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The psychologists in the western world, including Australia, are required to be culturally competent because of the cultural diversity of these societies. Previous studies conducted in North America and Europe have found multicultural teaching, clinical experience with culturally diverse clients, and discussion of multicultural counselling issues in supervision to be related to the practitioner's cultural competency. The present study examined factors contributing to trainee psychologists' perceived level of cultural competence. It was hypothesised that multicultural teaching, clinical experience, and supervision would be related to students' level of cultural competence. One hundred twenty‐seven postgraduate clinical psychology students completed an online survey battery that included demographic information, a social desirability measure, and the Multicultural Mental Health Awareness Scale. This hypothesis was partially supported. Clinical experience and supervision focusing on multicultural issues were found to be related to participants' perceived cultural competence; however, multicultural teaching was not. These results provide insight into how universities around Australia can facilitate future psychologists' competence in working with clients from different cultural backgrounds.  相似文献   

Multicultural competence in genetic counseling integrates racial-cultural knowledge, awareness, and skills into clinical interventions and research practices. Researchers and educators often cite racial-cultural factors as obstacles for visible racial-cultural people seeking help. However, the professional's unfamiliarity of how his or her own racial-cultural group affiliations are influenced by the history of discrimination and oppression coupled with their lack of self-understanding of racial-cultural issues for him- or herself has also limited the effectiveness of genetic counseling. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of the Handbook of Cross-Cultural Genetic Counseling, a multicultural curriculum developed for genetic counselor education for increasing multicultural counseling competence. The multicultural curriculum was evaluated for its effectiveness of increasing multicultural counseling competence using a nonequivalent control group design. A participant's multicultural counseling competence was hypothesized to increase after being taught the curriculum. The curriculum was effective for increasing multicultural counseling competence. Additionally, achieved multicultural counseling competence was not influenced by when the curriculum was taught. Trend analyses measuring the longitudinal impact of the curriculum on multicultural competence were significant. Implications of the results are discussed.  相似文献   

施媛媛 《心理科学进展》2020,28(7):1108-1117
全球化带来了丰富的多元文化经验, 开阔了人们视野的同时, 也造成了认知负担, 进而可能引发对外文化群体的抵触情绪和排斥行为。多元文化经验的普遍性和两面性突显了对其进行合理管理和灵活应用的重要性。然而, 现有的文化能力的理论大多在全球化研究早期提出, 已经无法应对全球化带来的新变化。在文化会聚主义理论框架下, 将文化视为动态发展的系统, 建构以元知识为核心的多元文化能力模型将有助于深入理解全球化问题。新模型的效用检验计划从文化知识管理和群际接触应对两方面检验多元文化能力在跨文化合作情境中的效用与机制, 以期为全球化环境中个人与组织开展跨文化交流与合作的实践提供理论指导。  相似文献   

This study investigated variables related to the perceived multicultural counseling competence (MCC) of South Korean counselors. The relationship between perceived MCC and demographic information was explored, and effects of openness to experience, general counseling competence, and multicultural counseling education/practice on perceived MCC were examined.  Results revealed no relationship with demographic information and perceived MCC and significant effects of general counseling competence and multucultural counseling education/practice on perceived MCC. Implications for multicultural counseling training and future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Although spiritual/religious identity development is included within multicultural training on the theoretical level, significant gaps exist in counseling trainees’ practical preparation for spiritual/religious competence. This grounded theory study explores counseling trainees’ multicultural counseling competence within the spiritual/religious domain. Findings reveal that although trainees participated in multicultural counseling preparation, they experienced spiritual/religious training as an “afterthought,” and they identified the need for training opportunities that encouraged skill development and exploration and increased self‐awareness. A pesar de que se incluye el desarrollo de la identidad espiritual o religiosa a nivel teórico en la formación multicultural, existen vacíos significativos en la preparación práctica de los estudiantes de consejería para su competencia espiritual o religiosa. Este estudio de teoría fundamentada explora la competencia multicultural de estudiantes de consejería dentro del ámbito espiritual o religioso. Los hallazgos revelan que, aunque los estudiantes tomaron parte en preparación para consejería multicultural, solo experimentaron capacitación espiritual o religiosa como una idea secundaria, e identificaron la necesidad de oportunidades de formación que impulsen la exploración y el desarrollo de habilidades así como un aumento de la autoconciencia.  相似文献   

