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Subjects matched successively presented stimuli within and across modalities. In conditions in which they were informed of the modalities of the two stimuli, no differences in matching performance were obtained between the four types of match (visual-visual, auditory-auditory, visual-auditory, and auditory-visual). Thus, there appeared to be no difference between the modalities in ability to perceive or retain the particular stimuli used. In conditions in which subjects were informed of the modality of the first stimulus but only of the modality in which the second stimulus would appear on 80% of trials, there was again no significant difference between auditory-auditory and visual-visual matching. However, auditory-visual matching was much faster than visual-auditory matching when the second stimulus appeared in the unexpected modality. The results suggest that subjects prepare for both possible types of match when uncertain of the second stimulus modality and that the cross-modal asymmetry reflects the additional attentional load that this incurs.  相似文献   

In the present study, we showed that a representational disorder for words can dissociate from both representational neglect for objects and neglect dyslexia. This study involved 14 brain-damaged patients with left unilateral spatial neglect and a group of normal subjects. Patients were divided into four groups based on presence of left neglect dyslexia and representational neglect for non-verbal material, as evaluated by the Clock Drawing test. The patients were presented with bisection tasks for words and lines. The word bisection tasks (with words of five and seven letters) comprised the following: (1) representational bisection: the experimenter pronounced a word and then asked the patient to name the letter in the middle position; (2) visual bisection: same as (1) with stimuli presented visually; and (3) motor bisection: the patient was asked to cross out the letter in the middle position. The standard line bisection task was presented using lines of different length. Consistent with the literature, long lines were bisected to the right and short lines, rendered comparable in length to the words of the word bisection test, deviated to the left (crossover effect). Both patients and controls showed the same leftward bias on words in the visual and motor bisection conditions. A significant difference emerged between the groups only in the case of the representational bisection task, whereas the group exhibiting neglect dyslexia associated with representational neglect for objects showed a significant rightward bias, while the other three patient groups and the controls showed a leftward bisection bias. Neither the presence of neglect alone nor the presence of visual neglect dyslexia was sufficient to produce a specific disorder in mental imagery. These results demonstrate a specific representational neglect for words independent of both representational neglect and neglect dyslexia.  相似文献   

Two experiments are reported in which subjects had to match pairs of pictures of objects. "Same" pairs could be either identical (Ps), pictures of different views of the same object (Pv), or pictures of different objects having the same name (Pd). With line drawings as stimuli, RTs for Condition Ps were shorter than for Condition Pv, which in turn were shorter than for Condition Pd. Visual similarity had no effect on Pd RTs. However, in Experiment II, where photographs of objects with high-frequency (HF) and low-frequency (LF) names were used, no difference was found between Conditions Ps(HF), Ps(LF) and Condition Pv(HF); and no difference occurred between Conditions Pd(HF), Pd(LF) and Condition Pv(LF), the latter set of conditions being associated with longer RTs than the former. This pattern of results was found with both a .25-sec and a 2-sec ISI. The results are discussed in terms of the levels of coding involved in processing information from picture stimuli. It is concluded that at least two levels are involved in matching photographs of real objects (an object-code level and a nonvisual semantic code level), while a third level may be used in matching tasks involving stylized line drawings (a picture-code level).  相似文献   

Although much is known about the factors that influence the acquisition and retention of individual paired associates, the existence of temporally defined associations spanning multiple pairs has not been demonstrated. We report two experiments in which subjects studied randomly paired nouns for a subsequent cued recall test. When subjects recalled nontarget items, their intrusions tended to come from nearby pairs. This across-pair contiguity effect was graded, spanning noncontiguously studied word pairs. The existence of such long-range temporally defined associations lends further support to contextual-retrieval models of episodic association.  相似文献   

Multiple forms of a symbol-digit substitution task were used to provide a componential analysis of age differences in coding task performance. The results demonstrated age differences in feature encoding, memory, and visual search. A 2nd experiment was conducted with young adults to investigate a sensory deficit as a locus of age differences. The spatial contrast sensitivity deficit of older adults was simulated on forms by applying a digital filter. Persons in the age-simulated contrast condition performed worse than those in the normal contrast condition. The stimulus degradation effect was linked to visual search speed. The study illustrates the utility of componential analysis and offers direct support for the hypothesis that sensory deficits affect performance on tasks used to assess intelligence.  相似文献   

Choice reaction time is strongly determined by the sequence of preceding stimuli. With long response-stimulus intervals (RSIs), a cost-benefit pattern is observed, which has been related to expectancy, whereas with short RSIs a benefit-only pattern emerges, possibly because of automatic facilitation. In the present study, event-related potentials were recorded while subjects performed serial choice responses to visual and auditory stimuli at long and short RSIs. As expected, reaction times displayed cost-benefit and benefit-only patterns at long and short RSIs, respectively. In contrast, sequential effects in event-related potential amplitudes displayed a cost-benefit pattern, unaffected by the RSI. The results demonstrate that an expectancy-like mechanism is always active in serial tasks but appears to influence performance only when the RSI is long.  相似文献   


