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论《管子》的激励思想及对现代人力资源管理的启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
激励是人力资源管理中的一个重要问题。在齐文化的代表作《管子》中就记录了春秋时期著名政治家、思想家管仲在治国实践中所倡导的各种激励思想和方法,具体体现为:以满足个体需要为出发点的激励思想;领导者率先垂范的激励思想;赏罚分明的激励思想。这些激励思想对于现代人力资源管理具有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

先秦儒家思想与现代人力资源管理构建   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
“人力资源是第一资源”、“人力资源管理是现代科学管理的核心”等已逐渐得到全球的广泛认同,中国也在努力引进西方的人力资源管理理论与技术,但我们一直面临一个问题,即如何实现人力资源管理的中国化或本土化? 中国传统文化源远流长,其中包含了丰富的人力资源管理的思想,挖掘其现代价值,借鉴前人的智慧,应是构建中国现代人力资源管理体系必不可少的重要环节。  相似文献   

1923年发生的“科学与人生观论战”(亦叫“科学与玄学”之争),是中国现代资产阶级哲学营垒中不同派别之间的论争,也是中国现代资产阶级哲学思想发展史上的极其重大的事件。在这场论战中,张君劢以西方生命哲学特别是柏格森哲学为武器,宣传自己的“人生观”思想,建立了援洋入儒的文化思想体系,为他以后成为中国现代新儒家的代表人物奠定了基础。研究中国现代新儒家就不能不考虑当时西方思潮的影响,同样,研究“科学与人生观论战”中的张君劢就必须注重考察柏格森哲学在其思想中的地位。如果从广阔的文化背景来探讨张君劢在“科学与玄学”之争的“人生观”,便可发现张君劢的“人生观”与柏格森哲学有着内在的联系。  相似文献   

企业人本管理思想综述   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
在我国企业实行“人本”管理 ,是我国国有企业改革和发展的客观需要 ,也是我国管理理论、管理哲学亟待探讨的课题。本文拟对“以人为本”企业管理思想的若干问题 ,作一概要性的述评。一、“以人为本”企业管理思想的演变“以人为本”思想由来已久。可以说 ,伴随人类产生 ,管理就面临着人事管理问题。不过 ,对人的管理成为管理中的突出问题 ,则是工业社会的事。雷恩通过早期工业社会的管理的全面考察后提出 ,工厂制度取代了家庭生产制度后 ,就面临这样一个突出问题 ,即为了实现预想目的 ,如何促进、发展、激励和控制人的行为的人事问题。这个…  相似文献   

国家的振兴靠经济,经济的振兴靠企业,企业的振兴靠管理。对中国的实际情况来说,企业管理的出路在“法制”,这就需要提高全民的重“法”意识,从根本上改变我国重“礼”轻“法”的社会倾向。在企业管理中,就是要树立依“法”管理企业的思想,按照市场经济的客观要求,建立健全管理制度,以制度规范和约束企业及员工的行为,使现代企业管理走向理性和成熟。为此,我们有必要重温历史,研究和借鉴以韩非为代表的法家管理思想。  相似文献   

徐复观与儒家的政治哲学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为现代新儒家的徐复观,其对传统儒家思想的独特贡献之一,就在于他细致而又令人信服地阐述了儒家政治哲学思想中与现代民主政治思想、法治思想相通之处。他认定孔子“创发了中国的自由社会”,孟子开启了“民主政治原则之端绪”,荀子发展了孔子的思想却蕴含了专制之倾向,陆象山提出“尊重人格之尊严”,实为现代民主政治奠定了思想基础。徐复观看到了儒家思想对现代民主政治的补充意义,却忽视了两者之间的根本不同。  相似文献   

王博识 《管子学刊》2008,2(1):17-21
管子作为中国古代著名的思想家和政治家,在春秋战国时期就提出以“富国安人”为核心目的的治国理念,这个理念分别把“贫富有度”的经济思想、“攘外安内”的政治思想和“崇礼重德”的文化思想进行了系统化的整合。随着中国经济改革的深化,我们今天也面临着贫富分化、地区不平衡以及德治与法治关系等一系列问题。笔者认为,管子的经济、政治和文化的整合思想已经具有现代社会整合思想的端倪,对解决当今中国构建“和谐社会”具有十分重要的启发意义。  相似文献   

试论道家“无为而冶”思想与现代企业管理张晓粉本文通过对“无为而治”提出的背景哲学、方法论、社会根源进行挖掘,概括出了它本身应有的几层积极含义,并进而给予现代意义上的阐释,指出它与现代企业管理的契合点。在此基础上,论述了“无为而治”对现代企业管理的决策...  相似文献   

论儒商文化传统的现代价值   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文提出儒商文化实际上是中国传统意义上的企业文化,儒商文化对于现代企业文化的建设和形成企业文化的中国特色,具有十分重要的意义。本文从企业文化构成的几大主件,具体分析了儒商企业文化传统的现代价值。认为儒商的“仁爱”“民本”“民生”、爱国爱乡、“自强不息”、“反求诸己”的精神,可以作为现代企业精神的思想来源;儒商的以义取利、诚敬就业、言信货实、和睦谐调、勤俭廉洁的道德,可以转换为现代企业道德的内容;儒商重视理念、行为形象,使视觉形象与之相统一,以及突出道德形象和形象的民族性的方法,可以供现代企业形象设计借鉴;儒商以性善论为主的性多元论和以人为本的管理哲学,以及极具凝聚功能的家族亲情式管理、灵活的经营战略和“顾客满意”的经营方针,是现代企业管理值得挖掘的智慧宝库。  相似文献   

