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This study was designed to investigate the effects of item sampling on hindsight bias in experiments using general knowledge material. The results show that the use of random versus traditional experimenter-selected item samples can have different effects on hindsight bias. In a within-subjects study almost twice as many items in a random sample were connected with a reversed effect rather than with a traditional hindsight bias. The same items that resulted in overconfidence in foresight lead to a higher degree of hindsight bias than others. The results suggest that earlier findings of unusually large hindsight effects with general knowledge tasks may be explained by the selection of items used. No hindsight effect was found on confidence scores in a within-subjects design, but was obtained in a between-subjects design. Results suggest that the use of a within-subjects design itself can moderate hindsight bias by familiarizing subjects with the task. The study shows the importance of two conditions for decreasing the hindsight bias: (1) The use of randomly sampled items, and (2) The use of a within-subjects procedure. When these conditions were met, the "knew-it-all-along effect" was completely eliminated.  相似文献   

程小扬  丁树良 《心理科学》2011,34(4):965-969
摘要: 在计算机自适应测验中, 对0-1评分模型按a-分层选题是高效安全的策略,但多级评分模型的项目难度/步骤参数有多个而无法直接应用这种选题策略。信息函数能够很好地综合项目所有参数及能力参数,但最大信息量选题策略会影响考试安全。本文提出一种变加权选题策略,它通过调用一个与信息量相关联的函数,该函数与信息量成正比,与区分度的某个幂函数成反比,从而达到既能综合项目所有参数又按a分层的效果。在GPCM模型下用蒙特卡罗实验进行比较研究,结果显示新的选题策略总体效果比已有相关结果好。  相似文献   

本文指出了自我报告法中项目前后关系效应的普遍存在性及其危害性。讨论了用信息加工的观点对项目前后关系效应所作的认知上的理论解释,以及测量工具中促使产生这种项目前后关系效应的关键特征。同时也讨论了项目序列位置的作用。  相似文献   

Walkup and Abbott (1978) stated that Edwards and Ashworth's (1977) failure to replicate Bem's (1974) selection of items for the Masculinity and Femininity Scales of the Bern Sex Role Inventory (BSRI) may be attributed to differences in the instructions and anchored rating scales used in the two studies. The present study tested the hypothesis that presence of various interaction effects involving instructions and rating scales would influence the acceptability of items for the BSRI Masculinity and Femininity Scales. Results based on the evaluation of individual items by Bem's item selection criteria in each of the four experimental conditions obtained by systematically manipulating two instructions (Bem's and Edwards' instructions) and two rating scales (Bem's and Edwards' rating scales) and also those based on the analysis of variance of item mean desirability ratings from the four experimental conditions supported the hypothesis.  相似文献   

对于等级反应模型下计算机化自适应测验构建一个新选题策略,利用调和平均数以更好地度量难度参数向量与能力估计值之间的距离;调节区分度参数的幂指数以控制其在测验各阶段对项目选择的不同影响;利用项目信息函数提高测验的精度,并综合权衡能力估计精度和项目曝光率。模拟实验表明在同等实验条件下该策略与著名的最大Fisher信息量选题策略(MFI)相比,仅仅测验长度多用两个项目,能力估计精度基本相当,而曝光率有很明显优势,只为MFI的十分之一,这大大提高了测验安全性。  相似文献   

Most recent thinking about thevulnerability of research subjects uses a``subpopulation' focus. So conceived, theproblem is to work out special standards forprisoners, pregnant women, the mentally ill,children, and similar groups. In contrast, an``analytical' approach would identifycharacteristics that are criteria forvulnerability. Using these criteria, one couldsupport a judgment that certain individuals arevulnerable and identify needed accommodationsif they are to serve as research subjects.Seven such characteristics can be evident inchildren: they commonly lack the capacity tomake mature decisions; they are subject to theauthority of others; they (and their parents)may be deferential in ways that can maskunderlying dissent; their rights and interestsmay be socially undervalued; they may haveacute medical conditions requiring immediatedecisions not consistent with informed consent;they may have serious medical conditions thatcannot be effectively treated; and they (andtheir parents) may lack important sociallydistributed goods. Each of thesevulnerabilities can call for special care inthe design and implementation of researchprotocols.  相似文献   

老年人是糖尿病的高发人群,约占糖尿病总人数的一半以上.这些人群整体健康状态较差,合并疾病多,必须综合考虑,制定个体化的血糖控制目标;对胰腺β细胞功能状态、主要器官状态等因素全面评估,选择适合老年人的安全有效的降糖药物治疗方案.  相似文献   

