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This study examines the relations between beliefs about the causes of rape and attitudinal and cognitive style (the tendency to think about social problems systemically, the view of people as complex and changeable, and an intellectual personality) measures in a sample of 270 community-college students. The Perceived Causes of Rape (PCR) Scale included the following subscales: Male Dominance, Society and Socialization, Female Precipitation, Male Sexuality, and Male Hostility. Beliefs about the causes of rape varied on three dimensions: individual versus sociocultural causes of rape, those causes that focus on the perpetrator versus those that focus on the victim, and rape myths versus feminist beliefs. The causes of rape identified as rape myths were associated with male sexuality stereotypes, a version of Burt's (1980) Rape Myth Acceptance Scale, attitudes toward feminism, and self-identification as a feminist. Agreement with the sociocultural causes of rape was associated with cognitive style measures and age. We suggest that belief in sociocultural causes of rape may require a predisposition to think systemically as much as an ideological stance.  相似文献   

观察距离、刺激物运行空距与运动知觉恒常性的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在知觉领域中,恆常性问题是一个很受人们注意的问题。如对顏色、大小、形状、倾斜等恆常性都有过较多的研究。在运动知觉方面,观察距离与运动速度知觉的关系实际上也属于恆常性的问题,但却很少受人们的注意。卽使在近年来关于运动知觉的总结性材料中都很少接触到这个问题。在生活经验中,一个一定速度的运动对象,在观察距离  相似文献   

This study investigated how manpower counselors, district office supervisors, and counselor educators in the state of Wisconsin perceive the role of the manpower counselor. Questionnaires were mailed to the 26 district office supervisors, to 26 manpower counselors—one from each district—and to 11 counselor educators. Analysis of the data reveals that the perceptions of each group are quite similar. However, the rankings produced an “ideal” rather than a “real” picture. It is suggested that a concentrated and combined effort be made to make the “ideal” “real.”  相似文献   

The Behavior Problem Checklist was completed by teachers of 127 students who attended a state supported school for the deaf in Athens, Greece. Analyses were performed which generated three, four, five, and ten factors. The biographic variables of sex and age were also included in some of the analyses to determine their effect, if any, on the factor structure. Results of the analyses were compared to analogous results for U.S. deaf children and Greek hearing children. Three factors which correspond to dimensions found in earlier research and previously labeled conduct problem, personality problem, and inadequacy-immaturity were found. Overall the Greek deaf children tended to have problem behavior patterns similar to the U.S. deaf and Greek hearing as well as other populations. It was apparent that these patterns for the Greek deaf children were largely independent of the deafness handicap and differences in cultural background.  相似文献   

A self-evaluation program was implemented with a kindergarten-aged boy in the home to increase compliance with parent instructions and decrease inappropriate verbal behavior. The self-evaluation package included the child's assessing the appropriateness of his behavior in 5-min intervals, receiving chips for positive self-evaluations, and exchanging chips for a reward following experimental sessions. In a reversal design, analyses were conducted of the effectiveness of the self-evaluation program, the requisite conditions for effective child behavior change with a self-evaluation approach, and the parent's efficiency in using the self-evaluation package. The self-evaluation procedures typically resulted in increased compliant behavior and decreased inappropriate behavior, although the effects generally weakened with time. Behavioral gains were greater and better maintained when the self-evaluation procedures were preceded by a phase of external evaluation via the mother than by baseline, suggesting that self-evaluation procedures may serve more to maintain the effects of external evaluation rather than to induce their own changes. The parent generally was efficient in implementing the procedures. Research and clinical implications for using self-evaluation procedures in a home setting are discussed.  相似文献   

