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Family support and rejection are associated with health outcomes among sexual minority women (SMW). We examined a social ecological development model among young adult SMW, testing whether identity risk factors or outness to family interacted with family rejection to predict community connectedness and collective self‐esteem. Lesbian and bisexual women (N = 843; 57 % bisexual) between the ages of 18–25 (M = 21.4; SD = 2.1) completed baseline and 12‐month online surveys. The sample identified as White (54.2 %), multiple racial backgrounds (16.6 %), African American (9.6 %) and Asian/Asian American (3.1 %); 10.2 % endorsed a Hispanic/Latina ethnicity. Rejection ranged from 18 to 41 % across family relationships. Longitudinal regression indicated that when outness to family increased, SMW in highly rejecting families demonstrated resilience by finding connections and esteem in sexual minority communities to a greater extent than did non‐rejected peers. But, when stigma concerns, concealment motivation, and other identity risk factors increased over the year, high family rejection did not impact community connectedness and SMW reported lower collective self‐esteem. Racial minority SMW reported lower community connectedness, but not lower collective self‐esteem. Families likely buffer or exacerbate societal risks for ill health. Findings highlight the protective role of LGBTQ communities and normative resilience among SMW and their families.  相似文献   

An innovative Community Counseling Project was initiated as part of the federally funded Adult Consumer Homemaking Project in Great Neck, N.Y. Project participants are recruited from the disadvantaged community, (i.e. those whose needs are not being met by community services or agencies). These include the low income, foreign bom, senior citizens, mentally and physically handicapped, unemployed, school drop outs, teenage or single parents, socially isolated. While they were already learning skills to help improve the quality of their lives, an unmet need was expressed by many participants—the need for private, one-to-one communication. Thus, a supportive counseling program of four to six sessions was established on a no-fee basis. Careful records were kept, evaluation made, and follow-up pursued.  相似文献   

Items from the Neighborhood Cohesion Instrument were completed by 1,732 individuals from a random sample of households in 20 rural communities across Canada during the summer of 2001. Confirmatory factor analysis of the NCI items based on polychoric correlations and weighted least squares estimation found three underlying latent variables. Although items were related to the three latent variables in a somewhat different manner than they were in Buckner's original study, the same three latent variables were evident, providing convincing evidence that social cohesion has at least three subscales: psychological sense of community, neighboring, and attraction. Correlations between subscales were relatively high (between .67 and .87). Intraclass correlation coefficients for the three scales were .115, .127, and .112. In addition, the community means differed on different subscales in a manner that related to recognized characteristics of the communities. Thus the subscales are appropriate measures for both individuals and communities and can be recommended for further research on social cohesion.  相似文献   

This article addresses the psychological foundations of participatory and effective community development projects in rural communities in Africa aiming at poverty alleviation. Psychological implications of such projects include improved collective self-esteem of individuals and groups in those communities. Positive community projects also enhance agentic behaviour in communities which are enables in their capacity for action.  相似文献   

探讨小儿两性畸形患儿的性身份的确定及社会心理教育.医护人员应详细告知家长病情,引导其认识该疾病并选择正确的治疗和教育方案.两性畸形的就诊数量不断增加,如何提高认识与正确对待该类患者,不仅是医学上的问题,而且是社会应该关注的问题.本文从性身份的确定与社会心理教育两个角度浅谈小儿两性畸形的诊治和社会关怀.  相似文献   

As a starting point this paper takes Dewey's nowadays oftenstressed modernity and examines his social philosophy againstthe background of the current debates on republicanism andcommunitarianism. Particularly, the anaysis of Dewey's The Public and its Problem (1927) concludesthat the attention being paid to Dewey is problematic asspecific religious assumptions – explicitly developedin A Common Faith (1934) – lie in the backgroundof his social philosophy, and are hardly being recognized.However, as it shall be shown, without considering thereligious basis, neither Dewey's social philosophy norhis educational theory can be properly understood.  相似文献   

Three major social psychological theories were applied to data obtained in interviews with a random sample of 50 exsmokers and 50 smokers. The objective was to test the utility of these theories with respect to smoking behavior development and change. The results provided strong support for the hypotheses derived from reference group theory and partial support for the cognitive dissonance and psychoanalytic hypotheses.  相似文献   

医学整合是医学与卫生事业发展中的一种现象,它的出现有着复杂的内部动因和外部动因,预示着医学学科发展的又一次革命.医学的整合分为几个层次,医务社会工作正是医学与社会工作专业整合的结果,它能够在医院和社区为服务对象提供与医学相关的社会心理服务,同时在社区卫生服务中扮演联络者、把门人、管理者、协调者、关爱者、照顾人等重要角色,是社区与医疗机构联系的重要纽带.  相似文献   

To date, few studies have examined the social and psychological effects of sexting behaviors. The current study examined how delinquency, social, and psychological factors were associated with sexting behavior in a sample of rural, high school students (n = 548). The results demonstrated that property delinquency, bully-victimization, alcohol, marijuana use, and bullying increased odds of sending and receiving nude photos. Gender specific models indicated that females who had participated in sexting behavior were more likely to report using alcohol and being a victim of bullying, while males were more likely to report using marijuana and being a perpetrator of bullying. Implications are discussed.  相似文献   

