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Women and men diagnosed with infertility experience a variety of infertility-related stressors, including changes to their family and social networks, strain on their sexual relationship, and difficulties and unexpected challenges in their relationship. Infertility stress is linked with depression and psychological distress, and can lead to premature dropout from medical treatments and unresolved feelings of loss and grief. The current study examined the effectiveness of treating infertility stress using Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), a promising new behavior therapy that targets experiential avoidance through mindfulness, acceptance strategies, and value-directed action. This single-case study followed a couple experiencing infertility-related stress following a failed in vitro fertilization (IVF) procedure. The couple completed 6 self-report measures at 7 time points, including a second failed IVF attempt and a 1-year follow-up. Measures included both distress-focused instruments and therapy process-related questionnaires. The female participant reported higher pretreatment stress and depression scores compared to her partner. She reported significant decreases in global infertility stress, social infertility stress, sexual infertility stress, psychological distress, and depression from pretherapy to 1-year follow-up. She also reported a decrease in infertility stress following her second failed in vitro fertilization (IVF) attempt. The male participant reported significant decreases in sexual infertility stress. The study suggests that acceptance-based therapy shows promise in treating infertility stress in patients experiencing infertility who undergo medical treatments. The data from this preliminary case study also suggest that ACT may be helpful for couples following IVF treatment failure. Treatment gains were maintained 1-year posttherapy, indicating that an ACT approach to treating infertility has the potential to produce lasting change.  相似文献   

An adult woman with chronic posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and major depressive disorder who was nonresponsive to 20 sessions of cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) is presented in this case study. Two months after her CBT trial, she was treated with 21 sessions of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) for PTSD. Measurements of PTSD severity, depression, anxiety, psychological flexibility and trauma-related thoughts and beliefs were taken at pretreatment, after Sessions 8 and 16, and at posttreatment. Results showed significant reduction on all measures throughout treatment, except for trauma-related thoughts and beliefs, which did not decrease until near the end of treatment. Strengths, limitations, and future directions are discussed.  相似文献   


Though depression is one of the most common presenting problems treated by systemic therapists, there have been relatively few attempts to describe how specific systemic therapy models can be applied to treat couples dealing with depression. In this paper, we discuss how contextual therapy can be used to treat depression in couples therapy. We identify multidirected partiality as an intervention and as a characteristic. We introduce letter writing and internalized other interviewing as contextual interventions that help to facilitate partiality and understanding between clients. A clinical vignette illustrates our discussed concepts.  相似文献   

I present a case study where the mother of a child with 22q11 deletion disorder appeared to be experiencing recurrent, intrusive worry associated with the inherent uncertainty of this highly variable condition. Counselling sessions are summarised followed by an in-depth reflection about the case with reference to the main therapeutic tenets of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). Specific techniques which may have been of great benefit to the client and potential application in the genetic counselling setting are explored in the context of ACT.  相似文献   

Despite studies claiming Adjustment Disorders (AD) affect up to 10% of the general population, research is severely lacking for effective treatment recommendations and screening tools. This article presents the treatment of a 30-year old Caucasian male diagnosed with AD - mixed anxiety and depression subtype. After 12 standard 60-minute sessions, treatment using a Symbolic-Experiential Family Therapy (SEFT) approach resulted in the alleviation of depression and anxiety symptoms. This case study provides preliminary evidence for the effectiveness of SEFT using a mixed methods case study. Implications for further study, and the usefulness of SEFT for the treatment of AD, is presented.  相似文献   

Moral injury refers to acts of commission or omission that violate individuals’ moral or ethical standards. Morally injurious events are often synonymous with psychological trauma, especially in combat situations—thus, morally injurious events are often implicated in the development of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) for military service members and veterans. Although prolonged exposure (PE) and cognitive processing therapy (CPT) have been well established as effective treatments for veterans who are struggling with PTSD, it has been suggested that these two evidence-based therapies may not be sufficient for treating veterans whose PTSD resulted from morally injurious events. The purpose of this paper is to detail how the underlying theories of PE and CPT can account for moral injury-based PTSD and to describe two case examples of veterans with PTSD stemming from morally injurious events who were successfully treated with PE and CPT. The paper concludes with a summary of challenges that clinicians may face when treating veterans with PTSD resulting from moral injury using either PE or CPT.  相似文献   

