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Two experiments were conducted in order to examine the information processing in a visual matching task, using digit sequences of varying complexity as the stimuli. Traditionally, reaction times for “same” judgments do not fit into a single-process self-terminating feature testing model, while those for “different” judgments do. Bamber (1969) proposed a two-stage model to account for the data, and the results of these experiments support this type of model. Strong evidence implying that Bamber’s “identity reporter” has a limited capacity in terms of stimulus complexity was also found. This complexity seems to be deemed by stimulus discriminability and the number of “chunks” of information rather than by “bits” of information being transmitted (Miller, 1956).  相似文献   

Subjects were provided with outline maps that were incomplete in several details. Brief, simultaneous, visual and auditory instructions were given for completing some of the missing details. Certain items could be completed on the basis of direct information contained in one or other of the sensory modalities. Others, however, could be completed only because of their relation to details capable of location by direct instruction. Information important for the completion of map details was distributed randomly among short passages of unconnected words. All relevant visual and aural clues were presented simultaneously in every case. Opportunities for alternations of attention were curtailed.

Thirty-six subjects were randomly assigned to three experimental conditions, and to two groups that were given different instructions. One group was told that relevant information would always appear simultaneously, while the other group was not allowed this information.

The number of successfully located simultaneous pairs of items presented for direct location was found to be no greater than could be expected by chance. The total number of correctly located items was less than 50 per cent of the possible items. There was no difference in the number of correctly located simultaneous pairs of items between the “instructed” and the “uninstructed” groups. The “uninstructed” group did not learn in the course of the experiment that all relevant material was presented simultaneously. Significantly more correct completions were made with the visual material than with the auditory. It is concluded that successful division of attention did not occur.  相似文献   

It is argued that lateral masking is a composite of several processes. These processes include response competition, distribution of attention, perceptual grouping, and feature (contour) interaction. Three experiments were carried out in an attempt to isolate some of the components. In the first two experiments, it was shown that feature interaction dominates at close spacing but other processes dominate at wider spacing. The third experiment showed that at least part of the effect of perceptual grouping appears to be information provided about target location.  相似文献   

Pain sensitivity and tolerance were studied using the cold-pressor technique. A 3 independent groups design was employed using rumination as the independent variable. Group 1 was given a situation in which anger-related self-rumination was introduced. Group 2 was given a self-related rumination task in which anger was not induced. Group 3 received a rumination task not related to the self. In addition, the State-Trait Anger Expression Inventory was given prior to the experiment to test the hypothesis that ratings on the Anger-In subtest would correlate with pain sensitivity. In each group were 6 men and 6 women. Each participant took the anger and another inventory not relevant to the present study before the experiment. An anger measure was taken before and after the experiment for each group to see if the anger induction in Group 1 actually increased anger. There were no differences among the 3 groups on the second anger measure, so differences between Groups 1 and 2 could not be attributed to anger. A 1-way analysis of variance for 3 groups showed a strong main effect on pain tolerance but not pain sensitivity. Groups 1 and 2 were significantly more tolerant of pain than Group 3. The correlation of ratings on the Anger-In (internalized anger) subtest fell short of statistical significance with pain sensitivity and also was not significant for pain tolerance. Results were discussed in terms of the possibility that self-rumination may increase pain tolerance by requiring a greater cognitive load than nonself rumination.  相似文献   

Eva H. Shinar 《Sex roles》1978,4(5):679-693
The purpose of this study was to assess perception of stimulus persons in sex-appropriate, sex-inappropriate, and neutral occupations, using the sexual dimension of the occupations, the sex of the person-in-occupation, and the sex of the perceiver as independent variables. Male and female Ss rated two stimulus persons (one female and one male) in each of 12 selected occupations (4 masculine, 4 feminine, and 4 neutral occupations) on 20 bipolar rating scales. The scales represented the following factors: Leadership, Interpersonal Adjustment and Likability, Professional and Intellectual Competence, Personal Adjustment, Social Sensitivity, Activity, Happiness in Home Life, Physical Attractiveness, and Liberalism and Individualism. Results indicated that sexual dimension of the occupation and the sex-appropriateness/inappropriateness of the occupation have strong effects on person perception.This study is based on part of a doctoral dissertation in psychology at the Ohio State University, under the direction of Samuel H. Osipow. Partial results were presented at the Western Psychological Association convention, April 1976. Thanks are extended to David Shinar for consultation and statistical analysis of the data.  相似文献   

In two experiments, the accuracy with which subjects detected a conjunction of features was examined as a function of the spacing between items and the goodness of the axis along which they were located. In each array, two items were arranged along a vertical, a horizontal, or a diagonal axis. Based on the well-established oblique effect, the vertical and horizontal axes were considered to be good global patterns and the diagonals were considered to be poor. In Experiment 1, the two items in an array could be two horizontal lines, two vertical lines, a vertical and a horizontal line, or a plus sign with one of the single lines. In Experiment 2, a positive- and a negative-diagonal line were used as the individual features, and an "X" was used as the conjunction. The results from Experiment 1 indicated that global goodness influenced only the rate of illusory conjunctions, and not of feature errors. Illusory conjunctions of vertical and horizontal line segments were more likely to occur in vertical and horizontal arrangements. The results from Experiment 2 revealed a reversal of the effect of global goodness on the rate of illusory conjunctions: Illusory conjunctions of negative- and positive-diagonal line segments were more likely to occur in diagonal arrangements. The results of both experiments taken together showed the existence of an important and new factor that influences the likelihood that features of shape will be conjoined: the ease with which line segments conjoin when they are translated along their extent toward each other. In both experiments, greater spacing between items produced more feature-identification errors and fewer feature-integration errors than did less spacing.  相似文献   

