures of social skills and aggression which were similar to theoretical predictions. In conclusion, the Portuguese version of the BES is a consistent and valid instrument for the assessment of empathy in samples of adolescents aged 12–18 years old in Portugal, which can now be used in cross-cultural studies of this important psychological construct. 相似文献
This report evaluates some psychometric properties of the Dutch Social Phobia and Anxiety Inventory (SPAI-N) as well as a newly developed instrument to assess fear of showing somatic symptoms among social phobic, the Blushing, Trembling and Sweating Questionnaire (BTS-Q). Results support the reliability and discriminative validity of the Dutch SPAI and the BTS-Q. Both questionnaires are able to discriminate social phobics from a community sample. Social phobics with fear of blushing, trembling, and sweating as the main complaint could be discriminated from social phobics without fear of blushing, trembling, and sweating as the main complaint using the BTS-Q. In contrast with expectations derived from cognitive models of social phobia, social phobics with fear of blushing, trembling, and sweating did not have stronger dysfunctional beliefs about (the social consequences of) blushing, trembling, and sweating than social phobics without such fears. 相似文献
The factor structure of the Inventory of Parent and Peer Attachment (IPPA): A survey of Italian adolescents 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Cecilia Serena Pace Pietro San Martini Giulio Cesare Zavattini 《Personality and individual differences》2011,51(2):83-88
Despite the intensive use of the Inventory of Parent and Peer Attachment (IPPA), a measure of attachment which centres on individual differences in adolescents and their ability to evaluate their relationships with parents and peers, the factor structure of the inventory requires further investigation. This study of 1059 Italian adolescents compared the three models which are discussed in the literature: the one-factor model (attachment security), the two-factor model (trust-communication and alienation) and the three-factor model (trust, communication and alienation), and examined the influences of age and gender on the IPPA’s scores. Our findings provide support for the reliability of the latest and longer version of the IPPA (75-item). Factor analysis showed that the three-factor model had the best fit, although the three dimensions are strongly interrelated. Sixteen year olds had lower attachment security to their fathers than the results of the other adolescent age groups. Males reported lower alienation scores than females in the paternal form, while females had higher attachment security, trust and communication scores than males in the peers form. 相似文献
P. Philippot V. Dethier C. Baeyens M. Bouvard 《Revue Européene de Psychologie Appliquée》2018,68(2):69-77
Self-discrepancies (the distances between the perceived self and the ideal or the socially prescribed selves) are a hallmark in psychological distress. However, a clinical tool evaluating these discrepancies is lacking.Objective
To investigate the validity, the psychometric characteristics and the clinical relevance of the Self-Discrepancy Scale, an instrument designed to assess with multiple indices discrepancies between mental representations of the self: the actual self, on the one hand and ideal or socially-prescribed selves, on the other hand.Method
The Self-Discrepancy Scale has been administered to a large community sample, together with measures of depression, anxiety, self-esteem, and self-efficacy. It was also proposed to an additional clinical sample composed of clients with a diagnosis of mood or anxiety disorders seeking psychotherapeutic help.Results
A factor analysis evidenced three underlying dimensions to self-discrepancies: the size of the discrepancies, the resulting distress and the presence to unwanted traits. Test-retest consistency is in the acceptable range. Different profiles of self-discrepancies distinguished clinical groups suffering from different disorders.Conclusions
The data suggest that the Self-Discrepancy Scale is a valid measure of self-discrepancies and a valuable predictor of emotional vulnerability, especially with regards to abstract global judgments of discrepancies and of discrepancy induced distress. It is concluded that the Self-Discrepancy Scale offers a valuable help in clinical settings. 相似文献11.
Sanne M. Hogendoorn Lidewij H. Wolters Else de Haan Ramón J. L. Lindauer Anneloes Tillema Leentje Vervoort Carl F. Weems Frits Boer Pier J. M. Prins 《Journal of psychopathology and behavioral assessment》2014,36(2):288-299
A lack of perceived control over anxiety-related situations is theorized to be characteristic of anxiety disorders in children and adolescents. In the current study we tested several theoretical predictions and developmental variation with the Dutch translation of the Anxiety Control Questionnaire for Children (ACQ-C). The theoretical factor structure of anxiety control was tested using Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) in 548 non-referred children (8–18 years old, M?=?12.5 years; 50.7 % girls). The incremental predictive validity of perceived control for anxiety status was assessed using logistic regression in 141 clinically anxious children (age M?=?12.6 years; 56.7 % girls) and 298 non-referred non-anxious children (age M?=?12.6 years; 52.7 % girls). CFA showed that both a one-factor model and two-factor model (perceived control over internal reactions and external events) fit well. The one-factor model proved invariant across age and gender. Internal consistency was excellent (Cronbach’s α?=?.93). Two-month test-retest reliability was adequate. The ACQ-C was able to incrementally predict diagnostic status, even after controlling for age, gender and self-reported anxiety symptoms. Finally, both younger children and girls reported less perceived control, independent of anxiety level. Findings advance the understanding of the psychometric properties of the ACQ-C, the role of control in childhood anxiety and point to the potential utility of the ACQ-C in both clinical and community samples. The Dutch translation of the ACQ-C demonstrated sound psychometric properties. 相似文献
Jones TC 《Science and engineering ethics》2005,11(4):575-587
The history of drug/vaccine development has included major advances guided primarily by risk/benefit analyses concerning the
innovative agent, not by evidence-based clinical trials (Phase I–IV). Because the approval for new drugs is hindered under
the present process, the system requires restructuring.
