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Key elements of an expectancy violations (EV) framework are forwarded as a possible organizing framework for understanding how touch functions in interpersonal communication. Central to applying an EV framework to touch is assessing the expectedness, interpretations, and evaluations of touch and its influence on such communication outcomes as evaluations of communicator attractiveness and credibility. To address these considerations, an experiment required participants to engage in dyadic problem-solving discussions during which they were touched or not touched by high-valence (attractive, high status, expert) or low-valence (unattractive, low status, inexpert) confederates. Brief touches by high-valence communicators were less expected than from low-valence communicators but positively evaluated from both. Touch also carried many favorable relational message interpretations, and the combination of touch and high communicator valence generally produced the highest credibility and attraction ratings. Some gender effects emerged, which appeared to moderate touch effects. Results suggest that brief touches among strangers may have positive consequences, especially when initiated by high-valence communicators, for whom they may qualify as positive violations.  相似文献   

News broadcasts conveying “good news” or “bad news” were played to subjects who subsequently made evaluative responses of anonymous others. The news broadcasts were shown to differentially elicit positive and negative affective responses and to affect subjects' evaluations of others. Additionally, reported affect was shown to be positively related to those interpersonal evaluations.  相似文献   

Emotion regulation has been studied in diverse ways within different subdisciplines of psychology—most notably social development, personality and individual differences, social psychophysiology, interpersonal relationships, and stress and coping. The goal of this Special Issue is to demonstrate the value of integrating these diverse approaches for building multilevel, lifespan models of emotion regulation. We review each of the contributions to this special issue, highlighting recurring themes and previewing our own perspective on directions for future theory and research.  相似文献   

恐惧可以帮助个体快速地评估危险情景,并调动生理和行为反应来应对危险刺激。恐惧发展始于婴儿时期,神经回路表现为杏仁核未参与恐惧反应,但杏仁核功能连接可以预测早期恐惧反应;发展到童年期的恐惧学习特点为安全学习不足和过度泛化,其根源是负责辨别刺激的海马还处于发育中;进入青春期恐惧加工主要特征是由于前额叶发育较晚导致的消退能力弱。恐惧虽有益于人类生存,但恐惧异常会引发焦虑障碍,本文从恐惧的习得、消退和泛化三个阶段,对比了焦虑与健康青少年的恐惧学习差异。最后,文章从增加婴儿时期研究、创新青少年恐惧研究范式和开发安全有效的干预手段三个方面对未来研究提出展望,以期进一步推动恐惧研究的发展。  相似文献   

A brief, casual interpersonal touch results in positive behavior toward the toucher, presumably because touch is a cue to friendship. Research on intergroup contact shows that feelings of friendship toward an individual outgroup member reduce prejudice toward that entire group. Integrating these areas, we examined whether interpersonal touch by an outgroup member could reduce prejudice. In three replications in two studies, interpersonal touch decreased implicit, though not explicit, prejudice toward the toucher's group. Effects of interpersonal touch can extend beyond the toucher to others sharing the toucher's ethnicity, and findings suggest that such effects are automatic and outside conscious awareness.  相似文献   

Common anticipated and unanticipated transitions faced by athletes are examined from the perspectives of developmental psychology and a model of adult transitions developed by Nancy Schlossberg. Factors contributing to dysfunctional response to transitions associated with athletic careers are identified and discussed. Preventive strategies, targeting athletes at risk of experiencing dysfunctionality in such transitions, are examined, and illustrative programs described.  相似文献   

Recent changes to the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders highlight the importance of identity dysfunction within several psychiatric diagnoses. Despite a long-standing tradition of identity research and theory in the developmental literature, there is limited work establishing intersections between clinical and developmental conceptualizations of identity problems. The relative lack of integration between decades of clinical and developmental work is unfortunate, and likely limits progress in both areas. In this commentary, the authors argue for greater interdisciplinary collaboration and highlight contributions from developmental and clinical theories, which, if integrated, could enhance identity scholarship. The developmental psychopathology perspective is introduced as an ideal framework to promote these goals.  相似文献   

