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Two experiments examined on-line processing during the execution of reciprocal aiming movements. In Experiment 1, participants used a stylus to make movements between two targets of equal size. Three vision conditions were used: full vision, vision during flight and vision only on contact with the target. Participants had significantly longer movement times and spent more time in contact with the targets when vision was available only on contact with the target. Additionally, the proportion of time to peak velocity revealed that movement trajectories became more symmetric when vision was not available during flight. The data indicate that participants used vision not only to 'home-in' on the current target, but also to prepare subsequent movements. In Experiment 2, liquid crystal goggles provided a single visual sample every 40 ms of a 500 ms duty cycle. Of interest was how participants timed their reciprocal aiming to take advantage of these brief visual samples. Although across participants no particular portion of the movement trajectory was favored, individual performers did time their movements consistently with the onset and offset of vision. Once again, performance and kinematic data indicated that movement segments were not independent of each other.  相似文献   

Past research has revealed that central vision is more important than peripheral vision in controlling the amplitude of target-directed aiming movements. However, the extent to which central vision contributes to movement planning versus online control is unclear. Since participants usually fixate the target very early in the limb trajectory, the limb enters the central visual field during the late stages of movement. Hence, there may be insufficient time for central vision to be processed online to correct errors during movement execution. Instead, information from central vision may be processed offline and utilised as a form of knowledge of results, enhancing the programming of subsequent trials. In the present research, variability in limb trajectories was analysed to determine the extent to which peripheral and central vision is used to detect and correct errors during movement execution. Participants performed manual aiming movements of 450 ms under four different visual conditions: full vision, peripheral vision, central vision, no vision. The results revealed that participants utilised visual information from both the central and peripheral visual fields to adjust limb trajectories during movement execution. However, visual information from the central visual field was used more effectively to correct errors online compared to visual information from the peripheral visual field.  相似文献   

The authors explored whether the motor system has access to highly accurate information about the aiming environment after visual occlusion. Participants (N = 14) reached to 1 of 3 midsagittal targets in 4 visual conditions (open-loop, brief-delay, 500-ms delay, and 2,000-ms delay). In all conditions, the aiming environment was first viewed for 2,000 ms. Movements were cued immediately after the initial viewing period in the open-loop and brief-delay conditions. Vision was not occluded until movement onset in the open-loop condition, whereas vision was occluded coincidentally with the movement cue in the brief-delay condition. In the 2 longer delay conditions, the movement was cued following a 500- or a 2,000-ms no-vision delay period. Participants overshot the target in the open-loop condition, but that tendency was significantly reduced in the 3 delay conditions. Moreover, endpoint variability was greater in the 3 delay conditions than in the open-loop condition. A speed-accuracy tradeoff account could not explain the differences between open-loop and delayed reaching. Those findings suggest that the motor system does not have access to highly accurate information about the aiming environment for any appreciable period of time following visual occlusion, consistent with the view that the visuomotor system operates in real time.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to investigate (1) during which phase of the movement vision is most critical for control, and (2) how vision of the target object and the participant's moving limb affect the control of grasping during that movement phase. In Experiment 1, participants, wearing liquid crystal shutter goggles, reached for and grasped a cylinder with a diameter of 4 or 6 cm under a shutting paradigm (SP) and a re-opening paradigm (RP). In SP, the goggles closed (turned opaque) 0 ms, 150 ms, 350 ms, 500 ms, or 700 ms after movement onset, or remained open (transparent) during the prehension movements. In RP, the goggles closed immediately upon movement onset, and re-opened 0 ms (i.e., without initially shutting), 150 ms, 350 ms, 500 ms, or 700 ms after the initial shutting, or remained opaque throughout the prehension movements. The duration of the prehension movements was kept relatively constant across participants and trials at approximately 1100 ms, i.e., the duration of prehension movements typically observed in daily life. The location of the target object was constant during the entire experiment. The SP and RP paradigms were counter-balanced across participants, and the order of conditions within each session was randomized. The main findings were that peak grip aperture (PGA) in the 150 ms-shutting condition was significantly larger than in the 350 ms-shutting condition, and that PGA in the 350 ms-re-opening condition was significantly larger than in the 150 ms-re-opening condition. These results revealed that online vision between 150 ms and 350 ms was critical for grasp control on PGA in typical, daily-life-speeded prehension movements. Furthermore, the results obtained for the time after maximal deceleration (TAMD; movement duration-time to maximal deceleration) demonstrated that early-phase vision contributed to the temporal pattern of the later movement phases (i.e., TAMD). The results thus demonstrated that online vision in the early phase of movement is crucial for the control of grasping. In addition to the apparatus used in Experiment 1, two liquid shutter plates placed in the same horizontal plane (25 cm above the experimental table) were used in Experiment 2 to manipulate the visibility of the target and the participant's moving limb. The plate closest to the participant altered vision of the limb/hand, while the more distant plate controlled vision of the object. The conditions were as follows: (1) both plates were open during movement (full vision condition); (2) both plates were closed 0, 150, or 350 ms following onset of arm movement (front-rear condition: FR); or (3) only the near plate closed 0, 150, or 350 ms following the onset of the arm movement (front condition: F). The results showed that shutting at 0 and 150 ms in the FR condition caused a significantly larger PGA, while the timing of shutting in the F condition had little influence on the PGA. These findings indicated that online vision, especially of the target object, during the early phase of prehension movements is critical to the control of grasping.  相似文献   

