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The auditory sensitivity of the chinchilla was measured by both a behavioral and auditory evoked-response (AER) procedure. There was no significant difference in either the waveform or the threshold of the AER recorded over the tentorium from awake and anesthetized chinchillas. The chinchilla threshold for pure tones appears to be more sensitive when measured by the behavioral technique than by the AER method. Both the AER and behavioral response of three chinchillas exposed to a 105 dB SPL octave band of noise centered at 2 KHz for 3 h shifted markedly after the exposure. However, the difference between the AER and behavioral response threshold was reduced or absent. During the process of recovery the difference between the two responses begins to reappear.  相似文献   

A unifying framework for generalized multilevel structural equation modeling is introduced. The models in the framework, called generalized linear latent and mixed models (GLLAMM), combine features of generalized linear mixed models (GLMM) and structural equation models (SEM) and consist of a response model and a structural model for the latent variables. The response model generalizes GLMMs to incorporate factor structures in addition to random intercepts and coefficients. As in GLMMs, the data can have an arbitrary number of levels and can be highly unbalanced with different numbers of lower-level units in the higher-level units and missing data. A wide range of response processes can be modeled including ordered and unordered categorical responses, counts, and responses of mixed types. The structural model is similar to the structural part of a SEM except that it may include latent and observed variables varying at different levels. For example, unit-level latent variables (factors or random coefficients) can be regressed on cluster-level latent variables. Special cases of this framework are explored and data from the British Social Attitudes Survey are used for illustration. Maximum likelihood estimation and empirical Bayes latent score prediction within the GLLAMM framework can be performed using adaptive quadrature in gllamm, a freely available program running in Stata.gllamm can be downloaded from http://www.gllamm.org. The paper was written while Sophia Rabe-Hesketh was employed at and Anders Skrondal was visiting the Department of Biostatistics and Computing, Institute of Psychiatry, King's College London.  相似文献   

Although wonder is a response to what is extraordinary or regarded as such, this covers a variety of things. Hence, wonder covers a spectrum from mere surprise or puzzlement to stronger responses like dread or amazement; moreover, it is often linked to other powerful responses like fear or admiration, and it can lead people into many pursuits and areas of reflection. I look at the variety of the objects of wonder, and of the neighbouring responses and conceptual connections found here, then I discuss the response of wonder itself, and its causes and effects. Finally, I ask why the sense of wonder can atrophy, and whether it can be suppressed deliberately.  相似文献   

A laboratory study investigated the effects of three kinds of information on response to dissimilar others. A2 × 2 × 2 design with two levels of “expectation of evaluation” (expressed like or dislike), two levels of “message openness” (open or closed), and two levels of “attribution of intent” (expressed desire to share or change attitudes) was employed to test hypotheses related to impression formed, defensiveness of response, and attraction toward a dissimilar other. Results from a multivariate analysis showed that response to dissimilarity differed significantly with variation in expectation of evaluation and message openness, but that responses did not vary in relation to attribution of intent. Results support uncertainty reduction theory, and it is suggested that some of the rewards normally associated with similarity can also be associated with dissimilar others, thus making for a more positive response to dissimilarity.  相似文献   

The Don’t Know (DK) response – taking the form of an omitted response or not-reached at the end of a cognitive test, or explicitly presented as a response option in a social survey – contains important information that is often overlooked. Direct psychometric modeling efforts for DK responses are few and far between. In this article, the linear logistic test model (LLTM) is proposed for delineating the impacts of cognitive operations for a test that contains DK responses. We assume that the DK response is a valid response. The assumption is reasonable for many situations, including low-stakes cognitive tests and attitudinal assessments. By extracting information embedded in the DK response, the method shows how DK can inform the latent construct of interest and the cognitive operations underlying the response to stimuli. Using a proven recoding scheme, the LLTM could be implemented through commonly used programs such as PROC GLIMMIX. Two simulation experiments to evaluate how well the parameters can be recovered were conducted. In addition, two real data examples, from a noncognitive test of health belief assessment and a cognitive test of knowledge in diabetes, are also presented as case studies to illustrate the LLTM for DK response.  相似文献   

