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Self-disclosure, which consists in revealing personal information about oneself to one's client, could be a beneficial therapeutic technique. There are yet many definitions of this concept. However, empirical research shows that self-disclosure may be favourably perceived by clients and that it could influence how they perceive their therapist. Moreover, it could positively influence treatment outcome. Self-disclosure about immediate feelings in the therapy and about the therapist–client relationship would be particularly effective in resolving problematic events by enabling feelings to be expressed and accepted and by providing clients with interpersonnal learning. Several authors finally advise using this technique infrequently, about moderately intimate but relevant themes in relation to the therapy, examining each client's specific needs, and always with the intention of helping them or improving the therapeutic relationship.  相似文献   

Hungarian philosopher István Mészáros’ more recent work expands our understanding of consciousness in a way that is particularly relevant to psychoanalysis. He underscores the tragedy of consciousness, increasingly alienated from the totality of our social and individual being, and replaced by its false analog. To make sustainable an anachronistic type of vertical social structure, ideologists of false consciousness join arms with those who control society's historically developed means to reproduce itself and its members. This results in the social phenomenon of alienation, whereby actively produced false consciousness creates a correlate individual unconscious. Mészáros’ theory seems compatible with the psychoanalytic paradigms developed by Karen Horney and the Neo-Freudians.  相似文献   

Ménière's disease is generally accepted to be a consequence of distention of the endolymphatic sac of the inner ear. Although the exact etiology is unclear, there is a body of research suggesting that Ménière's disease is of psychosomatic origin. While we do not intend to review the literature exhaustively, we briefly review several frequently cited studies. Even though this literature is so severely flawed that no solid conclusions may be drawn from it, certain questions about the psychological aspect of this disorder continue to surface. Our limited access to patients with vertigo has not allowed us to undertake a carefully designed study. However, in clinical practice we have noted that many persons who complain of vertigo (whether due to Ménière's disease or other causes) also report symptoms of depersonalization and derealization. In this paper we present the cases of two women with Ménière's disease who also experienced concurrent feelings of unreality. It appears likely that feelings of unreality may occur regularly in association with syndromes causing vertigo, presumably as a consequence of vestibular dysfunction. We argue that emotional disturbances previously identified as predisposing causes of Ménière's disease are more likely effects of the disease. Although the discussion of two uncontrolled cases can do little to help solve nagging questions about a psychosomatic component to this disorder, we believe it may suggest a different perspective from which to investigate these complex phenomena.  相似文献   

Findings from a study of 563 adolescents’ reactions following a discotheque fire that killed 63 young people in Göteborg in October 1998 are presented. The group answered a questionnaire seven months following the disaster. The questionnaire included the Impact of Event Scale (IES) and the Birleson Depression Self‐Rating Scale (DSRS). The level of trauma was found to be very high, while depression scores were less elevated. A little under a third of the students scored above a clinical cut‐off point (> 35) on the IES, indicating high posttraumatic stress levels. Girls evidenced more depression and traumatic stress reactions than boys. Levels of reactions increased with more closeness (knowing victims personally) and if the adolescents were of non‐Swedish origin.  相似文献   

《Psychologie Fran?aise》2021,66(3):273-288
IntroductionThese last years have been marked by an evolution as to how people feed themselves, highlighting a growing interest for vegetarian food. Vegetarianism at large refers to several types of food that are characterized by the partial or total exclusion of animal foods. This study aims at relating various elements associated to vegetarianism, such as eating motives, behaviors, self-perception and others’ perception, in relation with the notion of identity.MethodParticipants were recruited via vegetarian and vegan (for food and for lifestyle) groups on Facebook, once their agreement was obtained. Six interviews were conducted by a clinical psychologist around the notion of being and identity related to food, as well as the food history of the individual and his/her family. The use of retrospective investigation makes possible to establish a continuity between the past and the current eating behavior. These interviews, once manually transcribed, were the subject of a complex semantic analysis via TROPES software (version 8.4).ResultsThe results showed a major use of state's and identity's verbs (being, becoming, “I”) and the personal pronoun “we”, referring to a construction of both individual and collective identity around the diet. The commitment to vegetarian/vegan diet has been primarily motivated by ethical concern. And, positive feelings have emerged following the adoption of this type of diet, such as pride, inner purity and a sense of being healthy and holy. Despite the fact that their diet is ethically focused, participants spontaneously addressed the issue of weight and body image.Discussion/conclusionWhatever the food's history of participants, identifications to disorders related to body image or identifications to weight categories have preceded the identification to a specific diet. And the following of a vegetarian/vegan diet appears at the base of positive feelings toward oneself and a better self-esteem. So, we can assume that adopting a vegetarian/vegan diet could improve self-perception. Otherwise, the ethical choice mentioned by the participants, may be an acceptable sociable justification to control more or less the fate of their body (inside and outside). More research is needed to better understand the underlying mechanisms of vegetarian/vegan diet, to explore the personality profiles of individuals and their relation to the body.  相似文献   

This paper reports the results of a seemingly ludic experimental study, which is part of the more general problem of the dynamics in small groups. This dynamics is based on a social differentiation process, which appears within a group, when its members are required to perform an individual task. The individuals adapt to the constraints and adjust their behaviours mutually, acting both on the interactions allowed by the contextual parameters and on their perception of the situation. The structure of the group is built around various roles and abilities, which are not predefined. The specialization, which occurs, enables each member to succeed in their problem-solving, and thus guarantees the functioning of the group and the system as a whole. The parameters of this experimental situation remind one of the characteristics of some work activities. Indeed these parameters aim at situations involving the optimization of performances and the planification of actions. Thus the structuring of the group around a significant typology could lead to a better understanding of the evolution of environments where under similar circumstances representational and self-organizational process interact and where the individual adapts to the collective.  相似文献   

We examine the respective importance given to the five criteria of financial distributions: performance (individual and team work), individual needs, degree of allegiance/rebellion to hierarchical orders and the reason for this allegiance/rebellion (legalism vs opportunism). In total, 1315 participants were confronted with a specific case in which they had to advise a manager on the distribution of bonus among his employees. These employees were characterized by their respective individual performance, the performance of their team, one of the employees being also defined as being (or not) in financial need and to use to obey (or not) hierarchical orders. It is observed that the best performing employees are more rewarded, but each of the other criteria also have influence, both separately and with interactions.  相似文献   

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