Recognition and cued recall of ordinary action phrases (e.g. “open the book”) and bizarre ones (e.g. “plant the hammer”) were compared under two encoding conditions: in verbal tasks (VTs), subjects learned the phrases by simply listening to them; in subject-performed tasks (SPTs), subjects learned the phrases by performing the denoted actions (without real objects). Memory performance was better after SPTs than after VTs in recognition and cued recall. In addition to this already established finding, it was observed that recognition was better for bizarre phrases than for ordinary ones after VTs and that bizarreness was unrelated to recognition after SPTs. Cued recall, on the other hand, depended on bizarreness after VTs as well as after SPTs and, in contrast to the recognition findings, ordinary phrases were recalled better than bizarre phrases. This pattern of findings was explained by the assumptions that lexical and conceptual information is encoded after VTs and motor information is additionally encoded after SPTs, and that different kinds of information are used in recognition and cued recall, and after VTs and SPTs.  相似文献   

Gheorghiu E  Erkelens CJ 《Perception》2005,34(10):1205-1219
In studies of the temporal flexibility of the stereoscopic system, it has been suggested that two different processes of binocular depth perception could be responsible for the flexibility: tolerance for interocular delays and temporal integration of correlation. None has investigated the relationship between tolerance for delays and temporal integration mechanisms and none has revealed which mechanism is responsible for depth perception in dynamic random-dot stereograms. We address these questions in the present study. Across five experiments, we investigated the temporal properties of stereopsis by varying interocular correlation as a function of time in controlled ways. We presented different types of dynamic random-dot stereograms, each consisting of two pairs of alternating random-dot patterns. Our experimental results demonstrate that (i) disparities from simultaneous monocular inputs dominate those from interocular delayed inputs; (ii) stereopsis is limited by temporal properties of monocular luminance mechanisms; and (iii) depth perception in dynamic random-dot stereograms results from cross-correlation-like operation on two simultaneous monocular inputs that represent the retinal images after having been subjected to a process of monocular temporal integration of luminance.  相似文献   

This study examined the relationship between preferences for learning modality and the learning and short-term retention of musical rhythm patterns. 55 third graders completed the Swassing Barbe Modality Index. These students were also presented two-measure rhythm patterns through their visual, auditory, and kinesthetic modalities. Analysis indicated that children who preferred on the modality index one modality over others tended to prefer that same modality when learning simple musical rhythms.  相似文献   

Spatially orthogonal stimulus and response sets can produce compatibility effects. To explore whether such effects cross the border of logically independent tasks, we combined a nonspeeded visual task requiring verbal report of a stimulus movement (up vs. down) with an auditory reaction time task that required a unimanual movement to the left or right. Two experiments demonstrated that up stimuli facilitate rightward responses and down stimuli facilitate leftward responses, relative to the opposite combinations, thus producing an orthogonal cross-task compatibility effect. This effect presumably arises from abstract coding with respect to the salient referents of a spatial dimension (i.e., up and right), so that coactivation of structurally similar codes leads to mutual priming even when the codes refer to different tasks. The present evidence for abstract spatial coding extends previously proposed coding principles from single-task settings to dual-task settings.  相似文献   

In memory for subject-performed tasks (SPTs), subjects encode a list of simple action phrases (e.g., thumb through a book, knock at the door) by performing these actions during learning. In three experiments, we investigated the size of the levels-of-processing effects in SPTs as compared with those in standard verbal learning tasks (VTs). Subjects under SPT and VT conditions learned lists of action phrases in a surface or a conceptual orienting task. Under both encoding conditions, the subjects recalled fewer items with surface orienting tasks than with conceptual orienting tasks, but the levels-of-processing effects were strongly reduced in the SPT condition. In the SPT condition, items that were encoded in a surface orienting task were still substantially recalled. The items were recalled almost as well as the conceptually encoded items in the VT condition. The distinct reduction of the levels-of-processing effect is caused by the fact that, in SPT encoding even with a verbal surface orienting task, subjects process conceptual information in order to perform the denoted action. We attribute the small conceptual advantage, which remains with SPT despite the conceptual processing for performing, to the fact that items are not as well integrated into memory as they are when conceptual processing is focused on the action component, rather than on the semantic contexts. This lower integration reduces the accessibility of items in the verbal surface task, even with SPT encoding.  相似文献   

