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In three experiments, subjects learned to classify dot patterns into three categories represented by either three, six, or nine exemplars. Following learning, subjects were tested on an additional set of patterns, which included patterns from the learning phase, the category objective prototypes, and new distortions of the objective prototypes. Also included in the test set were empirical prototypes and distortions of empirical prototypes. Empirical prototypes were derived by averaging feature values of category exemplars in the learning phase. The overall results revealed that empirical prototypes were classified more accurately than were objective prototypes. In addition, a pattern of convergence in error rates was observed for distortions of the objective and empirical prototypes as category set size increased, but this same pattern was not observed for the objective and empirical prototypes themselves. This lack of convergence for the prototypes is inconsistent with explanations of the category set size effect that rely on the central limit theorem.  相似文献   

A hallmark of perceptual expertise is that experts classify objects at a more specific, subordinate level of abstraction than novices. To what extent does subordinate-level learning contribute to the transfer of perceptual expertise to novel exemplars and novel categories? In this study, participants learned to classify 10 varieties of wading birds and 10 varieties of owls at either the subordinate, species (e.g., "great blue crown heron,"eastern screech owl") or the family ("wading bird,"owl") level of abstraction. During training, the amount of visual exposure was equated such that participants received an equal number of learning trials for wading birds and owls. Pre- and posttraining performance was measured in a same/different discrimination task in which participants judged whether pairs of bird stimuli belonged to the same or different species. Participants trained in species-level discrimination demonstrated greater transfer to novel exemplars and novel species categories than participants trained in family-level discrimination. These findings suggest that perceptual categorization, not perceptual exposure per se, is important for the development and generalization of visual expertise.  相似文献   

A series of experiments provided evidence that the representational structure of categories comprising dot patterns is based on pattern parts and pattern configuration rather than on pattern elements. We found that similarity judgments and postacquisition classification data could not be explained in terms of element-level perceptual units, even for categories of dot patterns with seven of their eight dots in the exact same relative location. The importance of higher order perceptual units was indicated by evidence that the long-term retention of information specific to previously learned category exemplars, which is typical of natural objects, can also be obtained for artificial dot patterns, providing their structure reflects the perceptual characteristics identified in Tversky and Hemenway's (1984) study of natural objects: Members of the same category had to be perceptually distinctive at the level of pattern configuration and perceptually similar at the level of pattern parts. The level of within-category similarity for a set of categories (relative to between-categories similarity) did not predict whether item-specific information would be retained; long-term retention appears to require both within-category similarity and dissimilarity, but at different levels of perceptual structure.  相似文献   

Two components of categorization, within-category commonalities and between-category distinctiveness, were investigated in a categorization task. Subjects learned three prototype categories composed of moderately high distortions, by observing arrays containing patterns that belonged either to a common prototype category or to three different categories; a third group learned patterns presented one at a time, mirroring the standard paradigm. Following 6 learning blocks, subjects transferred to old patterns and new patterns at low-, medium-, and high-level distortions of the category prototype. The results showed that array training facilitated learning, especially when patterns in the array belonged to the same category. Transfer results showed a strong gradient effect across pattern distortion level for all conditions, with the highest performance obtained following array training on different category patterns and worst in the control condition. Interestingly, the old training patterns were classified worse than new low and no better than medium distortions. Neither this ordering nor the steepness of the gradient across prototype similarity for each condition could be predicted by the generalized context model. A prototype model better captured the steep gradient and ordinal pattern of results, although the overall fits were only slightly better than the exemplar model. The crucial role played by category commonalities and distinctiveness on categorical representations is addressed.  相似文献   

Two experiments compared infants' attention to the categorical distinction between people and animals in object-examining and sequential-touching tasks. In Experiment 1, 10- and 13-month-old infants distinguished between animals and people in an object-examining task. In this task, infants are familiarized with individual exemplars from one category, and then their response to exemplars from another category is measured. In Experiment 2, 13- and 16-month-old infants, but not 10-month-old infants, attended to the same distinction in a sequential-touching task. In this task, infants are presented with several exemplars from two categories simultaneously, and the order in which they touch those objects is assessed. Evaluation of infants' touching behavior in Experiment 2 also revealed developmental changes in how they approached this task. The combined results of these two experiments confirm the general trend reported in the literature and begin to provide insight into developmental changes that contribute to infants' ability to apply their categorization skills in different task contexts.  相似文献   