In this study, the researchers examined the relationship among an orientation toward multicultural counseling competence, multicultural competent behaviors, and the working alliance from the perspective of 574 client participants across various therapeutic dyads. There was a positive relationship between clients’ perspectives on counselors’ multicultural orientation, counselors’ multicultural competent behavior, and working alliance. Multicultural competent behaviors mediated the relationship between an orientation toward multicultural competence and working alliance. However, the mediated effect was inconsistent across cross and similar racial/ethnic therapeutic dyads. Implications for counselors, limitations of the study, and future directions for research are provided.  相似文献   

This study aimed to develop a UK instrument measure of counsellors’ multicultural competencies. Also, it intended to analyse to what extent multicultural competencies have an influence in counselling practice in terms of processes and interventions.

The study was an expansion of the American multicultural competencies model, which related cultural competence to a combination of three factors: cultural beliefs, cultural knowledge and cultural skills. Results partially supported the hypothesis, which predicted that counsellors would present high correlation rates between cultural skills, cultural knowledge and cultural beliefs when self-evaluating their levels of multicultural competence.

The study's findings present alternative three-dimensional multicultural models that indicated how counsellors perceived multicultural competence based on both societal (e.g. race, class, patriotism) and functional (e.g. family, social norms and groups). It also discusses the correlations between cultural skills, cultural knowledge and cultural beliefs and how they played a part in helping counsellors to further understand their multicultural competencies and limitations. Finally, it is proposed that future research should investigate the possibility of developing multidimensional or multi-axial models as an alternative way of further developing the counsellors’ multicultural competencies models which emerged from this study.  相似文献   

This mixed methods study examined changes in self‐reported multicultural competence and distress reactions of 32 counselor trainees engaged in service learning. Whereas 3 trainees significantly increased in self‐reported multicultural competence, 5 significantly decreased. Trainees who significantly increased in multicultural competence reported less distress; those who significantly decreased reported greater distress. However, changes in multicultural competence appeared to be unrelated to themes uncovered in the qualitative data. Implications for training and practice are discussed. Este estudio de métodos mixtos examinó los cambios en competencia cultural y reacciones de aflicción reportados por 32 consejeros en formación que realizaban prácticas para su aprendizaje. A pesar de que 3 consejeros en formación comunicaron un aumento significativo de su competencia cultural, 5 de ellos reportaron una disminución significativa. Los consejeros en formación que aumentaron considerablemente su competencia cultural reportaron un nivel menor de aflicción; aquellos que disminuyeron considerablemente reportaron mayor aflicción. Sin embargo, los cambios en la competencia cultural no tenían relación aparente con los temas desvelados en los datos cualitativos. Se discuten las implicaciones para la formación y prácticas.  相似文献   

The purpose of this quantitative study was to investigate the relationship between professional counselors’ general multicultural competence and negative attitudes held toward Arab Americans. Participants (N = 124) completed a survey, and a series of correlational, stepwise, and multiple regression analyses was conducted. Results indicated that counselors displayed higher levels of multicultural awareness than of multicultural knowledge. Furthermore, general multicultural awareness and specific knowledge of Arabs related significantly to negative attitudes held toward Arabs. El propósito de este estudio cuantitativo fue investigar la relación entre la competencia multicultural general de consejeros profesionales y las actitudes negativas mantenidas hacia personas estadounidenses de origen árabe. Los participantes (N = 124) completaron una encuesta, y se llevó a cabo una serie de análisis correlacionales, por pasos y de regresión múltiple. Los resultados indicaron que los consejeros mostraron niveles de conciencia multicultural mayores que los niveles de conocimiento multicultural. Además, la conciencia multicultural general y el conocimiento específico acerca de las personas árabes estuvieron significativamente relacionados con actitudes negativas mantenidas hacia personas árabes.  相似文献   