Previous research suggests that past and future temporal concepts are spatially represented from left to right along a mental line. And these concepts can both prime motor responses to left or right space and direct visual spatial attention. The present study aimed at investigating the nature of this space-time conceptual metaphor in different auditory tasks. In the first experiment, subjects categorized time-related words (past or future) that were presented binaurally. In the second experiment, subjects detected left-ear or right-ear targets following time-related words. The similar space-time compatibility effects were found in these two experiments. Our results demonstrate that the activation of temporal concepts can both prime motor responses to left or right space and influence the orientation of auditory spatial attention, suggesting that the modality of the stimulus input is unimportant for the left-right mapping of time. These results are explained by the "intermediate coding" account.  相似文献   

In order to interpret a constantly changing environment, visual events far apart in space and time must be integrated into a unified percept. While spatial properties of invisible signals are known to be encoded without awareness, the fate of temporal properties remains largely unknown. Here, we probed temporal integration for two distinct motion stimuli that were either visible or rendered invisible using continuous flash suppression. We found that when invisible, both the direction of apparent motion and the gender of point-light walkers were processed only when defined across short time periods (i.e., respectively 100 ms and 1000 ms). This limitation was not observed under full visibility. These similar findings at two different hierarchical levels of processing suggest that temporal integration windows shrink in the absence of perceptual awareness. We discuss this phenomenon as a key prediction of the global neuronal workspace and the information integration theories of consciousness.  相似文献   

In a typical Simon task, the (irrelevant) spatial position of the stimulus interferes with the processing of the salient characteristic (e.g., color). We used the Simon effect to investigate the automatic processing of gaze cues. We show that a simple drawing of schematic eyes automatically generates a spatially defined code of gaze direction. Although completely irrelevant to the task, direction of gaze influenced reaction times in a spatially selective two-choice discrimination based on eye color. Moreover, in one experiment employing an orthogonal manipulation of stimulus position and gaze direction, we found that coding of gaze direction is independent of stimulus spatial coding. Our finding of a “gazedirection Simon effect” is congruent with the hypothesis that gaze direction is coded by a specialized mechanism.  相似文献   

We report two experiments that explored the linguistic locus of age-of-acquisition effects in picture naming by using a delayed naming task that involved only a low proportion of trials (25 %) while, for the large majority of the trials (75 %), participants performed another task—that is, the prevalent task. The prevalent tasks were semantic categorization in Experiment 1a and grammatical-gender decision in Experiments 1b and 2. In Experiment 1a, in which participants were biased to retrieve semantic information in order to perform the semantic categorization task, delayed naming times were affected by age of acquisition, reflecting a postsemantic locus of the effect. In Experiments 1b and 2, in which participants were biased to retrieve lexical information in order to perform the grammatical gender decision task, there was also an age-of-acquisition effect. These results suggest that part of the age-of-acquisition effect in picture naming occurs at the level at which the phonological properties of words are retrieved.  相似文献   

Orthographic and phonological similarity were orthogonally manipulated in a rhyme judgement task. The effects were assessed of paced versus very rapid articulatory suppression on subjects' ability to make rhyme judgements when pairs of words were presented either simultaneously or successively. It was found that there were consistent suppression effects on the accuracy of subjects' judgements to visually similar non-rhyming pairs (e.g. “pint-tint”), visually dissimilar rhyming pairs (e.g. “fare-wear”) and visually similar rhyming pairs (e.g. “fall-tall), regardless of mode of presentation or speed of suppression. The size of the suppression effect was greatest for the visually similar non-rhyming word pairs. It was argued that subjects need to carry out a recheck for phonological similarity when word pairs are visually but not phonologically similar, and that encoding the words in articulatory form is particularly beneficial for making accurate rhyme judgements to such pairs.  相似文献   

Age-of-acquisition effects in semantic processing tasks   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
In two experiments, we examined whether word age-of-acquisition (AoA) is a reliable predictor of processing times in semantic tasks. In the first task, participants were asked to say the first associate that came to mind when they saw a stimulus word; the second task involved a semantic categorisation between words with a definable meaning and first names. In both tasks, there were significantly faster responses to earlier-acquired than to later-acquired words. On the basis of these results, we argue that age-of-acquisition effects do not originate solely from the speech output system, but from the semantic system as well.  相似文献   

《Acta psychologica》1986,62(1):1-13
Previous experiments on tracking have shown that target location (measured in terms of the distance of the target from the boundary circumscribing the area of movement) affects the speed and accuracy of movement. The present experiment examined the effects of boundary distance on the speed and accuracy of tapping. Subjects performed on two-, three- and five-position tasks varying in movement amplitude and target width. Results showed that movement time increased, and constant error became more positive as boundary distance increased. These results differed from those found in respect of pursuit tracking in that constant error was affected and not variable error. They increase the generality of the finding that motor performance varies with target location, and they support theories of motor control implicating target location.  相似文献   

Subjects were timed as they judged whether items presented to them were English words or not. Comparisons were made between responses to nouns and to verbs, on the one hand, and between concrete and abstract nouns, on the other hand. No asymmetries were found.  相似文献   

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