Anxiety disorders are one of the most prevalent diagnoses in youth, often resulting in impaired social and school functioning. Research on treatments for youth anxiety is primarily based in traditional clinical settings. However, integrating youth psychotherapies into the school environment improves access to evidence-based care. The present study is a pilot, randomized waitlist-controlled trial of a school-based, group Acceptance and Commitment Therapy–based (ACT) intervention for adolescents with anxiety. Students at two separate schools (N = 26) with elevated anxiety were randomized to a 12-week waitlist or to immediate treatment. Participants in the immediate treatment condition reported statistically significant decreases in anxiety and class absences at posttreatment and follow-up compared to the waitlist group. No statistically significant differences were found between groups for depression, psychological flexibility, positive mental health, and student well-being. However, medium within-condition effect sizes were seen in the treatment group for all outcomes. Participants reported the treatment as favorable with good acceptance ratings. Overall, this study supports ACT as a viable intervention for schools and other clinical settings providing services to adolescents with anxiety.  相似文献   

Older adults are the fastest growing segment of the population. With these changing demographics, mental health professionals will be seeing more older clients. Additionally, older adults are an underserved population in that most older adults in need of mental health services do not receive treatment. Thus, it is essential that treatments for mental and behavioral health problems are empirically supported with older adults and that mental health professionals are aware of the special needs of older adult populations. Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) is an emerging approach to the treatment of distress. The purpose of this article is to provide a rationale for using ACT with older adults based on gerontological theory and research. We also review research on ACT-related processes in later life. We present a case example of an older man with depression and anxiety whom we treated with ACT. Finally, we describe treatment recommendations and important adaptations that need to be considered when using ACT with older adults and discuss important areas for future research.  相似文献   

The Psychological Record - This article describes process-based therapy (PBT) as a natural evolution toward more effective and efficient mental health care. Using acceptance and commitment therapy...  相似文献   

Although traditional cognitive behavioral treatments for insomnia have demonstrated efficacy for many individuals with primary and comorbid insomnia, not all individuals benefit from treatment and some experience a subsequent relapse of insomnia. Furthermore, many individuals experience difficulty in implementing the sleep restriction and stimulus control strategies, especially over the long-term. The current article describes ways in which principles from a newer type of behavior therapy, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), can be integrated with traditional behavioral treatment strategies for insomnia. A major goal of ACT is to increase willingness to experience unpleasant thoughts, feelings, and physical sensations, and to promote engagement in personally-valued behaviors while non-judgmentally observing these unpleasant experiences. ACT has the potential to enhance the behavioral treatment of insomnia by fostering willingness to experience short-term discomfort (e.g., fatigue) that occurs while implementing sleep restriction and stimulus control strategies. A case example is presented to illustrate how these principles from ACT can be integrated with behavioral techniques in the treatment of insomnia.  相似文献   


Based on the model proposed by Morrison, Haddock &; Tarrier (1995) on auditory hallucinations, this study explores the relationships between certain metacognitive variables and number of thoughts, the discomfort they produce, number of auditory illusions and the quality with which they are perceived in a sample from a non-clinical population. After group administration of the Metacognitions Questionnaire, 61 participants were randomly assigned to a suppression group (n?=?31) or a focalization group (n?=?30) in relation to thoughts with different degrees of self-discrepancy. Forty-eight hours after the set task, a non-vocal auditory stimulus was presented, and subjects were required to say whether they heard any words and, if so, how clearly. The results show how the metacognitive factors studied are useful for predicting our findings only for the suppression group and not for that of focalization. These data are discussed in the light of Morrison et al.'s model of auditory hallucinations.  相似文献   

Persons with psychosis often report high levels of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms, which render them more vulnerable to relapse, symptom exacerbation, and reduced well-being. However, less is known about how to adequately accommodate the needs of persons recovering from a first episode of psychosis, presenting with PTSD. Further, the existing evidence-based interventions for PTSD seem less equipped to deal with serious mental disorder and comorbid conditions. This study aimed to assess the efficacy, acceptability, and safety of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) for persons suffering from PTSD with comorbid trauma and psychosis. Three consecutively referred participants meeting ICD-10 criteria for PTSD and a first-episode nonaffective psychotic disorder were treated in an outpatient service within a case-series analysis. A manual-guided ACT intervention of 12 sessions showed clinically relevant improvement on self-report measures of PTSD symptoms and emotional distress. These initial findings are promising and appear to justify a more controlled evaluation of this brief intervention.  相似文献   

Exposure is considered one of the most effective interventions for PTSD. There is a large body of research for the use of imaginal and in vivo exposure in the treatment of PTSD, with prolonged exposure (PE) therapy being the most researched example. Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) has sometimes been called an exposure-based treatment, but how exposure is implemented in ACT for PTSD has not been well articulated. Although support for the use of ACT in PTSD treatment is limited to a handful of case studies and open trials, research suggests ACT is particularly useful in flexibly targeting avoidance behavior—arguably the most important process in the continued maintenance of PTSD symptoms. The purpose of this paper is to explore the use of exposure within ACT in PTSD treatment. Through an overview of PE and ACT, and with the use of case examples, we describe how ACT principles and techniques may inform exposure-based treatments for PTSD in order to create more flexible approaches. In addition, understanding exposure within an ACT framework may also contribute to clarifying processes of change.  相似文献   