Based on the premise that father–child play is an important context for children's development and that fathers “specialize” in play, similarities and differences in the role of playfulness in the father–child and mother–child relationship were examined. Participants in this study included 111 families (children's age: 1–3 years). Father–child and mother–child play interactions were videotaped and coded for parental playfulness, sensitivity, structuring, and nonintrusiveness as well as child negativity. Results indicated that mothers and fathers did not differ in playfulness and that mothers and fathers who were higher in playfulness had children with lower levels of negativity. However, playfulness differently moderated the links between parents’ and children's behaviors for mothers and fathers. A double‐risk pattern was found for mothers, such that the links between child negativity and maternal sensitivity, structuring, and nonintrusiveness were significant only for the subgroup of mothers with low levels of playfulness. When mothers had high levels of playfulness, these effects were negligible. For fathers, a double‐buffer pattern was revealed, indicating that the links between child negativity and paternal sensitivity and structuring were significant only for fathers with high levels of playfulness. When fathers had low levels of playfulness, these effects were negligible. These findings demonstrate the important role that parental playfulness has on parent–child interaction as well as the need to examine moderation patterns separately for fathers and mothers.  相似文献   

母语不同者在汉字及英文辨认中大脑两半球的功能特点   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
用半视野速示术对以拼音文字为母语的外国留学生(30人)和以表意文字为母语拼音文字为第二语言的中国英语专业大学生(30人),进行对汉字、英文辨认上大脑两半球的功能特点的对比研究,并以不懂汉字的外籍教师(10人)对英文的辨认作对照。大学生年龄为18~25岁,教师为20~40岁。结果表明:在汉字辨认上无论是单个汉字或双字词,中国英语专业大学生及外国留学生均为两半球功能均势;在英文单词辨认上,两者也均为两半球均势,但外籍教师则是左半球优势;对作为中性刺激材料的阿拉伯数字的辨认,各组结果与前人一致是两半球均势。文中对上述结果进行了讨论。  相似文献   

Traditional theories about female adolescent suicide attempters view them as experiencing difficulty in achieving adequate separation-individuation. However, recent work on female adolescence suggests that achieving greater interdependency within relationships rather than increased independence from them is an important goal for nonclinical nonsuicidal female adolescents. We investigated both dependency needs and the perceived availability and adequacy of relationships in 21 female adolescent attempters and 23 nonattempters. Dependency needs did not significantly differentiate suicide attempters from nonattempters. Attempters, however, did report both a smaller social network and fewer intimate relationships than nonattempters, as well as less satisfaction with these relationships. These preliminary results suggest that more research is required to establish whether dependency needs are indeed causally related to the female adolescents' suicide attempts. Future research should also investigate other risk factors such as relational dissatisfaction, familial suicide attempts, and abuse.  相似文献   

中国和荷兰高智商与一般智商儿童自我概念比较研究   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6  
用瑞文测验和自我描述问卷对中国和荷兰2000多名10—15岁儿童进行调查.发现智商对自我概念有明显的影响,但中国和荷兰儿童表现出不同的特点。两国间在自我概念方面有显著性差异,中国儿童在大多数方面都显著性地低于荷兰儿童、中国高智商组儿童在学业自我概念方面与荷兰高智商组儿童的差异更为明显。  相似文献   

四组中国被试的归因在维度上相对位置的评定   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文研究了中国被试对十项归因(心境、技巧、知识、机会、努力、帮助、能力、任务、偏好和运气)在五个维度(基源性、稳定性、控制性、预见性和普遍性)上相对位置的评定。并与钱德拉等人(Cbandler & Spies,1984),用美国被试所得的结果进行了比较。实验结果表明中国被试与美国被试评定的一致性达62%。此外,没有一项归因的评定是在维度的极端等极(1.0-2.0或6.0-7.0)。  相似文献   

Changes to definitions and theories of psychopathology result less from scientific advances and more from changes in social and cultural values. Herein, the historical and contemporary diversity in definitions and theories of anorexia nervosa is used to illustrate this point. First, we offer a discussion of diachronic diversity (diversity over time) and synchronic diversity (diversity at a given point in time) in conceptions and theories of psychopathology in general. Second, we elaborate a social constructionist perspective on psychopathology in general. Third, to illustrate this perspective, we provide a diachronic and synchronic analysis of definitions and theories of anorexia nervosa. Fourth, we discuss the implications of this analysis for clinical practice. We conclude that whatever view eventually prevails will depend not on which one is better at rooting out some hidden truth about anorexia nervosa but, rather, on which one is viewed as more compatible with evolving social and cultural standards, views, and norms regarding health and illness in general and self-starvation in particular.  相似文献   

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