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The magnitude of induced movement was measured as a function of the perceived depth between the test object and the plane of the induction object, with this perceived depth produced by stereoscopic cues. Three experiments were conducted. In each experiment, the induction object (a frame of constant physical size) was positioned at one of three distances with the test object (a point of light) placed successively at each of the three distances. Predictions of the magnitude of induction as a function of the depth separation of the test and induction object were made from the subject-relative and object-relative hypotheses of induced motion. It was expected, however, that neither of these hypotheses would predict the results independently of a factor described in the adjacency principle. This principle states that the effectiveness of whatever cues or processes determine the induced movement will decrease with increased depth between the test and induction object. The data indicate that the adjacency principle must be considered in explaining the results. The subject-relative rather than object-relative hypothesis as modified by the adjacency principle was most successful in predicting the results. Control conditions in which the frame was stationary and the point of light was physically moving were also used. Despite the fact that the relative displacement of the objects on the eye in the experimental and control conditions were the same, the results indicate that O could distinguish between these two kinds of conditions. Although the apparent movement was greater in the control conditions than in the experimental conditions, the reverse is true if the total perceived movement of the test and induction object are considered together.  相似文献   

Two experiments were carried out to test the hypothesis that the long onset latency of steady-state subjective rotation induced by rotating a tall striped drum around a stationary observer is the result of visual-vestibular conflict. A reduction of this conflict should, therefore, reduce the length of the latency period. In Experiment 1, visual-vestibular conflict was reduced by providing the observers with corroborating vestibular stimulation at the start of optokinetic stimulation. Onset latencies were found to be significantly shortened with corroborating vestibular stimulation, but to be unaffected by noncorroborating vestibular stimulation. In Experiment 2, testing was done on a group of patients with unilateral (right labyrinth) Ménière’s disease, which produces decreased vestibular sensitivity to rightward body rotation and increased vestibular sensitivity to leftward body rotation. Visual-vestibular conflict during subjective rotation to the right should therefore be decreased, while during leftward subjective rotation it should be increased. The prediction that the latency to steady-state subjective rotation should be shorter than normal with subjective rotation to the left was supported.  相似文献   

The effect of haptic (i.e. tactile-kinaesthetic) information on the perception of an ambiguous visual figure was investigated. The figure used was a self-luminous, threedimensional wire cube viewed in darkness. It was found that visual reversals still took place when the cube was explored with the hands, but the reversal rate was reduced and the time increased during which the cube looked as it “really” was.  相似文献   

Changes in eye position were recorded while S experienced visually induced motion. Movement of the eye was not found to correlate, in either direction or extent, with this type of apparent motion. Induced movement was explained, therefore, in terms of a change in phenomenal rather than retinal location.  相似文献   

Changes in eye position were recorded physiologically while S experienced visually induced autokinesis. Eye movements did not seem to sufficiently explain this phenomenon. Apparent motion was found to be based upon a change in phenomenal rather than retinal location. Special consideration was given to those parameters possibly responsible for paradoxical motion.  相似文献   

Many researchers claim that attribution of meaning to movement is based prevalently on the properties of the kinetic pattern. Using a constant kinetic pattern, the present study examined the possible influence of shape, size, luminance, and hue of the moving objects on the attribution of meaning. A significant influence of the shape and luminance of the moving objects on the expressivity of the kinetic pattern was found. This influence is probably due to the fact that the kinetic conditions were not unequivocal and specific and so easily influenced by some figural properties. The hue and size of the moving objects seemed instead to have little importance in the attribution of meaning to movement. The need for further investigation to assess the influence of the properties of the kinetic pattern on the perception of a mechanical, intentional, or expressive event is suggested.  相似文献   

