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An experiment is described which investigates the effect of rehearsal delay on long-term imitation of a film model. The hypothesis tested was that a delay in the opportunity to imitate a film model would result in a reduction of imitation, ‘flitting’ and range of activities during play in the stimulus situation. One group of children played immediately after exposure to the film, a second after a delay of one day, a third after one week. All groups returned after an interval of seven days, and again after 4–5 months. The hypotheses were not accepted; the film influenced behaviour whatever the delay, but it was noted that the general effect of the films on activity level was less marked during the second session in the experimental situation, and increased after a few months' interval. The long-term effect of the film model was noted, and it was observed that at this time retention of the film model's behaviour was not related to imitative behaviour.  相似文献   

In order to examine audience effects when viewing firmed violence, 5 to 6 year old pre-school boys who had been rated as submissive by their teachers watched an aggressive or a neutral movie either alone, accompanied by another submissive classmate, or a dominant one. Subsequent aggression against a frustrating, unknown and unseen boy was delivered via a modified Buss machine, especially adapted for children. Subjects accompanied by a dominant peer were more aggressive than the others but did not react differentially to the movies. Subjects tested alone were more aggressive after the violent film than after the neutral one and the opposite pattern occurred for the boys accompanied by a submissive classmate. These findings stress the importance of the social context when viewing filmed violence. It is suggested that the quality of the audience can have different directional (e.g. fear and aggression) as well as energizing properties. Links with the literature on social facilitation and audience effects are underlined.  相似文献   

Self-report measures of personality, assertion, aggression and difficulty with social situations were completed by 66 male prisoners convicted for violent offences. Inmates were divided into overcontrolled and less-controlled groups on the basis of MMPI OH scores. No significant differences emerged on total ASES Assertion scale scores or on the four social-situation difficulty items dealing with assertiveness. However, overcontrolled men scored significantly lower on the Negative Assertion subscale and on the Aggression scale, as well as on two social-situation difficulty items dealing with the control of aggression. Less-controlled males showed a significant positive correlation between Aggression scale scores and negative assertion which was not obtained for the overcontrolled group. Results were discussed in terms of the different treatment needs of the two groups when using assertion or social-skills training with offender populations.  相似文献   

The present study assessed the life spans in two lines of mice selectively bred for high (Turku Aggressive, TA) and low (Turku Nonaggressive, TNA) levels of aggression. The maintained parental Swiss albino strain (N), normally distributed with regard to aggression, served as a control line. It was found that the TNA males had a significantly shorter life span than the other lines of mice of both sexes. The relative early death of the TNA males was discussed in terms of male age-related decline of inherited low levels of catecholamine and androgenous hormone concentrations. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

PitkÄnen, L. An aggression machine. I. The intensity of aggressive defence aroused by aggressive offence. Scand. J. Psychol., 1973, 14, 56–64.-Sixty 9-year-old boys were tested with an aggression machine (PAM) designed by the writer. PAM allows the variation of both S (light) and R (pressing a button) intensities. The stimuli and responses were given the designations of offensive and defensive aggression, respectively. The following main hypotheses were supported: (1) The intensity of impulsive aggressive defence to an aggressive offence was adapted to the intensity of attack. (2) The intensity of aggressive defence was determined by the authority of the attacker, the defence being strongest when the attacker was a person of the same age and status, and least vigorous when the attacker was a figure of authority or a weaker person. (3) The correlations of the intensity of aggressive defence against different attackers depended on the similarity of their social position; the correlations were higher the closer the position.  相似文献   

Although numerous experiments have shown that exposure to violent video games (VVG) causes increases in aggression, relatively few studies have investigated the extent to which this effect differs as a function of theoretically relevant individual difference factors. This study investigated whether video game content differentially influences aggression as a function of individual differences in trait anger. Participants were randomly assigned to play a violent or nonviolent video game before completing a task in which they could behave aggressively. Results showed that participants high in trait anger were the most aggressive, but only if they first played a VVG. This relationship held while statistically controlling for dimensions other than violent content on which game conditions differed (e.g. frustration, arousal). Implications of these findings for models explaining the effects of video games on behavior are discussed.  相似文献   

Over the past decade studies of the development of violent juvenile delinquency have gained momentum. Large prospective longitudinal studies on different continents have shown the potential for a developmental approach to clarify the developmental course, determinants and malleability of violent delinquent behaviour by juveniles.

