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The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships between perceived managerial coaching behavior and employee work-related outcomes.


Data were collected from 482 employees in a Korean public organization. The collected data were analyzed by structural equation modeling with a two-step approach.


The hypothesized conceptual model was adequately supported by the sample data. Further investigations suggested managerial coaching, which had a direct impact on employee satisfaction with work and role clarity and an indirect impact on satisfaction with work, career commitment, organization commitment, and job performance.


Findings provide empirical support to the hypothesized conceptual model of managerial coaching outcomes in organizations. Study findings offer evidence regarding prospective, but unexamined, benefits of managerial coaching. Such knowledge can be also used by practitioners for selecting and developing effective managers and leaders and understanding and managing employee attitudes and behaviors in organizations.


This article is one of the first studies to provide evidence for the influence of managerial coaching behavior on employee role cognition, work attitudes, and performance. Since there is no commonly acknowledged theory or conceptual model for managerial coaching outcomes, this finding of the current hypothesized model can notably contribute to the research on managerial coaching. Furthermore, to date, no study of managerial coaching in Asian cultural contexts has been identified.  相似文献   

In this study, we examined the moderating effect of locus of control on the relationship between Machiavellianism and job performance of store managers in a retail setting. Our results indicated a significant moderating effect for managers who perceive that they have an external control orientation but not for managers with an internal control orientation.  相似文献   

This experiment explores the attributional consequences of asking constraining performance-relevant questions-biased to elicit favorable or unfavorable remarks from the person being evaluated. After hearing the performer deliver a speech, all subjects played the role of questioner in a feedback interview purportedly designed to help the speechmaker improve future performance. Subjects asked biased questions that focused on either the positive or negative aspects of the speech and heard answers that were either congruent or incongruent with the biasing implications of their questions. Results showed that speech performance ratings were influenced by the direction of the performer′s self-evaluative comments, even when these comments were in line with, and thus potentially constrained by, the evaluator′s own behavior. Implications of biased inquiry strategies in organizational contexts where the evaluator is the source of constraint are discussed.  相似文献   

Early religion scholars stressed the importance of institutionalized “rites of passage” to integrate and reinvigorate groups themselves. Surprisingly, little work, however, has explored the efficacy of such rites for the religious lives of individuals. Although research has examined the transformative role of semi‐institutionalized rites like short‐term mission trips and pilgrimages, we shift the focus to consider the potential influence of more fundamental initiation rites such as baptism, first communion, and bar/bat mitzvahs. Utilizing surveys 1 and 4 of the National Study of Youth and Religion and focusing on overall religiosity and disaffiliation as the outcomes, we examine whether experiencing a religious rite of passage during or before one's teenage years predicts the religious outcomes of young adults. We find no difference in religiosity over time between persons who experienced a religious rite passage and those who did not. However, those who underwent a religious rite of passage were 30 percent less likely to disaffiliate between data collection points. Tests for interactions show that the influence of such initiation rites does not vary across religious traditions. Findings suggest the experience of baptism, bar/bat mitzvah, confirmation, or other rites of passage matter primarily as durable markers of social identity, binding adherents to their faith community, if only nominally.  相似文献   

Problems of work force quality in the United States in the 1990s, strategies for managerial response to these problems, and sources of employee resistance to change are discussed.  相似文献   

制造行业管理胜任力与绩效关系的实证研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对571名制造型企业管理者的问卷调查,探索并验证了制造业管理胜任力结构维度,检验了不同背景因素对管理胜任力的影响。结果表明:制造业管理胜任力具有六维结构,包含22个指标,其信度和效度较好;不同管理层次的管理者在制造过程控制和市场营销策划维度上的评价有显著性差异,不同企业规模下的管理者在行业核心理念和产品系统管理维度上的评价有显著性差异;产品系统管理与市场营销策划能力对制造业管理者绩效有良好的预测力。同时发现,制造业管理胜任力不能较好地解释周边绩效的变异量。  相似文献   

This study examines the managerial review of sexual harassment allegations by subordinates against supervisors as a 2-stage attribution process. In the 1st stage, reviewers decide whether the behavior was inappropriate (misconduct). In the 2nd, reviewers decide the level of company responsibility. The reviewers' 2 decisions are influenced in distinct ways by scenario participant job performance, and the genders and ethnicities of reviewer and scenario participants. Male respondents exhibited some bias for high-performing same-ethnicity supervisors—a bias not present in female responses. In the 2nd stage, female and non-White reviewers assessed significantly higher levels of company responsibility than did male and White respondents. The data suggest that although men and women do not differ substantially over what constitutes misconduct, they do differ over the company's responsibility.  相似文献   

