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The authors used a semantic priming paradigm to investigate the distractibility phenomenon of patients with frontal lobe lesions (FLPs). They tested two distractibility categories: an inhibition category requiring inhibition of an automatic response and a distraction category caused by irrelevant, unexpected stimuli. Fifteen FLPs were compared with 2 matched control groups: 14 posterior-lesion patients and 15 normal controls. Both behavioral and event-related brain potential (ERP) measures were used. The results suggest that, although there were differences in performance between the FLP group and the control groups, there was no evidence that the FLPs had difficulty specifically with the inhibition category. The most consistent ERP result was that the FLP group had longer N100 latencies than either control group. On the basis of these results, the authors hypothesize that FLPs have difficulty focusing on and starting to process a new stimulus. The authors also discuss the unique contribution ERP evidence has made to cognitive studies.  相似文献   

Participants respond more quickly to two simultaneously presented target stimuli of two different modalities (redundant targets) than would be predicted from their reaction times to the unimodal targets. To examine the neural correlates of this redundant-target effect, event-related potentials (ERPs) were recorded to auditory, visual, and bimodal standard and target stimuli presented at two locations (left and right of central fixation). Bimodal stimuli were combinations of two standards, two targets, or a standard and a target, presented either from the same or from different locations. Responses generally were faster for bimodal stimuli than for unimodal stimuli and were faster for spatially congruent than for spatially incongruent bimodal events. ERPs to spatially congruent and spatially incongruent bimodal stimuli started to differ over the parietal cortex as early as 160 msec after stimulus onset. The present study suggests that hearing and seeing interact at sensory-processing stages by matching spatial information across modalities.  相似文献   

The present study used the masked repetition priming paradigm in the study phase and the R/K paradigm in the test phase to investigate whether repetition priming can hinder recognition memory and which recognition process (familiarity or recollection) is hindered. Event-related potentials (ERPs) in the study and test phase were recorded to explore the temporal course of how repetition priming hinders subsequent recognition memory and which old/new effect (FN400 or LPC) is affected. Converging behavioral and ERP results indicated that masked repetition priming hindered subsequent recollection but not familiarity. The analysis of ERP priming effects in the study phase indicated that primed words were associated with less negative N400 and less positive LPC compared to unprimed words. The analysis of the priming effect as a function of subsequent memory revealed that only the LPC priming effect was predictive of priming effect on subsequent memory, which suggested that the “prediction-error” account might be a possible explanation of how repetition priming affects subsequent recognition memory.  相似文献   

Cognitive event-related potential correlates of schizophrenia   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  

Naming an object entails a number of processing stages, including retrieval of a target lexical concept and encoding of its phonological word form. We investigated these stages using the picture-word interference task in an fMRI experiment. Participants named target pictures in the presence of auditorily presented semantically related, phonologically related, or unrelated distractor words or in isolation. We observed BOLD signal changes in left-hemisphere regions associated with lexical-conceptual and phonological processing, including the midto-posterior lateral temporal cortex. However, these BOLD responses manifested as signal reductions for all distractor conditions relative to naming alone. Compared with unrelated words, phonologically related distractors showed further signal reductions, whereas only the pars orbitalis of the left inferior frontal cortex showed a selective reduction in response in the semantic condition. We interpret these findings as indicating that the word forms of lexical competitors are phonologically encoded and that competition during lexical selection is reduced by phonologically related distractors. Since the extended nature of auditory presentation requires a large portion of a word to be presented before its meaning is accessed, we attribute the BOLD signal reductions observed for semantically related and unrelated words to lateral inhibition mechanisms engaged after target name selection has occurred, as has been proposed in some production models.  相似文献   

Previous research and theory have conceptualized impulsivity as a multifaceted construct that requires multiple modes of measurement for accurate assessment. This article describes a software package that includes four paradigms for measuring multiple and unique aspects of impulsivity. Specifically, four tasks are described: (1) the two choice impulsivity paradigm, (2) the single key impulsivity paradigm, (3) the GoStop impulsivity paradigm, and (4) the time paradigm. These tasks measure processes related to the capacity to tolerate delay for reward, to inhibit an already initiated response, and to estimate the passage of time. These processes have been found to be important to the understanding of impulsive behaviors. The programs are flexible and allow the experimenter to manipulate a number of parameters related to delay-reward contingencies, timing, performance feedback/payment, and data output variables. Manipulation of these parameters makes the paradigms scalable to a wide range of ability levels and appropriate for samples ranging from children to adults. The four paradigms in this software package are available at no cost and can be obtained by contacting the corresponding author.  相似文献   