The study examined the contribution of various sources of visual information utilised in the control of discrete aiming movements. Subjects produced movements, 15.24 cm in amplitude, to a 1.27 cm target in a movement time of 330 ms. Responses were carried out at five vision-manipulation conditions which allowed the subject complete vision, no vision, vision of only the target or stylus, and a combination of stylus and target. Response accuracy scores indicated that a decrement in performance occurred when movements were completed in the absence of visual information or when only the target was visible during the response. The stylus and the target plus stylus visual conditions led to response accuracy which was comparable to movements produced with complete vision. These results suggest that the critical visual information for aiming accuracy is that of the stylus. These findings are consistent with a control model based on a visual representation of the discrepancy between the position of the hand and the location of the target.  相似文献   

The present study attempted to determine if during short-duration movements visual feedback can be processed in order to make adjustments to changes in the environment. The effect that varying the importance of monitoring target position has on the relative importance of vision of hand and vision of target (Carlton 1981a; Whiting and Cockerill 1974) was also examined. Subjects performed short- (150 ms) and longer-duration (330 ms) aimed hand movements under four visual feedback conditions (lights-on/lights-off by target-on/target-off) to stationary and moving targets. For the lights-off and target-off conditions, the lights and target, respectively, were extinguished 50 ms after movement initiation. For all moving-target conditions, the target started to move as the movement was initiated. Subjects were able to process visual information in 165 ms, as movement endpoints were biased in the direction of target motion for movements of this duration. Removing visual feedback 50 ms after movement initiation did not alter this finding. Subjects performed equally well with target and lights on or off, independent of whether the target remained stationary or moved. Presumably, during the first 50 ms of the movement subjects received sufficient visual information to aid in movement control.  相似文献   

The author examined the minimum amount of time needed for vision to increase aiming accuracy and decrease movement duration. Participants selected when they would receive a visual sample during aiming movements by pressing a switch held with the left hand. The sample was one of the following durations: 40 ms, 30 ms, 20 ms, 10 ms, or 0 ms (no vision). Decreased accuracy in the no-vision condition compared to the vision conditions was observed when the duration of the impending sample was unknown (Experiment 1). Samples 40 ms in duration were sufficient to decrease endpoint variability when the duration of the sample was known before the movement (Experiment 2). These results indicate that short visual samples can be used to decrease movement time and increase accuracy and that knowledge of the impending visual context can impact the individual's subsequent behavior.  相似文献   