Improvement in perception takes place within the training session and from one session to the next. The present study aims at determining the time course of perceptual learning as revealed by changes in auditory event-related potentials (ERPs) reflecting preattentive processes. Subjects were trained to discriminate two complex auditory patterns in a single session. ERPs were recorded just before and after training, while subjects read a book and ignored stimulation. ERPs showed a negative wave called mismatch negativity (MMN)—which indexes automatic detection of a change in a homogeneous auditory sequence—just after subjects learned to consciously discriminate the two patterns. ERPs were recorded again 12, 24, 36, and 48 h later, just before testing performance on the discrimination task. Additional behavioral and neurophysiological changes were found several hours after the training session: an enhanced P2 at 24 h followed by shorter reaction times, and an enhanced MMN at 36 h. These results indicate that gains in performance on the discrimination of two complex auditory patterns are accompanied by different learning-dependent neurophysiological events evolving within different time frames, supporting the hypothesis that fast and slow neural changes underlie the acquisition of improved perception.  相似文献   

Previous research on how categories are learned from observation of exemplars has largely ignored the possible role of prior expectations concerning how exemplars will be distributed. The experiments reported here explored this issue by presenting subjects with category-learning tasks in which the distributions of exemplars defining the categories were varied. In Experiments 1 and 2 the distributional form of a category was found to affect speed of learning. Learning was faster when a category's distribution was normal than when it was multimodal. Also, subjects in the early stages of learning a multimodal category responded as if it were unimodal. These results suggested that subjects enter category-learning tasks with expectations of unimodal, possibly normal, distributions of exemplars. Experiments 3 and 4 attempted to manipulate subjects' prior expectations by varying the distribution of exemplars in the first of two consecutive category-learning tasks. Learning a multimodal category was influenced by the shape of a previously learned distribution and was facilitated when the earlier distribution was either multimodal or skewed, rather than normal. These results are interpreted as support for a dual-process model of category learning that incorporates the effects of prior expectations concerning exemplar distributions.  相似文献   

Two experiments investigated the effect of prior knowledge on implicit and explicit learning. Implicit as opposed to explicit learning is sometimes characterized as unselective or purely statistical. During training, one group of participants was presented with category exemplars whose features could be tied together by integrative knowledge, whereas another group saw category exemplars with unrelated feature combinations. Half of the participants in each group learned these categories under a secondary-task condition (meant to discourage explicit learning), and the remaining half performed the categorization task under a single-task condition (meant to favour explicit learning). In a test phase, participants classified only the individual features of the training exemplars. Secondary- as opposed to single-task conditions impaired explicit but not implicit knowledge (as determined by subjective measures). Importantly, prior knowledge resulted in increased amounts of both implicit and explicit knowledge.  相似文献   

The present experiment was designed to examine the development of the cognitive representation of semantic categories. Response latencies on a classification task were compared for second, fourth, and sixth graders (8, 10, and 12 years of age, respectively) and college students. On each trial the subjects were presented with two pictures that represented either typical or atypical category exemplars. The two pictures were physically identical, nonidentical pictures from the same category, or pictures from different categories. One half of the trials were primed by presenting a category name in advance of the stimuli. In addition, stimulus degradation was manipulated in order to assess the locus of priming effects. A significant interaction of age × priming × typicality was found for physically identical stimuli. This interaction indicated that the nature of the internal representation of categories changed from the second graders to the adults. It was suggested that the second graders might weigh features inappropriately in generating semantic prototypes. The fact that stimulus degradation and priming did not interact at any age level for any of the match types indicates that priming affected a conceptual encoding stage rather than a perceptual encoding stage.  相似文献   

