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We describe an early operant conditioning chamber fabricated by Harvard University instrument maker Ralph Gerbrands and shipped to Japan in 1952 in response to a request of Professor B. F. Skinner by Japanese psychologists. It is a rare example, perhaps the earliest still physically existing, of such a chamber for use with pigeons. Although the overall structure and many of the components are similar to contemporary pigeon chambers, several differences are noted and contrasted to evolutionary changes in this most important laboratory tool in the experimental analysis of behavior. The chamber also is testimony to the early internationalization of behavior analysis.  相似文献   

The Psychological Record - Relational Frame Theory (RFT) views derived relational responding as an overarching operant class of behavior. One approach to the analysis of derived relations from the...  相似文献   

随着高血压发病人数的增加,高血压所造成的心、脑、肾等重要靶器官损伤、功能衰竭日益受到重视。临床研究证明,为减少由高血压造成的重要器官损伤、提高患者的生活质量、降低病死率,通过各种方式尽快将血压控制在所要求的达标范围内是非常必要的。  相似文献   

随着高血压发病人数的增加,高血压所造成的心、脑、肾等重要靶器官损伤、功能衰竭日益受到重视.临床研究证明,为减少由高血压造成的重要器官损伤、提高患者的生活质量、降低病死率,通过各种方式尽快将血压控制在所要求的达标范围内是非常必要的.  相似文献   

The authors investigated the effects of voluntary and automatic control on the spatial variables (envelope area, maximal amplitude, and root mean square [RMS]) of center of pressure (COP) displacement during quiet standing and identified differences in their postural control strategies (mean velocity [MV], mean power frequency [MPF], and power density). COP data were recorded under relaxed (experimental control), still (voluntary control), and dual (automatic control) conditions. RMS was significantly lower in the still and dual conditions than in the relaxed condition. MV, MPF, and power density were significantly higher in the still condition than in the dual condition. These results indicate that both voluntary and automatic control decrease the spatial variables of COP displacement; however, their postural control strategies are different.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to ascertain the cardiovascular accompaniments of differential Pavlovian jaw movement (JM) conditioning. The first examined the blood pressure (BP) changes that accompany the tachycardiac conditioned responses (CRs) associated with JM conditioning. The BP response in all instances consisted of a depressor response that was greater to the reinforced CS+ than CS-, although the magnitude of the CR was quite small. The second experiment determined the effects of peripheral autonomic antagonists on the cardiac accelerations associated with JM conditioning. It was found that the peripheral vagal antagonist methyl scopolamine completely abolished responses to both CS+ and CS-, whereas atenolol, a beta adrenergic antagonist, augmented the response, compared to saline control injections. The JM responses were also affected by the autonomic blockades, with minimal responding occurring in the scopolamine group but slightly more JM CRs in the atenolol group, compared to saline control animals. These results suggest that the major cardiovascular response to an appetitive stimulus, which evokes JM conditioning, consists of cardiac accelerations with the BP depressor responses playing a minimal, if any, role. Moreover, these conditioned cardiac increases appear to be due solely to the release of vagal inhibition.  相似文献   

Boys and girls in grades 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, and 11 (N = 2212) rated the desirability of 179 male and 246 female first names. The popularity of specific first names was found to vary systematically across the grades. The first name preferences of adolescent girls were somewhat different from those of adolescent boys and younger children of both sexes.  相似文献   

The control of a cursor on a computer monitor offers a simple means of exploring the limits of the plasticity of human visuomotor coordination. The authors explored the boundary conditions for adaptation to nonlinear visuomotor amplitude transformations. The authors hypothesized that only with terminal visual feedback during practice, but not with continuous visual feedback, humans might develop an internal model of the nonlinear visuomotor amplitude transformation. Thus, 2 groups were engaged in a sensorimotor adaptation task receiving either continuous or terminal visual feedback during the practice phase. In contrast to expectations, adaptive shifts and aftereffects observed in visual open-loop tests were linearly related to target amplitudes for both groups. Although the 2 feedback groups did not differ with respect to adaptive shifts and aftereffects, terminal visual feedback resulted in stable visual open-loop performance for an extended period, whereas movement errors increased after continuous visual feedback during practice. The benefit of continuous visual feedback, on the other hand, was faster closed-loop performance, indicating an optimization of visual closed-loop control.  相似文献   