The Phase I/II study period should be more flexible, using the “environment of knowledge” about the new agent, plus risk/benefit
assessments. Phase III, as presently constructed, does not add new adverse events data, it provides a narrower profile of
drug efficacy than properly done Phase II studies, and placebo-controlled trials continue to raise unresolved ethical and
social issues. Phase III studies should be abandoned for most drugs, and substituted with properly powered Phase II doseranging
studies plus careful post-marketing surveillance. Phase III should be a penalty for poor drug development, not a regulatory
To accomplish efficient drug development, greater cooperation between pharmaceutical companies and governments in developing
clinical trials is needed rather than over-regulation. These changes will synchronize the drug development and regulatory
process with the current rapid drug discovery process, reduce drug development time and cost, and improve patient care.
The author is Adjunct Professor of Medicine, Weill Medical College of Cornell University, New York, New York, USA. 相似文献
Ellen Reitz Daphne van de Bongardt Laura Baams Suzan Doornwaard Wieke Dalenberg Judith Dubas 《European Journal of Developmental Psychology》2015,12(5):613-626
This study gives an overview of Project STARS (Studies on Trajectories of Adolescent Relationships and Sexuality), a four-wave longitudinal study of 1297 Dutch adolescents. First, the sample, measures and four sub-projects are described. Second, hierarchical regression analyses were conducted to examine how key variables from the individual domain (impulsivity), parent domain (parent–adolescent relationship quality), peer domain (involvement with peers) and media domain (time spent on social networking sites), and their interactions predict changes in the experience with sexual behaviour of adolescents across time. Results showed that higher levels of impulsivity, lower quality of relation with parents, more frequent involvement with peers and more time spent on social networking sites at baseline predicted increases in sexual experience of adolescents over a subsequent 1.5-year time period. No interaction effects among the domains were found. The findings highlight the significance of a multi-domain approach to the study of adolescent sexual development. 相似文献
《European Journal of Developmental Psychology》2013,10(5):622-631
ABSTRACTWe evaluated the reliability, validity, and differential item functioning (DIF) of a shorter version of the Defining Issues Test-1 (DIT-1), the behavioural DIT (bDIT), measuring the development of moral reasoning. About 353 college students (81 males, 271 females, 1 not reported; age M = 18.64 years, SD = 1.20 years) who were taking introductory psychology classes at a public University in a suburb area in the Southern United States participated in the present study. First, we examined the reliability of the bDIT using Cronbach’s α and its concurrent validity with the original DIT-1 using disattenuated correlation. Second, we compared the test duration between the two measures. Third, we tested the DIF of each question between males and females. Findings reported that first, the bDIT showed acceptable reliability and good concurrent validity. Second, the test duration could be significantly shortened by employing the bDIT. Third, DIF results indicated that the bDIT items did not favour any gender. Practical implications of the present study based on the reported findings are discussed. 相似文献
The stepping-stone variant of the hidden pathway maze learning (HPML) task paradigm has been extensively used to investigate cognitive functions in neuropsychology and neuropharmacology. Previous studies have used total error across trials, as well as rule-break errors and learning errors, to define spatial memory and/or executive function in healthy and impaired adults and children. However, the construct validity of performance measures on HPML tasks has not been established in healthy children. To assess the construct validity of measures of exploratory and rule-break errors on the Groton Maze Learning Task (GMLT) measures of spatial sequence memory (Corsi Blocks Task) and spatial error monitoring (Continuous Paired Associate Learning; CPAL) were used. The results indicate that Corsi span predicted GMLT spatial sequence memory and CPAL accuracy predicted GMLT spatial error monitoring. The construct validity of the GMLT as a measure of spatial memory and executive function are discussed with regard to prior research using HPML tasks in neuropsychological contexts. 相似文献
Matteo Colombo 《Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences》2014,13(2):257-274
Colombo’s (Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences, 2013) plea for neural representationalism is the focus of a recent contribution to Phenomenology and Cognitive Science by Daniel D. Hutto and Erik Myin. In that paper, Hutto and Myin have tried to show that my arguments fail badly. Here, I want to respond to their critique clarifying the type of neural representationalism put forward in my (Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences, 2013) piece, and to take the opportunity to make a few remarks of general interest concerning what Hutto and Myin have dubbed “the Hard Problem of Content.” 相似文献
Revision and Restandardization of the Conners Teacher Rating Scale (CTRS-R): Factor Structure, Reliability, and Criterion Validity 总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15
C. Keith Conners Gill Sitarenios James D. A. Parker Jeffery N. Epstein 《Journal of abnormal child psychology》1998,26(4):279-291
The Conners Teacher Rating Scale (CTRS) is a commonly used research and clinical tool for assessing children's behavior in the classroom. The present study introduces the revised CTRS (CTRS-R) which improves on the original CTRS by (1) establishing normative data from a large, representative North American sample, (2) deriving a factor structure using advanced statistical techniques, and (3) updating the item content to reflect current conceptualizations of childhood disorders. Using confirmatory factor analysis, a six-factor structure was found which includes Hyperactivity-Impulsivity, Perfectionism, Inattention/Cognitive Problems, Social Problems, Oppositionality, and Anxious/Shy factors. The reliability of the scale, as measured by test-retest correlations and internal consistency, is generally satisfactory. Using all of the scale factors to discriminate between attention deficit hyperactivity disordered and normal children, 85 percent of children were correctly classified, supporting the validity of the scale and indicating excellent clinical utility. Similarities and differences between the original CTRS factor structure and the CTRS-R factor structure are discussed. 相似文献