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Both alcohol and practice affect choice reaction time. The present study was conducted to investigate the possibility that impairment from alcohol and improvement with practice could be attributed to changes in the efficiency of control mechanisms (Rabbitt, 1979a), some of which depend upon the ability to judge response speed accurately. Twenty subjects participated in a four-choice reaction time experiment in which they received no alcohol (NA) in Session 1 and either no alcohol (10 subjects) or 0.8 ml alcohol (A) per kilogram of body weight (10 subjects) in Session 2. The task was to respond as fast and as accurately as possible to each stimulus. In addition, subjects were required to press a fifth key after any response that they considered to be both fast and accurate. Subjects had no difficulty in performing this task: (1) there was a significant difference of 122 msec between the mean response time for correct responses indicated as fast and that for correct responses not indicated as fast, and (2) subjects indicated 1 in 4 correct responses but only 1 in 64 errors. Alcohol increased all response times by approximately 40 msec. In contrast, practice decreased response times less for correct responses not indicated as fast than for correct responses indicated as fast. The ability to distinguish between fast and slow responses was thus unaffected by alcohol, but was improved by practice. Responses indicated as "fast" were significantly faster than errors, and appeared to occur without warning (unlike errors, which tended to end a sequence of increasingly fast correct responses). The results suggest that alcohol and practice influence choice reaction time in qualitatively different ways: Alcohol impairs overall response speed but has no effect on the ability to judge response speed, whereas practice improves both.  相似文献   

In choice serial reaction time (RT), Response-to-next-Stimulus Interval (RSI) was varied from 0 to 600 msec in 40-msec steps. In three experiments, RT fell and errors rose as RSI was increased to 480 msec; they remained unchanged thereafter. The effect of RSI on RT was not linear, was reduced by 6- as compared with 4- or 3-choice responding, and was unaffected by sleep deprivation, despite loss of sleep reducing RT overall. The effect of penultimate RSI on RT was similar to that current RSI, but smaller. Two explanations of RSI—response-generated kinaesthetic feedback blocking a “central processor” and a preparatory interval as in warned simple RT—are rejected. Instead, the idea of “relative refractory state” is revived but now, because of the RSI/error finding, biased more towards responding than stimulus reception and encoding. In all three experiments the influence of RSI on RT was reduced with practice. If practice encourages automatic rather than controlled processing (Shiffrin & Schneider, 1977), the prediction is that the former will show less refractoriness.  相似文献   

Three experiments examined the processing capacity required to use sequential information in a serial reaction time task with partially predictable sequences. The first two experiments varied the response stimulus interval (RSI) between 0 and 500 msec and found the relative advantage of the high-probability stimulus to be independent of the length of the RSI. The third experiment compared utilization of sequential information either with or without a secondary task. The secondary task did not affect the high-probability stimulus but did increase the amount of time required to respond to the low-probability events. The results are discussed in terms of the attentional demands of memory access.  相似文献   

There have been no investigations as to how people respond to sequences of events which occur at brief, unpredictable intervals as in everyday life. Eleven young adults were practised at a two-choice, continuous, serial choice-response task in which intervals between each response and the onset of the next signal (RSIs) varied randomly from trial to trial. On half the trials in each of four conditions the RSI was 20 ms, and on the other trials 200, 400, 800 and 1600 ms respectively. Reaction times fell as RSIs increased from 20-200 ms but thereafter appeared to be unaffected by RSI duration. In the 20/200 and 20/400 ms RSI conditions RT was not affected by transitions between different RSIs but in the 20/800 and 20/1600 ms conditions RTs were faster when the longer RSI recurred on immediately successive trials than if the long RSI followed the short (20 ms) RSI. These results are discussed in terms of a control system model for the way in which subjects actively trade off between their internal performance limitations to optimally meet task demands.  相似文献   

Slow potential changes were recorded over the vertex (Cz) during a choice reaction task. The constant interstimulus interval (ISI) between the visual warning (S1) and the visual imperative signal (S2) was either 200, 400, 1000 or 2000 msec. The contingent negative variation (CNV) was not only measured between S1 and S2 (CNV2), but also before S1 (CNV1).The main results were: (1) The CNV2 amplitude showed significant variation as a function of ISI. It reached its maximum with an ISI of 1000 msec. (2) CNV1 developed only before the short ISIs (200 and 400 msec). (3) When CNV1 and CNV2 were summed the differences in CNV amplitudes and durations between different ISIs became smaller. (4) The peak-to-peak amplitude P1-N1 of the potential evoked by S1 was enhanced with short ISIs. (5) The correlations between mean CNV and median reaction time (RT) were low but significant for ISIs of 400, 1000 and 2000 msec. When, however, the effect of subjects was partialized out these correlations were drastically reduced, whereas the partialization of session and block effects had no noticeable influence on these correlations. (6) The correlations between single RT and single CNV (measured for the ISI of 1000 msec, individually for two subjects) were weak or even completely lacking.The main conclusion was that CNV coincides with preparedness to react to a stimulus in a choice RT-task, but its amplitude at the moment of onset of the imperative stimulus does not reflect, or reflects weakly, the degree of preparedness (as indicated by RTs) at that moment.  相似文献   