Ample correlational research shows that leader support for creativity is related to subordinate creativity, yet research examining the causality of this relationship experimentally is scant. Furthermore, most studies that demonstrate support for this relationship have used relatively subjective creativity measures that do not tap as effectively into the creative problem-solving process. Thus, we experimentally examined whether leader support for creativity affects subordinate creative problem-solving performance. We also examined whether this relationship depends on leader gender. We used experimental vignette methodology and a sample of 247 working adults to test these relationships. We found that high (vs. low) leader support for creativity resulted in a significantly higher number of ideas generated. Additionally, posthoc analyses showed that high (vs. low) leader support for creativity resulted in a significantly higher number of original ideas and higher number of quality ideas generated. We also found that when the leader was a woman (vs. man), average originality of ideas was significantly higher. We found no significant interactive effects of leader support for creativity and leader gender. We discuss how this study further elucidates our understanding of leader support for creativity, as well as avenues for future creativity research involving leader gender.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Establishing the measurement equivalence of instruments is a prerequisite to making meaningful comparisons between individuals or within individuals over time. Whereas previous research has investigated the effects of rater characteristics on the measurement equivalence of performance ratings, the current study investigated a ratee characteristic—ratee job experience. Using confirmatory factor analysis and item response theory methods with replication, the measurement equivalence of supervisor ratings of 7,200 managers with differing levels of managerial experience was assessed. Overall, results indicated a high degree of measurement equivalence suggesting that meaningful comparison may be made across ratees with different levels of job experience.  相似文献   

A causal model of the performance evaluation process was proposed and tested in this paper. The proposed conceptualization incorporated social, situational, affective, and cognitive elements as they affect performance ratings, with particular emphasis on the role of subordinate influence behaviors. LISREL results demonstrated that the proposed model fit the data well, and reflected a better fit than several alternative models that were estimated. The contributions and limitations of the present study were discussed, in addition to challenges and directions for future research.  相似文献   

Despite the importance of interpersonal attraction for group behaviors, it has been largely unexplored in the context of organizational environments. This study examined two possible determinants of interpersonal attraction in organizational settings: managers' performance and perceived attitudinal similarity. Using a videotape medium, subjects assessed their interpersonal attraction to a manager interacting with a subordinate within a 3 × 3 experimental design. Main effects for managerial competence and perceived attitudinal similarity were observed but with no evidence of an interaction effect.  相似文献   

An important application of attribution theory deals with leader explanations for subordinate performance and their effects on future leader–member interactions and performance. In the present study, subjects worked on a 2-trial task in which there was a leader and 2 members. Leaders received performance feedback and an attributional explanation for subordinate performance after Trial 1, and subsequent Trial 2 behavior was videotaped. Results showed that attributions significantly affected the amount of time spent by the leader talking to the group during the second trial, as well as the number of negative leader comments. Level of performance was a significant determinant of subordinate ratings and reward/punishment recommendations. Attributions differentially affected the punishment advocated by leaders, with failure due to internal causes more likely to be punished than failure due to external causes. Implications for an attributional theory of leadership are discussed.  相似文献   

为探索运动速度和方向对碰撞时间(TTC)估计的影响,采用3运动速度×4运动方向的双因素设计开展了实验研究。结果发现,在相对慢速条件下,受试者TTC估计的准确性显著差于相对中速和相对快速条件;仅在相对慢速条件下受试者对竖直方向的TTC估计准确度显著差于水平方向、低估TTC的比例显著高于高估TTC的比例。结果表明,运动速度对TTC估计绩效指标的影响相对较强,运动方向对其影响相对较弱;两个因素的影响存在交互作用。  相似文献   

绩效归因过程及其对低工作绩效评估的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
叶映华 《应用心理学》2008,14(2):141-148
采用阈上启动方法和投射方法,以72名学校领导者为被试,对绩效归因过程及领导者有关下属低工作绩效归因和评估进行了探讨。研究表明:(1)绩效归因是双重过程:包括绩效外显归因和内隐归因;(2)外显因素影响领导者对下属低工作绩效行为的归因和评估,其中,领导者对下属低工作绩效行为的归因起中介作用;(3)绩效归因对低工作绩效评估的影响是双重过程:绩效外显归因和绩效内隐归因均影响了低工作绩效评估。  相似文献   