Average evoked brain responses (EBR) to the onset (ON) and cessation (OFF) of 1-kHz pure-tone stimuli were computed from human scalp recordings. Stimuli of 2,000 msec duration were presented binaurally at 10 intensity levels. The waveform of the OFF EBR is similar to the ON EBR. The ON response is in general larger than the OFF response. Comparable ON and OFF amplitude response measures are both sensitive to changes in stimulus intensity which may be fit by a linear function. Significant differences in slope between ON and OFF amplitude intensity functions were demonstrated, which suggests different physiological systems for these responses.  相似文献   

“Strong” versions of the ideomotor theory of action control claim that anticipations of the environmental effects that actions bring about are mandatory for response selection. This is considered to be the one and only way of how actions can be voluntarily selected. We studied this notion in a series of four experiments where we adapted the flanker paradigm to investigate the involvement of effect codes in the preparation of motor responses. Participants first learned that their responses to stimulus letters were contingently followed by the presentation of a new letter on the screen. In the second phase of the experiments, the action-demanding letters were presented together with the effects of the correct response, effects of other responses, or neutral letters. Varying the stimulus onset asynchrony (SOA) between target stimuli and the flanking effect stimuli provides the opportunity to investigate the temporal dynamics of the activation of effect codes. Hence, flanker stimuli were presented before, simultaneously with, or after the onset of the target. The results indicate that effect-related information from the flanker stimuli is involved in the preparation process, but mainly in later phases of response preparation. The observed pattern of results suggests that, at least under conditions where responses are determined by stimuli, effect codes are activated in course of response planning to enable the evaluation of the executed response and the monitoring of response execution, but they do not automatically activate the responses themselves.  相似文献   

"Strong" versions of the ideomotor theory of action control claim that anticipations of the environmental effects that actions bring about are mandatory for response selection. This is considered to be the one and only way of how actions can be voluntarily selected. We studied this notion in a series of four experiments where we adapted the flanker paradigm to investigate the involvement of effect codes in the preparation of motor responses. Participants first learned that their responses to stimulus letters were contingently followed by the presentation of a new letter on the screen. In the second phase of the experiments, the action-demanding letters were presented together with the effects of the correct response, effects of other responses, or neutral letters. Varying the stimulus onset asynchrony (SOA) between target stimuli and the flanking effect stimuli provides the opportunity to investigate the temporal dynamics of the activation of effect codes. Hence, flanker stimuli were presented before, simultaneously with, or after the onset of the target. The results indicate that effect-related information from the flanker stimuli is involved in the preparation process, but mainly in later phases of response preparation. The observed pattern of results suggests that, at least under conditions where responses are determined by stimuli, effect codes are activated in course of response planning to enable the evaluation of the executed response and the monitoring of response execution, but they do not automatically activate the responses themselves.  相似文献   

We examined relationships among individual differences in trait emotions and the emotion-modulated startle-eyeblink response. In particular, we examined the extent to which trait anger, which is negative in valence, would be associated with a pattern of approach motivation in startle eyeblink responses to appetitive stimuli. Self-reported trait emotions were compared with emotion-modulated startle eyeblink responses to auditory probes during appetitive, aversive, and neutral pictures. Results revealed that trait anger, enjoyment, and surprise were each associated with greater blink inhibition to appetitive pictures, indicating an approach motivational response. No other trait emotions were associated with startle eyeblink responses to appetitive or aversive pictures. These results support the idea that trait anger, although experienced as a negative emotion, is associated with an approach-related motivational response to appetitive stimuli at basic, reflexive levels of processing.  相似文献   