Cognitive and biobehavioral coping skills are central to psychosocial therapies and are taught to facilitate and improve exposure therapy. While traditional coping skills are aimed at controlling maladaptive thoughts or dysregulations in physiology, newer approaches that explore acceptance, defusion, and values-based direction have been gaining interest. Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) involves creating an open, nonjudgmental stance toward whatever thoughts, feelings, and bodily sensations arise in a given moment, experiencing them for what they are, and moving toward them while inner experiences such as anxiety are present. This approach can be seen as consistent with exposure therapies and may be utilized to organize and facilitate engagement in exposure exercises. This study examines the feasibility and efficacy for combining a brief ACT protocol with traditional exposure therapy. Eleven patients with panic disorder with or without agoraphobia received 4 sessions of ACT followed by 6 sessions of exposure therapy, with data collected on a weekly basis. Acquisition of ACT skills and their application during exposure was monitored using a novel “think-aloud” technology. Treatment was associated with clinically significant improvements in panic symptom severity, willingness to allow inner experiences to occur, and reductions in avoidant behavior. Although preliminary, results suggest that our brief training in ACT only (as assessed prior to exposure exercises) and in combination with exposure therapy was acceptable to patients and offered benefits on the order of large effect sizes. Clinical and research implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Anger dysregulation is a commonly reported problem by treatment-seeking military veterans that is associated with a range of negative outcomes. However, there is a paucity of studies examining interventions for anger and aggressive behavior in this population. Theory and empirical evidence suggest Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) may be a viable and effective treatment for anger dysregulation among veterans. The present study examined the feasibility and preliminary effectiveness of an open trial of an ACT group intervention for veterans reporting difficulties with anger and aggressive behavior. Twenty-three male military veterans (mean age?=?54.83) initiated a 12-week ACT intervention with assessments administered at pre-treatment, post-treatment, and 6-week follow-up. Treatment completers found the intervention favorable, and participation was associated with improvements in trait physical aggression and psychological flexibility, while significant changes in anger reactivity, quality of life, and verbal aggression were not found. Results suggest group-based ACT for anger dysregulation is feasible in a male military veteran sample, and warrants further investigation.  相似文献   

Many clients who undergo methadone maintenance (MM) treatment for heroin and other opiate dependence prefer abstinence from methadone. Attempts at methadone detoxification are often unsuccessful, however, due to distressing physical as well as psychological symptoms. Outcomes from an MM client who voluntarily participated in an Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)–based methadone detoxification program are presented. The program consisted of a 1-month stabilization and 5-month gradual methadone dose reduction period, combined with weekly individual ACT sessions. Urine samples were collected twice weekly to assess for use of illicit drugs. The participant successfully completed the program and had favorable drug use outcomes during the course of treatment, and at the 1-month and 1-year follow-ups. Innovative behavior therapies, such as ACT, that focus on acceptance of the inevitable distress associated with opiate withdrawal may improve methadone detoxification outcomes.  相似文献   

Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) is a contextual behavioral psychotherapy that helps clients build meaningful lives in the service of their own chosen values, rather than specifically focusing on symptom reduction or prevention of destructive behaviors. However, empowering ACT clients to navigate suicidal crises effectively is vital to ensuring the opportunity to build a life they will choose to live. Suicide safety planning is a widely used empirically supported approach to prepare clients to survive suicidal crises, and can be effectively incorporated into ACT. In this paper, we offer a contextual behavioral conceptualization of suicide as an extreme attempt to solve the problem of painful thoughts, emotions, and sensations, and provide an example of how this conceptualization and the necessity of safety planning can be introduced to clients. Use of chain analysis of suicidal behavior is introduced as a tool to inform the suicide safety plan. We describe how ACT processes can enhance safety plans and, in turn, create safety plans that will serve as means to develop skills associated with efficacious/effective ACT interventions. Finally, we discuss the ongoing evaluation and revision of the safety plan from an ACT framework.  相似文献   

This paper is part of a case series illustrating the application of different therapies to a case of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). It describes the hypothetical application of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). This paper covers the philosophy and basic research on language and cognition that inform ACT. It also provides an ACT-based case conceptualization of this case and examples of therapeutic procedures. The goal of this paper is to familiarize clinicians with the use of ACT for OCD.  相似文献   

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