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Performance was measured in a detection task over a period of 50 min. Subjects were either non-smokers or smoked more than 15 cigarettes per day. No smoking was allowed during the task, but smokers were all asked to smoke a cigarette immediately before doing it. One hour previously, subjects had been given a double-blind dose of a substance which would shift the pH of their urine either upwards or downwards, by small amounts sufficient to affect the rate of renal excretion of nicotine in the smokers. The pH manipulation had no effect on the performance of the non-smokers, who improved steadily throughout the task. After some 40 min of performance, the deprived smokers showed less improvement than the non-smokers, and the smokers whose urine had been made acid improved less than those whose had been made alkaline. The results are interpreted as evidence for a phasic effect on performance of small degrees of nicotine deprivation, which has consequences for theories of nicotine dependence.  相似文献   

Personality traits are related to cigarette smoking. However, little is known about the link between smoking and change in personality. Therefore, the present study examined whether current cigarette smoking and smoking cessation are associated with personality change across adulthood. Participants (n = 15,572) aged from 20 to 92 years were drawn from five longitudinal cohorts with follow-ups that ranged from 4 to 20 years. Compared to non-smokers, current smokers were more likely to increase on neuroticism and to decline on extraversion, openness, agreeableness and conscientiousness over time. Compared to the persistent smokers, those who quit had a steeper decline in agreeableness. Cigarette smoking is related to detrimental personality changes across adulthood, and the pattern was not improved by smoking cessation.  相似文献   

10 habitual smokers, aged 19-25 yr., were randomly assigned to smoke either a very low nicotine "Placebo" cigarette (.05-mg nicotine delivery as estimated by the FTC method) or a Nicotine cigarette (.7-mg estimated nicotine delivery). Each participant was asked to abstain from smoking for 4 to 7 hr. prior to testing. After completing a presmoking test of lexical decision-making, participants smoked either a Nicotine or Placebo cigarette and were then retested for reaction times and accuracy on the lexical decision test. When presented the most difficult lexical decisions, participants responded significantly faster after smoking a Nicotine cigarette than they did before smoking; smoking a Placebo cigarette did not affect reaction times. Response accuracy was unaffected by smoking either kind of cigarette. These results suggest that smoking a nicotine cigarette may improve attention or memory retrieval after several hours of smoking abstinence.  相似文献   

After overnight abstinence, tobacco smokers smoked an average nicotine yield cigarette and nonsmokers sham smoked an unlit placebo cigarette. EEG alpha(1), delta, and theta frequency amplitudes decreased, whereas alpha(2) and beta frequency amplitude increased. Short, middle (EP) and long latency ERP were also studied in nonsmokers and smokers just after smoking, and after overnight abstinence from tobacco. Short latency potentials were unaffected by tobacco smoking or abstinence. Middle and long-latency potentials were reduced during abstinence and enhanced immediately after tobacco smoking. These findings indicate that compared to nonsmokers smokers have a higher arousal level after smoking than when partially abstinent. Evidence for both normalization from tobacco abstinence as well as stimulation was obtained.  相似文献   

Effects of smoking on spontaneous bilateral skin conductance were studied as a consequence of interactions with set and setting. Bilateral skin conductance was recorded in six men and six women who smoked and an equal number of nonsmokers on two different days. On the first day, spontaneous electrodermal activity was recorded before and after a 10-minute rest period during which half the smokers smoked a cigarette. On the second day, one week later, spontaneous activity was again recorded before and after a 10-minute rest period during which the remaining smokers smoked a cigarette. Nonsmokers did not smoke at any time. Following smoking there was a significant negative correlation between a preference for visual over nonvisual imagery and spontaneous skin conductance responsivity in the left as compared to the right hand. Correlations were significantly different in smokers and nonsmokers. Smokers showed significantly greater preferences for either visual or nonvisual imagery than nonsmokers. Nonresponding nonsmokers were higher on the psychoticism (P) scale of the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (EPQ) than responding nonsmokers. Smokers scored higher on P than nonsmokers. Interactions between personality, cognitive style, and the experimental situation, set, and setting were discussed in relation to the arousing effects of nicotine.  相似文献   


Much evidence has been published in order to demonstrate that smoking cessation leads to a decrease in morbidity and mortality. Using data from the Health and Lifestyle Survey respondents were divided into three groups: smokers, ex-smokers and non-smokers and lifestyle characteristics such as diet and exercise were compared. Smokers were more likely to eat chips (French fries), fried food, butter and less likely to eat fresh fruit in winter, green vegetables and margarine high in polyunsaturated fats. Non-smokers were more likely than smokers and ex-smokers to take part in keepfit, jogging and swimming. Non-smokers in smoking households were more likely than non-smokers in non-smoking households to eat fried food, chips and butter and less likely to eat fruit in winter or margarine high in polyunsaturated fats. Results suggest that part of the assumed health benefits of smoking cessation are due to ex-smokers having a healthier diet than that of smokers.  相似文献   