In a number of studies, we have demonstrated that the spatial-temporal coupling of eye and hand movements is optimal for the pickup of visual information about the position of the hand and the target late in the hand's trajectory. Several experiments designed to examine temporal coupling have shown that the eyes arrive at the target area concurrently with the hand achieving peak acceleration. Between the time the hand reached peak velocity and the end of the movement, increased variability in the position of the shoulder and the elbow was accompanied by a decreased spatial variability in the hand. Presumably, this reduction in variability was due to the use of retinal and extra-retinal information about the relative positions of the eye, hand and target. However, the hand does not appear to be a slave to the eye. For example, we have been able to decouple eye movements and hand movements using Müller-Lyer configurations as targets. Predictable bias, found in primary and corrective saccadic eye movements, was not found for hand movements, if on-line visual information about the target was available during aiming. That is, the hand remained accurate even when the eye had a tendency to undershoot or overshoot the target position. However, biases of the hand were evident, at least in the initial portion of an aiming movement, when vision of the target was removed and vision of the hand remained. These findings accent the versatility of human motor control and have implications for current models of visual processing and limb control.  相似文献   

Previously, we have shown that discrete and continuous rapid aiming tasks are governed by distinct visuomotor control mechanisms by assessing the combined visual illusion effects on the perceived and effective index of difficulty (ID). All participants were perceptually biased by the combined visual illusion before they performed the rapid aiming tasks. In the current study, the authors manipulated the order of performing perceptual and motor tasks to examine whether perceptual or motor experience with the illusory visual target would influence the subsequent perceived and effective ID in discrete and continuous tapping tasks. The results supported our hypothesis showing that perceptual experience with the illusory visual target in the discrete condition reduced the effective ID in the subsequent discrete tapping task, and motor experience with the illusory visual target in the continuous condition reduced the illusion effects on the perceived ID in the subsequent perceptual judgment task. The study demonstrates the coinfluence of perception and action, and suggests that perception and action influence one another with different magnitude depending on the spatial frame of reference used to perform the perceptuomotor task.  相似文献   

Researchers have suggested that visual feedback not only plays a role in the correction of errors during movement execution but that visual feedback from a completed movement is processed offline to improve programming on upcoming trials. In the present study, we examined the potential contribution of online and offline processing of visual feedback by analysing spatial variability at various kinematic landmarks in the limb trajectory (peak acceleration, peak velocity, peak negative acceleration and movement end). Participants performed a single degree of freedom video aiming task with and without vision of the cursor under four criterion movement times (225, 300, 375 and 450 ms). For movement times of 225 and 300 ms, the full vision condition was less variable than the no vision condition. However, the form of the variability profiles did not differ between visual conditions suggesting that the contribution of visual feedback was due to offline processes. In the 375 and 450 ms conditions, there was evidence for both online and offline control as the form of the variability profiles differed significantly between visual conditions.  相似文献   

Different interceptive tasks and modes of interception (hitting or capturing) do not necessarily involve similar control processes. Control based on preprogramming of movement parameters is possible for actions with brief movement times but is now widely rejected; continuous perceptuomotor control models are preferred for all types of interception. The rejection of preprogrammed control and acceptance of continuous control is evaluated for the timing of rapidly executed, manual hitting actions. It is shown that a preprogrammed control model is capable of providing a convincing account of observed behavior patterns that avoids many of the arguments that have been raised against it. Prominent continuous perceptual control models are analyzed within a common framework and are shown to be interpretable as feedback control strategies. Although these models can explain observations of on-line adjustments to movement, they offer only post hoc explanations for observed behavior patterns in hitting tasks and are not directly supported by data. It is proposed that rapid manual hitting tasks make up a class of interceptions for which a preprogrammed strategy is adopted--a strategy that minimizes the role of visual feedback. Such a strategy is effective when the task demands a high degree of temporal accuracy.  相似文献   

