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This paper aims to understand the extent to which monogamy operates not only as a constitutive element of marriage-like institutions but also as a meta-judicial source of frequently overlooked forms of state violence. Drawing on the case of the Spanish law, it explores the privilege-driven logic that regulates the access to a complex set of economic benefits and legal protections, including immigration related rights, in order to show the extent to which monogamy is part of the grounding structure of an exclusionary constitutional citizenship. In addition, drawing on semi-structured interviews held with Spanish poly activists and biographical interviews held with LGBTQ non-monogamous people, it offers a view of non-monogamous communities as paramount spaces of resistance when it comes to re-imagining the relationship between the state and the intimate realm, beyond the mere inclusion of poly and other non-monogamous intimate relationships in certain pieces of legislation.  相似文献   

Physical activity programs are viable contexts to foster life skills. Researchers contend that programs must be structured to deliberately teach life skills and teach how such skills can be transferred. The purpose of this study is to understand female youths’ perceptions of life skills transfer from participation in a physical activity-based life skills program. Interviews were conducted with eight youth. Results indicated that youth learned intrapersonal (i.e., emotional regulation, focus, goal setting), interpersonal (i.e., respect, responsibility, social skills), and physical activity skills and applied these skills in other life domains. Leaders’ practical strategies used to explicitly teach transferable skills are discussed.  相似文献   

基因治疗的伦理:问题与争议   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
基因治疗可以分为体细胞基因治疗、生殖细胞基因治疗和增强细胞基因治疗.体细胞基因治疗(somatic cell gene therapy)是应用体细胞基因工程技术将某个基因植入人体,从医学上校正该病人的遗传缺陷.生殖细胞基因治疗(germ-line gene therapy)是将外源正常基因转入精子、卵子或受精卵,矫正有缺陷的基因而达到治疗遗传病的目的.理论上讲,生殖细胞基因治疗既可治疗遗传病患者,又可使其后代不再患这种遗传病,是一种使遗传病得到根治的方法.与生殖细胞基因治疗相关的是增强细胞基因治疗(enhancement gene therapy)或增强基因工程.增强基因工程可改变体细胞的遗传物质,也可以改变卵子、精子或早期胚胎细胞的遗传物质,从纠正疾病基因变为改变人的正常特性.目前,由于技术的发展和伦理争议,一些体细胞基因治疗已应用于临床或进入临床研究阶段,生殖细胞基因治疗及与其相关的增强细胞基因治疗则尚未开展.  相似文献   

争论中的环境伦理学:问题与焦点   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
我国的环境伦理学研究大致始于20世纪80年代中期.经过20多年的发展,我国的环境伦理学研究在探索环境伦理学的基础理论、梳理西方环境伦理学的主要理念、挖掘中国传统思想中的环境伦理资源等方面都取得了一系列的成果,成为近些年来应用伦理学领域最引人注目、发展最快的学科之一.  相似文献   

Psychotherapy was developed as a means of using words to heal emotional pain. Although a therapeutic dialogue can be helpful to many clients, some people need a more action-based intervention. Psychotherapy may be enhanced by adapting several therapeutic procedures that have been found effective in physical therapy. Where physical therapy can help clients learn to manage chronic physical pain, psychotherapy can help clients learn to manage chronic emotional pain. Both physical therapy and psychotherapy can help to facilitate awareness, flexibility, strength and endurance in order to maximize the clients functional ability.  相似文献   

The suggestion here is that casting the project of feminist ethics in confrontational language, rooted in a rebellion picture of moral epistemology, impedes the further development of that very project. Four commonplace examples are offered to make this suggestion plausible. I urge instead a pluralistic approach to styles of moral thinking and propose that the project of feminist ethics would be better served by casting it in the language of reconciliation.  相似文献   

Young separated refugees are exiled from familiar places and on seeking asylum encounter new, potentially alienating, places. Yet, there is limited research regarding the effects of location on the psychological experiences of young separated refugees. This study explores the relationships that young adults who arrived in the UK as separated refugees have with the spaces that they inhabit and the consequences of these. It draws on qualitative interviews with young men from Iraq and Afghanistan who are living in London. Four key themes emerged from the analysis. Participants felt frustrated in bureaucratic settings where processes of labelling and physical manipulation prevented their sense of subjectivity from being expressed. Certain community spaces offered a rich range of support. Micro‐spaces of belonging and embodied processes of exploration in the wider community were also reported to be psychologically beneficial. The themes suggest that considerations of young separated refugees' relations to place may provide alternative psychological understandings of their experiences, particularly in relation to concepts such as trauma. Policy implications related to immigration control and the benefits of community projects are highlighted. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The moral value of distributive equality constitutes one of the most contentious debates in political philosophy. Following Frankfurt, many philosophers have claimed that the intuitive appeal of equality is illusory and that egalitarian intuitions are fundamentally intuitions about the importance of satisfying basic needs. According to this argument, our intuitions tell us that inequality ceases to matter once a certain threshold has been reached. Despite the widespread appeal to intuitions regarding this issue, few empirical studies have tried to assess whether Frankfurt and his followers are right in claiming the lack of intuitiveness of equality per se. In a series of three experiments, we show that experimental evidence does not allow us to settle the intuitiveness of each theory: laypeople are divided in the consideration of the respective importance of needs and equality. While our results do show that laypeople attach special importance to needs-fulfilment, it also seems that they are divided when it comes to the importance they grant to equality once needs are fulfilled. No theory is unanimously backed by participants, and it seems that, fundamentally, divisions among philosophers reflect deep divisions among people.  相似文献   

A prominent approach to scientific explanation and modeling claims that for a model to provide an explanation it must accurately represent at least some of the actual causes in the event's causal history. In this paper, I argue that many optimality explanations present a serious challenge to this causal approach. I contend that many optimality models provide highly idealized equilibrium explanations that do not accurately represent the causes of their target system(s). Furthermore, in many contexts, it is in virtue of their independence of causes that optimality models are able to provide a better explanation than competing causal models. Consequently, our account of explanation and modeling must expand beyond the causal approach.  相似文献   

Reliance on self‐report limits clinicians' ability to accurately predict suicidal behavior. In this study the predictive validity of an objective measure, the death/suicide Implicit Association Test (d/sIAT), was tested among psychiatrically hospitalized veterans. Following acute stabilization, 176 participants completed the d/sIAT and traditional suicide risk assessments. Participants had similar d/sIAT scores regardless of whether they had recently attempted suicide. However, d/sIAT scores significantly predicted suicide attempts during the 6‐month follow‐up above and beyond other known risk factors for suicidal behavior (OR = 1.89; 95% CI: 1.15–3.12; based on 1SD increase). The d/sIAT may augment the accuracy of suicide risk assessment.  相似文献   

关于生与死的思考铸就了人类哲学的恢弘与博大。中国古代哲学中关于生死之论,不乏智者和睿者,其中道家先哲们以“万物皆一”的开阔视野看待生死,超越了一时一事、一得一失,确立了极具特色的超越死亡、生死存亡一体的生死哲学。并以其丰富的理论内容,深刻的思想内涵,脱俗的不凡见解和独特的美学意境,为中国乃至世界生死哲学理论宝库书写了不可或缺的一笔,对后世产生了极其深远的影响。  相似文献   

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