There continues to be a debate on whether addiction is best understood as a brain disease or a moral condition. This debate, which may influence both the stigma attached to addiction and access to treatment, is often motivated by the question of whether and to what extent we can justly hold addicted individuals responsible for their actions. In fact, there is substantial evidence for a disease model, but the disease model per se does not resolve the question of voluntary control. Recent research at the intersection of neuroscience and psychology suggests that addicted individuals have substantial impairments in cognitive control of behavior, but this “loss of control” is not complete or simple. Possible mechanisms and implications are briefly reviewed.  相似文献   

This qualitative research investigates the role religion plays in relation to blood pressure control among a Southern California Thai population with hypertension. A total of 15 Thai individuals between the ages of 45–95 were interviewed. All participants indicated that stress plays a significant role in determining their ability to manage hypertension. Of the 15 participants, 14 acknowledged that religion plays an important role by helping them manage their stress level and offering them beneficial instruction about health practices such as diet and exercise.  相似文献   

高血压病和冠心病是与年龄密切相关的心血管疾病.老年人(包括年龄在80岁以上的)同时存在此两种疾病的情况正在逐渐增加.流行病学研究已经证明,高血压和冠心病有密切的联系.老年高血压患者药物的选择仍有一定的争议,而在合并冠心病时合理治疗的临床研究也不多.本文根据目前循证医学资料提出了可用于老年高血压合并冠心病患者合适的降压策略和冠心病的药物治疗.  相似文献   

Operant hoarding: a new paradigm for the study of self-control.   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
In the first of four experiments, rats were exposed to a modified multiple continuous reinforcement-extinction schedule during 15-min daily sessions. In one condition (saves condition) with the cuelight on, a single lever press produced a food pellet, briefly extinguished the cuelight, and started a clock. Saves (additional lever presses with interresponse times less than 1 s) produced an additional food pellet, briefly extinguished the cuelight, and restarted the interresponse time clock. The cuelight was extinguished 1 s after the last lever press and remained off during a 10-s period of extinction, during which no food pellets were delivered. In the other condition (savings account condition), the contingencies were the same except that the cuelight was extinguished and was not reilluminated after the initial lever press, and the delivery of all food pellets in the reinforcement component was delayed until the onset of extinction. In both conditions, rats made saves, but mean saves (total saves divided by the number of reinforcement components) were slightly reduced in the savings account condition. In Experiment 2, using six equally spaced 15-min sessions per day on alternate days, saves were either followed immediately with food and brief cuelight offset (saves condition) or were not reinforced at all. Mean saves were much greater when saves were reinforced. In Experiment 3, during 5-min daily sessions, saves earned a single pellet (savings account condition) or a number of pellets equal to the ordinal number of the lever press (interest condition). Rats made fewer mean saves, with little change in the food rate, when saves earned interest. In Experiment 4, the rats earned all their food in the operant situation during 24 daily 5-min sessions, these separated by 55-min intersession intervals during which no food was available; otherwise, the conditions were the same as in Experiment 3. In Experiment 4, the shift to interest for saves led to an increase in mean daily mean saves (total daily mean saves divided by the number of daily sessions) as well as to an increase in the number of food pellets delivered in each session. The results are discussed in terms of self-control and behavioral economics.  相似文献   

Male quail received Pavlovian conditioning trials that consisted of placement in a distinctive experimental chamber (the conditioned stimulus) paired with the opportunity to copulate with a female (the unconditioned stimulus). For control subjects, exposures to the conditioned and unconditioned stimuli were unpaired. After four and six trials, each subject was placed in the experimental chamber with a probe stimulus that included some of the visual cues of a female's head and neck. Pavlovian conditioning increased how much time subjects spent near the probe stimulus. Conditioned subjects also released greater volumes of semen and greater numbers of spermatozoa than the control subjects. Significant differences were not obtained in serum testosterone levels or in other measures of sperm quality. These results demonstrate that sexual Pavlovian conditioning can affect reflexes involved in sperm release and thereby modulate reproductive fitness.  相似文献   

Organizational settings are replete with changing stimulus contexts and contingencies, which makes relapse a particularly relevant framework for understanding the ways in which controlling stimuli influence employee responding. The purpose of the current study was to develop a translational model to assess renewal of desirable behavior in a simulated workplace with neurotypical adults. Experiment 1 assessed renewal of desirable behavior using a computerized check processing task. Experiment 2 extended the findings and the translational utility of the experimental arrangement to implementation of a behavior-analytic teaching procedure. Results across both experiments demonstrated renewal of desirable behavior. Overall, the current methodology and findings extend the human operant literature on renewal and demonstrate a translational model that brings together operant renewal and organizational behavior management.  相似文献   

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