The apparent movement of a stationary point of light was investigated as a function of the apparent distance of the point of light with respect to the inducing frame of frames. When two frames were presented simultaneously, they were at different distances and physically moved at opposite phase in frontoparallel planes. When one frame was presented alone, it was positioned at different times at each of the two distances. The point of light was presented stereoscopically at the distance of either the near or far frame or midway in depth between these distances. With the single frame, it was found that the magnitude of the induced movement decreassed as the point of light was increasingly far in front of a frame but decreased less or remained approximately constant for distances be hind a frame. With the two frames presented simultaneously, it was found that as the depth between a particular frame and the point of light decreased, the contribution of that frame to the induced movement increased. The results illustrate the interaction of perceptions, in this case perceived depth and perceived motion, and are consistent with the adjacency principle.  相似文献   

Eleven subjects were timed as they judged whether a small bar perpendicular to one side of a clockhand would point left or right if the hand was pointing upward (i.e., at the "12 o'clock" position). The clockhand was shown in two successive orientations 30 degrees apart, so that it was perceived to jump from one to the other in either a clockwise or a counterclockwise direction. Reaction times were consistent with the interpretation that the subjects "mentally rotated" the clockhand from its perceived orientation back to the upright before making their decisions. The direction of the jump influenced perceived orientation but did not influence either the direction or rate of mental rotation itself.  相似文献   

The effect of sound on visual apparent movement   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Twelve subjects found the longest possible interstimulus interval (ISI) at which they perceived continuous apparent motion of one light instead of partial motion or succession between two lights. In the visual condition, two lights only were presented. In the bimodal conditions, binaurally presented tones were presented synchronously with the lights, and the lights and tones were either spatially congruent (in phase) or incongruent (180 degrees out of phase). Bimodal presentations lowered the upper ISI threshold for the perception of visual apparent motion, and the reduction was greater when the tones and lights were spatially congruent. The threshold reduction may be caused by a perceptual inference about localization of the lights in space or by a change in visual persistence.  相似文献   

Equations were developed to predict the apparent motion of a physically stationary object resulting from head movement as a function of errors in the perceived distances of the object or of its parts. These equations, which specify the apparent motion in terms of relative and common components, were applied to the results of two experiments. In the experiments, the perceived slant of an object was varied with respect to its physical slant by means of perspective cues. In Experiment I, O reported the apparent motion and apparent distance of each end of the object independently. The results are consistent with the equations in terms of apparent relative motion, but not in terms of apparent common motion. The latter results are attributed to the tendency for apparent relative motion to dominate apparent common motion when both are present simultaneously. In Experiment II, a direct report of apparent relative motion (in this case, apparent rotation) was obtained for illusory slants of a physically frontoparallel object. It was found that apparent rotations in the predicted direction occurred as a result of head motion, even though under these conditions no rotary motion was present on the retina.  相似文献   

The influence of two types of linguistic dimensions, word-nonword and consonant pronunciation, on classification speed of trigrams in card-sorting tasks of two levels of complexity was examined. In complex grouping tasks, which required the evaluation of more than one letter to classify each stimulus, sorting times were faster when the linguistic dimension was correlated with, rather than orthogonal to, the response categories. For tasks in which each stimulus could be classified on the basis of a single letter, no effect of the correlated vs orthogonal linguistic dimension was observed, even when performance was degraded by visual noise. These results provide further evidence that, while linguistic properties of visual stimuli may influence classification time in complex tasks, they are of little importance in the performance of tasks only requiring the discriminalion of a single visual feature.  相似文献   

The representation of nonuniform motion: induced movement   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
N J Wade  M T Swanston 《Perception》1987,16(5):555-571
Induced motion occurs when there is a misallocation of nonuniform motion. Theories of induced motion are reviewed with respect to the model for uniform motion recently proposed by Swanston, Wade, and Day. Theories based on single processes operating at one of the retinocentric, orbitocentric, egocentric, or geocentric levels are not able to account for all aspects of the phenomenon. It is therefore suggested that induced motion is a consequence of combining two different types of motion signals: one provides information by registering the motion with respect to the retina, orbit, and egocentre; the other provides information only on the relational motions between the pattern elements. Simple rules are given for defining a frame of reference for the relational motion process, which can result in a reallocation of the motion signals. It is proposed that the two signals in combination are weighted differentially, with the greater influence coming from the relational signals. Procedures for determining the weighting factors are described, and predictions from the model are examined.  相似文献   