Distance perception of depicted objects was examined as a function of photographic area of view. Subjects viewed slides of natural outdoor scenes and directly estimated the distances to specified objects. Area of view was manipulated by means of photographing each scene with lenses of five different focal lengths: 135, 80, 48, 28, and 17 mm. Distance perception along the pictorial depth plane was systematically transformed through changing the photographic area of view: the shorter the focal length of the camera lens, the wider the area of view, and the greater the perceived distance. Linear functions for each subject's distance judgments revealed a very high goodness of fit. Both the y-intercepts and the slopes increased as focal length decreased. The increasing y-intercepts suggest that viewers place themselves farther away from the depicted scene as focal length decreases, compensating for the advancing proximal edge. The increasing slopes suggest that distance information throughout the pictorial depth plane appears to change with focal length. The subjects also made direct judgments of foreground truncation, revealing that foreground truncation decreased as focal length decreased, but that this decrease did not account for the considerable expansion in distance perception.  相似文献   

The simultaneous processing of auditorily and visually presented messages was examined in three experiments. Subjects searched lists of words for a target word while processing auditorily presented information. Across conditions, subjects searched for (a) target words in a list of words presented auditorily, (b) the same target words in lists presented visually, (c) a member of a taxonomic category in a visually presented list, and (d) a rhyme in a list of words presented visually. The level of processing of a simultaneous auditory message varied across experiments. In experiment 1, subjects shadowed lists of digits. In Experiment 2, subjects reported the antonym of each word in a list. In Experiment 3, subjects named the taxonomic category of each word in a list. In all three experiments, subject had high detection rates for target words presented visually and for category targets but low detection rates for target words presented auditorily and for rhyme targets. These results suggest that processing the semantic properties, but not the acoustic properties, of words presented to the visual modality is independent of simultaneous processing in the auditory modality. Implication for models of selective attention are discussed.  相似文献   

Glenberg's theory of temporal distinctiveness (Glenberg, 1987; Glenberg & Swanson, 1986) was used to examine whether the buildup of proactive inhibition (PI) may be interpreted as an overloading of temporal retrieval cues. The Brown-Peterson task was selected on the basis of the assumption that successful performance on such a task requires the use of a recency rule where the subject must use temporal cues to retrieve the contents of the most recent study list. Two variables were manipulated that were presumed to affect the utilization of temporal cues: length of intertrial interval (ITI) (0 or 90 s) and adult age (young or elderly). Glenberg's theory suggests that temporal spacing improves memory by enhancing the distinctiveness of temporal retrieval cues. Thus, it was predicted that PI buildup should be less in the 90-s condition than in the 0-s condition. Assuming that older adults are more sensitive to the overloading of temporal cues, it was anticipated that older adults would experience a greater buildup of PI than younger adults at the 0-s condition. Results showed that although PI buildup varied with length of ITI, it did not vary with adult age. Analysis of delayed measures of recall, recognition, and temporal memory suggested that a retrieval interpretation based on Glenberg's theory is insufficient as an explanation of the current results; encoding difficulties also appear to contribute to the buildup of PI.  相似文献   

S Shioiri  M Ikeda 《Perception》1989,18(3):347-361
Observers inspected for different lengths of time pictures which contained high-resolution information within an eye-contingent viewing window and low-resolution information outside the area of that window. A recognition test followed in which the pictures inspected were presented together with other, distractor, pictures. The time required to reach 75% picture recognition (the criterion study time) was determined as a function of window size and degree of completeness of video sampling of information outside the window. For each level of information sampling density, criterion study time decreased as window size increased up to a critical size, and then remained approximately constant beyond this size. From these critical-window sizes, a function which describes the resolution actually used by the visual system at each eccentricity (the useful-resolution function) was obtained and this decreased monotonically with eccentricity. The useful resolution at each eccentricity was coarser than the resolution available at that eccentricity as determined by visual acuity, suggesting that useful resolution is not limited by visual acuity. The relationship between useful resolution and saccade length was also analyzed.  相似文献   

Tactile pattern recognition was studied by presenting pairs of alphabetic shapes in rapid succession at the same anatomical location, the subject being required on each trial to identify bath of the patterns. Experimental variables were the duration of each stimulus and the time between stimuli. Three aspects of the observed interaction were (1) an increase in letter reversals for very short interstimulus intervals; (2) a greater percentage of first-response errors for short-stimulus onset intervals and a greater percentage of second-response errors for long-stimulus onset intervals; and (3) a crossover in the first- and second-response error rates in the range of 100 to 200 msec. after the onset of the first stimulus. These results are consistent with some of the temporal properties of models proposed for analogous visual tasks.  相似文献   

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