A field study of supported employment for adults with mental illness provided an experimental test of cognitive dissonance theory. We predicted that most work‐interested individuals randomly assigned to a non‐preferred program would reject services and lower their work aspirations. However, individuals who chose to pursue employment through a non‐preferred program were expected to resolve this dissonance through favorable service evaluations and strong efforts to succeed at work. Significant Work Interest × Service Preference interactions supported these predictions. Over 2 years, participants interested in employment who obtained work through a non‐preferred program stayed employed a median of 362 days vs. 108 days for those assigned to a preferred program; participants who obtained work through a non‐preferred program also had higher service satisfaction.  相似文献   

Social influence theory suggests that counseling is an interpersonal influence process. This article reviews the literature on the model and suggests future directions for research.  相似文献   

In his writings, Alfred Adler (1964) alluded to 8 levels of social interest. These 8 levels of evolution represent a bridge between ego psychology and humanistic theories of adult development. After outlining these levels of social interest, the author concludes that psychotherapists need to address social interest in the therapeutic context.  相似文献   

近期研究显示,早期亲子触觉经验和个体的社会性发展存在密切联系。关于这种联系产生的原因,已有研究多从神经科学的角度,探讨CT传入神经(C-tactile afferents)及有关环路在其间可能起到的作用。基于已有文献,本文将提出一个综合模型,系统阐述背后涉及的心理机制,着重论证亲子关系、个体探索行为以及与之关联的心理成分在其间扮演的角色,并在此基础上从研究设计的局限、有关变量关系的多元性以及未来可拓展方向对该领域研究进行进一步讨论和展望。  相似文献   

今年3月,南京市鼓楼区文明办、文化局和反邪教协会及有关部门联合在鼓楼公园举办了《老骥伏枥、正气浩然》书画展,一百多幅书法、国画作品和十多幅宣传漫画琳琅满目、异彩纷逞,吸引了络绎不绝的游客前往参观。“热爱生命、珍惜生命、崇尚科学、反对邪教”的巨幅标语阐明了书画展的鲜明主  相似文献   

社会人格取向的成人依恋研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
侯珂  邹泓  蒋索 《心理科学进展》2005,13(5):640-650
国外有关成人依恋的研究大致可以分为两大类:发展临床取向和社会人格取向,文章简要概述了两种取向的差异,并重点从社会人格取向的角度介绍了有关成人依恋的内部工作模型表征的社会认知研究和情绪调节策略的依恋类型差异的研究,以及成人依恋对亲密人际关系中目标信念、沟通和自我表露、归因和冲突解决、支持寻求和照顾行为等的影响研究。最后展望了该领域未来研究的趋势和方向。  相似文献   

The present paper deals with how pre-intervention data were gathered from a sample of junior high school students to whom a smoking prevention program was addressed and how these data were used in the creation of trigger films which were an important element in the prevention program. The coping techniques used by students who are successfully able to withstand social pressures to smoke were determined from pre-intervention group interview-role-playing sessions with samples of students from two schools representative of the intended target population of the smoking prevention program. These data were used in the production and editing of ten-minute, sound, color films which reflected simulations of the student responses in the interview-role-playing sessions. Assessment of the impact of these filmed social-inoculation coping strategies indicates that they appear to be a promising component of smoking deterrent programs for adolescents.  相似文献   

In this paper, we examine social psychological correlates of teachers' linguistic diversity attitudes. We surveyed 191 regular-classroom teachers in 3 states (Arizona, Utah, and Virginia) to determine the relative effects of psychological insecurity, political ideology, cognitive sophistication, and educational level on language attitudes. Region of the country was included as a contextual variable. We tested the effects of education and cognitive sophistication on tolerance of language minority groups. Psychological insecurity measures and political conservatism were associated with negative language attitudes. Cognitive sophistication but not education was related to positive language attitudes. Teachers from Arizona had more positive language attitudes than did their counterparts in Utah and Virginia. We discuss the implications of our research for inservice and teacher-education programs directed toward constructive attitude change around language diversity issues.  相似文献   

Dark and Clark's pioneering study in 1947 demonstrated that Black children were ambivalent about racial self-identification. Subsequent research indicates that during the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s, Black children were increasingly likely to demonstrate a commitment to identifying with a Black stimulus. The present study investigates the extent to which this trend persists in the 1980s and how gender of the child affects her/his racial identification. The results indicate that the 1980s may be a time in history when Black children are growing more ambivalent about racial self-identification, and that Black boys are significantly more likely than Black girls to identify with the white doll. The findings suggest that the current political climate which places Blacks at a significant social and economic disadvantage may reduce children's willingness to identify with a Black stimulus. The gender differences are explored in terms of Black boys' greater likelihood psychologically to try to identify away from Blackness.  相似文献   

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