Auditory perception of speech and speech sounds was examined in three groups of patients with cerebral damage in the dominant hemisphere. Two groups consisted of brain-injured war veterans, one group of patients with high-frequency hearing loss and the other, a group of patients with a flat hearing loss. The third group consisted of patients with recent cerebral infarcts due to vascular occlusion of the middle cerebral and internal carotid artery. Word and phoneme discrimination as well as phoneme confusions in incorrect responses were analyzed from conventional speech audiometry tests with bisyllabic Finnish words fed close to the speech reception threshold of the patient. The results were compared with those of a control group with no cerebral disorders and normal hearing. The speech discrimination scores of veterans with high-frequency hearing loss and patients with recent cerebral infarcts were some 15–20% lower than those of controls or veterans with flat hearing loss. Speech sound feature discrimination, analyzed in terms of place of articulation and distinctive features, was distorted especially in cases of recent cerebral infarcts, whereas general information transmission of phonemes was more impaired in patients with high-frequency hearing loss.  相似文献   

In 2 experiments, the development of auditory selective attention in children was assessed. The participants, aged 5, 7, and 9 years, responded to target stimuli in the left ear for 1 series (ignoring the standard stimuli) and in the right ear for the other series. In Experiment 1, event-related potentials (ERPs) evoked by the auditory stimuli were recorded from frontal, central, and parietal sites. The 9-year-olds showed a greater processing negativity (Nd) to the attended channel compared with the 5-year-olds. Both 7- and 9-year-olds showed significantly larger amplitudes for the P3 component of ERPs in the attended vs. ignored condition. Behaviorally, the 5-year-olds made fewer hits and more false alarms than did older children, and the 9-year-olds made significantly more false alarms than did the 7-year-olds. The results of Experiment 2 showed that the detriment in the performance of the 9-year-olds was a result of task parameters. The inability of 5-year-olds to attend selectively appears to involve problems with the inhibition of the processing of irrelevant information and with selection of the correct response.  相似文献   

A major distinguishing characteristic of behavioral assessment is the direct assessment of overt behavior. Direct assessment is assumed to provide a sample of behavior that reflects client performance in the situation in which behavior is assessed, even if the assessment procedures were not implemented. Yet, in the majority of investigations, behavioral assessment procedures are obtrusive, i.e., subjects are aware that their behavior is being assessed. The potential problem with obtrusive assessment is that it may be reactive, i.e., affect how subjects perform. Recent research has demonstrated that obtrusive observations often are reactive and that behaviors assessed under obtrusive and unobtrusive conditions bear little relation. From methodological and applied perspectives, additional attention needs to be given to unobtrusive measures of behavior change. The present paper illustrates unobtrusive measures in behavior modification including direct observations, archival records, and physical traces of performance. In addition, validation and assessment problems, questions about the obtrusiveness of the measures, and ethical issues are discussed.  相似文献   

Event-related brain potential (ERP) measures have become increasingly popular in experimental psychology and are often employed by researchers who are not formally trained in electrophysiology. A proper application of these measures requires knowledge about the methodological principles and practical issues that are relevant to ERP measurement, analysis, and interpretation. A brief introductory survey of different aspects of ERP methodology (recording, data processing and signal extraction, statistical analysis and interpretation of ERP effects) is presented, and the contributions collected in this special issue on ERP methodology are introduced.  相似文献   

Event-related potentials (ERPs) were recorded during a verbal recognition memory task in order to investigate whether changes in familiarity are part of the explanation for the revelation effect. For half of the test words, participants solved an anagram prior to making the old/new recognition judgment. A revelation effect was obtained: When test words were preceded by the anagram task, a higher probability of an old response was associated with the items than was otherwise the case. The ERPs recorded time-locked to the onset of the test words were separated according to old/new status andthe presence/absence of the anagram task. The ERP index of familiarity was of lower amplitude for both old and new items that were preceded by the anagram task. These findings are consistent with the view that part of the explanation for the revelation effect is a reduction in the familiarity of the critical test items.  相似文献   

