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采用眼动仪考察词素位置是否是影响词间空格在新词学习中起作用的重要因素。通过以下方式进行操纵:构造两类假词作为新词,第一类新词由低频首字、高频尾字构成;第二类新词由高频首字、低频尾字构成。采用学习-测试范式将新词放在句子中要求被试阅读。结果发现,相比由高频首字和低频尾字构成的新词,词间空格在由低频首字和高频尾字构成的新词学习中促进作用更大。表明在汉语阅读中词素位置可能作为一种线索参与词切分。  相似文献   

邹丽娟 《心理科学》2015,(6):1353-1358
听觉词汇识别是由声学信号激活语音最终通达语义的过程。来自行为、脑电、脑成像的研究发现在不需要外显字形任务的听觉词汇识别中,字形信息得到激活并影响听觉词汇识别。本文综述了近年来国内外关于听觉词汇识别中字形激活的一系列研究结果,发现阅读学习是字形激活的主要原因。文章总结了听觉词汇识别中字形激活存在的两种不同观点,即字形的自动化激活与对语音表征的重组。最后结合汉字存在大量同音字的特点,指出字形在汉语听觉词汇识别中具有解歧的重要作用。与拼音文字相比,汉字可以利用同音字和多音字分离出纯粹的字形因素,因此从汉语角度研究听觉词汇识别中字形激活,可以很好地补充拼音文字的研究,为揭示字形的重要作用提供汉语的证据,同时对于认识语言与阅读之间的关系有重要意义。  相似文献   

Human subjects performed simple flexion and extension movements about the elbow in a visual step-tracking paradigm. Movements were self-terminated. Subjects were instructed to increase movement velocity while maintaining end-point accuracy during practice. The effects of practice on the pattern and variability of EMG activity of the biceps and triceps muscles were studied. Initial movements were performed using reciprocal phasic activation of agonist and antagonist muscles as indicated by surface EMGs. With practice, increases in movement speed were associated with larger agonist and antagonist bursts and an earlier onset of the antagonist burst. Decreased duration of the premovement antagonist silence was also observed during practice.

Decreases in variability of movements during practice were not accompanied by equivalent decreases in variability of the associated EMGs. Surprisingly, both agonist and antagonist EMGs were more variable in faster, practiced movements. The combined agonist-antagonist EMG variability depended on both movement speed and trajectory variability. Lower variability in movements in the presence of greater variability in the related EMGs occurred because of linked variations in agonist and antagonist muscle activities. Variations in the first agonist burst were often compensated for by associated variations in the antagonist and late agonist bursts. These linked variations maintained the limb trajectory relatively constant in spite of large variations in the first agonist burst. Modifications to impulse-variability models are therefore needed to explain compensations for variability in accelerative impulses (produced by the first agonist burst) by linked variations in impulses for deceleration (produced by the antagonist and late agonist bursts).  相似文献   

The social construction of human-environment relations is a central concern of an emerging tradition of research on place, which extends the so-called “discursive turn” in social psychology. This research highlights the primary role of everyday linguistic practices in the production of place meanings, challenging the prevailing tendency among environmental psychologists to treat place meanings mainly as an expression of individual cognitions. By the same token, in this article we argue that research on human-environment relations also has the potential to enrich the field of discursive psychology, tempting discursive researchers to move beyond their customary focus on verbal and written texts. Specifically, we propose an analytic framework that transcends the dualism between the material and discursive dimensions of human-environment relations. In order to develop this argument, we outline the novel concept of place-assemblage and illustrate its utility by conducting an analysis of a recent conflict over a public space in Barcelona. This analysis shows how discursive constructions of the development of this public space over time were inextricably entwined with other kinds of material and embodied practices—practices through which place meanings were actively performed, reproduced and contested.  相似文献   

Brain activity among 15 male, college-level, normal readers in Israel was examined during phonological and orthographic word-recognition tasks. Both electrophysiological (event-related potentials, or ERPs) and behavioral measures were obtained. Data indicated that (a) behavioral accuracy was almost perfect for all the experimental tasks, and (b) although P200 and N400 ERP components were elicited in the experimental tasks, the latencies of those components were significantly longer and their amplitudes significantly higher in the phonological task. Variations in vowel information had no effect on word recognition in either type of task. The results suggest that among skilled readers of Hebrew, phonological processing during word recognition may be more effortful and may demand greater cognitive resources than orthographic processing. Furthermore, the additional phonological information represented in vowels appears to contribute little to word recognition in this population. These findings support earlier research on skilled reading in Hebrew as well as current theoretical models of reading.  相似文献   