陈璟  孙昕怡  李红  李秀丽 《心理学报》2009,41(10):958-966
选取148名4岁儿童, 运用实验法考察了幼儿的愿望采择发展水平对其情感决策的影响。结果表明: (1) 幼儿的愿望采择水平对其情感决策具有显著影响。情境中他人愿望信息充足时, 幼儿会采择他人愿望并以此为线索为他人决策, 但对线索的利用程度受其愿望采择水平的制约。(2) 在无关于他人愿望信息提示的条件下, 4岁儿童为他人与为自己的情感决策不存在显著差异。(3) 4岁儿童能够采择他人的单一愿望, 但其冲突愿望采择能力还不成熟。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT— Observing and producing a smile activate the very same facial muscles. In Experiment 1 , we predicted and found that verbal stimuli (action verbs) that refer to emotional expressions elicit the same facial muscle activity (facial electromyography) as visual stimuli do. These results are evidence that language referring to facial muscular activity is not amodal, as traditionally assumed, but is instead bodily grounded. These findings were extended in Experiment 2 , in which subliminally presented verbal stimuli were shown to drive muscle activation and to shape judgments, but not when muscle activation was blocked. These experiments provide an important bridge between research on the neurobiological basis of language and related behavioral research. The implications of these findings for theories of language and other domains of cognitive psychology (e.g., priming) are discussed.  相似文献   

《Psychoanalytic Social Work》2013,20(3-4):145-159

This report explores representative dilemmas of gay youth in the transition from late adolescence to young adulthood and shows how brief treatment may facilitate efforts to work toward greater authenticity in sense of self and identity, revise maladaptive relational patterns, and strengthen coping capacities. It presents the case of an 18-year-old male who was seen in supportive psychodynamic treatment for 13 sessions in a university counseling service. Developmental and relational deficits, rooted in a stigmatized identity, perpetuated problems in functioning. The relational functions and supportive elements of the therapeutic process are emphasized in discussion of curative factors. Establishment of the selfobject bond with the therapist strengthened self, facilitated coping, and improved social functioning. The author emphasizes the importance of considering the impact of internalized homophobia and self-alienation in assessment of functioning and establishment of treatment goals.  相似文献   


Video recordings of naturally occurring interactions in England, France, the Netherlands, Italy, Greece, Scotland, and Ireland were coded and analyzed to examine the effects of culture, gender, and age on interpersonal distance, body orientation, and touch. Results partially supported expected differences between contact cultures of southern Europe and noncontact cultures of northern Europe with respect to touch. More touch was observed among Italian and Greek dyads than among English, French, and Dutch dyads. In addition, an interaction effect between age and gender for body orientation suggested opposite developmental trends for mixed-sex dyads and male dyads. Whereas mixed dyads tended to maintain less direct orientations as they aged, male dyads maintained more direct orientations.  相似文献   

Previous research suggests that the structure of adult attachment is dimensional, but the specific dimensions remain unclear. Given its relational nature, studies should examine attachment structure in association with conceptually related interpersonal constructs. The interpersonal model ( Kiesler, 1996 ) provides an integrative framework to examine this structure and associations between dimensions of attachment security (i.e., Anxiety and Avoidance) and: 1) the dimensions of the interpersonal circumplex, 2) the five‐factor model of personality, 3) recollections of mothers and fathers, and 4) current self‐processes and adult social functioning. In two samples of undergraduates, the Anxiety and Avoidance dimensions were associated with a hostile‐submissive interpersonal style. Canonical correlation analyses revealed that dimensions representing combinations of Anxiety and Avoidance, and roughly corresponding to the dimensions from Secure (i.e., low Anxiety and Avoidance) to Fearful (i.e., high Anxiety and Avoidance) attachment and from Preoccupied (i.e., high Anxiety and low Avoidance) to Dismissive (i.e., low Anxiety and high Avoidance) attachment related to the interpersonal constructs. The Secure to Fearful dimension (i.e., overall attachment security) seemed to share relatively more variance with the interpersonal constructs. These dimensions were associated with theoretically consistent characteristics, recollections of early experiences with parents, self‐representations, and social functioning.  相似文献   