Some computational and statistical techniques that can be used in the analysis of event-related potential (ERP) data are demonstrated. The techniques are fairly elementary but go one step further than do simple area measurement or peak picking, which are most often used in ERP analysis. Both amplitude and latency measurement techniques are considered. Principal components analysis (PCA) and methods for electromyographic onset determination are presented in detail, and Woody filtering is discussed briefly. The techniques are introduced in a nontechnical, tutorial review style. One and the same existing data set is presented, to which the techniques are applied, and practical guidelines for their use are given. The methods are demonstrated against a background of theoretical notions that are related to the definition of ERP components.  相似文献   

Conceptual integration and metaphor: an event-related potential study   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Event-related brain potentials (ERPs) were recorded from 18 normal adults as they read sentences that ended with words used literally, metaphorically, or in an intermediate literal mapping condition. In the latter condition, the literal sense of the word was used in a way that prompted readers to map conceptual structure from a different domain. ERPs measured from 300 to 500 msec after the onset of the sentence-final words differed as a function of metaphoricity: Literal endings elicited the smallest N400, metaphors the largest N400, whereas literal mappings elicited an N400 of intermediate amplitude. Metaphoric endings also elicited a larger posterior positivity than did either literal or literal mapping words. Consistent with conceptual blending theory, the results suggest that the demands of conceptual integration affect the difficulty of both literal and metaphorical language.  相似文献   

To enhance understanding of neuropsychological processing underlying chemosensory event-related potentials (CSERPs), the objective of the present study was to compare CSERPs with auditory (AERPs) and visual event-related potentials (VERPs), and to approach the question of similarities in neuropsychological processing by means of correlation and cluster analyses. A multisensory ERP protocol was used, in which olfactory/chemosomatosensory (pyridine), auditory (1000-Hz tone) and visual (white circle) stimuli were presented in a pseudo-randomized sequence to 18 young, healthy adults. The results show (1) a morphological relation between P2 and P3 components that is different for the chemosensory than for the auditory and visual modalities, (2) a relatively weak association between the chemosensory and auditory/visual modalities for P3 in terms of both correlation and cluster, and (3) a P2/P3 cluster for the chemosensory but not auditory or visual modality. This supports the claim that the chemosensory P2 and P3 components reflect similar neuropsychological processes.  相似文献   

An event-related brain potential study of inhibition of return   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Event-related brain potentials (ERPs) were recorded during two spatial-cuing experiments using nonpredictive cues. Our primary goal was to determine the electrophysiological consequences of inhibition of return (IOR). At long (> 500 msec) cue-target intervals, subjects responded more slowly to targets that appeared at or near the cued location, relative to targets that appeared on the opposite side of fixation from the cue. This behavioral IOR effect was associated with cue-validity effects on several components of the target-elicited ERP waveforms. The earliest such effect was a smaller occipital P1 on valid-cue trials, which we interpret as a P1 reduction. The P2 component was also smaller on valid-cue trials, indicating that nonpredictive spatial cues influence multiple stages of information processing at long cue-target intervals. Both of these effects were observed when sensory interactions between cue and target were likely to be negligible, indicating that they were not caused by sensory refractoriness. A different effect of cue validity, the posterior negative difference, was found when sensory interactions were likely to be greatest, indicating that it could arise from sensory refractoriness.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that measures of auditory processing (AP) are sensitive measures of attention resulting in the high comorbidity of auditory processing disorder (APD) and attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Others have found that selected AP measures share significant variance with memory tasks. The current study investigated the relation between AP measures and various neuropsychological measures presumed to measure attention and memory in 36 children with a mean age of 7.78 years (SD=1.61) referred to an outpatient facility. Results indicate that AP measures significantly correlated with each other as well as with some measures of attention, memory, and behavior ratings. Results suggest that although AP measures include elements of both attention and memory, these measures also appear to assess processes not tapped by other measures of attention and memory. The correlation of AP measures with parent-and teacher-rated withdrawal, parent-rated somatization, conduct, and depression, as well as teacher-rated attention, anxiety, learning problems, social skills, and leadership suggest that auditory processing problems may manifest in myriad behaviors across settings. Implications for practice and future research are presented.  相似文献   

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