This paper calls into question traditional methods of measuring the social desirability of items and their use in scale construction. First, we make explicit that the proper focus for desirability studies of items and traits are the rated desirabilities of the alternative item responses indicating different trait levels. Second, the results from our first study show that the relation between degree of endorsement of an item and its judged desirability level is often nonlinear and varies across items such that no general model of item desirability can be adopted that will accurately represent the relations across all items, traits, and trait levels. In addition, the nature of these relationships can vary depending on whether desirability is considered in a work or general context. Third, results from a second study indicate specifically that people when instructed to self-present in a maximally desirable manner will choose for some attributes a moderate level of endorsement (e.g., "agree") rather than a more extreme response option (e.g., "strongly agree"). Subjects offer several different reasons for viewing the less extreme response options, which yield more moderate trait level scores, as more desirable. These reasons are linked to perceptions of the more extreme response option as being associated with negative behaviors and concerns about how others will view a more extreme response to the item. Both studies indicate that desirable responding to personality items is more complex than previously believed.  相似文献   

This study was designed to determine the feasibility of using lingual vibrotactile stimulation to elicit an averaged evoked response and to investigate the effects of two supra-threshold intensity levels of lingual vibrotactile stimulation on the electro-cortical activity of the brain. The evoked responses were analyzed according to the amplitude of N1-P2 (in microvolts). Analysis indicates that the tongue can successfully be used as a stimulus site in the elicitation of an evoked response. The amplitudes of the evoked response elicited by 2 micrometers sensation level and 5 micrometers sensation level on the tongue are essentially the same. The relative difference between these levels is not sufficient to produce significant differences in the amplitudes of their respective evoked responses.  相似文献   

The role played by reflex pathways in the production of movement has been a significant issue for motor control theorists interested in a wide variety of motor behaviors. From studies of locomotion and chewing, it appears that gains in reflex pathways can be altered so that activity in these pathways does not produce destabilizing responses during movement. In speech production, recent experimental evidence has been interpreted to suggest that autogenetic lip reflexes (perioral reflexes) are suppressed during sustained phonation or speech production. The present study was conducted to assess the effects of phonation, direction of movement, and ongoing speech production on reflex responses of lip muscles. The present results suggest, in contrast to earlier work, that this reflex pathway is not suppressed during phonation or speech. However, the response may appear to be suppressed or absent because the amplitude of the observed response depends upon the activation levels of the various muscles of the lower lip and, therefore, indirectly on the nature of the gesture the subject is instructed to produce.  相似文献   

Feedback is a basic tool that is used to stimulate learning and performance at all organizational levels. However, negative feedback can sometimes evoke defensive responses such as feelings of anger or the repudiation of the feedback. In two experiments we explored whether people’s negating responses to feedback are grounded in their emotional instability, and if this effect is stronger for those who hold more power. The findings from Study 1 (N = 84) showed that in response to negative feedback more emotionally unstable individuals experienced more anger. In Study 2 (N = 47) we indicated that anger mediated the negative effects of emotional instability and power on liking of the feedback provider, perceived ability of the feedback provider, and feedback acceptance. Our findings indicate that power strengthens the influence of emotional instability on responses to negative feedback and point to the importance of anger as the underlying factor influencing crucial attitudinal feedback reactions.  相似文献   

Manual responses can be defined by differing response parameters. Any of them may generate a Simon effect. For all those response parameters, the same implementation of the Simon effect (in terms of subserving mechanism) is assumed. In 3 experiments, subjects had to respond with either fingers or sticks. Temporal properties of the Simon effect changed with response parameters relevant in a task. The Simon effect for manual responses decayed. For stick responses, in which the action goal differed from the anatomical mapping of the acting hand, a sustained Simon effect was observed. However, if the action goal for stick responses was not instrumental for selecting the correct response, the Simon effect decayed. The findings are consistent with the notion of different mechanisms involved in generating a Simon effect.  相似文献   

Given digitized electrodermal response records sampled at a rate of 20/sec and at a sensitivity level between 140 and 170 ohms, a computer subroutine for scoring skin resistance responses is described. It is designed to score multiple responses on a trial, which makes it particularly suitable for classical conditioning experiments involving long interstimulus intervals. The subroutine returns to the main program response latency, base resistance, peak resistance, and time from base to peak. Since SCORIT is written in FORTRAN IV, it can be employed in virtually any modern central computing facility at costs substantially below those involved in hand scoring.  相似文献   