司马谈在议论古代诸子百家要旨时认为,中国古代思想的各家各派,尽管立论不同,持义各异,其共同目的却都在于如何管理好国家。“夫阴阳、儒、墨、名、法、道德,此务为治者也”。“务为治者”一语,恰如其分地点明了包括儒家在内的中国古代思想的管理学意义。儒学作为显学,在中国古代管理思想史和传统社会管理实践中具有特殊的地位和作用。在孔于那里,就明确提出了“为政以德”和“齐之以礼”(《论语·为政》)的基本管理思想,并把管理活动看成是始于“修己”而终于“安人”的社会协调过程。孔子的社会管理思想,经过后儒的不断深化和…  相似文献   

The effects of spirituality, racial socialization, and ethnic pride on encouragement in the face of racism among African American adults (N= 201) were investigated. The negative relationship between perceived racism and encouragement disappeared when spirituality, ethnic pride, and a racial socialization history were entered into the regression equation. Se investigaron los efectos de la espiritualidad, la socialización racial y el orgullo étnico sobre el ánimo para enfrentarse al racismo entre adultos Afroamericanos (N = 201). La relación negativa entre el racismo percibido y el ánimo desapareció cuando se introdujeron en la ecuación regresiva la espiritualidad, el orgullo étnico y una historia de socialización racial.  相似文献   

鼓励条件下幼儿提问的发展   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
以7所幼儿园的141名3~6岁儿童为被试,采用实验方法,探讨幼儿在8种新异刺激条件下提问的发展.结果表明:(1)3~6岁幼儿提问生成的数量随着年龄的增长而提高;(2)幼儿在对当前刺激产生陌生感或出现认知混乱时更容易生成问题;(3)立体刺激材料和平面刺激材料在引发幼儿提问生成上不存在差异;(4)3~6岁幼儿提问元认知随年龄的增长而提高.3~4岁期间是提问原因元认知快速发展时期.  相似文献   

Encouragement and ethnicity were examined in 112 African American college students attending 2 historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs) and a predominantly White institution (PWI). Results indicated a positive relationship between Ethnic Pride and View of Others for the HBCU group and positive relationships between Ethnic Pride and the Encouragement Scale for the PWI group. Ethnic Worry was negatively correlated with the Encouragement Scale for both groups. In addition, Ethnic Discrimination was negatively correlated with Openness to Experience for the PWI group. The usefulness of conceptualizing encouragement and ethnicity together for African American college students and practice implications are discussed.  相似文献   

This study explored counselors’ conceptualization and use of encouragement as a therapeutic tool. Responses to two questions from 100 South Korean youth counselors were analyzed using consensual qualitative research–modified. As a result, six categories emerged under each domain. Implications for counseling and future studies are discussed. Este estudio exploró la conceptualización y el uso del apoyo como herramienta terapéutica por parte los consejeros. Usando el método modificado de investigación cualitativa consensual, se analizaron las respuestas proporcionadas a dos preguntas por 100 consejeros surcoreanos que trabajan con jóvenes. Como resultado, surgieron seis categorías bajo cada dominio. Se discuten las implicaciones para la consejería e investigaciones futuras.  相似文献   

Encouragements and discouragements for achievement-related behavior were reported in an interview setting by three groups of college seniors: Career women (n = 20), career men (n = 20), and traditional women (n = 19). Career women reported significantly more encouragement from teachers, family members (except parents), and significant others of the opposite sex than did either career men or traditional women. Career women also reported more encouragement from counselors and friends, while career men reported more encouragement from parents; however, these differences were not significant. Career women reported a significantly higher grade point average than either of the other groups. Implications of the results for the achievement behavior of women and men are considered.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that touching leads to positive behavior, particularly in an educational context. A new experiment was carried out in which students were encouraged to intervene in a course by demonstrating the solution of a statistical exercise on the blackboard. According to the experiment, students were or were not briefly touched on the forearm by the teacher during the corrective exercise. After that, the teacher asked his students to demonstrate the exercise on the blackboard. The results showed that touching increases the volunteers’ rate. Various explanations (familiarity, status and mood) were suggested to explain such results. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

This study investigated the impact of encouraging e-mails on self-efficacy, adherence, and step-count in a 10-week walking program. Using a 3 × 3 mixed design, participants randomly received task-involving/caring (n = 37), ego-involving (n = 35), or neutral (n = 34) e-mails and completed pre-/mid-/post surveys. Exercise self-efficacy increased over time, regardless of e-mail content. More of the task/care group adhered (63%) than ego (41%) or neutral groups (50%). The task/care group members who adhered reported significantly more daily-steps than ego or neutral groups. Results suggest that the theoretical framework used to guide encouragement in walking programs may impact participants’ adherence and steps.  相似文献   

The present study focuses on the education of parents and their encouragement of the school career of academically successful 17-year-old adolescents of Turkish and Moroccan background in the Netherlands. The participants of the study were 106 successful and less successful adolescents of Turkish, Moroccan and Dutch background. The successful ethnic minority parents were expected to be better able to stimulate their children's school career. It was concluded that parents' education is a factor in the success of both Turkish/Moroccan and Dutch background students. Their parents' high mobility orientation appeared to be an additional factor in the success of Turkish and Moroccan background students.  相似文献   

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