Differential sensitivity was measured before and after smoking a cigarette by 10 smokers, using 10 nonsmokers as controls. Stimuli consisted of reagent grade ethanol in eight concentrations ranging from 4% to 12%. No significant differences were observed between smokers and nonsmokers or before vs after smoking, although slightly higher overall correct responses and correspondingly smaller jnds were obtained for the nonsmokers. No practice affects were noted among the control group between the first and second set of samples. The findings confirm previous results which had been recently questioned.  相似文献   

Two studies are reported in which electroencephalograms (EEGs) of habitual cigarette smokers and of nonsmokers were taken before and after they were required to smoke a cigarette. The EEGs were scored for incidence of EEG "driving" responses to photic stimulation, an index that appears to reflect the balance between central adrenergic and cholinergic nervous systems. The findings suggest that smokers tend to have a central autonomic balance less in favor of adrenergic functioning than do nonsmokers. Cigarette smoking may alleviate a possible central adrenergic insufficiency of smokers. These findings suggest a solution to "Nesbitt's paradox," which has reference to the fact that while nicotine is a central adrenergic stimulant, smokers describe the effect of smoking in sedational terms (i.e., as relaxing or calming).  相似文献   


This paper explores factors influencing the extent of exiled smoking from workplaces: that is leaving work so as to smoke a cigarette. Exiled smoking may be disruptive to work practices and it is a means by which smokers minimise the effects of workplace smoking bans on their daily consumption. As such it reduces possible health benefits that might have resulted from a greater decrease in consumption. Smokers (n = 145) were recruited while engaging in exiled smoking. The results indicate that among this group (of largely regular exiled smokers), indices of addiction were only loosely related to the extent of exiled smoking, and it did not appear to be primarily driven by social benefits. While most preferred taking breaks with company, the lack of company would only inhibit a minority. Perceived improvements in capacity to work was a common reason, as was the opportunity to discuss work related problems. Enjoyment of the cigarette and the opportunity to break up the day were also important. It appears exiled smoking is multiply determined. To the extent addiction is involved, it is not through strongly felt urges to smoke, but is more due to minor irritation such as reduced ability to concentrate. It is suggested that such experiences provide the extra motivation to take a break that non-smokers may think about but rarely feel sufficiently motivated to do.  相似文献   


With a smoking rate of 30% of the population Switzerland has one of the highest rates of all industrialised countries. Changes in smoking status over eight years are examined by analysing the course of non-smokers, former smokers and current smokers between 1987 and 1995. Stages of change and addiction variables, as well as their interaction, are analysed for 1987 as predictors of smoking status in 1995.A sample of 953 non-smokers and former and current smokers was interviewed in 1987 and followed up in 1995. Between 1987 and 1995 every fifth non-smoker (20.9%) began smoking. The higher one is in the stage hierarchy the higher the probability of forward than of backward movement. Within the stages of change the likelihood of cessation is moderated by addiction variables. Thus, in the case of contemplating smokers in 1987, the more cigarettes they smoked daily at that time the less likely they were to be former smokers by 1995, but for preparating smokers who had already made an attempt to quit the converse holds - the more they smoked in 1987, the more likely they were to be non-smokers eight years later. The same holds for former smokers in 1987: former moderate smokers then were more likely to relapse than former heavy smokers. The implications for prevention and intervention are discussed.  相似文献   

Smoking in many Western societies has become a both moral aand health issue in recent years, but little is known about how smokers position themselves and regulate their behaviour in this context. In this article, we report the findings from a study investigating how smokers from an economically disadvantaged community in the East Midlands (UK) respond to concerns about the health impact of smoking on others. We conducted ten focus group (FG) discussions with mixed groups (by smoking status and gender; N?=?58 participants) covering a range of topics, including smoking norms, self-regulation, and smoking in diverse contexts. We transcribed all FG discussions before analysing the data using techniques from discourse anlysis. Smokers in general positioned themselves as socially responsible smokers and morally upstanding citizens. This position was bolstered in two main ways: ‘everyday accommodation’, whereby everyday efforts to accommodate the needs of non-smokers were referenced, and ‘taking a stand’, whereby proactive interventions to prevent smoking in (young) others were cited. We suggest that smoking cessation campaigns could usefully be informed by this ethic of care for others.  相似文献   

This longitudinal study investigated differences in beliefs and perceived behavioural control between smokers and non-smokers in a large sample of adolescents. Positive and negative instrumental beliefs, normative beliefs, perceived behavioural control (PBC) and smoking status were assessed in the same participants at 11, 13 and 15 years of age. Prospective analyses among non-smokers revealed that for boys, negative instrumental beliefs in non-smokers at age 11 predicted smoking at age 15 years. For girls, normative beliefs and PBC in non-smokers at age 11 predicted smoking status at age 13; normative beliefs at age 11 predicted smoking at age 15; and positive instrumental beliefs and normative beliefs at age 13 predicted smoking status at age 15. Cross-sectional data revealed that smokers were significantly more likely than non-smokers to endorse positive instrumental beliefs, less likely to agree with negative instrumental belief items, more likely than non-smokers to perceive social pressure to smoke, and less likely to report control over smoking, and that female smokers reported less control over smoking and fewer negative instrumental beliefs than all other groups including male smokers at age 13. The need for belief-based preventative interventions that are age- and gender-relevant is discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract.— Verbal rote learning was studied on 12 moderate smokers. In one condition learning was interrupted twice by smoking a nicotine-containing cigarette (Virginia King, 2.1 mg nicotine) and in another condition by smoking a nicotine-free cigarette. Immediately after the first nicotine-containing cigarette there was a drop in the number of correct responses and learning was significantly less rapid under subsequent trials as compared with learning after the first nicotine-free cigarette. After the second cigarette the picture was reversed. Learning was significantly more improved in the nicotine condition than in the nicotine-free condition. Adrenalin excretion increased significantly during learning in both conditions, and heart rate increased significantly after the first nicotine-containing cigarette.  相似文献   