The bulk of the existing literature emphasizes the use of phonemic/phonetic based instruction to enhance generalization between reading and written language. However, phonetically irregular words are common in English and may require the use of whole word approaches. This study examined generalization between from reading to spelling and from spelling to reading following whole word based instruction using a delayed prompt procedure. The total instructional time was equated across conditions. Students exhibited substantial but incomplete generalization with the degree of generalization varying somewhat across responses and students. The most striking finding was that oral spelling instruction in which the printed word was neither presented nor produced resulted in substantial generalization to reading. These data illustrate a model for examining response generalization in instructional contexts.  相似文献   

While cognitive changes in aging and neurodegenerative disease have been widely studied, language changes in these populations are less well understood. Inflecting novel words in a language with complex inflectional paradigms provides a good opportunity to observe how language processes change in normal and abnormal aging. Studies of language acquisition suggest that children inflect novel words based on their phonological similarity to real words they already know. It is unclear whether speakers continue to use the same strategy when encountering novel words throughout the lifespan or whether adult speakers apply symbolic rules. We administered a simple speech elicitation task involving Finnish-conforming pseudo-words and real Finnish words to healthy older adults, individuals with mild cognitive impairment, and individuals with Alzheimer's disease (AD) to investigate inflectional choices in these groups and how linguistic variables and disease severity predict inflection patterns. Phonological resemblance of novel words to both a regular and an irregular inflectional type, as well as bigram frequency of the novel words, significantly influenced participants' inflectional choices for novel words among the healthy elderly group and people with AD. The results support theories of inflection by phonological analogy (single-route models) and contradict theories advocating for formal symbolic rules (dual-route models).  相似文献   

The semantic congruity effect is exhibited when adults are asked to compare pairs of items from a series, and their response is faster when the direction of the comparison coincides with the location of the stimuli in the series. For example, people are faster at picking the bigger of 2 big items than the littler of 2 big items. In the 4 experiments presented, adults were taught new dimensional adjectives (mal/ler and borg/er). Characteristics of the learning situation, such as the nature of the stimulus series and the relative frequency of labeling, were varied. Results revealed that the participants who learned the relative meaning of the artificial dimensional adjectives also formed categories and developed a semantic congruity effect regardless of the characteristics of training. These findings have important implications for our understanding of adult acquisition of novel relational words, the relationship between learning such words and categorization, and the explanations of the semantic congruity effect.  相似文献   

在熟练的中文阅读中,个体阅读效率越高,词汇加工效率是否越高,目前还缺少直接证据。本研究通过记录快速读者与慢速读者在阅读含有高频或低频目标词句子时的眼动轨迹来考察该问题。结果发现,在第一遍注视时间、回视路径时间和总注视时间上,快速读者对高频词与低频词的注视时间无显著差异,但都短于慢速读者;而慢速读者对低频词的注视时间显著长于高频词。即快速读者的早期词汇识别和后期词汇整合效率都较高,不受词频影响;而慢速读者的整个词汇加工效率较低,受词频影响较大。这些结果表明两组读者的词汇加工模式具有本质差异,符合个体差异性观点与词汇质量假说。  相似文献   

We examined whether variations in contextual diversity, spacing, and retrieval practice influenced how well adults learned new words from reading experience. Eye movements were recorded as adults read novel words embedded in sentences. In the learning phase, unfamiliar words were presented either in the same sentence repeated four times (same context) or in four different sentences (diverse context). Spacing was manipulated by presenting the sentences under distributed or non‐distributed practice. After learning, half of the participants were asked to retrieve the new words, and half had an extra exposure to the new words. Although words experienced in diverse contexts were acquired more slowly during learning, they enjoyed a greater benefit of learning at immediate posttest. Distributed practice also slowed learning, but no benefit was observed at posttest. Although participants who had an extra exposure showed the greatest learning benefit overall, learning also benefited from retrieval opportunity, when words were experienced in diverse contexts. These findings demonstrate that variation in the content and structure of the learning environment impacts on word learning via reading.  相似文献   

Across languages of the world, some grammatical patterns have been argued to be more common than expected by chance. These are sometimes referred to as (statistical) language universals. One such universal is the correlation between constituent order freedom and the presence of a case system in a language. Here, we explore whether this correlation can be explained by a bias to balance production effort and informativity of cues to grammatical function. Two groups of learners were presented with miniature artificial languages containing optional case marking and either flexible or fixed constituent order. Learners of the flexible order language used case marking significantly more often. This result parallels the typological correlation between constituent order flexibility and the presence of case marking in a language and provides a possible explanation for the historical development of Old English to Modern English, from flexible constituent order with case marking to relatively fixed order without case marking. In addition, learners of the flexible order language conditioned case marking on constituent order, using more case marking with the cross‐linguistically less frequent order, again mirroring typological data. These results suggest that some cross‐linguistic generalizations originate in functionally motivated biases operating during language learning.  相似文献   