However, notwithstanding these accomplishments, one may wonder to what extent the potential benefits of a truly developmental approach have been brought to fruition to date. Based on a critical review of the literature, three major issues are identified: (1) prospective research has been highly explorative rather than hypothesis testing; (2) development has been described in terms of mean changes with age or static patterns rather than in terms of individual trajectories; and (3) there has been a strong focus on correlates and risk-factors instead of on causal mechanisms driving development. Suggestions are made to resolve these issues by formulating clear developmental theories to be tested with longitudinal experimental studies of individual developmental trajectories, their malleability, and mediators of change.  相似文献   

Insight problem solving requires restructuring of a problem space by stepping out of the framework provided by the commonly activated cognitive schemas and acquiring a new perspective on the problem. Schizotypy has been linked with loosened associative and overinclusive thinking that may be advantageous for this process. The present study tested this hypothesis and found that individuals with a high degree of schizotypy show better performance on a set of insight problems relative to individuals with low schizotypy, but not on a set of incremental problems that required focused goal-related thinking. Results support the notion that schizotypy is associated not only with enhanced abilities in creative processes involved in divergent thinking but also in creative operations during analytical problem solving.  相似文献   

This study compared the Piers-Harris 2 scores of youth with PTSD (n=30) to the scores of traumatized youth without PTSD (n=60) and a non-traumatized comparison group (n=39). In the absence of major comorbid disorders, youth with PTSD evidenced significantly lower scores than the traumatized PTSD negatives and controls on five of six Piers-Harris 2 scales. With the exception of scores on an index of perceived parental acceptance of child behavior, trauma exposure in the absence of PTSD was not associated with lower Piers-Harris 2 scores.  相似文献   

The authors designed the present study to test whether women reported higher levels of body dissatisfaction than did men even when the 2 genders were matched on a measure of degree of body focus. Sixty undergraduates (30 men, 30 women) were screened on attention-to-body-shape scores and divided into high, medium, and low body-shape-focus groups. The participants also completed questionnaires that provided information on age, education, vocabulary ability, levels of depression, and body-image assessment. The groups did not differ (ps > .05) on age, education, vocabulary ability, or levels of depression. However, women in all 3 body-shape-focus categories indicated a larger discrepancy between their real vs. ideal body images (p < .01) than did the men. In the high-body-focus group, there was an 11:1ratio between women's and men's reported real-ideal body-shape discrepancies. Women showed greater body dissatisfaction than did men, even when the genders were matched on a measure of body focus.  相似文献   

Two experiments have been conducted to investigate the aggression-eliciting properties of an aggressive commercial. The first experiment investigated the influence of an aggressive commercial on subsequent delivery of shocks to a confederate by male or female subjects, in presence and in absence of previous instigation to aggress. The second experiment examined the heart rate modifications before, during and after exposure to the aggressive commercial. Twenty males and 20 females participated to each experiment. Findings justify the concern for the aggression-eliciting properties of aggressive commercials.  相似文献   

This experiment examined changes in anxiety and differences in aggression for high and low assertive women when different degrees of conflict were encountered. As predicted, low assertive women were intially more uneasy or anxious than high assertive women when they were placed in a conflictual situation. When the level of actual conflict was low, the level of anxiety of low assertive women decreased. However, when the actual level of conflict was high the anxiety level of low assertive women remained unchanged. These results were taken as support for the fear of conflict hypothesis which predicted that the reduction in anxiety for low assertive persons is contingent upon whether or not the anticipated conflict is actually encountered. The results also indicated that high assertive women were not significantly more aggressive than low assertive women. This finding provided support for Galassi's position that assertiveness and aggression are distinct concepts.  相似文献   

Greed is a variable which might explain and predict a range of real-life criteria. Although often consulted as explanation in the public media, related scientific research has only recently begun. We approached greed from a personality psychology perspective regarding its nomological net and the prediction of theoretically related criteria. We found that a wide array of indicators, including behavior in economic games and risk games, as well as self-reported money investment and aimed at income, can be meaningfully predicted by dispositional greed, over and above the Big Five. Additionally, we found that dispositional greed is substantially related to psychopathy. According to our results, dispositional greed is an important variable which might explain unique variance with regard to theoretically related behaviors.  相似文献   

Accuracy of respiratory symptom perception was investigated in different contexts in participants (N = 56) scoring high or low for negative affectivity (NA). Within subject-correlations were calculated between minute ventilation (frequency per minute × tidal volume) and the subjective symptom ‘faster and/or deeper breathing’ across 10 subsequent breathing trials of 2?min with varying air mixtures, containing fresh or foul smelling odours and/or 5.5% CO2. Half the participants were given a positive information frame for the sensations (‘some air mixtures may induce a pleasantly arousing feeling, like when being in love’), whereas the other half was given a negative frame (‘some air mixtures may induce feelings of being anxious and distressed’). Interoceptive accuracy was overall fairly high (r = 0.56–0.74), but it dropped considerably (r = 0.27), when bodily sensations were induced in high NA persons in a negative information frame (interaction, p < 0.005). Interoceptive accuracy appears low when persons with high NA are in situations characterised by negative affective cues.  相似文献   

The import of the concept of aggressive drive for the construct of catharsis, particularly the trend toward alternatives to drive concepts, is considered. Three conceptions of catharsis are distinguished—the Dramatic model, the Clinical model and the Experimental model. The Dramatic and Clinical models are seen to focus on affective engagement and change, while differing in the vicarious nature of the cathartic experience, in the degree of cognitive representation entailed, and in the nature of the interpersonal context. The Experimental model is seen to be addressed to the more general problem of aggression reduction through aggressive acts. The Dramatic and Clinical models of catharsis are viewed as more specific and germane, and the hypothesis is proposed that catharsis obtains in the case of inhibited rather than persistent or unresolved affect.  相似文献   

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