Responses to recently ignored stimuli may be slower or less accurate than to new stimuli. This negative priming effect decays over time when delay is randomized within subjects, but not when delay varies between subjects. In Experiment 1, response-stimulus intervals (RSI) of 500 and 4,000 ms were randomized within subjects in a target localization task. Negative priming of ignored locations diminished with longer delay. However, no significant decay was obtained when RSI and the preceding RSI were equal. Similar results were obtained when RSI and preceding RSI were deliberately confounded by blocking (Experiment 2). Negative priming appears to depend on temporal discriminability of the priming episode.  相似文献   

The switch cost (the disadvantage of performing a new task vs. a repeated task) has been attributed to lack of preparation for the switched task or priming of the repeated task. These sources were examined by manipulating foreknowledge of task transition (repeat or switch), response-to-stimulus interval (RSI), and practice level. Regardless of foreknowledge, the cost decreased with RSI and practice. The reduction was greater with foreknowledge than with no foreknowledge, and the amount of switch cost did not depend on foreknowledge. These results suggest that the switch cost with foreknowledge may consist of both inadequate preparation and repetition benefit but the switch cost with no foreknowledge may reflect repetition benefit only. An ACT-R (adaptive control of thought-rational) model was proposed, accommodating both preparation and priming effect with 2 independent processes: conflict resolution among productions and decay of chunk activation.  相似文献   

Nissen and Bullemer (1987) reported that implicit motor sequence learning was disrupted by the addition of a secondary task. They suggested that this effect was due to the attentional load that the secondary task adds. Recently it has been suggested that the attentional load is not critical, but rather that the secondary task affects timing, either by lengthening or by making inconsistent the response-tostimulus interval (RSI)-that is, the delay between when a subject makes a response and when the next stimulus appears. In six experiments we manipulated the RSI and found no support for these two hypotheses. An inconsistent RSI did not adversely affect implicit motor sequence learning. A long RSI did not affect learning, although under some conditions subjects did not express learning if the RSI was long. These results are interpreted as reflecting the effects of attention.  相似文献   

This research examines how the major phenomena of visual search for single characters generalize to word search and word-category search. Experiment 1 examined word and category visual search when the target and distractor sets had a varied mapping (VM) across trials. Reaction time was a linear function of the number of comparisons with a positive slope of 48 msec per word, 92 msec per category. The VM reaction time data indicated a self-terminating comparison process, and there was little or no improvement with practice. Experiment 2 examined search with a consistent mapping (CM) between targets and distractors. Category search slope dropped to 2 msec, and the function became nonlinear. Word search slope dropped to 18 msec, but the function became nonlinear. Word search slope dropped to 18 msec, but the function was still linear. Experiment 3 examined category detection carried out concurrently with serial recall of digits, allowing assessment of search performance under high workload. High workload caused a severe performance reduction in VM category search, and this decrement did not decrease with practice. High workload reduced initial performance in CM category search, but this decrement was eliminated with practice. The present category search results are similar to previous letter search results. Four principles of search are discussed in the context of a theory of automatic/control processing.  相似文献   

Previous motor and perceptual tasks have found optimal processing for sound sequences of a rate of around 600 msec. IOI (Interonset Interval). This zone of optimal processing (the rate at which discrimination is optimal) slows with age and is also found with infants. The current work investigated whether listeners "prefer" sequences at the rate for which they demonstrate optimal processing. In the present study, three experiments were done. Exp. 1 measured tempo preferences in adults who listened to pairs of isochronous sound sequences varying in tempo (from 100- to 1500-msec. IOI) and were required to indicate which they preferred. As expected, highest preferences were expressed for the intermediate tempi, supporting the hypothesis of a zone of preferred tempi comparable to the zone of optimal processing. Moreover, this preference for intermediate tempi was not affected by the temporal context (absence of differences between a fast, a slow, and a wide set of tempi). In Exp. 2, the same procedure was applied to 6- and 10-yr.-olds. Children in both groups had systematic preferences for the fastest tempi within a set, and the older children generally preferred slower sequences. Exp. 3 used a preference paradigm for sound sequences with 4-mo.-old infants, comparing sequences of 100- vs 300-msec. IOI, 300- vs 900-msec. IOI, and 100- vs 900-msec. IOI. No systematic tempo preferences were observed. We conclude that tempo discrimination and tempo preference may have some commonality (perhaps related to a zone of optimal processing), especially in adults, but that they also involve quite distinct processes which undergo different developmental sequences. Whereas adults prefer what they process the best, children prefer what is fastest (and therefore more attention-getting), and we have not been able to detect preferences in infants.  相似文献   