Numerous studies have shown increasing item reliabilities as an effect of the item position in personality scales. Traditionally, these context effects are analyzed based on item-total correlations. This approach neglects that trends in item reliabilities can be caused either by an increase in true score variance or by a decrease in error variance. This article presents the Confirmatory Analysis of Item Reliability Trends (CAIRT) that allows estimating both trends separately within a structural equation modeling framework. Results of a simulation study prove the CAIRT method to provide reliable and independent parameter estimates; the power exceeds the analysis of item-total correlations. We present an empirical application to self- and peer ratings collected in an Internet-based experiment. Results show that reliability trends are caused by increasing true score variance in self-ratings and by decreasing error variance in peer ratings.  相似文献   

Inattentiveness and social desirability might be particularly problematic for self‐report scales in creativity and arts research. Respondents who are inattentive or who present themselves favorably will score highly on scales that yield positively skewed distributions and that assess socially valued constructs, such as scales measuring creativity and arts knowledge. A total of 204 undergraduates completed an online survey with several self‐report measures (the Creative Achievement Questionnaire, the Biographical Inventory of Creative Behavior, and the Aesthetic Fluency Scale). Many metrics of inattentiveness were included, such as directed response items, self‐reported attentiveness, and scales to catch inconsistent and patterned responses. The Balanced Inventory of Desirable Responding measured facets of social desirability. We found high rates of inattentive responding. A latent class analysis indicated that around 25% of the sample was potentially inattentive, and inattentive respondents received higher scores on the creativity and arts scales. Excluding problematic participants increased the effect sizes of interest, consistent with the coarsening effect of careless participants. Social desirability, in contrast, had essentially no relationship with the creativity and arts scales. These findings suggest that social desirability is probably less of a problem than researchers fear, but that inattentiveness is an underappreciated threat. Some practical guidelines are suggested.  相似文献   

This study investigated the interaction between different cultural groups and item type, and the ensuing effect on construct validity for a psychological inventory, the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI, Form G). The authors analyzed 94 items from 2 Chinese-translated versions of the MBTI (Form G) for factorial differences among groups of examinees. The sample comprised 1,111 male medical undergraduate students, 19 to 22 years of age. There were 3 significant findings. First, items loading on a hypothesized "correct" factor increased nearly 50% from the 1997 version to the 1999 version. Nonliteral translations modified 86.62% of these 13 items. Second, among the 3 item types, phrase items changed the most and word-pair items, the least. Third, the Sensation-Intuition (SN) scale split into 3 independent subtype personalities in the 1999 Chinese version. Results of 2 factor analyses provided qualified support for a 4-factor solution and showed that cultural differences significantly influence construct validity interpretations.  相似文献   

Maladaptive behaviors, such as aggressive and disruptive behaviors, are a significant risk factor for maintaining community placement by individuals with intellectual disabilities. When experienced researchers provide training to individuals with intellectual disabilities on a mindfulness-based strategy, Meditation on the Soles of the Feet, the individuals are able to effectively self-manage their maladaptive behaviors. We investigated whether similar effectiveness would be found if community-based therapists provided the training to similar individuals living in the community. Three adults with mild intellectual disabilities and mental illness living in the community were taught by a community-based therapist to use this strategy to control maladaptive behaviors that included verbal aggression, disruptive behavior and physical aggression. They were taught to shift the focus of their attention from the negative emotions that triggered their maladaptive behavior to a neutral stimulus, the soles of their feet. All three individuals were able to reduce their maladaptive behaviors to near-zero levels and maintain their community placement that they had been at risk for losing, due to their maladaptive behavior. Subjective measures of various psychological symptoms showed a reduction in two of the individuals. Our study suggests that the demonstrated effectiveness of Meditation on the Soles of the Feet can be achieved by a community-based therapist.  相似文献   

杨群  邱江  张庆林 《心理学探新》2007,27(1):30-33,69
视角效应是指在四卡问题解决中,当被试从不同的角度来对条件规则进行检验时,其选择偏向会在卡片P,-Q和-P,Q之间发生稳定变化的现象。到目前为止,义务和非义务推理中都发现了该效应的存在,不同的推理理论都试图对此作出解释,却一直存在分歧,其焦点在于视角效应的形成机制是领域特殊性的还是领域一般性的。该文评述了不同的演绎推理理论对视角效应发生机制作出的解释,并且最后总结了该领域目前研究存在的主要争论。  相似文献   