从个体、领导和同事角度出发,采用2个时间点员工-主管配对问卷调查法对299名企业员工进行调查,探讨了管理者可信行为对员工建设性建言的影响机制。结果发现:(1)管理者可信行为对员工建设性建言有正向影响;(2)员工-领导价值一致性和员工感知凝聚力在管理者可信行为与员工建设性建言关系间起双中介作用;(3)同事消极约束显著负向调节管理者可信行为与员工感知凝聚力间的关系,即当同事消极约束水平越低,管理者可信行为对员工感知凝聚力的正向影响越高;(4)同事消极约束在管理者可信行为与员工-领导价值一致性间的负向调节作用不显著。  相似文献   

Does dyad members' motivation to take on a high or low power position influence the dyad's performance motivation when assigned to hierarchical roles? Participants in 69 dyads (33 all‐women, 36 all‐men) indicated whether they preferred the high‐power role (owner of an art gallery) or the low power role (assistant to the owner). Power roles were then randomly assigned. The dyad's interaction during task solving was videotaped. Uninvolved coders rated performance motivation as the degree of quality of the superior's and the subordinate's task contributions and effort put into the task. Performance motivation was better if the boss preferred the high power to the low power role, irrespective of the subordinate's role preference. Leadership effectiveness is thus affected by the superior's power motivation.  相似文献   

A model of goal-setting processes was developed that depicted the influence of previous performance, assigned goals, and self-efficacy on personal goals and performance. Three levels of assigned goals were manipulated in a counterbalanced fashion across two performance trials. Assigned goals were hypothesized to have a greater influence than self-efficacy on personal goals for the first trial, whereas efficacy was hypothesized to have a stronger influence than assigned goals on Trial 2 goals. Although the hypothesized model fit fairly well overall, the specific results concerning the relative impact of assigned goal and self-efficacy were not supported. In general, the observed trends indicated the effects were the opposite of what was expected. Potential explanations for these results and recommendations for future research are offered.  相似文献   

La présente étude examine les effets directs et modérateurs des stratégies de défense (contrôle et support) et de la perception de contrôle au travail (extérieure) sur des relations stresseur-tension entre des gestionnaires de la grande Chine (la République populaire de Chine, Hong Kong, et Taiwan). Les données ont été recueillies, via un questionnaire autoadministré, auprès de 876 gestionnaires soit 249 (164 hommes, 85 femmes) en République populaire de Chine, 280 à Hong Kong (159 hommes, 120 femmes, 1 non classifié), et 347 (191 hommes, 151 femmes, 5 non classifiés) au Taiwan. Des effets directs et modérateurs pour les stratégies de défense et pour la perception de contrôle ont été démontrés pour quelques relations stresseur-tension dans les divers échantillons étudiés.
The present study aims at examining the direct and moderator effects of coping strategies (control and support coping) and work locus of control (externality) on the stressor-strain relationships among managers in Greater China (the People's Republic of China [PRC], Hong Kong, and Taiwan). A self-administered survey method was employed to collect data from 249 (164 male, 85 female) managers in the PRC, 280 (159 male, 120 female, 1 unclassified) managers in Hong Kong, and 347 (191 male, 151 female, 5 unclassified) managers in Taiwan. The direct and moderator effects of control coping, support coping, and work locus of control on some stressor-strain relationships were demonstrated in the studied samples.  相似文献   

陈学军  王重鸣 《心理科学》2004,27(2):291-292
本文在以往绩效模型和内隐绩效模型的研究基础上,运用实验模拟方法,研究了内隐绩效模型对管理决策的影响作用,结果发现:在不同决策任务条件下,内隐绩效模型存在显著差异.并随着决策任务变化而变化;内隐绩效模型影响决策者的决策偏差,周边绩效一定程度上对任务绩效起补偿作用。  相似文献   

Maintaining a stable score scale over time is critical for all standardized educational assessments. Traditional quality control tools and approaches for assessing scale drift either require special equating designs, or may be too time-consuming to be considered on a regular basis with an operational test that has a short time window between an administration and its score reporting. Thus, the traditional methods are not sufficient to catch unusual testing outcomes in a timely manner. This paper presents a new approach for score monitoring and assessment of scale drift. It involves quality control charts, model-based approaches, and time series techniques to accommodate the following needs of monitoring scale scores: continuous monitoring, adjustment of customary variations, identification of abrupt shifts, and assessment of autocorrelation. Performance of the methodologies is evaluated using manipulated data based on real responses from 71 administrations of a large-scale high-stakes language assessment.  相似文献   

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