Five experiments investigated the importance of shape and object manipulation when 12-month-olds were given the task of individuating objects representing exemplars of kinds in an event-mapping design. In Experiments 1 and 2, results of the study from Xu, Carey, and Quint (2004, Experiment 4) were partially replicated, showing that infants were able to individuate two natural-looking exemplars from different categories, but not two exemplars from the same category. In Experiment 3, infants failed to individuate two shape-similar exemplars (from Pauen, 2002a) from different categories. However, Experiment 4 revealed that allowing infants to manipulate objects shortly before the individuation task enabled them to individuate shape-similar objects from different categories. In Experiment 5, allowing object manipulation did not induce infants to individuate natural-looking objects from the same category. These findings suggest that object manipulation facilitates kind-based individuation of shape-similar objects by 12-month-olds.  相似文献   

In a categorical frequency-estimation task, subjects have to indicate the number of exemplars from particular categories that have been shown on a list. In three experiments, the relationship between this task and the recall of exemplars with category names as cues was investigated. Three variables (generation, blocking of category exemplars, and provision of extralist cues) were shown to have identical effects on the two tasks. These results support a model of categorical frequency estimation in which subjects use a category name to retrieve exemplars and then base their frequency estimate on a count of the exemplars that have been retrieved.  相似文献   

The locus of category effects in picture recognition and naming was examined in two experiments with normal subjects. Subjects carried out object decision (deciding whether the stimulus is a “real” object or not) and naming tasks with pictures of clothing, furniture, fruit, and vegetables. These categories are distinguished by containing either relatively many exemplars with similar perceptual structures (fruit and vegetables;structurally similar categories), or relatively few exemplars with similar perceptual structures (clothing and furniture;structurally dissimilar categories). In Experiment 1, responses to the stimuli from the structurally similar categories were slower than responses to stimuli from the structurally dissimilar categories, and this effect was larger in the naming than in the object decision task. Further, prior object decisions to stimuli from structurally similar categories facilitated their subsequent naming. In Experiment 2, we orthogonally manipulated object decision and naming as prime and target tasks, again with stimuli from the four categories. Category effects, with responses slower to objects from structurally similar categories, were again larger in naming than in object decision, and these category effects in naming were reduced by priming with both naming and object decision. We interpret the data to indicate that category effects in object naming can reflect visually based competition which is reduced by the preactivation of stored structural knowledge for objects.  相似文献   

Six pigeons were trained in a change detection task with four colors. They were shown two colored circles on a sample array, followed by a test array with the color of one circle changed. The pigeons learned to choose the changed color and transferred their performance to four unfamiliar colors, suggesting that they had learned a generalized concept of color change. They also transferred performance to test delays several times their 50-msec training delay without prior delay training. The accurate delay performance of several seconds suggests that their change detection was memory based, as opposed to a perceptual attentional capture process. These experiments are the first to show that an animal species (pigeons, in this case) can learn a change detection task identical to ones used to test human memory, thereby providing the possibility of directly comparing short-term memory processing across species.  相似文献   

This study investigated the ability to generalize acquired skills from training conditions to novel conditions, in a complex perceptual and cognitive task of luggage screening. We examined category and exemplar diversity during training for preparing learners to detect novel items during transfer. Category diversity was manipulated in terms of heterogeneity of training categories: Participants either trained with targets from one category or with targets from several categories. Exemplar diversity was manipulated between participants by presenting either a few or many exemplars for both category diversity conditions. Seventy‐two participants were trained to identify threats in pieces of luggage. Thereafter they were transferred to novel stimuli. Results can be summarized in support for the diversity of training hypothesis for preparing for novelty: To the best training for novel luggage screening situations is achieved using fewer items in a variety of categories. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A rule-instantiation model and a similarity-to-exemplars model were contrasted in terms of their predictions of typicality judgments and speeded classifications for members of logically defined categories. In Experiment 1, subjects learned a unidimensional rule based on the size of objects. It was assumed that items that maximally instantiated the rule were those farthest from the category boundary that separated small and large stimuli. In Experiment 2, subjects learned a disjunctive rule of the form "x or y or both". It was assumed that items that maximally instantiated the rule were those with both positive values (x and y). In both experiments, the frequency with which different exemplars were presented during classification learning was manipulated across conditions. These frequency manipulations exerted a major impact on subjects' postacquisition goodness-of-example judgments, and they also influenced reaction times in a speeded classification task. The results could not be predicted solely on the basis of the degree to which the rules were instantiated. The goodness judgments were predicted fairly well by a mixed exemplar model involving both relative-similarity and absolute-similarity components. It was concluded that even for logically defined concepts, stored exemplars may form a major component of the category representation.  相似文献   