词汇习得年龄和频率对词汇识别的影响   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
三个实验考察词汇习得年龄和频率在词汇识别中的作用。实验结果表明:词汇习得年龄是影响汉语双字词词汇识别的重要因素,表现为早期习得的词汇比晚期习得的词汇更具有加工的优势。词汇习得年龄和频率独立地影响汉语双字词的识别过程.它们之间的效应是一种相加的关系。本研究还对词汇习得年龄效应的机制进行了讨论。  相似文献   

印丛  王娟  张积家 《心理学报》2011,43(9):1002-1012
以起始掩蔽启动效应(the Masked Onset Priming Effect, 简称MOP效应)为研究背景, 通过3个实验, 考察了语音和字形在MOP效应产生中的作用, 以及在汉语单字词产生中语音、字形启动的位置效应。实验1表明, 在汉语单字词的产生中, 语音启动的位置效应显著, 声母启动的效应量显著大于韵母启动的效应量, 与拼音文字研究得到的MOP效应类似, 说明在MOP效应中至少包含有语音效应。汉字单字词语音编码的最小单位是音位, 而且具有从左到右序列加工的特点, 支持言语产生的“音节临时形成论”。实验2表明, 与目标字左、右部件相同的启动刺激均能促进掩蔽启动范式中的命名反应, 被试对与启动字的右部件相同的目标字的反应显著快于对与启动字的左部件相同的目标字的反应, 与起始掩蔽启动效应的假设相反, 说明在MOP效应中不包含有字形的作用, 却发现了汉字单字词特有的命名的字形位置效应:右部件启动的效应量大于左部件启动的效应量。实验3采用图-词干扰范式对汉字左、右部件的启动效应做了进一步的探讨, 仍然发现汉字右部件启动的效应量显著大于汉字左部件启动的效应量。整个研究表明, MOP效应是单纯的语音效应, 并不包含有字形的作用; MOP效应产生于言语产生中的语音编码阶段, 支持言语计划理论的观点。  相似文献   

为探究情绪效价与空间动作的隐喻联结如何影响中国成人及学龄前和学龄初期儿童对外语情绪词的学习,要求被试在学习阶段根据情绪效价将新学习的实体外语词卡放在对应空间位置。测试阶段采用二选一迫选任务,记录新词学习的反应时和正确率。结果显示,无论是成人组还是儿童组被试,隐喻一致组在测试阶段中对所学外语词的再认反应时均快于隐喻不一致组和控制组。研究表明,成人和学龄前和学龄初期儿童均存在情绪效价–空间动作隐喻联结的心理表征,并且该联结可以影响成人及学龄前和学龄初期儿童外语情绪词学习效果。  相似文献   

从读者重复学习新词时眼动行为经历的变化,揭示儿童和成人自然阅读中新词学习能力的差异。构造双字假词作为新词,将其嵌在五个语境中,记录儿童和成人阅读时的眼动轨迹。结果发现:随着新词学习次数的递增,儿童和成人在新词上的首次注视时间呈相同变化;在对新词的凝视时间和再注视概率上,成人在第二次阅读时就大幅下降,而小学生在第四次阅读时才开始下降。表明成人新词学习能力高于儿童体现在词汇加工的相对晚期阶段。  相似文献   

以二年级儿童为研究对象,采用“自我教学”(self-teaching)范式(Share,1999),通过操纵汉字类型、出现次数和测试时间,考察儿童的字形学习效果。结果发现,儿童在故事朗读中的字形学习受汉字结构和部件熟悉性的影响,表现为独体字有稳定的再认优势,熟悉部件能促进合体字短期的再认和回忆,这对今后的理论研究和教学实践都具有一定启示意义。  相似文献   

本实验采用眼动轨迹记录法并结合边界范式(Rayner, 1975),操纵单字词和双字复合词的首字为一致预视或假字预视,考察单字词和复合词预视加工的差异性。另外,通过在中文句子中加入词边界信息——词间阴影,以考察词间阴影对单字词和复合词预视加工的影响。实验结果表明,复合词的预视效应大于单字词,并且词间阴影对单字词和复合词的预视加工均没有显著影响。因此,与印欧语系相比,中文阅读中更大更强的预视效应需从更深层次的语言和认知因素进行探讨。该结果更倾向于支持词切分和词汇识别模型。  相似文献   

本实验采用眼动轨迹记录法并结合边界范式(Rayner, 1975),操纵单字词和双字复合词的首字为一致预视或假字预视,考察单字词和复合词预视加工的差异性。另外,通过在中文句子中加入词边界信息——词间阴影,以考察词间阴影对单字词和复合词预视加工的影响。实验结果表明,复合词的预视效应大于单字词,并且词间阴影对单字词和复合词的预视加工均没有显著影响。因此,与印欧语系相比,中文阅读中更大更强的预视效应需从更深层次的语言和认知因素进行探讨。该结果更倾向于支持词切分和词汇识别模型。  相似文献   

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