This investigation examined the effects of 3 item characteristics—the average number of words per item, within-scale variability in item length, and item “direction”—on internal consistency reliability and interitem correlation. In Study 1, we examined the effects of these variables on overall scale-level reliability using 444 subscales from 9 personality scales. In Study 2, we examined interitem correlation at the paired-item level using 477 nonredundant item pairs from 14 personality scales. Lower scale reliability was associated with more average words per item, greater within-scale variability in item length, and a greater percentage of reverse-keyed items. Similarly, smaller interitem correlations were associated with a greater degree of mismatch in item length between the paired items and with a mismatch (vs. match) in the items' respective “directions.” The pattern of results across both studies supports our notion that lower internal consistency results from increased context switching; that is, from the confusion that occurs when respondents must switch back and forth between the interpretive frames pertaining to short versus long items, or between items pertaining to one pole of a personality dimension and its “opposite” pole. Suggestions for maximizing the internal consistency of personality scales are proposed.  相似文献   

Aux Etats-Unis et dans d'autre pays, il y a encore des différences sexuelles dans les genres de professions embrassées par les hommes et les femmes et de grandes disparités dans leur rémunération. Il faut comprendre que ces résultats dûs au système éducationnel et aux conseils en orientation pourraient être améliorés par une recherche sur ce thème, qui adopterait une perspective sociale interactionnelle, des vues sur la construction sociale des catégories sexuelles, et influencerait le changement de perspectives des théoriciens en orientation professionnelle. Il y a aussi des changements dans le concept de validité, tels, qu'à la fois, les faits et l'éthique sont concernés. Un cadre est proposé ici qui rapproche la logique de l'argument validation et la recherche sur les différences sexuelles, et suggère un éventail plus large de mesures pour l'étude des interventions en orientation professionnelle.
In the U.S.A. and other countries there are still sex differences in types of occupations entered by men and women and large disparities in their earnings. Understanding these outcomes of the educational and career counselling systems may be enhanced by gender research, which adopts a social interaction perspective, views gender categories as socially constructed, and has resulted in changes in the views of career development theorists. There have also been changes in the concept of validity, such that both evidence and ethics are considered. A framework is proposed here that draws on the logic of validation argument and gender research, to suggest a broader set of outcome measures for studies of career development interventions.  相似文献   

This is a unique investigation that is particular to the needs of this special issue of Human Communication Research (HCR). Specifically, this study analyzes the media effects research that has been published in HCR during the past 25 years via meta-analysis. Numerous significant findings point to various themes and trends regarding media research in HCR. First, age is related to processing ability, understanding, and attending to media such that as children age, they better understand media messages. Second, the mass media are a significant source of learning. Third, the media can influence attitudes, which in turn, may influence or shape behaviors. Political, social, and educational implications of the findings are discussed. In addition, directions for future research, including the use of meta-analysis as a methodological tool, are discussed, as is the social responsibility of scholars in exploring the positive effects of media as opposed to ones with potentially antisocial outcomes.  相似文献   

人们在享受高科技带来的便利时,也注意到由其引起的困顿,但又无法避而不用.因此,面对医疗领域中层出不穷的高科技手段,不能只是“翩翩起舞”,盲目跟进,而要多方注意,从容“领舞”,为我所用.以肿瘤治疗为例,强调不能仅依靠高科技,更要用智慧PK肿瘤,人性化考虑第一,主张“基于效果的治疗”,并阐述了肿瘤防治的GI4P模式.  相似文献   

文本阅读过程中组织策略迁移的研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
莫雷  张金桥  杨莲清 《心理科学》2001,24(6):646-648
探讨文章阅读中组织策略的迁移问题,包括3个实验。实验1探讨了阅读过程中组织策略对阅读保持的影响,结果表明,使用组织策略能明显地促进阅读文章的信息保持;实验2探讨了前后阅读文章内容有关情况下组织策略的迁移问题,结果表明,在提示的条件下,组织策略迁移可以发生;实验3探讨了在前后阅读文章内容无关情况下组织策略迁移是否可以实现,结果表明,在前后阅读文章内容无关条件下也可以产生组织策略的迁移。本研究结果表明,前后阅读的文章不管内容是否有关,如果它们都适合使用同一组织策略,在提示条件下就可以实现策略的迁移。  相似文献   

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