The Social Class and Classism Training Questionnaire was developed to assess multicultural competency and training of social class and classism for school counselor trainees (SCTs). The authors analyzed the differences between accreditation status, social class backgrounds, and factors contributing to SCTs’ competence and training. Results showed that socially desirable responding, number of multicultural courses, and training level contributed most to perceived competence and training. This study provides insight into factors influencing SCTs’ competence and training of social class. El Cuestionario de Capacitación en Clase Social y Clasismo fue desarrollado para evaluar la competencia multicultural y capacitación en clase social y clasismo de consejeros escolares en formación (SCT, por sus siglas en inglés). Los autores analizaron las diferencias entre el estado de acreditación, la clase social de origen y otros factores que contribuyen a la competencia y capacitación de los SCT. Los resultados mostraron que las respuestas socialmente deseables, el número de cursos multiculturales y el nivel de capacitación contribuyeron en mayor medida a la percepción de competencia y capacitación. Este estudio ofrece una perspectiva de los factores que influyen en la competencia y capacitación en clase social de los SCT.  相似文献   

The authors examined the association between multicultural counseling competence (MCC) and mindfulness. Previous authors have maintained a conceptual link between MCC and mindfulness; however, this is the first empirical analysis of the relationship between MCC and mindfulness. Results revealed that, after race/ethnicity, multicultural course completion, and empathy were controlled, components of mindfulness were correlated with multicultural awareness and multicultural knowledge. These results have implications for counselor education, counseling practice, and future research.  相似文献   

The authors used a factorial multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) to determine whether counselor trainees’ group differences on measures of multicultural competence, empathy, and multicultural counseling self‐efficacy (CSE) when working with Middle Eastern American (MEA) clients were moderated by trainee race. Two hundred and fifty‐six trainees responded to 3 different clinical vignettes that gave information on clients who had varying degrees of MEA characteristics. MANOVA results revealed a significant main effect for trainee race. Follow‐up analyses demonstrated that trainees of color reported higher multicultural competence and multicultural CSE than White trainees. Los autores usaron an análisis factorial multivariante de la varianza (MANOVA, por sus siglas en inglés) para determinar si las diferencias en grupos de consejeros en formación respecto a competencia multicultural, empatía y autoeficacia en consejería (CSE) multicultural al trabajar con clientes americanos con ascendencia de Oriente Medio (MEA) estaban moderadas por la raza del consejero. Doscientos cincuenta y seis consejeros en formación respondieron a 3 viñetas clínicas que ofrecían información sobre clientes que tenían diversos grados de características de MEA. Los resultados del MANOVA revelaron un efecto principal significativo para la raza del consejero. Análisis de seguimiento demostraron que los consejeros de color en formación comunicaron un mayor nivel de competencia multicultural y CSE multicultural que los consejeros blancos.  相似文献   

This study tested a model that links race/ethnicity, multicultural training, racial/ethnic identity (REI), color‐blind racial attitudes (CoBRA), and multicultural counseling competence (MCC) among school counselors. The author examined whether multicultural training significantly moderated the association between race/ethnicity and MCC. School counselors’ REI was found to mediate this moderated association. A 3‐way interaction among race/ethnicity, training, and CoBRA revealed that White and racial/ethnic minority school counselors had the lowest MCC scores when they had limited training and higher CoBRA.  相似文献   

This study examines the effect of self‐regulated learning strategies on students’ multicultural competency development. Quantitative and qualitative data were collected from 26 students who took a semester‐long multicultural counseling course. Results show statistically significant improvement in students’ multicultural awareness and knowledge and statistical insignificance in multicultural skill development compared to their level of competence before the training. Implications of using this approach to teach multicultural counseling courses and future research are discussed. Este estudio examina el efecto de las estrategias de aprendizaje autorregulado en el desarrollo de la competencia multicultural de los estudiantes. Se recopilaron datos cuantitativos y cualitativos de 26 estudiantes que atendieron un curso de consejería multicultural de un semestre. Los resultados muestran una mejora estadísticamente significativa en la conciencia y conocimentos multiculturales de los estudiantes y una insignificancia estadística en el desarrollo de las habilidades multiculturales comparadas con su nivel de competencia antes de la capacitación. Se discuten las implicaciones de usar este enfoque didáctico en cursos de consejería multicultural y para investigaciones futuras.  相似文献   