Despite all the information about the risks, many people still smoke. Several studies investigated risk perceptions in smokers. The adequate perceptions of the risks from smoking is particularly important and this study investigated the risk perception of young smokers vs non-smokers by a new time-estimation task in which we required participants (smokers and non-smokers) to estimate the onset time of smoking-related conditions in an average young smoker. The findings supported our main hypothesis that smokers, compared to non-smokers, postponed the onset of both mild and severe smoking-related conditions. The results also revealed that the onset time estimates for mild conditions given by both smokers and non-smokers were associated with their self-perceptions of risk and level of fear of developing smoking-related conditions. The findings cast light on smokers’ distorted temporal perception of the health-damaging consequences of smoking. Implications for the adequacy of risk perception in smokers are discussed.  相似文献   

A sample of American adults completed questionnaires relevant to cigarette smoking. The questions were related to three areas: risk, perceptions of their or others' smoking, and satisfaction with life and health. The results revealed that smokers were greater risk-takers, that they perceived their smoking to be due to both physical and psychological addictions, and that they expressed less satisfaction and control. Results also indicated that smokers who saw their smoking as being addictive tended to be less satisfied with their health and felt less control over their lives. On the other hand, those smokers who were more likely to deny the health risks did not differ from either non- or ex-smokers on any of the satisfaction or control questions.  相似文献   

Research examining smokers’ understanding of their smoking risk reveals that smokers acknowledge some risk but often deny or minimize personal risk. We examined risk perceptions of lung cancer among smokers and non-smokers in a smoking-lenient (Denmark) and a smoking-prohibitive (the United States) culture. Participants were 275 Danish students attending trade schools (mean age 22.6 years) and 297 US students attending community colleges in Florida (mean age 23.6 years). Results revealed cross-cultural differences suggesting that Danish smokers showed greater risk minimization than US smokers. In addition, in both countries the risk of a typical smoker was rated as lower by smokers than non-smokers, and smokers rated their personal risk as lower than they rated the risk of the typical smoker. Cross-cultural differences in moralization of smoking might be one explanation for these findings.  相似文献   

Male and female college undergraduates evaluated the character traits of men and women who were seen smoking cigars, smoking cigarettes, or not smoking. The evaluated adults were about 10 years older than the students. Irrespective of the evaluated persons' gender, ratings of appeal were specific to the gender of the evaluator. Men and women agreed in their perception of cigarette smokers as being less appealing than nonsmokers. However, whereas men ascribed markedly less appeal to cigar smokers than to cigarette smokers, women perceived cigar smokers as being as appealing as nonsmokers. This pattern was observed for all positive aspects of appeal; the inverse pattern was apparent for all negative aspects of appeal. In contrast, men and women concurred in judging cigar smokers as being more confident and secure than either nonsmokers or cigarette smokers.  相似文献   

Depression and cigarette smoking co-occur at high rates. However, the etiological mechanisms that contribute to this relationship remain unclear. Anhedonia and associated impairments in reward learning are key features of depression, which also have been linked to the onset and maintenance of cigarette smoking. However, few studies have investigated differences in anhedonia and reward learning among depressed smokers and depressed nonsmokers. The goal of this study was to examine putative differences in anhedonia and reward learning in depressed smokers (n = 36) and depressed nonsmokers (n = 44). To this end, participants completed self-report measures of anhedonia and behavioral activation (BAS reward responsiveness scores) and as well as a probabilistic reward task rooted in signal detection theory, which measures reward learning (Pizzagalli, Jahn, & O'Shea, 2005). When considering self-report measures, depressed smokers reported higher trait anhedonia and reduced BAS reward responsiveness scores compared to depressed nonsmokers. In contrast to self-report measures, nicotine-satiated depressed smokers demonstrated greater acquisition of reward-based learning compared to depressed nonsmokers as indexed by the probabilistic reward task. Findings may point to a potential mechanism underlying the frequent co-occurrence of smoking and depression. These results highlight the importance of continued investigation of the role of anhedonia and reward system functioning in the co-occurrence of depression and nicotine abuse. Results also may support the use of treatments targeting reward learning (e.g., behavioral activation) to enhance smoking cessation among individuals with depression.  相似文献   

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