袁晓劲  郭斯萍 《心理科学》2017,40(3):651-656
本研究采用外部情感西蒙任务(EAST),以36名大学生为被试对自我词及亲人、熟人、陌生人三种人际关系词与积极情感和消极情感的关系进行探究,从而检验个体对自我和不同人际关系对象的情感是否存在差序格局的表现形式。结果显示,在EAST中,对自我词和亲人词作积极反应比作消极反应时间更短;对陌生人词作消极反应比作积极反应时间更短;对熟人词作积极反应和消极反应的时间差异不明显。并且,自我词的EAST效应值最大,接着依次是亲人词和熟人词;陌生人词的EAST效应值为负值。表明了在个体的认知图式中,对自我、亲人持有积极的情感,而对陌生人持有消极的情感,对熟人情感偏向不明显;且不同人际关系在情感的联结强度上表现出差序格局的形式。  相似文献   


The initial defining framework of the primary process based on flow of psychic energy has been largely rejected by contemporary psychoanalytic theorists, but the concept remains in use clinically, particularly in application to the flow of associations and the interpretation of dreams. Some researchers have attempted to characterize primary process thought in terms of contents and formal properties of thought without reference to the energy framework, but this approach fails to account for the role of emotional intensity in mental life. The integration of affective arousal with particular properties of thought that is central to the primary process concept can be understood today in the context of current research in cognitive psychology, emotion theory, and neuroscience. The version of multiple code theory outlined here provides a framework for the involvement of affect in productive and complex mental operations in areas from sports and the arts to scientific discovery, as well as therapy, and also provides a basis for empirical research.  相似文献   

张野  卢笳 《心理科学》2012,35(2):391-395
摘 要 采用问卷法调查586名初中生,探讨其人际交往能力、学业水平及发展背景系统的互动关系模式。研究发现初二学生的人际交往能力表现最为突出,女生更善于处理人际问题。高人际交往能力学生的学业成绩明显优于低人际交往能力学生。良好的父母教养方式能有效促进学生的人际交往能力,该能力有助于积极师生关系和同伴关系的发展。人际交往能力受家庭教养背景系统的直接影响,并作用于学校人际背景系统,两大系统以直接或间接的方式影响学业成绩。  相似文献   


What role does affect play in stereotype judgements? This experiment investigated mood effects on perceptions of Asian (heterosterotype) or Causcasian (autostereotype) characters who were part of a same-race or a mixed-race dyad. We expected that mood should (a) distort stereotype judgements in a mood-consistent direction, and (b) that mood biases should be stronger for mixed-race dyads that require more detailed and inferential processing. Happy, neutral or sad mood was induced in subjects (n=198) using an audio-visual mood induction procedure in an allegedly separate experiment. Subjects were then asked to form impressions of Asian or Caucasian targets associated with a same-race or an other-race partner. As predicted, we found consistent mood-congruent biases in such. However, both positive and negative mood effects were significantly greater when a target was part of a mixed-race dyad, a condition presumably requiring more detailed and substantive inferential processing. These findings are interpreted in terms of current affect-cognition theories, and the implications of the results for everyday affective influences on stereotype judgements are considered.  相似文献   

In this paper I reflect on the concept of affective atmospheres in the context of the distinction between affect and emotion that has emerged in recent work on emotion, space and society. The concept of atmosphere is interesting because it holds a series of opposites -- presence and absence, materiality and ideality, definite and indefinite, singularity and generality -- in a relation of tension. To develop this account of atmosphere I juxtapose Marx's materialist imagination with a phenomenology attentive to singular affective qualities. By invoking a material imagination based on the movement and lightness of air, we learn from the former about the turbulence of atmospheres and their indeterminate quality. From the latter, we learn that atmospheres are singular affective qualities that emanate from but exceed the assembling of bodies. As such, to attend to affective atmospheres is to learn to be affected by the ambiguities of affect/emotion, by that which is determinate and indeterminate, present and absent, singular and vague.  相似文献   

This study aims to examine the impact of affective states and affective shifts on ideation and evaluation of creativity. Affects were induced by a two‐stage imagination procedure of recalling autobiographical experiences. Three periods of divergent thinking were measured to represent the participants’ creative ideation at different times. Creative evaluation was measured by estimating the originality of each response provided by the participants. The results indicate that (a) during the initial period of ideation, groups with positive affect obtain better creative ideation than the groups with neutral or negative affect. (b) The ideation in positive affect groups gradually decreases over time, while the ideation in negative affect groups gradually increases over time. (c) During the evaluation of originality, groups with negative affect have a higher proportion of over‐estimates and a lower proportion of under‐estimates than groups with positive affect. The viewpoints of cognitive tuning theory, which posit that the affective state influences creativity, are supported.  相似文献   

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