Event-related brain potentials were recorded while disabled adolescent subjects read and judged whether two sequentially presented pictures had names that rhymed. Subjects with relatively good phonetic skills displayed an N400 priming effect, i.e., a significant reduction in the amplitude of the negative peak, occurring approximately 400 msec post-stimulus, for pictures with names that rhymed with preceding pictures as compared with pictures that had names that did not rhyme with the prime. No such effect was evident for subjects with relatively poor phonetic skills. This lack of an N400 priming effect provides evidence for a reduction in neural capacity and/or activation during phonological processing in the subjects with poor phonological skills. Demonstrating the N400 priming effect to be stronger in one group of reading disabled subjects, compared to another, supports the position that specific subtypes of reading disability exist. In addition to the stronger N400 priming effect, the phonetically stronger group also exhibited an enhanced negativity, from 700 to 1,000 msec after target stimulus onset, compared to phonetically inferior subjects. This finding replicates earlier work and possibly reflects a higher level of confidence in the group with better phonetic skills.  相似文献   

To determine if direction of response affects reaction time, we measured the time for hand response to a visual stimulus, using a sensitive, microprocessor-based testing device to determine simple reaction time (RT), choice RT, and decision time. Mean simple RT was 207 +/- 3.7 msec. (mean +/- SEM); mean choice RT was 268 +/- 4.2 msec; and mean decision time was 61 msec. No differences were noted for leftward versus rightward movements, or midline versus lateral movements. Choice RT increased by 1.49 msec./yr. of age. Simple RT increased significantly with age for the nondominant hand, but not for the dominant hand. Right-handed subjects were more rapid with the dominant hand for choice RT. We conclude that dominance of hand tested and test initiation mechanism have major effects, but direction of movement in the lateral plane has little effect on reaction time.  相似文献   

Visual perseveration was investigated within mentally retarded and second, fifth, and eighth grade normal children (Ns = 12 each group). Subjects matched an auditorially presented click to the onset and offset of visually presented stimuli. Time differences between visual stimulus offset and the point at which subjects reported simultaneity of the click and visual stimulus offset was assumed to reflect visual perseveration. Results showed: (a) no differences between the normal children as a function of age; (b) no difference between groups for stimuli of 100 msec. or longer duration; and (c) retarded subjects judged stimuli of 20 and 50 msec. to be of shorter duration than did normal subjects. This highly specific distinction between retarded and normal subjects suggests a difference in an early stage of perceptual processing.  相似文献   

Studies of the perception of time have demonstrated that large visual stimuli presented for the same duration as small stimuli will appear to have been presented longer. Two theoretical approaches have been offered to explain this effect. Both have emphasized the absolute amount of information in the stimulus. Thus, both would predict the effect when size is varied between sessions. The present study found no effect of size when size was held constant within sessions, but a substantial effect resulted when size was varied within sessions. Also examined was the range of stimulus durations used within a session. In one condition, patterns of various sizes were presented at 15, 30, or 45 msec, while in a second condition, the same patterns were presented to a different group of subjects at 15, 85, or 155 msec. The size effect was significantly reduced when longer time intervals were presented. A third group of subjects was shown patterns at even longer times but with a reduced range (155, 170, and 185 msec). Here the size effect was of equal magnitude to that of the 15-msec interval condition. The implications of these results are that current theoretical explanations of the filled-duration illusion rely on incorrect assumptions.  相似文献   

