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中文语境下的“心理”和“心理学”   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
钟年 《心理学报》2008,40(6):748-756
“心”或“心理”等词语在汉语中有相当长的历史,对这些词语的理解反映了中国人关于“心理”的认识。中文的“心”往往不是指一种身体器官而是指人的思想、意念、情感、性情等,故“心理学”这三个汉字有极大的包容性。任何学科都摆脱不了社会文化的作用,中国心理学亦曾受到意识形态、科学主义和大众常识等方面的影响。近年中国学者对心理学自身的问题进行了反思。从某种意义上说,中国人对“心理”和“心理学”的理解或许有助于心理学的整合,并与其他国家的心理学一道发展出真正的人类心理学  相似文献   

生态伦理中的"是"与"应该"   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

每年阴历的七月,人们俗称“鬼月”,民间至今还流传“七月半,鬼乱窜”的迷信谚语。而七月十五的“中元节”,传言更为离奇,据说这天鬼魂全出,人们不可乱走,更忌出远门。倘若碰到鬼魂一年都将不吉利。鬼从何来?其实心理学家早就指出:一般来源于客观事物的突然出现,但却没有直接作用于人的感觉器官,而是头脑中所  相似文献   

This article examines the effects of irrelevant information on the multidimensional "same"--"different" task. Subjects were instructed to compare two geometric figures with respect to certain attributes but to ignore other attributes in making the "same"--"different" decision. The irrelevant attributes were chosen in such a way that they could not easily be ignored to see how the existence of irrelevant differences would affect the comparison process. As expected, the overall latencies were longer than is usually found in tasks with no irrelevant differences. However, the nature of the comparison process appeared unchanged. The usual finding of a "fast-same" phenomenon persisted even when irrelevant information was present. The similarity of the results in this task to results in the "same"--"different" task with no irrelevant features supports the idea that the same comparison mechanism is used whether or not irrelevant differences are present in the stimulus pairs. The results suggest a more general-purpose comparison mechanism than is usually included in models of this task. Two-process models of visual comparisons are thus ruled out entirely. A modified version of Krueger's noisy-operator theory does appear consistent with the results.  相似文献   

<易传>所谓"道",其存在形式为"形而上",其内在规定性为"阴阳",其主要功能为"变"与"生"."形而上",指<周易>古经中的卦爻画所蕴含的阴阳变易法则.<易传>透过卦爻符号的独特结构形式,将这一变易法则"演绎"为天地人三才统一的宇宙图式,同时又借助于这一符号系统,彰显出"生生不息"的宇宙本质.  相似文献   

Reliable and valid measures of religiosity and spiritual dimensions appropriate for ethnically diverse groups are needed. I examine the factor structure of the relatively new Fetzer multidimensional measure (Fetzer Institute 1999). Confirmatory factor analyses (CFA) of national data collected in the 1998 General Social Survey are conducted to (1) test the fit of the proposed dimensionality of the Fetzer measure, specifically comparing the Fetzer structure with a simpler single-factor model suggested by preliminary exploratory factor analyses; and (2) evaluate ethnic differences in factor structure of the Fetzer items. Data from 1,201 adults, 1,019 whites and 182 African Americans, are examined to compare the fit of the multidimensional Fetzer model against an alternative single-factor ("unitary spirituality") model. CFA analyses indicated that only the Fetzer models had acceptable fit indices (NFI and/or NNFI approaching or reaching 0.90). Ethnic differences in loadings, while significant, were not substantively different. These findings suggest that a multidimensional measure like the Fetzer is useful for multiethnic research and that combining the daily spirituality and values/beliefs dimensions into a single factor provides a simpler model overall (compared to the Fetzer model separating these dimensions out) while providing acceptable fit.  相似文献   

从印欧语系最显著的语言特征“是”入手,寻找出梵文佛经中在词根上、语法上、逻辑上与“是”有关的内容来讨论佛教哲学,提出利用古汉语翻译佛经,是既缺乏语法,也缺乏词汇。提出我们应该利用现代哲学成果,从“是”的角度对佛教哲学来一次重建,为佛教哲学来一次语言学转向。  相似文献   

常卫民  刘瑞璞 《法音》2021,(3):61-65
公元7世纪,印度佛教传入西藏,印度佛教的僧侣服饰"三衣"[1]也随之进入西藏,受西藏本土宗教与高寒气候环境的影响,三衣在藏地本土化过程中形成了独特的"曲贵"[2]形制,这也应验了佛祖释迦牟尼所言:"传播佛法要适应当时当地的情况。"[3]曲贵在质地与服用要求上保留了印度法衣的特质,但在形制与穿着方式上进行了自身语义的表述。  相似文献   

Neuro-ethics of "walking" in the newborn   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

自然主义伦理学是一个有着多种理解的词语,尤其是对"善"的理解,不同的理论家对自然主义以及自然主义的"善,,提出了不同的理解.本文通过澄清伦理学中的自然主义者所理解的"善"的概念,说明自然主义者所说的"善,,在何种意义上并不是非自然主义者批评的那种理论,以及自然主义者和非自然主义者之间的异同.  相似文献   

记得,孩提时代在故乡听大人们讲“鬼古”曾有此一说:大凡泥水匠、木匠和其他手艺人均会秘藏一本叫“下册”的书,到底是“下策”,还是“下册”,因当时年幼,缺知少识的,确也没有弄清楚,反正就是一本教人如何装神弄鬼兴妖作怪的书吧。只是听说泥水匠和木匠们如果碰上对工价不够大方或者在生活上服侍不周,在桌面上的酒肉不够丰盛,他们则会启用这本书中所教的伎俩,在其宅屋和其他什么地方搞些“小动作”,于是  相似文献   

我十五岁那一年的秋天,农村的土地由集体经营转变为以户为单位的个体经营。农民们不仅分到土地,还分到了牲畜和一些生产工具。我的家族因为人口多,便分得了一头膘肥体壮的大骡子。那个时候,牲口是庄户人的心尖子,家族的所有人都特别爱惜这匹大骡子。经过商量,决定牲口交给细心的大伯喂养,每家按地亩分摊草料和费用,大伯不挣工钱,但牲口粪全部归他所有。伯母已故去多年,大伯的独女出嫁到十多里外的镇上,他每隔十天半月的就去女儿家转一圈,当天便回,很少留宿。冬天里的一个早晨,风刮得挺大。大伯要到女儿家去,便找到我家,嘱我如果他晚上回不来…  相似文献   

A power function equation between ratios of behavior and ratios of reinforcement rates has been called a generalized form of Herrnstein's (1961) matching law, even without a formal relationship having been shown between the two equations. The present work uses a functional relationship to prove that when ratios of reinforcement are not equivalent to ratios of behavior, and the transform leading to this inequality is consistent for every pair of reinforcement rates, the result is a power function relationship between response and reinforcement ratios. The label “generalized matching equation” for the power function equation is thus validated formally.  相似文献   

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