Two experiments tested the hypothesis that a non-strategic mode of rule learning results in atomic representations. In each case subjects were taught concepts under two different conditions, designed to favour either non-strategic or strategic learning. Following training, subjects demonstrated an equivalent ability to discriminate exemplars from non-exemplars of the concepts acquired under each of these two learning conditions. However, performance on a decompositional inference task, which required access to critical constituent elements within the rule representations, was disproportionately poor for a concept acquired under the training condition that favoured non-strategic learning. These findings lend support to the view that rule acquisition can be mediated by either of two modes of learning, and that the format of knowledge representations is not equivalent across these two learning modes.  相似文献   

两个实验采用阻碍效应范式探讨了特征的呈现方式对类别知觉表征的影响。研究结果发现在阻碍效应范式中,改变特征的呈现方式引发了不同的类别知觉表征方式;当固定样例特征的呈现位置时,引发了基于样例整体相似性的表征;而随机样例特征的呈现位置时,引发了基于样例特征的解析表征。该结果支持了类别学习的多系统理论。  相似文献   

In three experiments, we examined transfer and contextual memory in a category search task. Each experiment included two phases (training and test), during which participants searched through category and exemplar menus for targets. In Experiment 1, the targets were from one of two domains during training (grocery store or department store); the domain was either the same or changed at test. Also, the categories were organized in one of two ways (alphabetically or semantically); the organization either remained the same or changed at test. In Experiments 2 and 3, domain and organization were held constant; however, categories or exemplars were the same, partially replaced, or entirely replaced across phases in order to simulate the dynamic nature of category search in everyday situations. Transfer occurred at test when the category organization or domain was maintained and when the categories or exemplars matched (partially or entirely) those at training. These results demonstrate that transfer is facilitated by overlap in training and testing contexts.  相似文献   

Two experiments assessed the ability of four adult female chimpanzees to categorize natural objects. Chimpanzees were initially trained to match different color photographs of familiar objects from four possible categories. In training, all the comparison stimuli were from the same category in one condition, and from different categories in another condition. For all subjects, training performance was consistently better for the "different category" than for the "same category" trials. Probe trials were shown after training. In probe trials, the sample and positive comparison stimuli were different items from the same category, and the foils were selected from among the three other test categories. Individual performance was above chance in probe trials, suggesting that categorization by chimpanzees may transcend perceptual resemblance. These results were later replicated with novel stimulus items from the same four categories (experiment 2). Altogether, this research demonstrates that chimpanzees grouped perceptually different exemplars within the same category, and further suggests that these animals formed conceptual representations of the categories. Accepted after revision: 10 August 2001 Electronic Publication  相似文献   

Three‐ to 4‐month‐old infants show asymmetric exclusivity in the acquisition of cat and dog perceptual categories. The cat perceptual category excludes dog exemplars, but the dog perceptual category does not exclude cat exemplars. We describe a connectionist autoencoder model of perceptual categorization that shows the same asymmetries as infants. The model predicts the presence of asymmetric retroactive interference when infants acquire cat and dog categories sequentially. A subsequent experiment conducted with 3‐ to 4‐month‐olds verifies the predicted pattern of looking time behaviors. We argue that bottom‐up, associative learning systems with distributed representations are appropriate for modeling the operation of short‐term visual memory in early perceptual category learning.  相似文献   

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