Three choice reaction time experiments documented a Simon-type congruence effect involving the numbers of stimuli and responses. In Experiment 1 the stimulus consisted of one or two high- or low-pitch tones, and participants were required to respond with one or two taps of a response key depending on stimulus pitch. Responses were faster when the number of tones matched the required number of response taps than when these numbers mismatched. Experiment 2 showed that a weaker version of this effect can also be obtained using visual stimuli, and Experiment 3 showed that the analogous effect can even be obtained, albeit very weakly, with bimodal stimuli. There was also evidence that the number of stimuli affected the rate of emitting the two-tap response. These results indicate that stimulus numerosity is processed automatically to the level at which it can affect the selection and possibly the execution of a varying number of responses.  相似文献   

Functional communication training (FCT) is a procedure used to teach a communicative response that results in the same reinforcer found to maintain problem behavior. Previous research has demonstrated that high levels of problem behavior may be observed during FCT when reinforcing an existing response due to a history of reinforcement for both existing responses and problem behavior. This study compared the effects of reinforcing an existing and novel communicative response during FCT on the rate of problem behavior for two children diagnosed with autism. Additionally, we assessed preference for either the existing or novel response using a concurrent schedules arrangement. The results demonstrated that the existing and novel communication responses were associated with low levels of problem behavior for both participants. Also, both participants preferred the novel response. We conclude with a discussion of practical applications of the analysis and avenues for future research.  相似文献   

Much of the available literature on avoidance behavior is based on responses which require the animal to run, lever-press, or to make some active response to avoid noxious stimulation. The purpose of Experiment I reported in this paper was to determine whether animals can learn to sit or stand motionless in order to escape or avoid electric shock. Five experimental rats were given escape-avoidance training, while five yoked control animals received electric shocks without any response-related contingency. It was shown that an immobility avoidance response, as distinct from the unconditioned “freezing” response to shock, can be trained. The results of Experiment II (30 rats) revealed that this response is more readily acquired at higher shock intensities than at lower ones, provided escape by jumping is prevented at the high shock intensities. The effects of six doses of each of three drugs on the immobility avoidance response were studied in Experiment III (13 rats). Methylphenidate, chlorpromazine, and imipramine all produced a decrement in the immobility response, but the pattern and amount of the effects of the three drugs were quite different, one from the other. The implications of these findings for a general theory of avoidance behavior and for drug screening are discussed.  相似文献   

Past research has convincingly shown that a ruminative response style to negative affect (NA) predicts concurrent and prospective levels of depressive symptoms. Recent findings suggest that how people respond to positive affect (PA) might also be involved in the development of depressive symptoms, although this has heretofore not been tested prospectively. Participants from two non-clinical samples (total N=487) completed measures of depressive symptoms, response styles to NA (negative rumination) and response styles to PA (positive rumination and mood dampening) at two assessments separated by a 3-month (Sample 1) and 5-month period (Sample 2). Results in both samples showed that increased dampening responses to PA predict depressive symptoms at follow-up, even when taking into account baseline depressive symptoms and ruminative responses to NA. The results suggest that (dampening) responses to PA add useful information above and beyond (ruminative) responses to NA in predicting depression symptoms prospectively.  相似文献   

Three choice reaction time experiments documented a Simon-type congruence effect involving the numbers of stimuli and responses. In Experiment 1 the stimulus consisted of one or two high- or low-pitch tones, and participants were required to respond with one or two taps of a response key depending on stimulus pitch. Responses were faster when the number of tones matched the required number of response taps than when these numbers mismatched. Experiment 2 showed that a weaker version of this effect can also be obtained using visual stimuli, and Experiment 3 showed that the analogous effect can even be obtained, albeit very weakly, with bimodal stimuli. There was also evidence that the number of stimuli affected the rate of emitting the two-tap response. These results indicate that stimulus numerosity is processed automatically to the level at which it can affect the selection and possibly the execution of a varying number of responses.  相似文献   

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