Equity theory (Adams, 1965) suggests that when persons are asked to divide a given amount of reward between two other persons, one relatively more disadvantaged than the other at performing a task, they will make allocations that are disproportionate to the two persons' performance levels, giving the disadvantaged person a disproportionately larger share and the advantaged person a disproportionately smaller share of the reward. The theory attributes this effect to the allocator's perception that the disadvantaged individual expended a disproportionately greater amount of effort. A group of third- and fourth-graders and a group of seventh-graders were asked to divide rewards between pairs of children that were described to vary in age (“younger” vs. older) or ability (“unskilled” vs. skilled) or that were the “same” in age and ability and that were described to vary (5 vs. 15, or 0 vs. 20 baskets) or to be equal (10 vs. 10 baskets) in performance on a basketball-shooting task. Unlike the group of third- and fourth-graders, the seventh-graders generally made significantly larger allocations to the disadvantaged individuals (“younger” and “unskilled”) than to the “same” individuals, making the largest allocations under the most discrepant performance condition (0 vs. 20). Overall, the results suggested that the equity principle becomes more salient in children as age increases.  相似文献   

Groen EL  Howard IP  Cheung BS 《Perception》1999,28(3):287-297
Illusory self-tilt and illusory self-motion (vection) produced by rotation of a 360 degrees visual scene about the subject's roll axis was measured as a function of the presence or absence of actual rotation of the subject during acceleration of the visual scene. Rotation of the subject to a tilt of 15 degrees was at two levels of acceleration (onset) and with or without a delay between initial rotation and subsequent return (washout) to the vertical position. In one set of conditions, visual motion and subject motion were in opposite directions (concordant) and in another set they were in the same direction (discordant). In two control conditions, the subject was rotated while the visual scene remained stationary. For concordant motion the main effect of body rotation was to reduce the time taken by the subject to indicate self-tilt as compared with the response time to visual motion alone. The magnitude of estimated self-tilt was increased by actual body tilt as could be expected from addition of the perceived actual body tilt and the illusory body tilt induced by visual rotation. This effect of augmented body tilt did not persist after the body was returned to the vertical. The magnitude of vection was not markedly influenced by body rotation and washout. For discordant motion of body and the visual scene, subjects were confused and their responses were very variable, suggesting a nonlinear visual--vestibular interaction.  相似文献   

Two experiments are reported. In the first experiment the after-effect of seen movement has been shown to occur with a measurable duration when there was a small difference in brightness between adjacent parts of the stimulus pattern. In the second experiment the duration of the after-effect was observed under two conditions of brightness difference; one small and the other relatively large. The difference between the durations of the aftereffect for the two conditions of brightness difference was significant. Results from these experiments have been discussed together with data from an earlier study in which the effects of brightness differences of greater magnitude were investigated. The probable function of the duration of the after-effect with respect to brightness differences over the full range of differences has been considered.  相似文献   

A uniformly moving visual pattern can induce observer's self-motion perception in the opposite direction (vection), and an additional static stimulus can modulate (facilitate or inhibit) the strength of it. The present study was designed to investigate the effects of stimulus depth order and the depth distances of the visual stimulus on the inhibition and facilitation of vection caused by the additional static stimulus, measuring duration and estimated magnitude of vection as indices of vection strength. Analysis of this psychophysical experiment with four participants indicated that the static foreground presented in front of the moving pattern can facilitate vection, whereas the static background inhibits it (Duration: F1,3= 12.06, p<.05; Estimation: F1,3= 13.87, p<.05). Furthermore, the depth distances from the observer or the depth separation between the foreground and the background did not affect the self-motion perception (F2,6 < 1.0 for duration and estimation).  相似文献   

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