The purpose of this investigation was to replicate findings from Holcomb‐McCoy and Myers's ( 1999 ) study, which assessed the multicultural competence of professional counselors. Factor analysis was conducted to determine the components of multicultural competence (N = 171). Differences existed between multicultural competence and race/ethnicity, F(2, 168) = 4.86, p = .009, Wilks's Λ = .95, partial η2 = .06, and education level, F(2, 167) = 8.95, p < .001, Wilks's Λ = .82, partial η2 = .10.  相似文献   

The present study describes the development of an instrument to assess the multicultural competencies of mental health professionals in Australia. The scale was developed to assess the effectiveness of a multicultural mental health training program. Mental health professionals from Queensland, Australia (N = 268) participated in the study by completing a questionnaire battery. Items on the new scale were generated to parallel the Queensland Transcultural Mental Health Centre (QTMHC) training program's objectives. The results describe a 35‐item Multicultural Mental Health Awareness Scale. Factor analysis of the scale indicated three factors of multicultural counselling competencies: Awareness, Knowledge, and Skills. These factors were in line with the Sue et al. (1982) multicultural counselling competencies. The scale has satisfactory internal consistency, test–retest reliability, concurrent validity, and discriminant validity and can be used to evaluate the effectiveness of the multicultural competency training programs in mental health.  相似文献   

A national survey of practicing school counselors (N = 755) revealed significant differences between participants’ perceived multicultural competence based on the type of multicultural training received. Participants who took infused multicultural coursework had significantly higher mean scores in multicultural awareness, knowledge, and skills than participants who reported taking a single multicultural course. Una encuesta nacional de consejeros escolares en activo (N = 755) reveló diferencias significativas en la competencia multicultural percibida de los participantes según el tipo de capacitación multicultural recibida. Los participantes que tomaron cursos que incluían contenidos multiculturales obtuvieron puntajes medios significativamente más altos en consciencia, conocimientos y habilidades multiculturales que aquellos participantes que indicaron haber tomado un único curso multicultural.  相似文献   

The multidimensional model of broaching behavior (MMBB) is introduced as a heuristic that addresses multicultural counseling and social justice competence. The MMBB includes humanistic skills that allow counselors to broach clients’ racial, ethnic, and cultural (REC) concerns in an effort to develop strong therapeutic alliances and alleviate distress. This article provides illustrative examples of the 4 MMBB dimensions: intracounseling, intraindividual, intra-REC, and inter-REC. Implications for the counseling profession and practice are described, and directions for future research are presented.  相似文献   

The authors evaluated the acquisition of 6 constructs related to multicultural and social justice competence for 60 counselors-in-training (CITs) in 3 multicultural counseling courses. Each course was assigned a unique pedagogical approach: didactic, experiential, or community service learning. Statistical analyses indicated that pedagogical approach had the greatest impact on CITs’ growth in multicultural relationship, multicultural skills, and social justice advocacy constructs. Analyses also indicated growth across all 3 pedagogies for multicultural knowledge and multicultural awareness constructs. The authors explore patterns of pedagogical impact, discuss practical implications, and make suggestions for further research.  相似文献   

This study investigated the nature and extent of perceived multicultural counseling competence (MCC) of 508 professional counselors in Malaysia using a national survey approach. Differences in counselors' perceived MCC pertaining to gender, ethnicity, highest education, and multicultural training were examined. Results revealed 5 factors as constituents of MCC and significant differences in perceived MCCs due to ethnicity, highest education, and participation in multicultural training. Implications for future research, counselor education, and counseling practice are discussed. Este estudio investigó la naturaleza y la extensión de la competencia en consejería multicultural (MCC, por sus siglas en inglés) percibida de 508 consejeros profesionales en Malasia usando un enfoque de encuesta nacional. Se examinaron las diferencias en la MCC percibida de los consejeros respecto a sexo, etnicidad, nivel máximo de educación y capacitación multicultural. Los resultados revelaron 5 factores constituyentes de MCC y diferencias significativas en las MCC debido a etnicidad, nivel máximo de educación y participación en capacitación multicultural. Se discuten las implicaciones para investigaciones futuras, educación de consejeros y práctica de la consejería.  相似文献   

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