Practice may modify the effects of alcohol on perceptual-motor performance in at least three different ways: (1) alcohol may affect learning—that is, the rate at which performance of a skill improves with practice; (2) alcohol may have a greater effect on performance when the skill is unfamiliar than when it is practised; and (3) practice with alcohol may allow adaptation to its effects. These were investigated using a simple computer game in which subjects attempted to destroy a tank by pressing a key to release a bomb from a plane horizontally traversing the screen above it. The results demonstrated that (1) performance improved with practice; (2) with alcohol (0.8 mg/kg body weight), subjects were more variable and less accurate; (3) improvement with alcohol was greater than without alcohol, but as performance was impaired by alcohol, there was greater scope for improvement; (4) those who practised with alcohol still improved when switched to no alcohol late in practice; and (5) alcohol had the same effect early and late in practice. It is therefore concluded that there is no evidence to support any of the three suggestions outlined above.  相似文献   

Pain magnitude when subjects immersed an arm in ice water was assessed by means of a magnitude estimation procedure during baseline and posttest sessions. Before the posttest session, subjects either received or did not receive an analgesic suggestion. Best-fit functions were linear, though power fits were also good. Analgesic suggestions had no effect on the rate of change in pain intensity. When subjects were classified as copers or catastrophizers on the basis of written testimony, pain intensity increased more rapidly for catastrophizers than for copers during the posttest session but not during the baseline session. Subjects who kept their arm immersed for more than 240 s were classified as high in tolerance. High-tolerance subjects experienced a slower rate of growth in pain intensity than low-tolerance subjects. Theoretical implications of the results are discussed.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine how subjects learn to adjust the characteristics of their manual aiming movements in order to make optimal use of the visual information and reduce movement error. Subjects practised aiming (120 trials) with visual information available for either 400 msec or 600 msec. Following acquisition, they were transferred to conditions in which visual information was available for either more or less time. Over acquisition, subjects appeared to reduce target-aiming error by moving to the target area more quickly in order to make greater use of vision when in the vicinity of the target. With practice, there was also a reduction in the number of modifications in the movement. After transfer, both performance and kinematic data indicated that the time for which visual information was available was a more important predictor of aiming error than the similarity between training and transfer conditions. These findings are not consistent with a strong “specificity of learning” position. They also suggest that, if some sort of general representation or motor programme develops with practice, that representation includes rules or procedures for the utilization of visual feedback to allow for the on-line adjustment of the goal-directed movement.  相似文献   

The influence of alcohol and loud music on analytic versus holistic processing was examined in classification, concept learning, and embedded figures tasks. In the classification task, loud music reduced analytic responding by individuals who had consumed alcohol and increased analytic responding by individuals who had received placebo drinks. Alcohol also decreased the speed with which individuals were able to generate analytic responses in the classification task and decreased analytic performance on the embedded figures test. Alcohol slowed the rate of learning in the concept-learning task but did not lead to less analytic responding in that task. The results are consistent with the idea that alcohol slows the rate of information processing, particularly in tasks requiring visual analysis of stimuli.  相似文献   

Cued-trials task-switching paradigms have been used extensively to examine ageing-related changes in cognitive control. Many studies report an increase in mixing cost (i.e., cost of repeating the same task in a single-task vs. a mixed-task block) and a less reliable increase in switch cost (i.e., cost of switching vs. repeating tasks in a mixed-task block) in old as compared to young adults. However, there is substantial variability between studies in the emergence and size of age effects on mixing and/or switch cost. In this study, we examined variation in mixing cost and switch cost as a function of task practice and preparation interval across the adult lifespan (18-79 years) using a paradigm that promotes advance preparation and reduces cue encoding differences between switch and repeat trials. Both preparation interval and task practice modulated mixing cost and switch cost-but task practice mediated the effects of preparation interval and age differentially for mixing cost and switch cost. Mixing cost was consistently larger in older participants, reduced with preparation and varied little with task practice. In contrast, the effect of preparation interval on switch cost varied with task practice. Reduction in switch cost with preparation interval emerged in younger participants by the second practice session and even later in older participants. When fully practiced, older participants showed greater mixing cost but less switch cost than younger participants. Age effects on both mixing cost and switch cost were mediated by changes in processing of repeat trials, indicative of reduced differentiation between switch and repeat trials in mixed-task blocks. This is consistent with reduced cognitive flexibility with increasing age.  相似文献   

白学军  侯友 《心理科学》2013,36(2):258-264
运用事件相关脑电位(ERP)技术,采用快速掩蔽启动范式和Go/Nogo范式,探讨汉语重复启动和语义相关启动中语义激活程度的差异和特点。实验中要求被试执行一个额外的语义判断任务,对关键刺激不做明显的行为反应。结果发现,在重复启动条件下获得了稳定的N400效应,语义相关启动条件下没有N400效应;重复启动和语义相关启动条件均未产生N250效应。在较短的SOA条件下,词频对语义的激活和加工不产生影响。  相似文献   

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