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伍棠棣 《心理学报》1980,13(3):20-24
一九七八年五月在杭州召开了全国心理学专业学术会议。为了适应教学上的迫切需要,教育部高等教育司副司长肖岩同志在会上组织部分高等师范院校的代表讨论协作编写高等师范院校公共必修课《心理学》教材的问题,要求新编教材必须在马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想的指导下,紧密联系实际,加强基础理论知识,正确吸取国内外科学研究的成果,注意反映教育战线的新成就,努力做到比原有的教材有所提高,为在实现四个现代化的新长征中,全面贯彻党的教育方针,提高教育质量,多出人材,早出人材服务。经讨论初步确定了编写的原则,组织了编写的力量,安排了工作的日程并提出了一些有关教学计划的建议。  相似文献   

农村中学生心理健康状况的调查研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本研究运用SCL-90量表对农村545名中学生进行了调查,结果发现:中学生存在一些轻微的心理健康问题,在年龄、性别方面也有一定的差异。并就存在的问题进行了全面分析,提出了促进中学生心理健康的几点应对措施。  相似文献   

Although increasing the numbers of women and minority faculty in academia is a widely held goal, their numbers remain small. The presence of women and minorities decreases disproportionately at each ascending rung of the academic ladder. This investigation identified factors potentially contributing to attrition in White and non-White women at a critical stage in their careers: as doctoral candidates and recent graduates. Two-hundred and twenty-four women in the life sciences, social sciences, and the humanities described their most pressing professional and personal concerns and offered suggestions for changes in their fields and in academia more generally. Independent raters coded responses by thematic content. Differences in responses by field, educational status, and minority status were examined. The most frequently cited concerns involved practical issues such as finding employment, financial stability, and developing professional expertise, revealing wide-spread concerns about a competitive academic climate. Suggestions included modifications in professional conduct, the employment and pay structure, and training.  相似文献   

Extreme data points, or outliers, can have a disproportionate influence on the conclusions drawn from a set of bivariate correlational data. This paper addresses two aspects of outlier detection. The results of a survey regarding how published researchers prefer to deal with outliers are presented, and a set of 183 test validity studies is examined to document the effects of different approaches to the detection and exclusion of outliers on effect size measures. The study indicates that: (a) there is disagreement among researchers as to the appropriateness of deleting data points from a study; (b) researchers report greater use of visual examination of data than of numeric diagnostic techniques for detecting outliers; and (c) while outlier removal influenced effect size measures in individual studies, outlying data points were not found to be a substantial source of variance in a large test validity data set.  相似文献   

A study of 376 high school graduates representing equal numbers of male-female, age groups of 20–30 and 40–50 years and Hindu, non-Hindu Indians were examined on Rotter's I-E Scale. Contrary to earlier reports (Carment 1974) the group was not more internal than previously reported scores of other cultures. A 2 times; 2 times; 2 ANOVA revealed that sex and religion contributed significantly. Belief in the theory of Karma and socioeconomic status also contributed significantly. Similar analyses of three subscales of I-E, Personal Control, Control Ideology and Systems Control showed some reversals of results of total I-E.  相似文献   

Principles of Psychology was published as an introductory textbook, with the contemporary virtue of having chapters that "can he assigned in any order." It is a compendium of speculation, with very few connecting threads to tie materials together. This article reports one psychologist's travels through thex Principles, in search of latent organizing structure, using as a guidebook the methodological and substantive content of two recent articles (Kimble. 1989. 1990a). The journey had its low and high points: The methodology encountered was hardly worth the trip. The exciting moments were the views of correspondences between James' insights and what we know today.  相似文献   


The present study examined social identity under three frames of reference, self, own group and outgroups, in three ethnic groups in India, High Caste Hindus, Muslims and Scheduled Castes. Fifty subjects for each group (with a total of 150 subjects) between the ages of 13 to 18 years were randomly selected from a rural district of Uttar Pradesh. Data were collected using a 24 adjective checklist and analyzed using ANOVA and t tests. The results indicated considerable similarity in social identity of High Caste and Muslim subjects. In both groups a strong sense of positive social identity was found. The Scheduled Caste, however, displayed a marked negative social identity in relation to the two other ethnic groups. The findings were examined in relation to existing intergoup relations theory and interplay of specific subcultural experiences.  相似文献   

吴宗宪 《心理学报》1996,29(1):104-109
对欧洲大陆国家的法律心理学发展状况作了述评。全文包括3部分:对相关概念(犯罪心理学、审判心理学、法律心理学、司法心理学)的辨析;欧洲大陆国家法律心理学的现状;简要评价。  相似文献   

This study investigated self-reported limitations of published papers as an alternative and novel operationalization of the state of science of industrial and organizational (I-O) psychology. A content analysis was conducted of the reported limitations in every I-O psychology articles published in the Academy of Management Journal, the Journal of Applied Psychology, and Personnel Psychology between 1995 and 2008 (N= 2,402). Articles were coded for the number and types of limitations reported, characteristics of the research design, and topic area. Threats to internal validity were the most often reported limitations. In addition, variations were detected in the reporting of limitations over time, indicating a subtle but steady shift in the focus of I-O psychology research. Implications of these results for the science and practice of I-O psychology and for the use of self-reported limitations in scientific communication are discussed.  相似文献   

The theoretical orientations and values of North American feminist psychologists were studied by surveying all participants at the 1985 conferences of the Association for Women in Psychology and the Canadian Psychological Association's Section on Women and Psychology. On dichotomous measures of theoretical orientation in psychology, scores of respondents tended to be subjectivist rather than objectivist. Respondents also tended to place more emphasis on the exogenous (external or social) determinants of human behavior rather than the endogenous (internal or biological) determinants. Feminist psychologists also endorsed values about the role of science in society that were consistent with rejection of traditional positivist assumptions about the value neutrality of science. Endorsement of a value-laden concept of science was associated with a preference for subjectivist epistemology. Differences were found between heterosexual and lesbian feminists (the latter group tending to favor a more subjectivist and more exogenist theoretical orientation than the former) and between feminist academics and practitioners (the latter group tending to favor a more subjectivist, but less exogenist, theoretical orientation than the former).  相似文献   


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