This study was designed to determine if movement planning strategies incorporating the use of visual feedback during manual aiming are specific to individual movements. Advance information about target location and visual context was manipulated using precues. Participants exhibited a shorter reaction time and a longer movement time when they were certain of the target location and that vision would be available. The longer movement time was associated with greater time after peak velocity. Under conditions of uncertainty, participants prepared for the worst-case scenario. That is, they spent more time organizing their movements and produced trajectories that would be expected from greater open-loop control. Our results are consistent with hierarchical movement planning in which knowledge of the movement goal is an essential ingredient of visual feedback utilization.  相似文献   

The question addressed in the present study was whether subjects (N = 24) can use visual information about their hand, in the first half of an aiming movement, to ensure optimal directional accuracy of their aiming movements. Four groups of subjects practiced an aiming task in either a complete vision condition, a no-vision condition, or in a condition in which their hand was visible for the first half [initial vision condition (IV)] or the second half of the movement [final vision condition (FV)]. Following 240 trials of acquisition, all subjects were submitted to a transfer test that consisted of 40 trials performed in a no-vision condition. The results indicated that seeing the hand early in movement did not help subjects to optimize either directional or amplitude accuracy. On the other hand, when subjects viewed their hand closer to the target, movements resulted that were as accurate as those performed under a complete vision condition. In transfer, withdrawing vision did not cause any increase in aiming error for the IV or the no-vision conditions. These results replicated those of Carlton (1981) and extended those of Bard and colleagues (Bard, Hay, & Fleury, 1985) in that they indicated that the kinetic visual channel hypothesized by Paillard (1980; Paillard & Amblard, 1985) appeared to be inoperative beyond 40deg of visual angle.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to examine the role of vision in the execution of a movement sequence. Experiment 1 investigated whether individual components of a sequential movement are controlled together or separately. Participants executed a rapid aiming movement to two targets in sequence. A full vision condition was compared to a condition in which vision was eliminated while in contact with the first target. The size of the first target was constant, while the second target size was varied. Target size had an influence on movement time and peak velocity to the first target. Vision condition and target size did not affect the time spent on the first target. These results suggest that preparation of the second movement is completed before the first movement is terminated. Experiment 2 examined when this preparation occurred. A full vision condition was compared to a condition in which vision was occluded during the flight phase of the first movement. Movement initiation times were shorter when vision was continually available. Total movement time was reduced with vision in two-target condition, but not in a control one-target condition. The time spent on the first target was greater when vision was not available during the first movement component. The results indicate that vision prior to movement onset can be used to formulate a movement plan to both targets in the sequence [Fischman & Reeve (1992).  相似文献   

Visual regulation of upper limb movements occurs throughout the trajectory and is not confined to discrete control in the target area. Early control is based on the dynamic relationship between the limb, the target, and the environment. Despite robust outcome differences between protocols involving visual manipulations, it remains difficult to identify the kinematic events that characterize these differences. In this study, participants performed manual aiming movements with and without vision. We compared several traditional approaches to movement analysis with two new methods of quantifying online limb regulation. As expected, participants undershot the target and their movement endpoints were more variable when vision was not available. Although traditional measures such as reaction time, time after peak velocity, and the presence of discontinuities in acceleration were sensitive to the visual manipulation, measures quantifying the trial-to-trial spatial variability throughout the trajectory were the most effective in isolating the time course of online regulation.  相似文献   

Five experiments are reported in which the effect of partial visual feedback on the accuracy of discrete target aiming was investigated. Visual feedback was manipulated through a spectacle-mounted liquid-crystal tachistoscope. The length of the visual feedback interval was varied as a percentage of the instructed movement time. In Experiment 1, the length of the vision interval was manipulated symmetrically at the beginning- and end-phase of the movement, whereas in the remaining experiments, the vision time was varied with respect to the end-phase only. The variations at the end were examined for different distances (Experiment 2), different movement speeds at the same distance (Experiment 3), and in small interstep intervals (Experiment 4). A vision time of more than 150 ms at the end-phase of the movement enhanced aiming performance in all experiments. Longer vision times monotonously improved aiming accuracy; the fifth experiment showed that a vision time of about 275 ms was sufficient for near-perfect aiming. Furthermore, the significance of vision during the first phase of a movement was demonstrated again. The results of the five experiments pointed to shorter visuomotor processing times. To explain the beneficial effects of short vision times for aiming accuracy, we propose a model of visuomotor processing that is based on the stochastic optimized submovement model of Meyer, Abrams, Kornblum, Wright, and Smith (1988).  相似文献   

This study analyzed the visual behaviors of soccer players while they kicked with the inside of the foot, which involved near and far aiming skills. Participants (N = 8) were required to step forward and kick a ball to hit a target. The top three scorers were defined as the High-score group, and the three low scorers were defined as the Low-score group. Analysis indicated that the High-score group was characterized by longer quiet eye durations, which were defined as the final fixation durations on the target prior to the initiation of a kicking movement, than the Low-score group in the preparation phase. The High-score group also set their visual pivot on the frontal space between the target and the ball in the kicking phase. These two visual behaviors of the High-score group are important for soccer players to kick a ball successfully with the inside of the foot.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine how subjects learn to adjust the characteristics of their manual aiming movements in order to make optimal use of the visual information and reduce movement error. Subjects practised aiming (120 trials) with visual information available for either 400 msec or 600 msec. Following acquisition, they were transferred to conditions in which visual information was available for either more or less time. Over acquisition, subjects appeared to reduce target-aiming error by moving to the target area more quickly in order to make greater use of vision when in the vicinity of the target. With practice, there was also a reduction in the number of modifications in the movement. After transfer, both performance and kinematic data indicated that the time for which visual information was available was a more important predictor of aiming error than the similarity between training and transfer conditions. These findings are not consistent with a strong “specificity of learning” position. They also suggest that, if some sort of general representation or motor programme develops with practice, that representation includes rules or procedures for the utilization of visual feedback to allow for the on-line adjustment of the goal-directed movement.  相似文献   

Previous research has demonstrated that movement times to the first target in sequential aiming movements are influenced by the properties of subsequent segments. Based on this finding, it has been proposed that individual segments are not controlled independently. The purpose of the current study was to investigate the role of visual feedback in the interaction between movement segments. In contrast to past research in which participants were instructed to minimize movement time, participants were set a criterion movement time and the resulting errors and limb trajectory kinematics were examined under vision and no vision conditions. Similar to single target movements, the results indicated that vision was used within each movement segment to correct errors in the limb trajectory. In mediating the transition between segments, visual feedback from the first movement segment was used to adjust the parameters of the second segment. Hence, increases in variability that occurred from the first to the second target in the no vision condition were curtailed when visual feedback was available. These results are discussed along the lines of the movement constraint and movement integration hypotheses.  相似文献   

Three experiments are reported in which subjects practiced rapid aimed limb movements (arm pointing and wrist rotation) toward a visible target region. Subjects were required to minimize their movement durations while still landing in the target. The movement trajectories were examined to assess the effects of practice on separate component submovements of the limb movements. The results revealed that practice improved primarily temporal, not spatial, aspects of performance. Practice reduced the overall movement durations, but had different effects on the individual submovements. Practice allowed subjects to reduce the amount of time spent performing final corrective submovements, but actually increased slightly the time needed to produce the initial ballistic submovement. The results suggest that practice in the present task primarily enhanced the ability to use feedback information, but there was also some evidence of changes in the ballistic, preprogrammed portion of the movements. The results demonstrate that analysis of submovements can reveal important details of the underlying motor control processes.  相似文献   

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